
I pulled an EZB -v4 out of the closet today wanting to use it as a bench tester for my robot. I cant seem to have ARC connect to it over Wifi. ARC can find it but won't connect. Here's the debug info I get. Can you guys see anything? :
Attempting connection on
Connected to
Reports EZB v4 OS With Comm 2
Firmware 'EZ-B v4.x/2 Native Firmware' on 'EZ-Robot EZ-B v4.x/2' supports the following capabilities:
- ADC with 12 bit Resolution
- Can stream Audio v4 codec
- Reports battery voltage
- Reports CPU temperature
- Read/Write Digital I/O Ports
- Hardware UART TX/RX with DMA buffer and adjustable baud rate
- I2C Master
- LIPO battery protection & shutdown
- PWM Duty on digital ports
- PWM servos on digital ports
- PWM servos on digital ports can release their position
- servo speed for PWM servos on digital ports
- Has NVRam configuration and can be restored to default settings
- Transmit Uart TX on all digital ports
- Adjustable I2C clock speed
- Configurable UART TX digital port baud timing
- Ultrasonic Ping distance sensor support
- 12 Byte Unique Identifier
- Can stream video v4 codec
- Native UART Connectivity from ARC
- Native WiFi Connectivity from ARC
- Broadcasts to ARC's PnP network scanner
Comm Err: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at EZ_B.EZB.g0qHi7NcyEbtdq3wbUG(Object , Object , Int32 , Int32 )
at EZ_B.EZB.ibC1Y96W0m(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData)
BbytesToExpect: 12
Received: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EZ-B v4.x/2 Native Firmware ID: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
Related Hardware EZ-B v4
Related Control
EZB Connections
All those Zeros at end is a bad sign,the last 2 times I caused an accidental short on one of the signal pins,the comm board had to be replaced both times, it would also do those long Zeros until new board put on.Jer and DJ would know better ,just reporting what I observed.
Did any of the steps in the connection diagnostic page help you? When a failed connection, there's a window asking to view the diagnostic page. There's a flowchart on there with steps to follow. Here's the direct link from the support section:
Is there anything connected to the ezb?
Are you using a blank project with no controls? Any controls that use I2c or any devices that arent connected will cause an error
Sorry for the lack of info.
No nothing helped. No Nothing connected Yes, new blank project with only one serve control installedI pulled out a different EZB from the closet. ARC connects perfectly after setting it to Client Mode. The problem must be in the old EZB. I know you guys don't support EZ-Robot stuff. Anyway, At some time in the deep dark past I had done a couple mods on it. It's probably ready for the bin. Thanks for the help.
Does the EZ-B make a startup chime or sound when it resets? I'm guessing the bottom board is damaged if it doesn't make those sounds.
Thanks DJ, The speaker is in place but it makes no sounds.
hi dave
when i use a new ezbv4 or a iotiny and try to connect it . i have to try several times before it connects . i had a microsoft phone ones .had to try 8 times before it would connect . maybe you can try electronic spray clean ,
If speaker doesn't make sounds then the bottom PCB is damaged and needs to be replaced. The TOP PCB is fine however
Yep Dj is right I have a bottom board coming because the old one stopped making sound after too much voltage was added.
It's a dead unit. I probably ruined it and didn't know it long ago. Thanks for the help.
Hey Dave, I did something like that too with my very first Ez4, I was trying to find a power issue and bypassed the Fuse,then forgot to take out the bypass. Found just a wire was not connected,fixed it.Then recently still using it ,added too much voltage. The fuse was still bypassed! Blew the bottom board,sound everything! Always keep a fuse there !Glad to say it is now still working with new bottom board.:D
Agreed. Fuses rock. They have saved my butt many times. I have a bad habit of pushing the limit and trying to find out how much things will take. Then I get excited and go too fast. BOOM, FRY, SMoke. LOL.
Thanks goodness that these devices are cheep (mostly).