United Kingdom
Asked — Edited

New Stl Files In ARC

Hi chaps,

Could someone give us an ETA for getting the latest JD files in ARC? I'm reluctant to print anything now we've been told that the files have been changed / updated.

If it's not possible to upload them yet, could we know which ones are unaltered so I can print those?


J :D


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All of them have been altered:) They will be updated around Feb 28th 2014 - our office is currently closed while we are in New York for a conference.

United Kingdom

Oh stress guess that means no printing JD then ! I've already printed some - guess that's scrap now.

Was really wanting to get him printed ready for the electronics to come !

J tired


You can print the parts now, but they won't be as nice as the new version:D The new version has better styling! And the clips fit a little better.


all parts you printed will some day come in handy.its good to have spare parts.i used parts today that i have bouth , one year ago.