My Ez Robot R2 Project :)



So here is a dump of my ez robot R2 project:)

he is not near done yet but i have been pretty lazy in posting updates to the forum of this guy.

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By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Harnessing the power of ARC Pro, your robot can be more than just a simple automated machine.


Looks awesome! Finally I don't have to keep checking my instagram for astromech updates! haha

You should bring him to Celebration this weekend so ours can be the only 2 astromechs that move on their own eyeroll

United Kingdom

I'm building an R2 unit as well I think we are connected on instagram already. Could you help me out by telling me what I need to buy to control my droid? My frame is metal, Alu dome, I have a dome drive motor already but no control or batteries etc Id really appreciate any pointers


@robot56 I wish I could come:(

@jasonr2 I wish I could give a simple answer, but that is pretty complex as there are a million ways do it.... a syren 10 is what I have my dome hooked up with and sabertooth controller to the scooter motors in the feet.. all controlled by the ezB..

United Kingdom

@Jayutmb Im learning very slowly about this stuff, I'm gonna try learn more about the ezB and a syren 10 to start with. Thanks bro


I see it has been awhile since you have posted updates. I'm working on my R2D2 build also. I'm part of the AstroMech club as well.

I'm close to having the main droid together (working on the foot drives currently), then I will be onto the electronics. I'm currently running Teeces in the dome with a MarcDuino. It appears I have the same foot motor/wheels that you have used (trying to figure out how to make them fit in the shell). I have smaller belt driven wheels I bought also.

I received my EZ brain today! I'm so excited to get to the electronics part of the project. If you have any pointers, let me know. I'm trying to figure out how to run the MarcDuino from the EZ Brain so they will work together instead of having different apps or controllers for each.



Looks good. Does your R2D2 use an aluminum dome? Were did you source the dome from?


@stegall.matthew I made my own frankendrives for the belt and scooter wheels using some scrap from around the garage (aluminum ...ect) its ugly but it works:) i just cut everything to fit inside the resin foot ... i will try and dig up pics. my dome lights are running solo from everything else and have a switch in the dome to turn them off and on... i did not want to mess with a slip ring and all that jazz ( i am pretty lazy lol ) As far as pointers go..i dont know where to start, but if something roadblocks you ask me and i will let you know if i ran into the same issue.

@windcharger its a Resin dome from the astromech junkyard.


Its cool, you should show it off into the public.



Excellent stuff, are you part of the R2d2 builders club? I have so many questions, is this a styrene build or combination, what plans did you use, which scooter motors, actually a part list list would be cool. Where did you mount the proximity and cameras at? This great, great work really awesome? May the force be with you, Ken


@r2d2tech01 Thank you! yea i am part of the astromech club:) this is a combo build of whatever i could get my hands on and i mean whatever! ( example there are parts that i made from old DVD boxes... lol ) some parts ( most ) are from runs on the site and are a mix of everything.... the camera and prox sensors is still a on going issue for me.. currently sensor is under skirt kinda close to leg in front and sweeps back and forth using servo.. camera is in front data port. I used the scooter motors with a belt drive that people reference on the forum.. however i made my own foot drives from scraps around the garage ... they are ugly but work:) i based them off the plans on the astromech site as well. He is still a work in progress as i am never really ever "done " with him and I try to do stuff with as little help from site to see how i can come up with my own way to figure stuff out and make stuff from scrap as a challenge.. I do alot of stuff by "eye" as well so I am the worst person to ask for specs as I would not really be able to tell ya ( bad i know). I will try to post more on my build however soon