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Country: Australia
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  • 2012-04-05 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-04-08 - created first new question
  • 2012-04-25 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2015-11-27 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-11-27 - shared your first photo in the forum

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how do i get ez-bot v3b too chat with an adruino uno
Need If On Main Chip Used On An Ez-Bot V3b

Need If On Main Chip Used On An Ez-Bot V3b


Hbridge Motor Control. And Joy Stick?

hi all I have wired my motor up HBridge Motor Control. as per the post in post #2 and it works ok my question is how do i now control it using a joystick?

Movement Pannel In Vb Express 8

hi all i have a form with a connect panel working ok i have Movement panel and want to know how to assign ports to it can anyone help with the code needed? Private Sub EzMovement1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles EzMovement1.Load EzB_Connect1...


hi all I am writing my own radar script how do i use the value return by getping(d13,d12) e.g. :loop tr if getping(d13,d12) 20 then Right(200) goto(tr) else stop script and exit

The Ez-B Kit

hi well the ez-b kit has arrived. so now let the fun begin
Sabertooth 2X5 Regenerative Dual Channel Motor Controller

Sabertooth 2X5 Regenerative Dual Channel Motor Controller

hi how can i connect the Sabertooth 2X5 Regenerative Dual Channel Motor Controller to EZ-B i find there...
4 Wheel Drive?

4 Wheel Drive?

Im new to robotic so will have fun learning. Question is can I run 2 dc motor in parallel, to have a 4 wheels drive base I hope to use the following 4 dc motors wheels
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