Hello DJ,My name is Adrian



Hello DJ,

My name is Adrian Wu, I'm a fashion designer based out of Toronto. You can google me for more info. I'm emailing you because my interest in moving forward the wearable technology movement.

I would like to make clothing out of the technology you have created. I truly believe the simplicity and user friendly benefits of EzRobots is the key to its success.

I started a company called www.adrianian.ca which is starting with an anti-bacterial scarf I designed. I'm currently working on prototypes for Fleecer to be more useful and working with various companies like Solarfilm.

I'd like to order enough flexible motors to make a sheet of fabric. I know it sounds crazy but I need this as soon as possible.

I'm speaking at a conference at Queens University In Ottawa and I'd like to unveil a few prototypes at my talk.

Let me know what you think. I look forward to meeting you soon, whether it's if I come to Calgary or you're ever in Toronto.

I'm really interested in a long term collaboration. I also have a great interest in Williams project with Alan.

Talk soon. Adrianian.



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