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Wireless Hub

I purchased an IOGEAR wireless hub and it came with an AC adapter outputing +5 volts at 3.0A to power the wireless unit. Can I hook it up directly to the EZ-B?


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You could. I was going to buy one of those a day or two back for a webcam; but after reading some reviews and checking various prices, it didnt seem worth it.

As for your power issues, what I was going to to was hook it up to its own battery pack. But I know the EZB does supply +5 volts from the digital ports so I guess you could hook it up thaty way.


You can hook it up for sure. The only problem will be the power source to the EZ-B .. You'll want to make sure it has enough amperage hours to power the hub. The 5 AA battery pack won't be enough.

Instead, get yourself a second 5 AA battery pack and double up the amperage:) That means hook them in PARALLEL (not series). That will be enough. Or you can build a custom battery pack. There is a nice thread on the forum on how to do that:D

The USB Hub is great because you can also connect a $1 USB soundcard to it. Also a $10 camera. And more...


how exactly do we connect it to the ez board?


The wireless hub would connect to ur computer which would then detect any of the devices attached to it. The EZ-B would then connect to them the same as as another other device you connect to it normally, as if they was directly connected to the computer.

Havent done it my self.. but im asuming thats how it would work:)


You must be talking about a wireless bluetooth hub, not wifi.
