Hi im ben also known as el dia

El diablo


Hi im ben also known as el diablo on the streets i thought of an idea that i wish would come true for someone who might be disabled and cant walk and struggles to get around so i thought how about a robot that has hands legs arms feet a face and that so it could cook for someone who cant cook or cant be able to cook because they are disabled and it could go to the shops like morrisons asda primak ect stuff like that and it could bring you something it could maybe work for you if you cant go to your job or school one day because you where sick or really injured and to drive you around to walk up and down stairs thats one of my ideas i have another idea aswell like what if you could make a robot that works for the police so then the police humans dont die and can stop terrorists so it can go on the field for us humans and then it will be unstoppable no matter what the bad guys wouldnt get away and then two humans can go aswell and take cover behind the robots so they cant get shot or stabbed and then there will be no crimes because people will be scared and wont dare try and blow things up and kill people or steal from a bank the same for the army aswell its like have you ever watched chappie the movie its exactly like that and if we had these two robots then we would be able to help humanity and save a lot of peoples lives and they can talk and communicate with people and can feel feelings so they are like a human but better and more safer and not dangerous at all unless its stopping bad people then its dangerous



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