AVA (advanced visual android) update


United Kingdom

Hey guys I finally have my robot head all hooked up. I am using micro dc motors with hbridges and as there is no positional data. I am using the forward speed and time with a Movement Panel for each actuator. All of this is 3d printed and here is the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpflMCUdmGc. I just started to code it a couple of hours ago. But this got me excted. I am happy with the ezb. Attached is also a photo. I will probably swap the micro dc motors for ones with magnetic coders.

User-inserted image

The face is a screen and the animation for the face will be projected using a micro projector my profile picture is the face and I have the animation all ready to go. I just have to get the micro projector. And I will be using shell scripts to call up the video. the more videos i have on the hard drive the more personality I can get into the robot. I have an idel loop animation. then I can use tts and a program called crazy talk to do the animation. I customised the face in that software to look like my profile pic. I will post the video when I can afford to get the projector I hope you like it. I love it

By — Last update


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Good start, I am curious to see how you get those projections right!! Will you project from the inside ? You will need enough space to fit a projector and the right distance, I am curious how you will assemble it!!:)

United Kingdom
#2   — Edited

its shooting up for the center hole in the head to an angled mirror back on to the face. Its been done before in furhat robotics. But dlp projectors are smaller now. Palm size. I got a guy from america that is sending me an old projector to test with that before i spend 250 bucks on a dlp one