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Member Since:


  • 2017-04-29 - joined Synthiam
  • 2017-05-12 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2017-05-16 - created a custom avatar
  • 2017-05-22 - created first new question
  • 2017-07-25 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2017-07-27 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2017-07-31 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2017-08-05 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2022-01-10 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2022-02-21 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2024-12-11 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription

Latest submissions

ARC Will Not Boot Up After Download.  2Nd Download And Problem Remains.

ARC Will Not Boot Up After Download. 2Nd Download And Problem Remains.

Hello @Synthiam Support and @Athena, Yesterday, I downloaded the Pro 1/27...

How To Implement A Ramp Function To A Motor Value Derived From A Map Function.

Hello @Athena, I am experiencing difficulties with implementing a ramp function for motor values that are determined using a map function in my C++ code. Could you please review the attached code and provide guidance on why it wont compile? The variables leftSpeed and rightSpeed are the values produced by the map function. Thank you, Jack cpp void...

UART Communication Between And EZB4 And An Arduino

Hello , I am experiencing unreliable transmission of UART data from my EZ-B v4 to an Arduino MEGA. It seems that the Arduino is not consistently reading the data as available. Sometimes the transmission works, and other times it does not. I have double-checked the wiring connections. Could you please review the JavaScript and C++ code for any...
Need Assistance With A Script

Need Assistance With A Script

Hello @Athena, I have the latest update to ARC(12/21).  Im having trouble with one of my scripts that previously worked. Attached is a snippet of the code:...

Wheel Counting With Arduino

Hello @Athena, Could you please review the following code that I am using on my Arduino Mega 2560 to count motor pulses? I am encountering an issue with the output on the Serial Monitor. cpp int encoderValue_A = 0; int encoderValue_B = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(3, INPUT);...

Wheel Encoder Skill

Hi Athena, I am experiencing difficulty loading the necessary library onto my Arduino Uno to ensure compatibility with the Wheel Encoder Counter Skill in Synthiam ARC. I have successfully loaded the Servo.h library, but I am unable to find the SendOnlySoftwareSerial.h library. Could you please guide me on where to locate the...

Control Command Scriptstartwait In BLOCKLY Prevents The Script From Stopping.

Im using BLOCKLY to Control Command ScriptStartWait a certain script.  It appears that once the called for script starts it cannot shut down properly.  This only happens when using Control Command ScriptStartWait.  All other times the called for script starts and runs as expected.  This is a new phenomenon and does not occur with a previous version...

Assistance With Slow Scripts

I am running 7 scripts at once.  Each is looping and looking for a variable that is generated by other scripts.  Once these variables are triggered,  each script runs a series of commands and returns back to looping. Some of my scripts have nested loops operating inside of other loops and break out as necessary. I am using FOREVER LOOPS because...
Scripts Will Not Run From Previous Synthiam Version Software

Scripts Will Not Run From Previous Synthiam Version Software

I have tried to run both ARC 4.3 and ARC 4.5 with scripts from my previous Synthiam software.    I...

Timer Script Help

Hi Everyone, Ive searched for several hours now for a solution to my problem, all to no avail. I need to start an internal timer during the normal running of a script. The timer will be started with a variable going TRUE or a servo position reached. It will be stopped in the same manner. It cannot be a typical COUNT function but must be actual...

Control Command, Resume

I am having difficulty with Command Control Resume. Can someone please provide an example in blockly how it could be used? I seem to be using START, STOP, WAIT correctly but if you have any additional info on these also I would very much appreciate it. Thanks!

4-1 Sensor Noise

Hi Everyone, I am attempting to use the 4-1 Sensor in my Roli project. The 4-1 like all similar sensors I am familiar with outputs a lot of noise. I am using a script that gets multiple samples and then averages the results. This cuts down the erratic nature of the data but degrades the ability to sense a deviation in the process. Any help here?...
Roli Just Got Cooler

Roli Just Got Cooler

I have repositioned the Hbridge from inside the body to the outside for better cooling. I notice the cup holder area getting quite warm after running Roli around on the floor. The...
Slipping Roli Tracks

Slipping Roli Tracks

I was able to prevent slippage in the rubber tracks by using outdoor electrical insulation tape. It is much thicker than the black electrical tape. Apply this tape by peeling off...
Roli Reimagined

Roli Reimagined

My Roli has been reconfigured with the cup holder in front. The arms can now pick and place objects. Im having fun!


I have a Roli HBridge that has stopped working Forward on the Right Tread only. I have checked all wiring on EZB4 and the Hbridge. After a short run(3-4) seconds in Forward the Heat Sinked IC becomes very hot, enough to burn the skin. The Hbridge intermittently cuts in and out during this time. Any suggestions? Thankyou

H Bridge Pwm Movement Control

This question is about the HBridge PWM Movement Control on the most recent version of ARC software. I have a Roli and have determined that the FWD AFT LEFT RIGHT Arrows function as they should but the Speed Sliders do not. Specifically the Speed Sliders operate the opposite track. When the LEFT slider is moved the Right Track speed changes. When...
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