Haw To Make Ez-bv4 Controller Communicating Via Usb Rather Than Wifi-(agricultur



dear friends we are working on (non profitable) agricultural robot to combat desertification in Africa pleas see https://publiclab.org/notes/Mohamed/05-13-2015/sudan-team-sap-drone-project-sap-smart-agriculture-payload

our hardware and software based on EZB and we are transferring from rpi2 embedded system due to lake of machine vision requirement on rpi2 we are using embedded X64 windows computer and we need to communicate directly with our ez-bv4 robot controller (i mean usb- serial communication ) because its all onboard and no need for wifi communication 1-pleas haw i can connect the ez-b with usb? 2-pleas haw i can adjust the ezb software to communicate via usb or serial rather than wifi ? we are doing humanitarian robot project in Africa with limited resources ................................................. a lot of thanks to dj sure and all ez-b community members for the (ez-b great innovation) project like ezb can open unlimited ideas to create direct impact on rural areas in Africa

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Hi! The ezb current is wifi only. There will be an adapter available in the next few months which will allow USB connectivity. The adapter is not presently available, yet. Stay tuned:)

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HI DJ, do you know if using the new USB adapter we will be able to still connect mutilate EZB's to a computer through USB? Maybe one adapter per EZB to different usb ports or a hub connected to the computer. How about a combination of USB adapters and Wifi to the same computer?


One USB adapter per EZB. As many adapters per computer as you wish.


Cool, thanks. Looking forward to these. It's going to be great when the new products start hitting the store. I'll be placing quite a few orders as they appear. :D