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Resolved Resolved by thetechguru!

Which Digital Pin In Vcc


I am sure a simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer. The EZB-4 info states:

"Each port has 3 pins, which are Gnd, VCC and Signal. The Gnd and VCC are for powering the device connected to the port. The Signal pin is connected to the EZ-B Microchip for reading or writing data from Digital or ADC. The Gnd and VCC pins are not connected to the Microchip, they are used only for powering the peripheral connected to the EZ-B v4.

For example, a servo has a 3 wire plug that connects to one of the EZ-B Digital Ports. The wires of a servo connector are Gnd, VCC and Signal. The Gnd and VCC provide power to the servo's motor and circuit. The Signal wire carries the information to tell the servo what position to move."

OK, got that. But which pins are which. I believe ground is black, Then is VCC white or red? Thanks. I'm guessing white.


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Ground is black ("inside" pin), Red is VCC (middle pin), Signal is White ("outside" pin).




thats correct .black is gnd vcc is red and white is signal


Thanks guys. I feel pretty stupid asking that, but I couldn't find it anywhere.


Just a footnote here; Remember that the VCC (Middle pin) on the digital ports is pass through voltage and amperage from your power source. So that whatever your feeding the EZB with will be at the same voltage and provide the same amperage at these pins. Now the ADC, Uart 0 and the i2C ports have power pins that are regulated on board and provide 3.3 vdc to power small devices like sensors. No amperage there of any value for bigger devices. ;)


@Dave... The amount of amps are not a problem in itself for devices... Devices only draw what they need so in a sense mA or amps are not "pushed" (for lack of a better word) into a device like voltage is... As an example you can have a massive 1000amp battery putting out only 5v and a lowly ping won't have any issues with it... Now by comparison if you had a tiny 800mA 12V battery then that would burn up the ping in a few seconds...


@Richard R,

That being said, with higher amp batteries, you do need to be careful with the "hot" end to prevent sparks and shorts. 12V can cause a nasty skin burn or an exploding battery at 19 amps....



I had looked at that page you linked Alan. I guess I thought the "unregulated voltage" label was referring to the array of digital connectors not to the specific pins the label was covering. But i have my answer now and am good to go.


Richard I'm quite aware how Amps work and how devices use them. I've been working with high voltage electricity powering large city's power grids for almost 35 years and am still running the "rat race". What you say is correct but it's very important to know that amperage is a problem if you try to attach a device that will draw more then the circuit can handle. Either through the wires, traces, connectors or other devices the current passes through. Also it's a problem if it will suck amps (current) away from other devices on that circuit. For example; I know the EZB has a 20 amp fuse installed. However, although the traces from input to output pins will handle the 20 amps (maybe?), if you place a motor on the EZB's digital ports output voltage pin that starts to draw around 8 amps at either start up or full load the the EZB will brown out.

With that said I wouldn't expect someone to attach a device drawing that much amperage to a 3.3 volt ADC, Uart or i2C power port. I don't think they even exist. However it's very possible someone would try to connect a larger motor to the Digital ports (like a big servo). Heck I did it. That's how I found out the EZB will brown out. I'm just trying to pass along personal experience, not book learning.

BTW, a comparison I like to use for electrical theory is it's like water in a pipe: *The water is the current b[/b]. It does the work. *Pressure behind the water is the voltage. It pushes the water along. *The pipe is the conductor (wire, connectors or traces) and needs to be the proper size and type b[/b] . It carries the water along through the pipe that the pressure is pushing.

Hey, that sounds a lot like Ohms Law. ;)


Sorry @Dave... I guess it's the way you worded it that made me think otherwise... Also, I make no apologies for working hard, staying out of debt, spending wisely and investing... I recommend everyone do it....;)


No need to be sorry. No offence was taken at all. We'er all just trying to help each other. However I'm not really sure why your apologizing for being a hard worker and being a wise spender. Did I miss something? confused


It's all cool @Dave.... and now that I think about it, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew you were an electrician.....

I actually might have a part time gig at the local College where I live... If you can believe it they are offering a 8 week course in commercial roofing.... Being self employed in construction and inspection for the last 25yrs I thought... hey why not.. extra robot money... LOL


LOL Richard, now I see what happened. I just saw your other post in an different thread saying something about a Rat Race. My mention of one is a coincidence and I'm sorry for the confusion. Glad your doing so well. Wish there were more "Lazy" people like you around. There would be a lot less of them needing our assistance. :)