Other robots from Synthiam community

Kenny's Aiwabot
Hey everybody:) Im seeing alot of new projects out there, glad to see that Ez-Robot is getting so popular:) Ive been...

Ezang's Here Is A Picture Of The Hand I Am Practicing With
Here is a picture of the hand I am practicing with

Ezang's My New Whirlybird Project For You To View
My New Whirlybird project for you to view, another Servo city ARC robot
haha that's pretty creative! Is there a camera installed in it?
not yet, lol , lol,
I needĀ to put a camera in thereĀ :-)
I 3d printed the parts and added two small servos
Hi, for a robot voice I use Audacity, here are the settings:
Open Audacity, go to effects, go down to the bottom, click Vocoder, here are the settings:
then I export it as a mp3 (name the mp3) on my desktop (or where ever you want)
Use Arc, import it into the soundboard, click play

that's it....EzAng
LOL! Creepy cool. Nice.