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About The Camera Commands

hi DJ ! I am planning to make a robot using EZ-robot controller. my plan is the robot that chase a color ball and catch it. To make a robot , i think i use a ARC . i can write the program ardunio but, i can not write a #c so i can not use a EZ-SDK. then i check a command that is necessary to catch the ball. Two Commands is necessary , One is the color ball X coordinate ,Y coordinate. it is necessary to the direction to go forward . Second is the quantity of pixels , to catch the ball, robot must stop before the ball. by counting the pixels. when i check the camera command , i can not find the command that get a tracking status X coordinate ,Y coordinate. camera setting menu i can find the command ( CameraCenter X) but i do not know how to use it. and about the pixels , present camera command did not support. But , Do you have a plan to add the command to get a color pixel in near future ?

Sorry to ask this question, but i am happy if you answer my question.:)


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you can obtain the position of the detected object by using the specified variables in the Camera Config menu under the Scripts tab.

Also, you can simply use the servo Tracking settings, combined with Track By Relative Position to have your robot arm catch the ball.

To track a ball, simply select Enable Movement Panel Tracking.

There are many tutorials and example files. Check the Tutorial section from the menu of this website:)