Tutorial On Fixing Voice Synthesis Problem With Windows 8.1 and 10

Step 5

11.) Now when you click "Start" on the script control, you should hear the script being read with the voice you have chosen. You should now also be able to use "MS Herra" and "MS Zira" voices as well. If you hear a different voice you may need to change some of the voice settings within "Speech Synthesis Settings" to change the gender and/or age. If you hear nothing, insure the computer volume is turned up and not muted.

It should be noted that in North America, it is the en-US directory and the "Microsoft David" voice that needs to be deleted.

So hopefully these changes will help those of you having Issues using the voices you want to with your EZ-Robot projects, and hopefully Microsoft will sharpen up on their SAPI voice engine in their Windows 10 release regarding Text to Speech voices, so nobody will face these problems in the future. We can only hope.

Good luck, and happy building.

Edited on 4th October 2015

Update to mention Windows 10 Fix. Update Edited on 16th December 2015


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