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Country: Japan
Member Since:


  • 2012-03-18 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-08-14 - created first new question
  • 2018-06-06 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2018-07-29 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2018-07-29 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees

Latest submissions


Speech Recogunition Of Mobile ARC

I would like to use voice command from Android tablet or smartphone to the robot . But When I check the functions , ARC Mobile does not support Speech recognition presentily. Is there any method to support now ? if it does not , Is there any possibility to realize this function near future?

How To Make A Original Robot Like Ardunio

I made my original Robot use by Ardunio , in case of Ardunio progrming language is C Llike language . if i make my original robot use EZ-B v4/2 . After setting io port and Analog input difinition, i have to write EZ-script or Blocky ? After pow on , How to Start program automatically Please give me some advice.
Camera Tracking Direction

Camera Tracking Direction

hi ! DJ Now, I am trying the tracking operation, This time i set the tracking red Color ball and every thing is all right except the bad direction . if red ball move to...

Changeing A Glyph Image

Hi Dj ! Recenly, I triyed to tracking new image . So in Camera Config Augumented Reality Change the Glph 1 to my dog photo , then try to Recgnize my dog photo , but, Still recognize original Glph1, Is it regect the additional Image . So maybe I think we can not change the Glph 1 to another image. Is it a correct function of Camera Config of...

Catch The Ball By The Ez-Robot

dear DJ Now I am designing?a robot which catch a red ball. last time when I ask you how to catch the ball, your one answer is you can obtain the position of the detected object by using the specified variables in the Camera Config menu under the Scripts tab. I can understand the meaning to get the x,y position using a variables in the Camera. but...

About The Camera Commands

hi DJ ! I am planning to make a robot using EZ-robot controller. my plan is the robot that chase a color ball and catch it. To make a robot , i think i use a ARC . i can write the program ardunio but, i can not write a #c so i can not use a EZ-SDK. then i check a command that is necessary to catch the ball. Two Commands is necessary , One is the...

Roomba Command Control By Joystick

hi dj! recently, i bought a roomba and connect ARC , and controling roomba by joystick, but i do not know how to assign the command mainbrush, subbrush to the botton of joystick. so could you teach me the mathod of this ? stress

Windows 7 Voice Recgunition Setting

Hello I Live in japan and recently i bought a Ez-robot Controller I did tutorial step by step, then i could not contunoue at the speech recogunition, befoe to start ARC , I have aleady set up voice recogunition, but EZ-builser speech recogunition can not responce, I think base point is that japanease voice recogunition is not mach BZ-Builder ??...

Last Trouble Of Voice Recognition ?

hi DJ ! I try many thing about Speech recogunition . And i would like to my present trouble about voice recgunition . i made a original words in japanease to recogunize the voice recogunition. Then , this time Speech recogunition only respond Enable phase and command, and Disable phase and command, but eventhought the same phase is using, normal...

My Mistake

dear everybody! I made a mistake that firmware version up on windows 7 on VMWare on ?imac but first time is ok ,but to analysis the speech recognition ploblem, i connect windows xp (not on VMWare) at that time firmware version is 16, but windows xp did not suport speech recogunition . so i again try firmware version up on windows 7 on VMWare...

Controlling ARC From Ipad2

Hi I am a beginner of ARC I would like to control ARC from ipad2. so i check the tutorial of HTTP sarver ipad setting video , but unfortunatly, I did not have a basic knowledge of HTTP sarver , So i did not understand detail setting. So does anyone teach me the setting of ARC HTTP sarver config setting and ipad2 setting ? beginner of ARC from Japan...
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