Hi Everyone
This is a robotic arm that i put together, simply using ez-bits. It is primarily designed to feed someone who may not be able to do so for themselves.
The Project can be found on the cloud if anyone wishes to try this for themselves.
By VGosine
— Last update
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can anyone tell me how much this would cost in parts? it seems like a cheaper solution to the expensive ones and better than those 2-3 DOF ones you can find at radioshack and such.
this is pretty rad, btw.
All of the parts are in the store. Looking at it there is 1 Six base and dome - $69 8 extension blocks - $4 each 1 small extension block - $4 each 2 rotation servos - $17 each 3 lever servos - $17 each 1 camera - $59 1 gripper - $22 1 EZ-B - $99 1 Battery - $15
There may be cheaper options by using arms etc. which come as a bundle of a couple of servos and gripper etc.
Awesome use of the EZ-Bits!
for 40 bucks less, this is what you get- Lynxmotion Arm
and I would rather go for this any day because of the superior customization options on the EZ-B
there are definitely cheaper options, but i still think this would be the best option for a robotic grabber arm (see above)
@Not Sudo... But that would not include the ezb and camera so the Lynxmotion way you would actually be paying about $120 more.... I guess you could use an arduino, but what about the camera?
You above link says the arm is $359 so my math puts it only $26 cheaper... and again that is without the ezb and camera...
@VGosine .... Nice work... You guys need to come out with a Developer's "Super" construction kit... which would have an assortment of ez bits and adapters, more servos and maybe some sort of base (like Six's you are using in the video)....
Oh and maybe you guys should consider selling a larger "quarter scale" servo or stronger regular servos for joints like shoulders and elbow... I know DJ asked before if we "the community" wanted quieter and stronger servos (albeit more expensive). I for one said most definitely, but I know you guys had mentioned it would be either or when it comes to the servos you sell...
Plus if you checked out the bundles in the shop for arms or the scorpion pack etc. you could reduce the cost of the EZ-Bits.
Also, buy it now, save 20%
@richard r
sorry, tired me is a bit of a dunce
Very cool @VGosine
Now I need to order another rotation servo to give my Roli's rear arm a turning wrist. You guys are going to bankrupt me
This is what I have been looking for, or something that is more affordable. I have lived with ALS for over 13 years. The average lifespan is 2-5 years. I am still able to chew and swallow but I haven't been able to feed myself for several years. I live alone and I have a caregiver 8-9 hours a day. Three hours of that time is feeding me two meals a day. No snacking while I'm alone. Obviously I have no way of building something like this, I'm still trying to get my Roll finished! I would definitely be good PR for EZ-Robot following the press coverage of ALS this year. If this is a project someone or a group is willing to help me with I would be appreciative ... extremely. Barry
It's not that difficult a project to replicate now that it's been designed. An exact copy of V's design is simply;
1 Hexapod base and dome 8 extension blocks 1 small extension block 2 rotation servos 3 lever servos 1 camera 1 gripper 1 EZ-B 1 Battery
To save a little money you could replace 2 of the lever servos, 1 rotation servo and the gripper with the 3 servo arm
Control of the arm may be a little more tricky, depending on how automated you need it.
P.S. This has inspired me a lot! I've been thinking of how to make something for a while and EZ-Bits are the answer... Watch this space
the million-dollar question: how would you charge it?
No the million dollar question is, why did you ask this question in 2020 on a post from 2014???