3D Printable Robot Parts
Most Recent
Bodies - EZB v4
Sensors & Cameras
Bodies - EZB v3
Hands & Grippers
Bodies - IoTiny

My robot dont touch
Bodies - EZB v4

Crab- Avicenna
Sensors & Cameras

StereoPi to ARC

Speaker Holder for Rover

Speaker for Speaker Holder

PC Dock for MiniPC

MiniPC for PC Dock

Lips for Rover

Tripod Adapter Gopro / EZ
A tripod adapter from GoPro to EZ
Sensors & Cameras

camera rig for 2 x Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 Web Cams

Plate for StepDownConverter Rover Roli

Einhell battery pack

Adapter plate for the Einhell Power X battery change system for the Rover

Ventilation grille front for Rover

Sensors & Cameras

Rpilidar A1 And Intel Realsense T265 Bracket
This bracket holds a RPI Lidar A1 and Intel Realsense T265 tracking camera. The offset for the lidar robot skill will...
Sensors & Cameras

Hitachi Lidar And Realsense T265 Bracket
This is a bracket that holds a Hitachi Lidar and Intel Realsense T265 tracking sensor. The lidar is positioned that the...
Bodies - EZB v3

Pi Compatible SBC Holder
This is a base holder for a Pi compatible-formfactor SBC, such as the Rock Pi/x and Up Board. For SBCs, such as the Rock...
Sensors & Cameras

Intel Realsense Double Bracket
This is 3d Printable bracket that holds two realsense cameras. The D465i and T265. Each of these two cameras have a...
Hands & Grippers

Left Spring Hand
3d left spring hand
Hands & Grippers

Righ Spring Hand
3d print hand right
Hands & Grippers

Right Fist
3 d print right fist
Hands & Grippers

Left Fist
3d print left fist
Hands & Grippers

Bioloid Hand Complete
bioloid hand complete
Bodies - EZB v4

Waist HDD Box
waist hdd box with emblem model only
Bodies - EZB v4

Jd Waist Part
3d servo waist part for jd

Inmoov Head
Used as image for model
Bodies - EZB v4

Runa V1.0
Primera versión de Runa
Bodies - IoTiny

Farscape DRD Bottom Chassis
This is the DRD bottom chassis from the DRD robots inspired by the TV Series Farscape. This robot chassis is designed to...
Bodies - IoTiny

Farscape DRD Top Body
This is the DRD top body inspired from the DRD robots inspired by the TV Series Farscape. This robot body is designed to...
Bodies - IoTiny

Farscape DRD Servo Clip
This clip holds the servos in place for the DRD robot inspired by the Farscape TV Series. This connects to the DRD...

This is the IoTiny, which is a small robot controller by EZ-Robot. This part is not 3D printable, instead this is used...
Sensors & Cameras

Developer Kit Camera
This is the camera for the developer kit - used as a resource to demonstrate where it would be installed. This is not a...

6 X AA Battery Holder
This is a placeholder for the 6 x AA Battery Holder by EZ-Robot. This is not a 3D Printable part.

Continuous Servo With Wheel
This is a placeholder for the EZ-Robot Continuous Rotation Servo with the wheel from the developer kit attached. This is...

Darth Jader Head
The head used in ezrobots Darth Jader
Bodies - EZB v4

Dodecagon Body
Begin your robot build with this versatile dodecagon dome shell as the main body. 13 female EZ-Bit connectors provide...
Hands & Grippers

3 Finger Gripper
Took me a few tweaks but here is my pretty easy and simple design for a 3 finger gripper.

Six BB-8 Six Hexapod Body Cover
This BB-8 Hexapod body coverts your six into a hexapod BB-8. Combine this with the BB-8 head as well.

Bb-8 Head
Im on a Star Wars kick, I made a BB-8 head for EZ-Robots with a male ez-bit clip. This looks extra neat on a Six robot.

Jason Friday 13Th Face Mask
Since it is Friday the 13th, (ch ch ch ch, ah ah ah) I made JD a mask to go over the standard face with an elastic...

Female Clip'n'play Adapter Plate
Add this adapter plate to your custom robot to start using EZ-Bits with ClipnPlay Technology. This adapter has holes for...

Male Clipnplay Adapter Plate
Add this adapter plate to your custom robot to start using EZ-Bits with ClipnPlay Technology. This adapter has holes for...

JD's Microphone
The microphone used in the dancing JD videos where he sings You Haunt Me from the demo app. As seen in his famous here:...

Lego Male EZ-Clip
This Lego adapters has a male EZ-Clip. Connect Lego parts to your EZ-Robot.

Lego Female EZ-Clip
This clip has a Lego attachment to connect Lego (tm) parts to your EZ-Robot. The EZ-Clip is a female.

Iphone 6 Holder
This will hold an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s. There are two EZ-Clips to attach servos for X/Y Gimbal control. There is one...

Iphone 5 Holder
This will hold an iPhone 5 or iPod Touch. There are two ez-clips to connect servos for gimbal x/y control. One clip on...

Iphone 6 Plus Holder
This is a holder for an iPhone 6 Plus or iPhone 6s Plus. There are two EZ-Clip connectors to attach servos for X/Y...

JD Hip Assembly
This is a hip assembly that contains two servos for JD.

NAO Head
I am inspired by the JD Robot on thingiverse. I really want a Nao Robot so badly, but do not have money for one. Now I...
Hands & Grippers

21/06/2015 02:36:12
top of robot arm
Sensors & Cameras

Gopro Adapter
This adapter will give your GoPro Camera case the power of ClipnPlay.

Male Connector Plate
Male connector plate. This plate was designed to connect the JD body to an object of your choice. This was designed for...
Bodies - EZB v4

Humanoid Body
The Humanoid Body is a stable robot platform to begin building your own robot. It has enough internal space to house the...

Continuous Rotation Servo
A continuous rotation servo will rotate 360 degrees, rather than the 180 degrees of a regular servo. These servos are...
Bodies - EZB v4

Rover Body
Roli is a very customizable planetary rover styled robot platform with 13 female EZ-Bit connections for additional...
Sensors & Cameras

EZ-B V4 Camera
Give your EZ-Robot the gift of sight with crisp 640x480 resolution. The EZ-Robot Camera is capable of color tracking,...

2014-10-23 1:08:15 PM
added toes, snow flakes and a funny star

Female Humanoid Head Witih Camera
Girls! Hey you have a girl playing with the robots but non of the Revolution bots are geared towards girls. So i got to...
Bodies - EZB v3

This is a case for the EZ-B v3 that also holds a fan. For detailed instructions on how to assemble it, visit:...

Rotation Servo
This is a digital heavy duty 15 kg/cm servo with a ClipnPlay connection that rotates 180 degrees. The metal internals...
Bodies - EZB v3

Six Body - EZB V3
Six body for the EZB v3 board. Original files from EZ-Robot.com. [INFO] The holes dont look like they line up well in...
Bodies - EZB v3

Six Body - EZB V3
Six body for the EZB v3 board. Original files from EZ-Robot.com. [INFO] The holes dont look like they line up well in...
Bodies - EZB v3

JD Body - EZB V3
JD body for the EZB v3 board. Original files from EZ-Robot.com
Bodies - EZB v4

Hexapod Dome
This is the dome which connects to the Hexapod Body. It covers the EZ-B and has a female EZ-Bit on the top - which we...
Hands & Grippers

Servo Gripper
The Servo Gripper can be added to any EZ-Bit connector allowing it to grab objects. The Servo Gripper includes a strong...
Sensors & Cameras

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
This is a distance/range detection sensor which also includes our innovative low energy switching power supply. The...
Sensors & Cameras

This RGB LED Block includes 18 RGB LEDs. The LEDs can be sequenced using the EZ-Builders RGB Animator Control. Each LED...

Extension Cube
The extension cube allows multiple EZ-Bits to be connected to a single location. If you wish to connect more than one...

EZ-B V4 Wifi Robot Controller
The EZ-B v4 boasts 200mhz of 32-bit Processors (ARM Cortex M3 Microchip PIC32) , 5 Volt Tolerant I/O, Energy Efficient...

Extension Block
Very useful extension that is the same length of a Clip n Play Lever Servo. This allows you to extend an arm to get to...

Rover Can/Bottle Holder
Add a can or bottle holder to the rover chassis

Lever Servo - 45 Degrees
This is a digital heavy duty 15 kg/cm servo with a ClipnPlay lever that rotates 180 degrees. The metal internals will...

Lever Servo - 90 Degrees
This is a digital heavy duty 15 kg/cm servo with a ClipnPlay lever that rotates 180 degrees. The metal internals will...

Lever Servo - 0 Degrees
This is a digital heavy duty 15 kg/cm servo with a ClipnPlay lever that rotates 180 degrees. The metal internals will...

Lever Servo - 180 Degrees
This is a digital heavy duty 15 kg/cm servo with a ClipnPlay lever that rotates 180 degrees. The metal internals will...

Lever Servo - 135 Degrees
This is a digital heavy duty 15 kg/cm servo with a ClipnPlay lever that rotates 180 degrees. The metal internals will...

Humanoid Head With Camera
Add a Humanoid Head to your EZ-Robot so it can recognize its surrounding and display emotions. Includes a built in...

Humanoid Left Foot Assembly
Add a unique method of movement with humanoid legs. Simply attach this Humanoid foot assembly to any female Clipnplay...

Humanoid Right Foot Assembly
Add a unique method of movement with humanoid legs. Simply attach this Humanoid foot assembly to any female Clipnplay...

Hexapod Foot
The Hexapod Foot attaches to a female ClipnPlay connector of a servo. Use this foot on your Hexapod, or be creative and...
Bodies - EZB v4

Power Shell
The Power Shell is a holder for your EZ-B v4 WiFi Robot Controller. The power shell enables use of your EZ-B v4 on the...