I want a guard robot and helpe



I want a guard robot and helper robot. A robot that can be outside and be fine and it has a rover body with extender-cube and it attaches to the humaniod body and has a humaniod arm and a elastic shooter arm so it can piuck stuff up and throw it or keep it and shoot things like hard,strong rubber band that could hurt or shoot a rubber band down the hallway to enter-tain your cats and it could open up a box of oreos or open a drawer, just things that you would want to do, but dont have time for like getting ready for school and brushing you teeth but need some cereal, things like that or a wolf it trying to attack your dog or cat,etc and it shoots a heavy duty rubber band at 600 fps and then whips a stone at it and you animals are saved. Things that will help you out from the city to the woods.



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