Live Robot Hack Session

D-0 Droid Live Hack

13 people have subscribed to this event

Well, well, well look at me, so many unfinished hacks and I'm starting another one! In my defense, May the 4th is coming up and I need to do something Star Wars related, right? Right!

D-0 is a fairly new droid in the Star Wars series and shows up in the "Rise of Skywalker" movie. BB-8 comes across D-0 in the droidsmith shop and revives him. They become instant friends.

This D-0 is a simple infrared-controlled toy that is made by Hasbro. It doesn't have any cool electronics for balancing or anything like that. It actually has 2 motors instead of the single motor you think it should have. It does make some sounds but other than that it's pretty unexciting. Let's change that!

I'll be adding an EZ-Robot IoTiny to D-0 as well as upgrading the alkaline batteries to a rechargeable LiPo. D-0 also needs some LEDs in his cone so we'll be adding in some RGB addressable LEDs. I'll also add a camera to D-0's nose.

The funny part is that there is an interactive D-0 toy that was made also made by Hasbro but it only plays beeps and boops, like R2D2 or BB-8, and doesn't have a voice like in the movie. Using Audacity (and ARC) we'll add the voice that D-0 is supposed to have! I'll show you how to do it.

We'll also control D-0 from my phone with an app of our design using ARC's interface builder.

Join the live chat and add your comments, ideas, and suggestions!

The software being used is ARC (by Synthaim) and can be downloaded here:

Robot building products were generously donated by EZ-Robot Inc. If you'd like to use EZ-Robot parts for your own project, find them at:


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#2   — Edited

I love these hacks. This is a very cool looking droid. I'm looking forward to watching this one fully and the one to follow. Can't wait to see how you overcome.


Ha ya Dave, converting from empty bobble head to have EZ Tiny brain was a real challenge..talking about dremmel ,exacto knives,isopropyl alcohol ,violence and force to open head, Chinese booby trap as it finally comes apart exploding the innards...LoL! He did get it open!

#4   — Edited

This was a lot of fun to watch.  Without watching the whole playback, what was the 3d printer you suggested as a low  cost entry? Was it the Ender?  Would you suggest the ender 3d or the 3d Pro?  Or is there another in the sub $300 price range you would suggest?   My nephew bought the Snap maker which does 3d printing, CNC and laser cutting, but it is out of my budget and he is on the other side of the US so I can't really steal time on it (he also got a resin printer....   Sometimes I am jealous of single people who don't own homes or have other responsibilities...)



Thanks Alan, glad you stopped by! Yeah it seems like the Ender 3 is one of the most popular sub $300 FDM 3D printers. There’s also the Elegoo Mars 2 pro or mono if you’re looking for a resin printer.

Unfortunately, I can’t recommend any printer as I don’t have the experience with them (other than the Makerbot Replicator 2, which is pricey, but a reliable workhorse) but I can recommend you to do your research on YouTube and Amazon reviews to find a printer that’s right for you.

I will say this though, 3D printing is a great tool to have but can become a hobby in itself. Be aware that it does have a certain time commitment and is does require dedication to ultimately get success. The price is now at a place where anyone can get into it but it’s still far from consumer friendly. It still takes a diy mindset to make it happen.


very sorry to hear about your mom,

be well my friend

EzAng -  Angelo