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  • 2013-03-11 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-03-21 - created first new question
  • 2013-04-04 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2013-04-06 - joined your first forum discussion

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just wanted to share this with everyone. I just stumbled upon this product when i was trying to figure out how i was going to make my vacuum for my project. Im not sure how long this has...

How To Declaration Of Multiple Variables.

hi, im modifying one of the ARC examples for custom object avoidance 2. my robot is avoiding most obsticles right now. but when he gets boxed in I just want it to backup when it detects the left,right, center at 255. I tried this if($PingL,$PingR,$PingC lt; $MinDist) Goto(AllBad) endif how can I do this? here is the code # Set the servo left...
Ez-B For Sell On Ebay

Ez-B For Sell On Ebay

found this thought someone would be interested EZ-B I guess its missing the power supply, but they have a lipo and charger up for sell too with a low voltage alarm. Lipo Lipo...

Ps3 Controller For Joystick

Has anyone hooked up a ps3 controller to the ARC. If so how can this be done, do you need a driver?
Screen Capture In ARC

Screen Capture In ARC

I think that would be an awesome feature. Just a simple button to screen grab and save a jpeg to a folder or the can be optimized for file size and resolution.(with...
Custom Movement Panel Speed Changed

Custom Movement Panel Speed Changed

I cant find any info on what this does and how to use it. any examples out there?

Power Question

just wondering if you guys have any sugestions on what battery i should get.i want everything to be powered with one power source. for probably 2 hours or more if possable. here is a list of hardware. 1) ez-b 2) one 2 amp h bridge powering one 12v motor 3) 4 high torque micro servos 4) 1 ultrasonic sensor 5) 1 8v camera hard wired to ez-b i...

Portable ARC

I got to thinking, If you want to take your robots with you and dont/cant install the software on just any computer .... why not make it portable?. so thats what I did, I hope im not infringing on any copyrights or anything. Just trying to help out. all you do is drop this file on any usb, and copy your robots project files. no need to install its...
Cant Use Personality Genrator Script?

Cant Use Personality Genrator Script?

hello, when I go to use the personality script generator a lot of the boxes and fields are hidden. you can see one hiding alittle, im using...

Bluetooth Help

Hello,i have this Bluetooth dongle bluetooth And i need to do the initial install of the firmware.the weird thing is i does not find the ezb at all.but it can find my smart phone, and my phone in turn can find the ezb. I am using the windows Bluetooth stack.the USB is windows 7 compliant.i tried everything i can think of, rebooting, changing USB...
Http Server Local Host Remote Control Bug?

Http Server Local Host Remote Control Bug?

hi, I found a weird bug.(or not) I set up a local http session with the ARC software. a strange thing happens when I click the remote...
Robot Vacuum Programing Help?

Robot Vacuum Programing Help?

hello all, for my very first robot im wanting to make it vacuum my livingroom by itself. my question is,whats the best way to do this thru ARC ? the hardware...

Search Bar In The Forum

Hello everyone, Im new to the site and robotics.i just learned about this product a few weeks ago, and am really excited.Im going to buy a kit this week. I usually do a lot of research before i dive in, this site is very extensive in the amount of information provided. I wish there was a search function so i could easily find threads.kind of a pain...
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