I would like a robot that can



I would like a robot that can interact with my son who is bedridden he can vocalize but not speak and he cannot push buttons etc. maybe programming that could learn to recognize my sons happy vocal signs and upset sounds and crying sounds, who might then alert me to his mood when negative, could be programmed to ask questions (hey Jason what you laughing at) with numerous responses to (I'm getting Mama, or Ok that's it I'm telling) to yawn when Jason yawns lol cause he does realistic fake ones cause I catch them, and maybe can play a small drum or drum set My son loves loud drumming it makes him laugh, and my son uses one button switch I wire into toys that dance n sing. So maybe he could take robot out of standby or sleep mode with button or vacalising, and hopefully downloadable stories or audible books, my son cannot control any of today's robots and without a vocabulary voice commands are out so to use his robosapien someone has to be controlling it I want something for when I'm busy or in the bath or when he wakes in the night. He usually catnaps a lot and currently the tv is his only option I would appreciate any help at all even if it involves reworking his robosapienX or roboquad



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