Nothing terribly original about this idea... at all. I would like to replace my supervisor with an identical humanoid, robotic likeness. While he/she seems to be efficient at inconsequential tasks, higher order thinking is absent. Further, although some leadership talent is visible and, perhaps, admirable, there still remains the need for them to do exactly as they're told. Can't think of a better application of this technology. One can only dream...
By y49x117
Other robots from Synthiam community
Nitrobot's The Six Alternate Power Source
Though this is a simple project, I decided I would show it to everyone. So my story began when I first purchased six, I...
DJ's Myo Gesture Tutorial
The MYO is a creative controller for interacting with your ez-robot. It uses gestures and an accelerometer to trigger...
Tmesserschmidt's Simone AI (Openfembot)
First Simone Article has been published in Servo Magazine! We made the cover!...