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After you ask Alexa a question, how to get the answer come out in a robot jaw movement?
Like Will's Alan or Antonn?
Related Hardware EZ-B v4
Related Control
i am just gessing.is the sound servo not for moving the jaw? or talk servo?
yep its the talk servo.

then ad script and use sayezb(" hello EzAng ") jaw will move. setting MIN is 1 setting MAX start at 50 the lower the number the less open the mouth go's.the higher the max number the more open the mouth.It's not a big deal, I just want to learn it.
I use the ARC's talk. servo already - for my jaw movements, works great.
I want to ask my Alexa a question and have her answer come out of the robot I made.
some thing like this : https://youtu.be/xwCsENHCenU
This is good to know, I was thinking about buying a new Terminator head skull that has the free moving Jaw just so I can add this control.
in the video i see a BT speaker.as in the link.how to connect it. BT speaker
robo rad
This is what I used, the talk servo for all my Roman video