Hi All,Long time reader, f



Hi All,

Long time reader, first time poster. I think it'd be really cool if there were robots that could act individually on their own (say for house chores), but could combine together to perform additional tasks (like outdoor chores).

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I like that idea.  No reason why it could not work.  Just takes a lot of patient scripting and clever design.


The most common house chore robot I hear people ask for are dishwashing robots. But isn’t a dishwasher a robot? Maybe it’s the loading and unloading we care about automating


@gabescg Welcome to the community! I always liked the idea of combining robots:D Probably why I like Voltron and Transformers so much.

@DJ I believe people are not only thinking about the loading/unloading part but the non-dishwasherable items (wooden spoons, large pots, cast iron). The simple solution should is to buy all dishwasherable, and dishwasher sized, dishes. The more complex solution is to have large format dishwasher/dish shelf combo that can take in dishes, wash them, sort them, and stack them. I'm sure after the laundry folding robot technology gets more popular, dishwashers will be next item to undergo an automation makeover. The only issue will be it's size but luckily you'll be saving all kinds of counter and drawer space so you can just remove many drawers and cupboards in your kitchen.

I wish I could have all disherwasherable dishes but my wife just can't part with her skillets and wooden spoons:P


@Jermie thanks for the warm welcome! Voltron is the best!

@DJ, @Jermie: I think that's super interesting. I always neglected that those items are also robots, so to speak. A kind of a side though, if each of our appliances were thought of as robots, what would these combine together into? A wifi-enabled fridge + Dishwasher fuses to become an Alexa listening washing machine?:D


"A wifi-enabled fridge + Dishwasher fuses to become an Alexa listening washing machine?"

That's what Amazon is doing by putting Alexa on a chip for appliance manufactures.  Amazon wants it everywhere!


Here is a funny idea about dishes. How having your dishwasher built into your dinner table. You eat your meal . Table opens up  and swallows all the dishes,glasses,silverware and washes everything. Or maybe have disposable dishes,cups and utensils and the table opens and swallows everything. Then it is destroyed with a household disintegrator beam. Voila,all done.


rb550f, I like your idea of a table that washes your dishes. It reminds of a table replicator system you might see on runabout on StarTrek NextGeneration/DeepSpace Nine.  No one washes dishes in space right?   "IT, COULD, WORK!" - Young Frankenstein