robo rad
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Wheeler Chair Robot
I saw that last year somebody had built a wheel chair robot?. My idea for the new Robot will be as a stage mascot that can also pretend to play the drums on stage. My brother has a live Metal band every Saturday night and most of the time we have trouble with no drummer showing up. We end up using a Drum machine instead with the 2 other guys on real guitars and singing. So Terminator will be able to move around and substitute behind the drum kit with the Live drum machine signal activating terminator arms at the drums. Also need him to move around in a wheel chair , so is anyone out there that has done this wheel chair hack, looking for suggestions on power/motor controller connections etc...should not be too hard just larger than I'm used to building. This is a youtuber that bought what I just bought,takes a month to get from China and we are building the rest of the Endoskeleton to integrate in wheel chair....
Related Hardware EZ-B v4
The simplest, although possibly not the least expensive is to just remove the wheelchair electronics (except possibly the battery charger) and connect the motors to a Sabertooth 2x25 (or similar) H-Bridge. Most wheelchair motor conversions use this method. It is possible to tap into the joystick controls and send the correct signal controls to the existing controller, but none of hte wheelchair companies document them, and each one is a little different, so it would take a lot of experimentation. (I have also seen someone just hook up servos to the joystick. Seems a bit cludgy to me, but works I guess).
So a Sabertooth sounds like something to look at then I can decide what type of motors will work as I am just using the smaller H bridges right now for 6 volt motors . Looking at Kijiji for listings of used wheel chairs and heading out to the huge Flee market we have here this Afternoon to see what I can find as there are also many Hobby venders with great deals on all sorts of stuff and possibly an old wheel chair ,you never know til you look. Another thing I may find is a child's electric car that they can sit in and drive outside. These have some really powerful high torque electric motors too. I have a bunch of arms and hands from old Robosapien V2 and Media bots that have fingers almost as large as human to modify for Endo skeleton arms, just need newer servos for those. They work the hands using a wire pulley system all the way to the fingers. As long as the drum sticks can be held on they will work great. My brother is going to work on the chest and back plate adding modified shock absorbers to give it the wide shoulders and waist movements...This is going to be a Fun project, Thanks again Alan.
Yeah, Wheelchair motors are overkill for a lot of robots. They can carry 300 lbs at a good speed. The Power wheels car motors are much smaller and have fear boxes, and can easily move a 50-80 lb bot. I have a couple of the motors, but am looking for wheels for them right (the gearbox axle is kind of strange. Will take some work if I want something other than wheels from the same toy)
Windshield Wiper and car door window lifters are also good choices for smaller but still powerful bots.
Ah yes, the classic wind shield motor mod, I have seen this used in other robotics Forums, Classic!
Yessss! I did find the perfect wheel platform for the T-800 ! The kiddy electric ride in cars really have come far in tech since I was a kid. Not just a single battery and motor,talking about a kids version of a Lambo with dual heavy duty 12 volt motors,yes 2. Also 2 12 volt batteries with a convenient recharging port! Plenty of extra wiring inside and even high performing head light system....Wish I was a 5 year old! The power lasts something like 4 hours if a kid inside but if just a robot and plastic body removed could last way longer! great price brand new in the box!
Following some example programs on this forum from some members like the one with the Laser turret and target overlay, there are some great creative robot enthusiastic people here! Giving me some ideas for the Terminator while I wait for a month before the chrome head and neck gets to Canada by the slowest shipping method, LOL! I would have to say that buying the EZB camera just before Christmas was my greatest online purchase all year in 2018. I had no idea what amazing things could be done with this cam, and so easy to apply the programming with the wealth of videos provided by DJ and the EZ team. Does anyone know if it would be Illegal to have the Terminator bot wielding an actual replica of an Israel Army Mini Uzi? I bought online a few years ago and it is made to the exact specs and materials used to build the actual 9MM bullet Uzi's. In terminator 1 Arnold does use this to blow away many umm Cops I think. Mine is just a copper BB version that uses compressed Co2 to fire. but if I just use empty BB clip and have the robot fire it, it makes the exact same sound as a real mini Uzi cycling at 950 cycles per minute. On a stage this could look very real and dangerous but sure would add to the realism of a theatrical Terminator! Like, if I paint the tip of the gun orange just like on all Airsoft BB rifles, it should be legal right? I do have also a Wal-Mart M4 airsoft machine gun but looks totally fake due to the see through plastic and it is much longer, not practical for a robot really. Although I did modify it to shoot much faster by using the 11.1 Lipo instead of the 7.4 battery it came with. The M4 also has a built in L.E.D. to shine light on the 300 round glow in the Dark green BB's so it looks just like real bullet fire tracer rounds. Great for Airsoft battles with friends outside but not for shooting on a Music-band stage in a bar, LOL!!It could take an eye out as the 11.1 Lipo proved it could blow holes right through my ceiling! Well anyway ,the EZ cam used to identify human faces, colors and shapes is going to be fun to use to target my guitar player on stage, ahhh still early ,let us see when it is ready!
Well, I do know that EZ Robot inc. does not like their products, or robots in general, to be used in any type of anarchy, mayhem or world dominating plot. With that said you could build your uber robotic BB gun and post it outside at night to patrol and guard your garbage cans against rouge raccoons. :'(
:DAha ha ya the Racoon thing I did already, caught some funny night vision stuff when the Racoon was trying to break in to the cottage every night through the screen window on the porch,it was smart and knew how to break in and open the refrigerator door we had there. The BB gun did target the little guy and eventually he stopped trying it... I guess I could just have the robot have the Uzi in a Holster and mainly wave the drum sticks and have the beating motion using the sound servo settings,there are actually some interesting arm movements that can be added to a script using the Recorder option too.Fascinating the more I look into these servo settings. As I was looking at buying a Lidar navigating sensor I discovered what would be a great add on camera to go along with EZ-cam. This is way cheaper than the other Thermal cams that came out last year. The 33 version of it is ideal for Robot vision( longer range than the 90 and better detail) to detect humans or animals outside even in sunlight or total darkness..Think of the Westworld Gunslinger tracking a human in the old 70's movie,this is now reality!Will be perfect for a Terminator bot outdoors looking for people to interact with....https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=140&v=Q6coj7Ca_aM
So I am on this learning curve right now to design the neck head movements of the Terminator project, Thirsty for knowledge on the regular or HDD servos and what is the difference between a servo Linear actuator and a regular servo? I am thinking that since the new Linear actuators seem to resemble what were used for a long time with RC car steering mechanisms and what my brother uses in Pneumatic air cylinder pistons to control fast moving Props for movies and stage shows. My bro was telling me to go with the Pneumo cylinders but I want the Bot to be able to move around the field at summer Festivals we have outside. Must be Electronic and mobile, with no Giant air compressor to haul around LOL! Does anyone know if these actuators are faster than regular servos with movement speeds? Also would the Linear servo handle more load as a piston push pull mechanism VS a motor or regular servo with a cable attachment? I am leaning on getting the Linear actuators to replace the fake chrome pistons that go on the Terminator head,neck,chest,back and the giant fake pistons that go at the hip Chest connection. The price of Linear actuators are expensive just like the more expensive high torque servos, so ya ..Decisions, decisions. https://www.robotshop.com/ca/en/linear-actuator-l16-100-63-12-p.html Now if I go check out the local hobby store here in town I can likely get much cheaper electronic servos used for Radio control vehicles like used for hobby Monster truck steering or Hobby R.C. airplanes.but not likely as large or powerful as these new ones from the robot store inventory. So I learn something new everyday, I had no idea that this existed,perfect for hands and finger movement!...https://www.robotshop.com/ca/en/dynalloy-flexinol-006-lt-actuator-wire.html Arnold had too much Flexinol wire in his jaw muscle,LOL! Sorry guys thought this was Hilarious!...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnrIdXWtOP8
I considered going [color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]Pneumo for a short time with my B9's arms. There is plenty of power you can put into a small space with less power needs them regular servos. It was tempting to use this method. However in the end, like you I didn't want to find space for a air tank and compressor. The thing that really killed it for me was the noise. You will hear the compressor pumping air into the tank and the hiss of the air escaping when the piston moves. Maybe your brother know how to overcome these problems. [font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]
[color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Noto Color Emoji]Recently high speed [color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]Linear actuators are hitting the market. Again like you said they are costly. Seems the faster they move the higher the price. [/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/font][/font][/size][/color][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]
[color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"][color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Noto Color Emoji][color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]I ended up buying a real nice [color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]Linear actuator from Progressive Automation for another part of my B9 (the bubble lifter). I haven't installed it yet but am real excited to upgread using this. If you order directly from PA they can custom build to your specs for no extra cost. Just choose what you need from a drop down list. [/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/font][/font][/size][/color]
[color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"][color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Noto Color Emoji][color=#442e5f][size=3][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]https://www.progressiveautomations.com/tubular-high-speed-linear-actuator[/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font] [/size][/font][/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/font][/size]
[color=#111111][size=2][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]https://www.ebay.com/p/12vdc-High-Speed-5-9-6in-Linear-Actuator-DC-Motor-Stroke-150mm-Force-50n-Ts-ly/704186829[/font][/size][/color]
After playing with the drop down menu on the Progressive Automation website I see the price does change just a little as the stroke gets longer. However only by a few dollars. You can get strokes from 1" to 24" with a force range from 11 -33 lbs. It looks like the speeds will drop as force needs goes up. Fastest I see is about 9" a second. Slowest is about 3" a second.
Great vids Dave! That is what I was looking for some examples of Linear servo in motion. 9" per second is actually really fast for what I may need but again I need to balance with the cost. That Progressive web site is something to look at,so much selection!
And these guys have already done what I am doing, some others too I saw one video from 2015 so I am not the first but only difference I will have the entire body replicated and moving with actuators and another thing most people do not have the best robot controller EZ B! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV36d7EbNSQ
some of you guys may be building great large robots as well. A good secret on trying to make vinyl or plastic look just like real chrome. Do not use most of the Wal-Mart or Canadian Tire chrome paints,they do not really work. There is a very few that come close to chrome or more like a polished Aluminum if clear coated(The clear coats always kill the chrome shine effect for some chemical reaction or just the coating results in yellowed or dull appearance) There is a paint that works great called Spaz stix about 17 dollars for a small can but it really looks like Metal Chrome on any material and the secret is to really lay on a high Gloss black first and then sparingly add a thin top coat of the Chrome paint,Gently buff after for convincing Metal chrome shine. Then the company Alsa is great too but way more expensive,they do sell a regular aerosol can for $50.00 called Killer Chrome that looks so good,they use it in auto body shops to repair chrome bumper damage and they have a new one too that works better but too expensive called Easy-Chrome,100.00 for the minimum size,not worth it. Alsa also sells Chrome wraps that look so amazing you can wrap a car to look just like a chrome plated car! I have seen the Lamborgini's with this Black Chrome wrap that looks Jaw-dropping gorgeous. You can get these many colored wraps from Ebay and China way cheaper and easier to do yourself as they don't get damaged if you make a mistake and need to peel off the wrap. Just my 2 cents on Robot cosmetics,wraps can be used for anything as well....I am going to do this on parts of my Black Fiero GT like on the Big rear spoiler at the back as a Black chrome look,Hood with shiny Chrome area and the Pegasus Emblem,possibly the silver bottom side panels with Black Chrome. Also any future Robots of course, Cylon Centurian comes to mind!......update.....
After watching this youtuber, The Centurian just does not seem as menacing any more like what I remember as a kid, Possibly the Doctor Who Cyber-Man would be a cooler next build!.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVYGSg3Tujw
And this one just made me cringe,LOL!!....https://youtu.be/BkLQdX4lkAA
Glad that vid was helpful. It was actually done by a friend of mine down in Australia by the name of Steve Neal. He's built a B9 robot that rivals any other I've seen.
Dave that is awesome, a Small world indeed!
Well The Terminator skull is landed in Ontario so it won't be too long for the delivery I hope but it may take time to go through more customs before it gets out for delivery here. I decided to strip down the Wow Wee Chimp Alive I had since the neck movement motors are very quick similar to servos and run at under 6 volts. Using my old 298 H bridge seems to do the trick for adding EZ-B controller, Now I just need to slow the motors down and write a program for the Terminator Head that will go on it. Also saved the Jaw movement motor and will add that so that Terminator Jaw will move when it talks " Give me your Clothes" " F___ You A__Hole" etc.. Here is the demo.... https://youtu.be/nH1soY1RDuc
Wow, that's crazy. LOL. Nice build so far.
Wow crazy,just saw this,could be why my T-800 skull is taking too long to get here, they seem to be overwhelmed by orders in China,i recieved in the mail today a post card from china with a picture of a cat? Saying my parcel is on the way with a different shipping carrier and should arrive soon so who knows.....https://www.theverge.com/2017/9/27/16374734/terminator-sequel-release-date-2019-james-cameron-tim-miller-movie
Update---Got new tracking info and my parcel is just in customs area in Toronto, won't be much longer now! Can you tell I'm excited!
So I was thinking about what to use for a mobility base as I have never built a really large robot before, I was testing to see what kind of balance and center of gravity I can get by adding a huge chrome shell from a vacuum cleaner I never use (I just broom a lot). So I got it quite high taller than a regular chair. Fooling around on hardwood floors the old Rad robot tank base was a perfect fit as it clamped right on well almost ,I need to shave a bit of plastic off the rad tank sides and I just did a temporary hot glue fix LOL! the old rad body shell can be used for the motors to bend it or turn it side to side at the waist. Outside it works on the driveway but I can tell it will have problems turning on grass if the plan is to make this skeleton to grow with Actuator servos and shock absorbers to be 6 or 7 feet tall. I will for sure need to make the Tank base way bigger and use the high powered all terrain Hover-board motor wheels 8-10 inch size.The only problem is I don't think H-bridge controllers work with those Brushless motor wheels.I need to research it more as it looks like I would need to order 2 separate controllers for both motors from China(I hate ordering from there) I may also just go the easy route and buy the 12 volt kiddy car Gear/motors,so much cheaper and easy to use sabertooth or equivalent H bridge controller.Then there are also the power window motors that are slow but high torque.I tried to insert photo from file but it does not seem to work here.
My tracking number has showed more activity so it is in Transit ,hopefully that means it is in delivery to my house....just get here already, I wanna light up the Terminator red eyes and scare the smiles out of the dog here!
It has arrived! Even more creepy in person. This thing is more heavy than I thought. It is a Chinese copy of the Sideshow T 800 replica. Full Chrome process makes it strong and about 5 pounds. It weighs more than my whole Rad-Robot ! I used the Rad Tank base and the Chrome Vacuum shell to see if it can haul the beast around the room and yes it does but the 6 volt motors will likely burn out so now I am checking Ebay for all the Electric skate board duel motor deals 36 volt ones.... Here it is!....https://youtu.be/O4IBpfQBANo T
I forgot I left the eyes on and went to the store so, when I came back the room was dark, Holy S--- did that Terminator look spooky shining it's eyes in the dark!! I can already see this will make Eddy from Iron Maiden look like an Oompa Loompa in comparison!...The strategy now will be to find light weight but strong aluminum brackets and tubes to start the skeleton Process as well!
Cylon Kit So now I have a second robot on the way ,got the kit to build the original Cylon Helmet ,not sure if he is sending me the rough chrome kit or the un-finished vinyl kit either way it should be fun to put together and stick an EZ-B in there! Now T-800 has a friend on the way! If you need any other props like a Predator or anything he builds all types of Starwars,Horror anything Sci-Fi these for TV and movies....https://www.facebook.com/Kropserkel/photos/a.389055574322/10156883260729323/?type=3&theater
;)Now if you can just think of problems outside the box there are always simple sollutions. Instead of expensive Actuator Servos I have an idea from being a car guy...The old scissor jack that you can lift a car really high could be used with this method to make Terminator skeleton double it's height. Only need a heavy duty motor to turn a modified scissor jack up or down or whatever design is used in a power window even! A scissor jack could be used if it is made with less resistance to turn, I have 3 of them in my car but a motor would need too much torque right now but could possibly made to work with another window Lift motor.
I am not really liking the old rad body in the middle, I think I will go out to home hardware and see about getting a thick plumbing pipe or an aluminum tube to be strong enough to go from the bottom all the way up to the neck part, The rad body just looks to old and "Plastic" A bit too flimsy for a Terminator,LOL! The PVC pipe I have now is also not strong enough in the center ,it will be okay going to the skull part only. It needs to be made really tough and sturdy. I also want to make the pipe look like the spine from the Terminator movies so I will need to get creative and shape out some hexagon spine connectors to go all the way up and have them looking like chrome after.Many nuts and bolts I will need to buy.More smaller tubes as well to imitate what is in the movie then the chest and back plate I will use some type of light weight plastic and chrome paint them.
EDIT....... On more testing ,the Rad body in the middle really seems to help as a shock absorber when moving forward or backwards, The body has a motor and a spring that controls the waist movement for lean forwards/Lean backwards and this gives the whole robot a nice cushion effect as the head is heavy at 5 pounds and will slightly move backwards if it is taking off suddenly and slightly forward when stopping suddenly, a shock absorbing effect, Possibly good to have. It will be hidden anyway with the front chest plate bars and arm /shoulder linkages. I will likely paint that inner body black but have all the tubes and chest in chrome as well. Trying to replicate what side show does on their whole 1000.00 bust piece.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAj3D6O-yjA
Edit------So I have been just studying all the sideshow models of the T-800/600 life size statues and I can see what I am doing wrong with my Model. It is directly where the bottom of his neck is, that is where the Shock absorber shoulders and arms are supposed to go and on my model the Rad body arms connections are way too Low. I am going to need to raise the body up to the neck bone part and from there buy the 4 small shock absorbers (or just make look a like shocks) The chest plate is easy to make and just add on to the Rad body with self tap screws(Or hot glue LOL!)Similar the back plating. Some of my creative artistic painting skills to get the battle damaged chrome look and I just love it when a plan comes together! I will grab my scissor jack and add that to the bottom inside the vacuum battery can. I found out any old cordless drill can crank the scissor jack up and down. So did I mention I want this T-800 thing to look like a real monster at these out door festivals in summer, Take it out for a night walk and just watch the old people collapse from heart attacks LOL! I am worried about getting the mouth jaw part to move as it talks since, the Chrome process has glued it all shut I have not tried to pry it open yet,a bit too scared to crack any other chrome around it.
Edit---Testing the 2 motors on a bench with my 5 Amp 7.4 Lipo battery went really well! even with half speed the motors are very powerful and not too fast just perfect for a robot . They have internal worm gears which means they will not move not even budge until power is applied and then the torque is so high you can't stop them with your hand. Very quiet too, I am so impressed,exactly what I wanted!

Here is a cool idea for a stage performing Robot! I attached the front chest piece higher up and now it looks proper where the shoulders and arms can fit but I will need to cut the bottom a bit to make it look right and connect to a back plate with custom made shock absorbers as rod links. It is starting to come together the way I planned it in my head and I can make it rigid as tall as me!I changed to an 8.4 volt Nimh 3 Amp and the base motors drive good with out weight but probably should add the 7.2 5 Amp Lipo battery for testing tomorrow,more current will help.Can't test right now because somebody is freaking out about all the robot motor noises last night,LOL! Want to try it tomorrow with the Robot on top as the bust weighs 10 pounds ,I don't yet have the proper 12 volt wheel chair battery or the high current H-Bridge so trying it tomorrow with old H bridge rated for only 5 Amps. Motors rated up to 17 Amps so hopefully there will not be a smoke show. Using just cardboard box for battery box Mock up test, This is not final robot body configuration,just a test.

so The Cylon helmet kit just came in from Scott down at Kropserkel --- https://www.facebook.com/Kropserkel/ and it is perfectly chromed already all I need to do is put it together and since it is made to be a real helmet for a human to wear a cylon suit ,this helmet is very light weight unlike the Terminator head 5 pounds The Cylon material is strong and it has the real Chrome covering it and it is shiny! This will actually work great with my neck up down left right servo!This is coming along so well!
What fun! This is going to be great!
For sure,owning my 2 favorite sci-fi robots is a dream I have had since I was a kid and to finally be able to source the body parts and affordable electronics, bring them to life ,mainly thanks to EZ-B for making it easy to learn simple coding.

Ok so the 2 halves match up really well! Scott really helped me out big time by doing most of the rough cutting for me before shipping,really nice guy to deal with! I only need to cut out eye slit for lights and glue the halves together. Then on to the neck servos! The Cylon voice will be just the EZ-B speech synthesizer going into my old Iphone using the Q-Neo voice effect cylon distortion "On the Fly" voice changer app. An MP3 will also be added for the Eye warble sound effect....Not sure why the photo downloaded upside down?Ya weird every pic I try going upside down,strange.

Try again here I got Cy patiently waiting for me to glue his head together and a new body while T 800 waits to have body completed, he is a bit less patient though!It's coming together pretty great
So Mr T 800 will be going in his comfy home for a while until I can get at my power tools in the RV which has a ton of snow in the way,next month is supposed to be a big warm up and then I can continue his body build.
Mr Cy is going to be

huge with what I am formulating in my head as the helmet is very light weight. The Chrome vacuum will be cut at the sides to show inner Exoskeleton and I am going to use my artistic skills to duplicate his back pack and chest plate similar to the Battlestar Razor modern CGI version of these classic centurians. I have done something similar once with paper mache to build a hard body piece that can be chrome plated. This time I will start with card board boxes and cut them to the correct shapes to make the chest and back pieces,very light weight again! Then I will use Chrome wrap that many cars use these days.Some hot Glue of course (Later add screws) He will share the same base motor drive that T 800 has.For now I need to get the neck servo attached.This is the look I'm going for with Cy but instead of walking he will have the 3 wheel base drive and I have a bunch of robot arms in my RV that I need to get for both bots and attach them later.
So as I wait for the Live hack event, thought I would work on my robot wheel base. Found a perfect fit from a tool storage container, clear plastic. Now I can see all the cool lights shine through from the EZ controller and electronics at the bottom! So you see you do not need to spend great deal of money to build your robot body! I will use self tapping screws to put the main sections together so I can drive both robot versions around,still just a mock up prototype until I get all the balance adjustments good. Robot

Arms and shoulders will make this dude look mean!The other guy with same wheel ride....
I think I will just buy the whole Cylon body kit to save time instead of creating from scratch!....
Flash light Hack! I changed the L.E.D. eyes with the L.E.D.'s from a dollar store Flashlight, what a difference the eyes are super bright now and this thing just gives me the creeps now at almost 5 feet tall!
I am still thinking that my original idea to have the Terminator sitting in a creepy old fashion Wheel chair was the best idea, I think I will try to source one off Ebay and then add my own motors and electronics, add robot arms to terminator that move making it look like he is controlling the joystick on the arm rest.That would be so insanely Frightening to the Max!
Does anyone else second guess their project? Sometimes I am happy with the robot building progress then I start to think, Should I just tear it down and start over? Then I will just have a coffee and brainstorming on what else I can do to make it better,LOL! I am pretty happy with the Base wheel carrier and the Terminator is getting there,until I start adding all the chrome pipes for the rest of the skeleton with arms I won't know how good it will turn out. I really want it to look spooky and mean so once I move it to where all my power tools are next month hopefully the progress will be almost done.
Second guess? You bet! However I like to call it Research and Development or Prototyping. LOL.
You are not alone in second guessing your projects, I do that all the time to mine. I start to see different ways to do something or overthink it. I usually have more fun and learn more if I just keep pushing ahead when I don't change too much from my original idea.
xDHey guys, glad to see I'm not the only one! You are right though when a plan does come together nicely it really is fun. I am just limited by my tools or lack of tools I should say. Next month when I move back to my Motor home I will be so happy to see all my power tools again, I missed them so much this winter! There is only so much you can do with a screwdriver and a hot glue gun LOL!
Oh well I had a dream last night! Unlike Martin Luther King's dream ,mine was the vision of Terminator as lawn mower ride on conversion, Gardening with a weed whacker/Leaf blower, in the house vacuuming and polishing floors with attachments and in the winter a possible snow blower conversion....oh yeahhhhh! Possibilities of doing something practical with this guy is endless. I have a huge lawn to cut this summer and weeds to whack so going to start planning that out!
So it is amazing to see all the robot action going on lately in this Forum! We are really living now in an amazing time period! Thanks to DJ and his vision to get this EZ controller out for the masses we can do things we only dreamed about as kids. Also credits to all in the EZ company for all the hard work they do! I guess I am the only idiot that is building 2 robots at the same time LOL! So excited at what I can do and really did dream about as a kid, My Cylon project is also coming together nicely and he is asking but where is my body sir? It is coming and it will be cool! I am building his neck servo tonight to play with EZ camera and come alive..Just like CY from the Galactica 1980 episode "The Return of Starbuck" where Starbuck crashes on the lonely planet and rebuilds the enemy cylon robot to be his companion, I am there...Sci-Fi meets real time reality!
Well so far so good with the motor testing but this is just with a light weight Nimh 8.4 volt battery and the motors are 12 volt 15 Amp so I need to see how it will work with the added weight of a wheel chair type SLA battery or 2 smaller SLA 12 volt batteries used in lawn mowers and rec vehicles. if the weight is too much I will consider a more expensive Li on Battery of equal volts/Amps. Also could get several Lipo's in parallel each at 10 Amp/Hr. Now I need to connect 2 Sonars ,EZ camera and hook the eye lights to the EZ controller...and let it rip around!
stunning how did you get the chrome on the cylon mask?
Scott down at Kropserkle sold me the un-finished kit but I was surprised when I saw he sent me the Chromed version for the same price and all I had to do was glue the 2 halves together and then glue in the mouth piece,I already had the scanner L.e.D. from Ebay so it was a great deal!
thats alot of work to make the helmet.here is the video how he makes the helmet.making cylon 's helmet
yes he saved me time by doing most of the rough cutting before sending it to me as I did say I will buy the other Armour pieces from him chromed to add for robot body, going for a look similar to the new CGI model.
Also my Terminator body is still on hold until I get to my Motor home that has all my robot arms and other parts needed as I am trying to get the same look as the Sideshow replica they sell for about $800.00 on Ebay and that is just a model with no arms no servos!
This is me talking into my Cylon voice changer on the Iphone app,has different EQ settings to make it sound like original robots,you just need the Microphone/speaker combo for the input to make it "Live" not recorded but can also make recordings too.Can even be used inside helmet and worn by human as costume voice changer but I am just going to use the ARC Speech default voice synthesizer for input to robot.At the end that was my tribute to the Boney M song,Sounded really close too!
yep that sounds like a real cylon.
Not bad for a free iphone App, can even use next halloween if I wear full costume,LOL!
that i would love to see,haha .what is the name off the iphone app?
it is Voice Express by Q Neo free cylon and many other voices in the paid version.
got it many thanks,its starts ainstant with the cylon voice.
the app also works in dutsh language and reacts to music too.
Well these new 12 volt Cytron motors are not only high torque but also extremely fast,too fast had to modify the EZ script to search out the room with sonars and drive at 50% of the speed as it was going fast as a cat at full speed! Few more things to do before I put on the Terminator body,I have a much larger 12 volt motorcyle battery that will fit inside the chrome cylinder that Terminator rides on top of.Need to drill the holes for wiring.
It has rained like crazy for last 3 days just hoping to get it out for test tomorrow.
Weird that my new posts are showing up with wrong date and not added at the last posting just saying edited Jan 1?
Well, I broke down and bought the Google home Mini as it is still on sale so cheap at WalMarts, I am pleasantly surprised how loud this little Hockey puck size smart speaker sounds! I am just going to use it as my Cylon robot Brain,it is so small it fits great and the microphones are so sensitive you can just ask Google from across the room or in my case right now across the lawn at my cottage outside! and the first thing I asked was "hey google play me a rock music list" And the damned thing some how knew my favorite death metal band and my favorite song as it pulled a music channel from youtube and started to play,damned impressive! Can't wait to see what else it does as I bought the chromecast plug to go to my TV and play all the youtube vids and netflix or any movies.Also got the smart electrical plug to control any electrical devices and these things are cheap,like 12 bucks,gonna get more later. My Cylon helmet was in an earlier post on this thread if you look back a bit to see picture. Terminator project is still going great roaming around my yard,still using EZ-B of course!:D
Right on! I love the Cylon head, is it a helmet?
Oh Hi Jer, Yes it is an official Kropserkel Helmet you can buy online complete with eye or cheaper as a kit where all you need to do is glue the 2 halves together,the mouth piece and add the Jupiter electronics L.E.D. red eye from Ebay or Amazon. The owner of Kropserkel Scott lives in my old home town so he gave me the Helmet kit with the 2 halves already Chrome plated. He is a great guy to deal with! I am hoping to get the rest of the Cylon body parts to complete as a real robot rather than the costume it is meant to be sold as.His Cylon costume parts are all Chrome plated and in high demand all over the world so it is a bit of a wait when you order from Kropserkel. His full size Cylon classic statue was featured in the 2004 Battlestar TV show re-make when they show the Battle Museum of it in a glass case aboard the Galactica near the start of the first show.
Keep the videos coming mike - super cool!
Well I lost some time as my hard drive crashed big time due to the Power supply exploding in my desktop computer,it must have also caused a major short in the Drive and it became impossible to fix,tried every trick I know but it is beyond repair,the data can still be seen on my Ubuntu laptop oddly enough so I may be able to copy over my music and files before throwing it in the garbage. Back to building up the Terminator and programming what I want it to do with the EZ controller. Although I have it Linked up to my Google mini using the USB 12 volt adapter, The synthesized voice actually sounds best coming from EZ-B and then into Google mini speaker for loudness. To be continued...
Edit---- Now with the EZ Camera I am thinking how cool it would be to get a red soccer ball so Terminator can see it easy and knock it around the soccer field, in between the goal posts!
I have added the M4 Machine rifle to the Terminator, it is fully electronic and can be switched on with EZ-B controller,with out airsoft BB's it makes avery impressive sound in Full Auto mode just like in the Terminator movies and of course with the 300 BB's loaded into the magazine it will fire them hard enough to go through card board(Even my sheet rock roof!) It would hurt to get hit like a minor bruise but will be only used for hitting targets in the field outside with Aim from my TV or smart aim by the Terminator. Hard to see full detail of weapon but wait 'Til I get it out in the sun shine!
I added some brush on black paint to the eye sockets and Brain CPU cavities,also in the deeper holes around the Jaw areas,looks more like the real Movie Terminator now,just need to add a new LED to the right eye and pop it back on...Raining again here like usual so can't get much testing done. ...oops forgot to publish vid,try again,hold on.....
Template for painting Chest and just leave the shiny chrome parts under as part of the spinal column to make it look more like in the movies. Still raining here so it is a bit dark but you can still see The shiny bony parts on the chest.
As for the second Cylon robot project , I will be converting this Rad 2.0 robot I got from Ebay to use the body parts and lighting,possibly the original 6 volt motor gear track system as well. Along with my Spare EZ-B version 3 and H bridge controller. Of course it will be way taller too. The fist step is to paint it Glossy black and then the special chrome paint ordered from Ebay.
Just had had a great Field test here night time at the cottage out in the Dark Field with only a Flashlight on the Robot to light his way around. I only used the Mobile bottom section for now since it is hard to see any bumps in the grass and would not be able to see if Terminator upper body may topple over.The bottom half wheels were quite fast booting around the Field!
Congrats @Robo Rad! It seems it's been a successful night for the both of us. I was able to get the power glove controlling the Adventurebot on tonight's Live Hack
I know it's no easy feat to get your robot driving around outdoors on an uneven surface, so that's awesome!
Nice. I'm hoping to see an action video of this big guy soon. Do you intrend on sending on one of your ghost hunts?
Today will be a great day for testing all the Walking Gaits I want to program with ARC,I also just changed the eyes to the correct color and brightness of the movie Terminators using automotive dash L.E.D.'s 12 volt, super terrifying now. The Terminator has already scared a few old people here and it is not yet even 6 foot tall,that comes later with the lifting cylinder I am buying, he will lift upper body when ever not moving to search for stuff or observe cams but Lower when booting across the field. Some of you may remember how the larger Robosapien V2 had different walking styles,that is what I need to start on today,it helps with balance.Ghost hunts would be Fun with T-800 but I bet the ghosts would even be to scared to come near it, LOL!
This was going to be the first outdoors test with the Large wheelchair battery installed as it was running slower but with a small Lipo battery Okay but just slower, with the extra power , it seems to want to tilt to far left or right on the 360 turns,too much power now! So I will add some side support wheels to avoid this problem.
Ya, that doesn't surprise me. He's pretty tall and heavy for such a narrow base. You have a great idea there with side support wheels. Do you plan to have them powered and part of the drivetrain or just freewheeling and suspended just above the ground to "catch" him when he starts to tip?
Hey Dave I am looking to copy the DJ Snow robot design for better traction. Bigger ATV wheels and 2 larger castor wheels at back with wider axel.We had so much rain yesterday this bot design will only work on hard floors but not the mud. Stock
wheels need replacing with ATV bigger wheels for sure to gain some traction!The 8 channel Relay board is on it's way so that I can control the old style DC motors in the Arms and wrists using along with the EZB to send the commands. This will be yet another learning experience getting the modern digital EZ to the old school relay board and figuring out the timing for each elbow to wrist movements. The Fingers gripping will likely need the HDD servo to work though. I will eventually replace the older DC motors to all HDD servos in the future. As this can all be controlled with just the EZ-B.
So I have gone back to the drawing board on outdoors mobility for the Terminator, Found an old Kiddy car that has the perfect sized wheels with rubber treads and the both corners at back have the larger wheels that spin 360 like castor wheels but are actual tire types. Will need to cut car body in half first to make it shorter and then add my window lift motors to the front,this should work on all terrain outside!
The 8 channel relay board came in so I am figuring out getting one relay working with ARC program to control Arm motor duration/speed.I am using the Older EZB-V3 as the 5 volt regulator for the Relay board and the EZB-V4 to get the signal also ARC program to adjust timing for relay#5 to open and close switch,next will be to control an Arm movement.
It's kinda cool seeing an old EZB-V3 burning away. At first when I saw it in the vidro I wondered why you were using outdated and unsupported hardware. Then I read your post where you're just using it as a regular. Very cleaver and a good use of devices on hand.
I heard the relay board clicking away. Looks like it's working!
Yes thanks Dave, it is working and is just a mess of wires for testing out the new stuff. I just love electronics and trying out new or old style circuit boards! Most people have no clue what I am doing until they see me organize the wires and boards neatly on the robots. Hey , I was just actually reading your B9 thread, some amazing stuff you are doing there! The old EZB-3 was going to be just like a classic museum piece on my shelf to just look at but I think it deserves to serve it's intended purpose to live on a robot. It will display itself on the robot's back pack. L.E.D.'s showing through clear plastic cover.Of course EZ-4 will still be the main controller.
I think I need a break, Took me many hours today to just figure out how to reverse motor polarity using old style relay board with 1 battery to raise the Terminator Left arm up and back down, programmed with ARC Blockly. Next will be the wrist motor and finger grippers. When I get to building my other Cylon project I think I will stick with the HDD servos, wayyyyyy more easy than Relay board ,older motors for arms.I think I accidentally made a crude relay wired H-bridge to get the motors working without shorting battery.
Chopped a kiddy car in half to try wheels outside in Field. 12 volt high torque motors and wheelchair battery. Also adds the height I wanted.
At just about 6 foot tall I think he is about ready to cause Mayhem in the outside park! Still need to add the chrome paint tomorrow on the wheel base and the electronic turret machine gun just BB's of course and only for the cool sound effect.
Nice progress. I love the look now that you added the with to his lower section. I'm sure that will help with the top heavy tilting when he turns.
I may have missed it but are you using RC control for the drive wheels? If so what type of controller are you using? I'm going to be mobilizing a full size B9 robot and am looking for good RC options to control his movement. I'd like to keep the cost below 150 USD if possible.
No RC controls ,just going to keep it under ARC Mobile app control or full autonomous Roaming with all the new sensors helping out,EZ camera and possibly some tilt sensors to help the bot roam in the bumpy field areas. I am using 2 high power motor controllers at the wheels connected to EZB-4.These work great with my 15 Amp motors as they are now updated to handle 13 Amps continuously with 30 Amp peak power and all the way up to 30 volt motors.Very good price on these too...... https://www.robotshop.com/en/cytron-13a-5-30v-single-dc-motor-controller.html
Sounds like quite a cool robot you have here. When in roaming mode do you have some kind of "return to home area" if it go beyond a boundary? This scary cat would cause quite a commotion rolling down main street in town. LOL
That is a great question Dave and something I need to think about . I have lost control of my older robots before when roaming around outside All I could do was run after them when they would keep running across the field. If EZB controller disconnects for any reason there is no cutting off at the motors ,they just keep going with no way to remotely shut off. I will need some type of safety cut off circuit like a drone uses to return to home.
What brand paint did you use this time? I have heard painting with a base of black first then chrome or gold or any of the metallic is the secrete to really make the paint pop. Yours looks good!
OMG...what a beast!! Hopefully we can see it in action soon!!
Hey Justin, My local hardware store just got in some cans of Krylon Chrome Premium and yes if a base coat of Glossy black is used first then this paint will look really close to chrome, there is more expensive Chrome paint that does look even better from Ebay called Spazstix Chrome but I have not yet tried that brand but thinking about ordering in the future.
So I bought 4 HDD EZ Robot servos from Robotshop Canada ,as they get shipped to me so fast and no long waiting from China. These will be used to replace the older motors controlling the Terminator arms. I like the fact that the HDD were designed for EZ-B controllers and have metal gears,great reviews too! I may also update the hand/finger grippers since the goal will be to have Terminator pick up full bottle or can of beer and deliver to guests around the camp fire,actually hand them a beer. I need to see what are the torque requirements to get this job done and try to source the parts.
Oh my God, after installing Terminator body on top of wheel base, The sight of this thing is absolutely terrifying! It looks like one of the Army base early Terminator security robots shown in Terminator 3!
Just put together with electric motor base about as tall as my car but I will still make it much taller. I also need to add a stabilizer bar to the Front motors since the body can flex right now throwing out the forward movement. Tomorrow I can put all the electronics back inside and mount all the lights and sensors...Wwell I feel incredibly sad, we just had to kill a large Porkupine that was constantly coming around threatening us with it's sharp Quills.It took many hits from a large axe but it had to be done...R.I.P. little warrior.
Man...you are building a Terminator Robot in the woods and just killed a wild pig with your axe? Who are you Mad Max???
Ha ha ya but if it was actually a wild pig I would have a pig roast BBQ , I spelled it wrong as in Porcupine. I checked on the internet that they are a species of Rodent that some how made it to Canada from places like Africa and they are beastly huge rodents with about 4 inch needle spikes covering them. When threatened they make the Needles stick out like a blow fish and can charge it's enemy jabbing hundreds of these needles into the face of it's enemy.I was almost attacked last week early in the morning when I heard the crazy growling sounds it makes,By the time I saw it with my Flashlight it was just a few feet away and had it's spikes ready to attack me. Of course I ran back as they are really spooky looking the first time you see one. Think of a Gigantic Rat with long needles puffed out all over it!
Thinking of you out there in the middle of the night with a flashlight, searching for a beast makes it even more believable that you are the true Mad Max!!!
LOL! Ya the MadMax Road Warrior was always a favorite movie!...latest update...I decided to just tweek the default "Pink" English USA TTS voice in the Google home App and I get an excellent Terminator voice to use with the Small but loud Google mini Bluetooth speaker and a simple TSS/RSS news feed reader from the Google play store. He will just blabber all day long automatically every time the news feed updates.....The only thing I could not add is the slight Arnold German accent, the older TTS voice engines from Microsoft could do that and still read English with a German accent if you added the German language pack. The new TTS engines don't allow this, It will just convert the text to German and not read any English so I guess it will need to be English Arnold Terminator only. I still think it sounds way cool!
Is this metallic robot voice a TTS voice? Sounds supercool!!! Maybe you could just add mp3 files of your favorite Terminator quotes and have the robot pull one of those every now and then?
Oh for sure some famous mp3 lines to quote from films. It is still good to have the tts voice to say what ever from the ARC as it can use my modified google voice too when running scripts on the mobile cell app.
Ok ,so my 4 EZ Robot HDD servos just arrived. Very impressed how much weight they have for a small servo. These must really have metal parts inside. Now I am planning to replace the old Robosapien V2 arm and wrist motors that are about the same size and only use cheaper plastic gears. They were tricky to get the timing consistent using a relay board. These new HDD servos can be programmed directly from the EZ-B and the movements can be saved in a bunch of ways that simplify the whole process of arm/wrist gripper movements. The arms I use are just really light plastic parts so I believe it will work great. I feel like a kid in a candy store,LOL!
Terminator running good with just a 8.4 battery for now until I charge up the wheelchair 12 volt battery,that will give increased speed and torque for the two 12 volt motors. Gets stuck in deep sand due to the Terminator weight but I will change the wheels to all terrain type wheels to solve problem of sticking in sand or mud,,on grass he runs like a champ though.
Admit it...you dug that hole on purpose, so he cannot escape and take over the world!!
Ah ha ha! I should have known that spot is Quick sand because that is where it turns into a pond every time it rains,very soft sand there. Well now the real work begins installing all the new servos and sensors. I need to add a 4X4 wood axel there at the front motors since the puny aluminum bars don't do much to keep the wheels straight but it did work fairly good this time. I am very happy with the rear swivel wheels and so far all the testing he has not fallen over,I am thinking about adding a Dalek skirt around the mobile base with bump sensors all around it. Would kind of resemble "Davros" King of the Daleks,I don't know we will see,my brain is always over-thinking stuff,LOL!
Well well well, Jeremie , I am so far really impressed with these HDD servos you engineered! If any of you ever had the Robosapien V2 with the huge clunky arms and saw how many plastic gears were needed for the tiny motor to lift them up. I can now confirm that a single shoulder HDD servo has the power and torque to do the job to lift entire V2 arm ! Very impressed,will buy more!
Thanks for the props @Robo Rad
Yeah I really like the HDD servos too. The manufacturer took quite some time to meet all our requirements but once they finally did we were very happy.
Oh yeahhhh, working hard to get Terminator ready for some summer fun. I was watching the Terminator movies to replicate the walking movements related to the arm movements when carrying weapons,shooting etc,I am programming the arm servos to mimic their style. (In Exoskeleton battle scenes). I have my A.E.G. BB auto firing Rifle shortened to fit Terminator Hip side. The Ez cam will point to targets and gun will be aimed at center of video hopefully hitting the targets I set up in the yard. Eventually the Terminator will learn to hit certain targets by itself. I have a red dot target sight but thinking about adding a green Laser to make accurate shooting.
Now you made the mistake of arming him!!!! Skyyyyyynet!!!
I have added the Sharp IR Sensor to help out with collision avoidance and used the EZB-v3 since it has the excellent 5 volt regulator and can take many 5 volt sensors there! The Latte panda should be here tomorrow as well.The EZb-4 will still have many great scripts running with the EZ cam attached to the Gun sight, Will add that eerie Terminator red view with distorted flanger sound and the target aquired visuals that I can watch on my big tv to see what he shoots at.Also still using my cool Google voice as I am using my old cell phone hooked up to the mini Amp speaker, but I can still use the EZB speak on the fly if some intruder gets in the way
Well that Latte Panda just came in with the 7"display that fits perfectly just over the EZB-3 ,the acrylic case comes in a million pieces that I need to put together so that I can mount it on the robot and protect it from the elements and I also bought the tiny cpu fan that will just fit with the case. It is the 4Gig ram version so it should be spunky! The only problem is I bought this tiny 9 gram servo that was to be used for a sharp IR radar sweeper but the servo is analog and no matter what EZB pins I try it just mover violently to the right with any ARC control I try?? I am new to using servos and the EZ HDD servos work great but this brand ,not sure what to do. This is the servo here....https://www.robotshop.com/ca/en/9g-micro-servo-motor-4-8v.html
added-----Also the tiny servo power wires ( +5v and Ground) go to the EZB-3 for 5 volts from the regulator and the signal wire I tried adding to any analog or even digital pin on the EZB-4 but no good so far.
ARC will control analog servos just fine. I use analog servos exclusively in my B9 robot.
Do you have the two EZB's neutrals (grounds) tied together? If not try that.
Also make sure you set the max and min range for the servo in the servo control or in an INT script at ARC startup. Make sure the servo start position is inside that range. Setting the range and start position in an INT is the best way. Here's the section from my INT script that sets these for me:
Oh right I forgot about the Ground wires should be common on the 2 EZB's,will try that! I have been concentrating on trying to get the 7" touch display working on the robot chest with the Latte Panda. So far only the HDMI going to my monitor works fine but the 7" touch screen just lights up dark grey with no text or picture. Suspecting it is a defective touch display may need to send it back for another one. Meanwhile I can still use the Panda win10 to actually get EZB -3 working since it has Bluetooth on it which none of my older computers had. Then I can still have the EZB-4 with more servos attached and the built in Arduino on the Panda can add even more fun sensors and gadgets. One final note or warning...if you buy the Latte Panda with clear Acrylic case, if you have large man fingers you will experience hours of frustration putting all the tiny pieces together! Took me 2 days not the 1 hour it says online,LOL!
Well that is awesome, I finally got the 7" latte panda display working so now I can figure out the mounting on the robot. I also need to find a good way to power up the panda using my main 12 volt motorcycle battery. so I am thinking to also use the EZB v3 as the 5 volt regulator and use the special power pins on the panda, hopefully EZB-3 has enough current amps for the job as it is very picky about which USB charger would work (some phone chargers too week) I ended up using the USB power adapter for my google mini speaker but not sure what the Amp specs are on that,need to research all this and compare with the EZ3 regulator specs to see if they match.
Good to see you managed powering all your peripherals ...I always get very nervous when doing this, you'll burn a lot of money if this goes wrong!!
I can clearly see how relieved you where when that Latte Panda powered up!!
I had an interesting night last night trying to see how I can keep the on board Latte Panda computer running on the robot using just battery power. The requirements of the USB power on the panda are 5 volts 2-4 Amps. However, the Latte web site says that if you make a barrel jack power adapter that go to the Panda power pins(next to the fan power) It can handle much more current than the USB connector. So I tried using the power pins connected to the EZB3 5 volt regulated pins and with all the battery types I tried I was surprised to see that a lead acid 12 volt 4.5 Amp battery could not power up the Panda, An 8.4 Nimh 3000 Ma battery powered it up for a few minutes but my 7.4 5000 Ma Lipo (that I use with EZB4) could run the panda up to half hour. I think I also tried my bigger 12 volt motorcycle battery 18 Amps going into the EZB3 volt regulator and into the Panda but only powered the Panda for a few minutes? So I am actually looking at either buying a 10000 Ma 7.4 Lipo battery or one of those new Lithium power packs that have 20,000 Ma and cost about the same as a 10,000 Lipo battery......I am thinking a Lithium power pack would last way longer...Decisions,decisions. I also believe eliminating The EZ3 as a regulator would benefit the Panda.I don't know what the rated Amp 5 volt output was on that EZ3. All these tests were with everything on including EZB4 running a sonar sweep for the robot.
So when I tested my 7.4 Lipo battery yesterday, it was not at full charge, I am trying again right now and I started up both EZB's the Panda computer and running a sonar sweep ,started 9:00pm and it is now almost 10:00 pm so a good hour now! The wheels will be using the motorcycle battery separately which can last a day or 2. So always fully charge your Lipo with a good balancer charger Gang!:D
Here he demonstrates his sonar vision to avoid objects outside and with BB gun attached with cam to aim it.I wanted to use the 7 inch latte panda display to show the Terminator targeting all in red on his chest but the display is defective and the tech support at DF robot seems useless,may have wasted 50 bucks on that display if I can't get a replacement.
Wow so Robot shop Canada comes through again with super fast delivery like I ordered Friday and here this morning, I love those guys!The 7" display I originally got from DF robot china was a dud and can get another one for exchange but the ridiculous shipping costs not worth it (50.00) last time for duty tax? So Lucky that Robot shop sells the other 7" display HDMI and touch version that connects to Latte Panda or any small computer. Using it now and the Quality of this one is so much better! Using it now.It even came with free mounting screws for attach Panda to the back and an extra HDMI-HDMI adapter for 2 displays! I will use this as the mobile touch computer for all my robots and to go on my haunted adventures using the Kinect camera hooked to Panda and new display...Thank you RobotShop.ca! My only complaint with them was when I ordered 4 EZ robot HDD servos they all came with no mounting discs or plastic attachments so it made my life hell trying to fabricate them on the Terminator arms.Not sure who responsible for shipping servos with no attachments,possibly EZ Robot ships like that?
i would send them a mail and asking for it.the horns . 1 bag off horns per servo.
This was the one I got from robotshop Canada....https://www.robotshop.com/ca/en/7-1024x600-hdmi-display-capacitive-touchscreen.html
And this display seems to have better resolution than the regular display from china most likely because it is true HDMI as now all of my EZ robot projects fit properly on the display for saving programs where before this would be missing at the bottom of screen the save button.
Actually running ARC right now and it works great, I can totally do everything I could on the big monitor. ----Oh wait ok, so everything does look sharp and clear,my ARC projects all fit great on the screen but only thing is at this resolution the save button gets cut off at the bottom but only when saving project to synthiam cloud. Saving file on computer works great though, So this is a very tiny problem that I'm sure could be resolved possibly just need to reduce the custom font size or icon size down by 25%. I will figure it out. The touch is very responsive and just like having an expensive windows tablet but with real windows using latte Panda.
Seems better with the larger drive wheels but I think I need more speed for the turning and over all forward speed so this I can adjust with the ARC win10 program running it.
Sorry but had just HAD TO DO THIS!!!!
Aha ha! Believe me it has fallen over and crushed it self about 10 times already! It just keeps getting stronger and faster. I don't think anyone has ever field tested the EZBv4 as much as i have through several bots outside and in rain, mud ,snow impact crashes...that EZb4 is the greatest invention since sliced bread. Nothing can kill it if wire connections are good I have used the same one for years now! Congrats. To EZ robot and DJ for such an awesome robot controller!
Yeeeeeeeesssss, send those troopers thru the mud!! EZ-Robot and Synthyam are great!! Also this forum is so much fun!!! Good to have all these great robot enthusiasts under one roof!!
This is the greatest community forum on Earth! The real skynet! LoL!
CHINA police robot deployed to streets .....https://futurism.com/first-police-robots-traffic-china Ha hahahahahahahah..ha ha ha...OMG that is the best China can do with all their tech and Factory work forces?? My Terminator is just made of scrap plastic I had lying around and most of the electronic boards come from China.Yet My Terminator on the street would send criminals running for their life compared to that joke China robo-cop, LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
Well, they are "cute" aren't they? Most of the police or security robots are like that one in their design appearance and function. Designed to look like a kiosk on wheels in my opinion. Their value proposition is they add a presence and they gather information and their TCO or Total Cost of Ownership is less than a manned guard.
The presence part is important because studies show people behave differently if they think someone is watching them. Cameras don't change people's behavior very much. A human guard or officer will change behavior and initial studies show people will respond the same to a robot as they do a human. TCO is important because any organization making money wants to make more. The information collection, that is probably the dark horse with these devices, because they can collect more data than just evidence recording. They can record foot traffic. Traffic patterns through out the day. Customer flow patterns. I'm sure they could collect all sorts of neat information to the cloud and could then be used for things other than security.
So it makes sense they design the robots to look like a kiosk on wheels, so no one gives them a second thought.....until its too late! Not everyone can be as cool as RoboRad and jump start the robot revolution right now!!
Oh ya for sure police in China have more sinister secret motives to gather data on the population. if they all looked like terminators ,the population would not trust them.Still I would laugh if I saw one like a walking pylon tailing me down the side walk!
Oh yeahhhh! Actually just chilling out with the A.C. and a beer in the R.V. here at the cottage. Programming a bunch of scripts for the terminator to seek out red balloons outside and terminate them with his electronic pellet rifle. I will be using an 8 channel relay I bought to activate pellet rifle getting signal from the Latte Panda running the EZB's. should be a blast! Had fun downloading about 40 Arnold Terminator movie MP3 Quotes that it can random;y spout out while shooting at balloons (EZ camera set to search and move robot to balloons) Just got to get arms and rifle back on and mount 7" display to his back for better room.His voice TTS speech can only use default microsoft voice with Latte Panda windows 10, which sounds lame but when I use Mobile cell phone on the mobile ARC I automatically get the cool Google robot voice TTS instead, sounds more Terminator evil!
OMG AI Killer Robots a real!!!
omg i need to hide all my robots,terminator is comming.lolcool
Not to worry Nomad I keep it on a leash so it does not escape in the night!
So I am very impressed with the EZ camera performance to do basic color tracking ,it is bang on accurate for red color even in low light indoor condition! Now the Camera is mounted on the robot but I should put it on the BB Auto Rifle so Terminator can actually hit targets the gun is pointing at. This was the successful test I did in the R.V. I am using both a humpty dumpty chip bag in the background as a red target or my Mouse with red light for tracking test. The new 8 channel relay gets signal from EZB and activates gun when ever red target is tracked it scared me the first time even if the 300 BB's are not yet loaded in the clip magazine! The air is still loud from the gun! Next step is to buy some red balloons for outside and program the script for robot movement tracking/camera.
I have a theoretical question, because I'm thinking about building a terminator myself...Can a terminator speak if it is no longer covered in skin?
I mean, sure we can make anything speak with a speaker as robot builders, but what I'm asking is do Terminators speaks once their flesh is removed and they have no tongue? They still have a jaw and teeth. But do they need it to make sounds? Do they have speakers in their throats? Do we have t-800 specs on this from James Cameron? LOL I don't recall a scene where metal terminators spoke. But the t-1000s could speak and they were all liquid, how did that work?
I'm trying to figure out if I need to make my Terminators mouth move or not. Are you going to make yours move RoboRad? Or is yours going to speak via video clips only (which if that is your plan is genius!)?
Ha ha ya you are right! I can't ever remember a Terminator Exoskeleton talking ever! Well mine sure does I was able to fill his soundboard with the full 100 MP3 1 liners and TTS speech from Google voice. I do plan on making the video record shooting at targets with red overlay and audio flanger distortion,like in the Films.People should not come around my Lawn wearing red shorts while I test this guys shooting ability. So far the EZ cam is amazing at how far it can see red targets and then blast it with gun. So far I have not loaded up the 300 BB rounds as it is still in testing phase and it can fire at 900 Rounds per minute . I have it set for 1 second bursts as it takes a while to load so many BB's.That is what I do next.It can now seek out targets and then go to a new script where it does the shooting routine,after,jump back to camera seeking and robot search script until it finds red lawn targets and repeats into firing sequence.
I saw this interesting russian bot ,reminds me of the classic cylons. Not sure if they are built only for zero gravity space?
That would be my guess that they decided to make it for zero gravity after walking on Earth was tricky. And with Russian designs, there are no fail safes. I would not want to be up there with that thing. This should end badly.
It very well could end badly,not really sure how good the Russian robot tech has advanced but at least they did give it a cool body design. Likely for show and propaganda.
Well hey...all the years I have used ARC, I have never tried the RoboScratch in it. I have used Blockly many times and just wrote my own regular scripts the hard way but using the cheat controls to be quicker at it. RoboScratch is really nice the way you can make it like a traditional programming flow chart. Love the feature of adding a custom RoboScratch script module as part of the Flow! This will make programming the robot much more easy.
This time I filled the mag with the 300 BB's they glow in the dark as tracer fire but it is still dylight,hard to see them but you can heer them hit the trees way in the back as it misses the red target. Cam Needs to be adjusted for outside lighting as it thought I was the red target ,too much gain and color set too high ,it see's red everywhere ,LOL! Also back sonar not on yet so I need to watch where it backs into.

So I am still working on my Classic Cylon Project too, I accidentally ripped the battery wires off the L.E.D. sweeping eye scanner and had to remove the whole mouth/visor to re-solder the wires. It now has an EZ robot HDD servo in the neck to give it left right head turning. Planning to make the body resemble the CGI classic cylons in the movie Battlestar Razor...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZrxLXktmjE In the newer Ronald D Moore version of Classic Cylons he used a horrible Vocoder synthesizer, should have used the old Windows Cylonix vocoder!....https://youtu.be/XbKdUacn-tIIt looks like someone in Russia is building a Terminator as well....and theirs can also talk with no skin. I like yours much better though RoboRad!! I really had a good laugh at your last testing...when you became the target!!! Whoops!!!! The machine really did turn on you!!!! hahaha
Ohhh Snap!! Kalashnikov Will Make an A.I.-Powered Killer Robot The best part is, they say it will "learn" from it's mistakes. We all saw how it went with your terminator and that was with a BB gun, LOL!! That thing is going to end up being a real life ED-209.
Wow really? Ya I was actually lucky because I saw how hard the BB's were hitting the trees way in the back, The Terminator gun shoots bursts of about 10 that could have ruptured my eyes,LOL! Near miss there!
So I got a new V4 comm board because a spark had caused the board to stop connecting to my network .Now why are the 2 magnets at the bottom of EZB just loose there? Could they short out the bottom board as well? I removed them because 1 of the magnets was rattling around in there and it looks so close to the printed circuit board. Now the connection problem seems good.Before with the bad comm board it would still connect in Ad hoc mode but not client mode . Then the scripts would randomly disconnect the EZB connection at different times. Now with the new board scripts can run until the battery dies, big improvement in both Ad hoc and Client WiFi modes.
Before some one says, "those are EZ-Robot products" and to ask them for support, etc...I believe the magnets you speak of are on newer ezbv4/2 units and help them stay inside base units they clip in like JD, etc with magnets. They are there for reason. But before someone else says it, if you feel like it's a warrant issue you'd want to contact EZ-Robot from their site.
This is the Terminator project getting converted to Cylon classic robot but upgraded CGI version in real life.Will for sure be taller as it has a large helmet,shoulder length greater and arms extended.The head is still not glued all the way as I need to add the eye visor and mouth grill.The Chest piece and back pack also need to be fabricated.
That looks pretty cool. Did the hands/claws get painted black? Or is that just a camera trick?
Nice to see that you are constantly modding you robot!!
Thats the fun part if it right?
Oh yes Justin, I did paint the hands with Gloss black model paint to give it a more ominous effect. I sure do love modifications on the robot, sometimes I am working on 2 other bots at the same time, there is just so many fun things the EZ B system can let you do with out being a computer programmer just a normal guy....Ha ha ,sounds like a commercial.
Ha ha ! Terminator is laughing at Cylon because Cy looks like a wimp without his Chrome Battle armor! LOL! Ya i got his head attached to the Terminator Xoskeleton but still trying to order his Chest and Back pack Body Chromed Armor plates. This is the busy time right before Halloween because too many people are ordering the same Cylon body kits as Halloween costumes...GRRRR!
After trying out this new chrome polishing cloth called "Power polish" Both of the robot heads shine like new again, I an having a hard time deciding which robot head should stay on the robot body. Halloween is coming and it would be cool to have the terminator answer the door and hand out candy but then again the new cylon chromed battle armor is on the way with chest and back pack pieces That will also be an indoor robot so I can make it 7 feet tall easy as there are no big bumps on the floor to tip it over. Decisions,decisions.
Makes me wanna do a Halloween mod for my robot too!!
So while I'm waiting for the CYLON armor pieces to be shipped over as I gusss it is a big job to do the Chroming process. I tried to use the EZ camera with ARC to re-create the western Duel in the old BG series. So I noticed the robot would see the red frisbee on my chest and fire the empty BB rifle at me but I would always be the faster draw and put a few real BB's in it's plastic chest first. Is there a faster way for the EZ cam to see me instead of using color? You would think that machine vision would be the faster. Could be just the code I am using, I can try to speed it up some way
I'll be experimenting soon with my own terminator. But mine will have an ethical code I'm going to experiment with as well.
For the slowness, you are using a relay board to trigger the gun? I would not discount the engagement time of the relay system if you want a fast shooter. Ask yourself, "what would Battle Bots do"? cool
It is true that a relay is not as fast as say a digital output on a controller but it is one of the newest 8 channel relay boards from Robot Shop. I will try to use an image of a human shape for the camera to learn and see if that gets a faster response time.
A test I might do to is if it is code or electro/mechanical reaction time would be to use a print statement with data logging. If you wanted to be fancy you could write the data to a text file or just watch it on a script debug window. But if you do a print of the $date (which gives you a time/date stamp) and maybe even have the robot make a noise) and see if that happens before or at the same time as your trigger.
Well one thing I have noticed is when using the Sleep statements in the code ,they are not always timed exactly correct like sometimes too early and sometimes too late, which is weird because it is a digital computer right? Everything should happen at exactly the right time.I have written many scripts over the last 3 years and I always notice timing problems in the code,I try to fix the timing issues but then again the timing goes out of whack.Mostly with Audio coming at the wrong time MP3 or TTS.So when I use an alarm sound for the robot to fire BB's at me, it will respond but usually I can beat it on the gun draw like as if I hear the alarm faster than the robot. It could be just my coding skills still suck too.I'm no DJ for sure!
LOL. That Richard Hatch clip is so campy. I love it. Reminds me of a few Lost In Space episodes. Would there really be a parallel civilization in outer space of the old west of the USA? Controlled by robots? Of course there is! I believe.
It also reminded me of the original 70's movie West world with that cowboy Android going nuts and killing everyone in sight by duel and he always says "Draw" before it kills. Actually I think it even had the same type of machine cameras we use today for tracking human color and infrared heat,Way before it's time!
Ya, West World was one of the creepiest movies I've seen. It really left an impression on me. I think I saw it in first run at a movie theater. Back then you never heard or saw innocent people being randomly killed. Tragically, now a days it happens all too often.
Actually, I do use all 3 systems Windows,Ubuntu and IOS Apple but thought this was a blast....
I am really interested in other people's Terminator projects so when I saw this it blew me away! Then I kind of noticed the movements do not look real at all, more like the old stop motion camera trick used in first Terminator movie. Also do not see any servos or cables moving, got suspicious, What you guys think? Real or not?
Its beautiful...looks like the guy handcrafted it out of wood!!
To me the head looks like it is driven by servos, would make sense!!
Head over to YouTube guys, the whole thing is made of cardboard and wood...beautiful!! It also has working servos, but probably not on all of those joints!!
Great find...subbed!!
i dont think its real.cause to move such a big arm that smooth,you will need the very expencive servo's excample from robotis.
Lots of liner actuators. They must have spent a fortune on them. The move pretty fast. Dont know if they are electric or hydraulic.
Ya it still kinda reminds me of that animation show Robot-Chicken ,still a great video if real or not!
I was informed that my Chrome Cylon upper body parts should ship to me this week,leaving me excited about getting them as they are pieces that actually big enough to fit a large man as they are designed as a life size costume. Should I wear it for Halloween when I hand out candy at the door? I would need to put some sort of baseball cap inside the helmet to wear it correctly and make the eye area able to see out. I don't know ,depends how crazy I feel that day,LOL! On a side note I may need to design the Cylon parts to fit on a real Mannequin and then make the arms,head etc movable by servos, Where the hell does one buy a Mannequin?I will first check out the big Halloween store to see what Life size animatronic statues they have but likely too expensive.
A quick search showed that something cool like a walking life size Frankenstein animatronic prop goes for 10.000.00 ---ridiculous and the cheapest was a woman Mannequin with working servos for 180.00 but sold out and the chest would have needed to be removed.
I think I'm in the wrong business....People are actually buying these moving props at inflated ridiculous prices!!
Oh well, I guess if the new Terminator Dark Fate movie opens on November 1st and Halloween is the night before, I may as well release my Terminator bot out into the parking lot to freak out the kids while they trick or treat.
Yeeeeaaaaaahhhh!!!!! Awesome!!!!!
For mannequins I'd check out amazon or ebay. On ebay I found male mannequins for about $70 US with free shipping.
I saw this video on Scotts FB channel where I am getting all my Cylon chrome body parts, I am so tempted to do this next time my brother performs with his band on stage at the night club. I should just put on all the Cylon armor and helmet and jump on stage with guitar and surprise my Bro's band like that,LOL!!! I am so tempted to be the first Cylon Heavy metal guitar player in the world,LOL!!! What you guys think? I can't really play anything except Black sabbath Iron Man,LOL! it would be so fun! https://vimeo.com/365654886
Dude, yes, but play a cow bell!! Rock ON!!! cool
Yes that's so funny the cow bell indeed! That would still rock and not ruin the rest of the band with my poor guitar skills LOL!!
Aha ha ha! I was at the post office this morning and My Cylon chrome body parts are there but the lady working in the post office says I need to wait until she sorts the new packages for everyone before I can take the package....I say to her but but...but I see it right there on the floor ,my name is on it and she is like no she will send an email to the postal website when it is ready to be picked up??? I am like, but...but...but I am here now and it is right there on the floor! She is just an old lady with her mind set to do it her way,LOL! I can't win so I am here waiting for the email to go to the Postal web site for when I can pick up, Dear God what has this world come too,LOL!
LOL! I swear the same thing happened to me the other day. I was in Walmart shopping for something for my kids and I had an online package coming in that day. I figured, "hey, I haven't got the email yet but the package should be here by now." I call the number and the service desk says "Sorry, the package is still in transit". Too bad, we then headed home. Then surprise, surprise, a hour and a half later I get an email that my package is in. Arrrgggg! hahaha Shakes fist in the air
Believe me I know Jer, The red tape situation is just everywhere these days, I am lucky the post office is just down the street 5 minutes, Going to have lunch and hopefully the Lady has finished her sorting.
Ya so anyway, I am stepping out soon to get my Cylon body parts. I am still going to be missing a few important pieces like the Collar/neck chrome piece and the utility belt piece plus the smaller parts like Arm,knees and shoulder bells. but the 2 biggest parts are here chest and back pack which is where I would like to put all the computer parts,voice synthesiser and an LCD touch screen.Hockey gloves look similar to cylon hands,grab them from canadian tire,LOL! Still planning on using mannequin and robotize the sugar plum out of it so the Cylon will be quick and flexible with real movements.As for walking,no, will still use tank tread system.Thinking of 2 smaller tanks for each leg, I have an idea how this could make it simulate walking using the torque brake system inside with worm gear motors.I have the classic Cylon body parts but still want to simulate the newer Ronald D. Moore CGI Cylons shown in the Battlestar
re-make. I love this corridor battle scene,these Cylons rule!Wow nice, even though I ask Scott for his B grade costume parts ,he always sends me stuff that is more Like A grade perfect Flawless chromed pieces! I guess he likes the fact that it will be part of a real working cylon robot instead of just a halloween costume worn once a year. Chest and Back pack!
I know I'm jumping ahead but so excited to get the build started,LOL! Oh I forgot to mention for voice it is just my Google mini speaker using the Home app the voice can be changed from human to robot by just lowering all the slider settings after you choose the English Male "Pink" voice. Thgen Google Mini will always sound like robot ,even when you use news RSS or any google voice apps,Mine tells the time every half hour too.
Wow,back to the Terminator topic,There are books for Terminator Universe??This guy has amazing info on stuff even I didn't know,that is one ugly early Terminator!
Well I think I may not need a mannequin to strap on the Cylon Armor, as I have one of those tall fans that rotate left and right. seems like the perfect size to build cylon exoskeleton customized with wires and pipes to look robotic underneath the chrome armor. Then all I need is to build the robotic pelvis and legs. I want the legs to be able to bend low when it fires it's gun so that is going to be something new for me to invent. I need to see how the fan looks inside to take out the heavy AC motor and see if I can change it to DC servo with existing gear movement Should be fun!
Nice. Found the Terminator Sarah Conner chronicles tv series on net. Binge watching both seasons, very good so far! So a terminator can talk if it loses head but still has rotted skin.Must finish this ep and see what happens next! All stoked for new Terminator movie soon next month...oh just saw. ..full endoskeleton can talk!!!!!
What? What episode of Sarah Conor Chronicles shows an endo talking?
I loved that show in first run. To bad it ended. The "John Henry" was pretty interesting.
And yeah, knowing that their flesh rotts if not cared for brings a new level to the first terminator movie, because he just didnt care much about his "camouflage". But in T2, until the very end his wounds were dressed. But in T1, when the land lord knocks on his door and asks, "hey buddy, did your cat die or something?", it really paints a pictures of how stinky he must have been. Lol
Hey Justin, i think it was ep 3 or 4 when masked terminator breaks into science guys house to regenerate his skin in the bath tub. Before he dis robes he is talking with a low garbled voice and reveals himself full endoskeleton.
Too funny the Zombie land 2 Sequel. They have the new zombies that take hundreds of bullet hits but keep getting up, Nick named Terminators or T-800's!
Wow trying to find the last episode of Terminator/sarah chronicles was tough but really worth the effort, was just as good as the very first Terminator movie because they copied much of it. Too bad they did not do a 3rd season as it was getting really Sci-Fi good!
Nice!! Terminator dark fate has hit the interwebs if you know where to look, a week early. So much action i can hardly type this out! That new T- model is just sic
Edit---- So after watching new Terminator movie I gotta say I will actually pay money to see this in the movie theater when it opens. I hope there will be a 3d version to go see, as the movie is non-stop action from start to end. Don't listen to any critics that say it is Lame,slow or boring it is in fact the opposite to us normal people! I won't spoil this for anyone but I gotta say I am happy to see the future of Teminator movies looks promising .The funny thing about it though, that tick me off is the Hollywood democratic influence they spin at the beginning. With the millions of Illegal aliens coming through Mexico border getting put in detention camps that look like prison when they are actually treated too well. What the hell,that is just sad to see it in movies .The new Terminator hero to carry the Terminator franchise is an illegal Mexican,LOL!
So with Teminator dark fate on my pc I can now add some really cool Arnold 1 liners to my robot Terminator!
hey guys look
the ultimate terminator game.
Right on Nomad! That was a good find, I will be doing something similar next summer programming artificial Intelligence into Terminator and the second robot a classic Cylon. They will battle each other with Laser Tag system and I will allow people to take control of a robot over internet for player VS player battles, should be fun and it will be outside as well EDIT---- And as a side note, for anyone new reading this, None of this would be possible with out the EZ robot Controller system,Screw Arduino, LOL!
Very cool, the new CTV space channel is showing StarTrek the motion picture from /82 I think, I have seen it about 50 times at least,That first one and Wrath of Khan are some of the best Sci-Fi ever made.Today the sci-fi are a dime a dozen and all non imaginative dribble. Where have all the best sci-fi screen writers gone?
@Robo rad. Have you seen "The Expanse" series? Was on SciFy (not sure where it was shown in Canada) but now on Amazon Prime. Best Sci Fi TV since Babylon 5.
I agree with Alan The Expanse series is very well made and written. The problem with these series is they take a very long time to come out with next season, sometimes over a year.
I try to watch these new space series that come out but after the 2nd or 3rd show the storyline is just too slow or they purposely make the plot line too complicated to follow so early in the season, I find my self bored and never go back. There was one I just loved years ago called Space Above and Beyond,awesome series. The new Trek looks promising on this thursday and hoping new "Picard" series will prove interesting as well.
The Expanse is awesome #trustallan
You know, nothing makes me more angry than these new sci-fi writers that think it is cool or Artsy to write a sci-fi script and get it made into a movie, then leave it with no ending! Oh my God! I see that all the time now. I just saw one that seemed like a good story "400 days" They get these space cadets to go under ground for 400 days to simulate a voyage to Mars,cool things happen and then it just ends where there should be more explaining of what really happened, you are left completely confused and feel like you wasted an hour and a half! Like is everyone dead or aren't they all dead, who knows because it ends! Grrrrr.
Maybe you need to stay 400 days under ground youself to understand the full scope of it!! Just make sure you take enough supplies...like beer!!
Oh yeah,for sure would need beer underground, 400 days is a long time,LOL!
Think of how many Terminators/Cylons could be built in 400 days of no disruptions in a nice quiet bunker with no one to bother you...just you and your code, some beer, some tunes and some 3d printers. Now there is a Terminator movie! "Terminator:400 Days of Synthiam" dun dun, dun, dundun
Robo Rad, Ray Butts drinking whiskey to Johnny Cash was awesome...
Lol, I'm definitely with you @Robo Rad.
"Ascension" and "Salvation" are two shows that I wish had an ending.
You guys aren't the only ones talking about "The Expanse", here at the office it has some fans too. I'll have to check it out!
If you want to check out "the Expanse" make sure you watch from the beginning or it will be confusing. as it has a very good but complex story line.
Oh no, complex story line, that is where I Zone out ,need laser effects,Explosions, psycho killer robots or my attention span drops like Homer Simpson except more like an intellectual Homer.
If you can build and control a robot then you will have no trouble understanding the series Expanse.
Oh for sure I will check it out. While I do have a whacky sense of humor I am a serious Sci-Fi nut. started in public school where I spent all my time reading the classic Sci-Fi books of authors like Ray Bradbury,Arthur C. Clark, and the awesome books from Robert A. Heinlein(wrote starship troopers in 1959) and the insane Robot Berzerker sci-fi books from Fred Saberhagen,where much of his fiction about robots has come to pass in many Movies. The Berzerkers were a race of highly advanced robots that came to war with Earth and the stories were mind blowing. The idea that Humans had to dumb down their weapons to defeat the advanced robots by using giant spears on ships called Lancers..Oh I can go on but all these cool ideas were all stolen for Hollywood movies.
Well if you really want to see some big action, I am just watching the re-make of Midway 2019 just on my TV but this really should be seen in the Theater if you like vintage war planes . Edit----After watching that I should say it was amazing considering the classic Midway had all the best actors in History,to replicate that today,they also have all the greatest actors of today! Just when you think the action is over they add even more action! I would definitely pay money to see this in the theater and then when it comes out on Blue Ray buy it for the collection to watch over and over!
Last Edit-----so before going back to robot topic just wanted to add that I saw the new Stephen King part 2 of the classic horror The Shining called "Doctor Sleep." The first time I watched it last week I fell asleep near the beginning where it is a bit slow moving.I saw it again today and it is a great story as it gets better towards the middle and end.They actually go back to the original Shining Hotel!!!!!
So my original plan was to build the Terminator to be a Giant 6-7 foot real robot mascott that would move around on a concert stage. Now after I just watched the new Slayer feature movie on the net,it was released world wide theaters Nov 6th.It was Awesome,2 hours of Brutal violence from Actors like Danny Trejo and cut scenes of Slayer performing out doors. It was violent and heavy for sure! This made me think of getting the original plan to work during this long winter as I have many Musician friends that could be interested in my project.My Cylon build will also happen at the same time so I plan to get really busy.
Winter is coming!!!
Oh yeahhh, winter started here last week.It's Friday today going to have a few beers tonight! The reason i mention that is because I used to waste too much time going out with Friends after work to bars or strip clubs. Wasting too much money! Now I only get a 6 pack on friday nights and just enjoy my free time working with the EZB. I now save the money but it just goes to buy robot electronics! Still saving money and gotta Thank all you people at Synthium and EZ robot. The feeling I get when a robot script comes alive in the robot and it actually works correctly. I never thought it would be so easy to build a Terminator that roams outside able to shoot a bb rifle at any targets that work with A.I. from a camera! Although sometimes I miss going to the peeler bars with my best buds!
Well after3 or 4 months of using the Latte Panda mini computer on my Terminator and then for using to stream TV shows and movies all day and night,never turning it off,it finally just froze for the first time,this has been the best PC I have ever bought,my larger desk tops would freeze up once a week in comparison. I did buy the little CPU fan with it so that could be why it is such a screaming performer and never crashing! My opinion on the 4 Gig Ram Panda with unregistered win10 is 10 out of 10:D!
Still no love for Ray Butts
Thanks for the endorsement Robo Rad. I am probably going to get a couple of these for my robots. It's nice to hear how well they preform and stand up.
Do you have any close up pictures of how you mounted your Latte Panda and have it wired? I looked through your posts above and didn't find anything I could see well.
Hi Dave, The Panda also came with the see through Acrylic case to put the main board in and protect it,there is an opening for where the small fan sits on the CPU and it looks just so futuristic and beautiful when all the L.E.D. lights shine through the Acrylic. Looks gorgeous when mounted on robot body! It is now just used as my main computer for winter as I am in the winter apartment until next April.I use it for everything and my giant desktop sits unused now,LOL! The Panda CPU power is just amazing as it is only a Quad core but I see no difference in computing power when compared to my big desktop 8 core CPU (And Radeon R7 video card). I am using the Panda now as well to browse the net,The only thing it likely can't do is play advanced Graphic games which I really don't need it for anyway ,as that is what the big desktop does on occasion.When I get my Cylon robot running I may buy another Panda to mount on the Cylons Chrome back pack.Right now the pack just has fake light decals recreated for the Galactica TV show but adding another Acrylic panda would give it real flashing L.e.D.'s to make it look way better.If you look closely near end of vid ,the small fan and red L.E.D. is where panda is just under EZB4, The EZ3 is the flashing blue to the right,hard to see because case is see through
Wow check out this youtuber that built an animatronic prop using Pneumatic air cylinders,very cool!....
Ahh, I thought that looked like the old V3 EZB. I miss that blue heart beat LED.
Which Panda did you go with, the 4G/64GB or the 2G/32GB?
Ya, Pneumatic air cylinders are great but noisy.
The 4 Gig/64 drive version is the better one I got. is all you will ever need for robot programming.You save money when you get the unregistered Win10 version but it does almost everything thr registered version does except you cant add pretty pictures to customize your win10 color background,as if I cared LOL! People are brainwashed to think they need the registered win10 when it is not needed at all.
Thanks man! A couple more questions please, Do you get any warning windows that stalls startup with an unregistered version? Do you have to manually push the power button on the Panda each time you start up your robot?
Unregistered version nag message is just always there,small partially transparent in the bottom right corner but has no interference in any programs and you completely forget about it. There is ways to get Panda to turn on and off by itself but I have never tried to explore that yet.
Sorry...could not help it!!
Ah ha ha! Nice I want that now for my Terminator collection! I'm guessing that is early Nintendo or sega ,Possibly DJ may know as he has everything. The PC game Salvation from 2014 or 16? does look fantastic but I can't find it anywhere yet as it got dis continued early possibly Ebay or Amazon I may find that. It is funny how all the comments are saying that 8 bit game looked better than the new Dark Fate movie,Ha ha I am starting to agree even though I am still a big Terminator Fan.
Well Hey now! Today we got a good break in the weather,very mild,no snow and the roads dried up,so I made my way to the summer cottage to grab all my robot parts and bring them to my winter place over by Georgian Bay.(in the main town Wasaga Beach)Now this winter can snow like crazy and I got all my tools and parts! Going to put a note on the door saying "Go away ,Mad scientist at work!" The Cylon project is a go!
So I have this 4 foot tall Fan that turns left and right when it's plugged into AC. I am going to mount the Cylon head ,the back pack and front chest. Then when it goes on the wheeled base it is roughly 6 foot tall,Also in summer it will then still function as a fan and be a robot at same time. Will need to build new servo arms for it.Also another servo in the neck.
So I am studying the new version of the classic centurians designed for Battlestar Galactic Razor movie..there are tons of pics that I can imitate for real.
I was trying last night to see how the chrome armor would fit on the fan but after I tried to pick it up,realized this fan is extremely heavy and could burn out the tank motors, so I am looking around for lighter alternatives,this build I want to make perfect with speed,agility and battery efficiency.
So,Ya this is the Link for anyone interested in a new Terminator game 'Resistance" kind of expensive at $50.00 CDN but if you are a fan the visuals look good but voice acting a bit Lame and controls not the greatest....https://store.steampowered.com/app/954740/Terminator_Resistance/
Ya this is kind of the direction I am going with the 6 foot Man size/Monster Cylon build. Next I need to mount the huge chromed back pack on the aluminum body and hook up some lights and electronics on the back pack.I still need to buy many chromed pieces to truly make it classic Cylon,1 piece at a time.
Maaaaan I saw this and thought it is a chrome beer keg!!! That would be the best thing ever, why did it never cross my mind before!! Just imagine, the Terminator serving you a cold beer...Hasta La Vista, Baby!! I am getting thirsty!!!
Hey ya a beer keg could likely fit inside and just add a tap! I had to shorten it now a few feet since it was too hard to work on that tall and I still need to add more body parts anyway. Got the back pack on with a simulated fan that hides the cheap fan decoration it had. still want to add more like the Touch screen for the Latte Panda.Oh ya and in the Battlestar universe they are jokingly refered to as "Toasters" due to all the chrome,LOL!
Well even though there is no Black Friday sale happening for the Terminator Resistance PC game, I decided to buy it anyway,as it just looks too amazing with the graphics so I will likely be gone for a while getting heavy into the Terminator universe! I also decided to buy Fallout 4 because it is on sale at about 60 percent discount and there are really cool robot battles in it.
Have fun getting lost!!
Well I certainly had to take a break from the Terminator PC game, It gets difficult after about 1 hour when this is when the real game starts getting good as you are about to enter the hospital controlled by psycho robots experimenting on captive humans and this is where you run into dozens of T-800 guarding the place which you can't kill yet just stun them for 30 seconds so you can run away,LOL,better weapons come later on. I was watching Battlestar Razor and some newer battlestar with the newer bots,how they move and shoot their guns, Gave me a wicked idea how to improve my real robotic Terminator arms,extend the shoulder joints and mimic the way they really shoot with 2 guns in each arm(built in) . I am bloody excited now to try this for the Cylon build,will be epic!
Edt-----side note, I am not familiar with bright strobing lights or the flash bulbs used in cameras. Can anyone suggest a really bright flashing strobe light that could simulate the muzzle flashes from machine guns? Something that the EZB could control with my relay board and reasonable voltage input? I have an older 12 volt strobe light insine my Terminator skull but is not bright enough to resemble muzzle flash.
I have decided to change the Cylon inner body aluminum can to something more human shaped for the inner Torso, similar in shape to all you guys building the 3d printed Inmoov robots. I don't have a 3d printer but I just shop for stuff online in sporting good stores,found this great ABS plastic formed body armor for football that has the look I want and the chrome will still fit over it plus light weight is a bonus.
@Robo Rad I like the look of the body armour, I think you are going into a better more professional look. I have to ask How you can work on robotics without a 3d printer I cannot guess. My printer is a flsun chinese large Delta and it has made two inmoov robots, upper torso and five other robots and a talking head, all 3d printed . it was under $200.00 from china free shipping. the printer has been running over seven years, without issues. you could use some of the Inmoov body parts to use with your Cylon.
Yes thanks that is great info on the 3d printer! I do want to get one soon as it proves to be a valuable resource when you have a part idea in your head but no way to find it or produce it. I always fall back on my artistic side and become like that miracle worker on the old tv show Macgyver who just creates important parts out of scraps he finds lying around, I am good at that...but not always.
I cut things up with a dremel and saw before I had a 3d printer. Lots of hand sanding and carpel tunnel inducing work.
I am going to try a new filament it is carbon graphite filled nylon, it very strong but easier to print then regular nylon. which can warp and shrink. I made planetary gears for my inmoov's elbow, using regular nylon and it was difficult, but I think you have to build strong if you are making a robot. my first inmoov had pla filament, Inmoov1 had a fall and I was 2 months replacing broken parts. Inmoov2 uses nylon and PET-G very tough, 3D printing is a very slow process some parts can take days to print, so you have to be very patient.
Yeah man...get a printer, they are super cheap these days!! Does not mean, that you'd have to abandon being a scavenger... But it will be much easier to make all these intricate parts that would be impossible to make without one!!
If you want to make part that is super durable, then 3d print it, clean it up, sand it , prime it and use amazing remelt or recast to make a temp mold to cast parts in durable polyurethane or other resin.
Man, I cannot wait for you to show us how you do this!!
It will be coming either late december or january I think.
Sounds great for people like me that have no experience 3d printing! Seems so sci-fi creating objects by computer. Speaking of which,had to take another break from that Terminator Resistance game,so addictive! They have made this game so real to the Terminator universe, The T-800 skeletons are so highly advanced artificial intelligence, you need to come up with other strategy to kill them. If you try to take one down at close range,forget it,will end badly for you most of the time. Usually with the thing grabbing your neck and slamming you to the ground! This is actually way better than the recent movie, Will be coming out on game consoles for December and I predict this will be a huge seller. For PC you can get it now on steam.The only way to kill T-800's you need to get the red or purple plasma rifle and hit them like 20 times from far away,or several pipe bombs,LOL!
there are lots of 3d parts for cylons, so you do not have to design the parts yourself. just download maybe cut and print.

a cylon backpack as an example.Holy S--T Are you serious? I mean wow!! That would save me serious coin if I could make those myself, I would build a whole Cylon army patrolling my cottage next summer,LOL! That is about the coolest thing I have seen all year as I just bought the Back pack and chest plate for abut $250.00 but that included the Chroming,still wow! Well you know I have always been a fast learner with computers I started building PC from scratch when I was 16 so I have built hundreds of them since and trouble shooting computer problems with hardware or software has been something I always do on the side to help people and make a little side cash so I am really interested now in getting one of these printers. What is a reccomended 3d printer for large robot parts like that back pack?
I only have good things to say about my Crealty 10s. It is great for bigger parts too.
If you go to thingiverse and search on cylons you will find a lot of models already.
This caught my attention https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2482245
@Robo Rad , if you really want to one piece the print then get a Creality C10 S5 but they are 700 bucks. However if you are ok with printing it into maybe 4 pieces and glue them together then get a Creality Ender 3 Pro with glass bed for $230 on Amazon. I just got two of them from UPS today!
Hey thanks Jstarne will start researching, most likely go with one that can make big parts and is there difference in speed with these units?
$719 20 x 20 x 20 inch Bed https://www.amazon.com/Official-Creality-CR-10S-S5-500x500x500mm/dp/B07S9YYRJ7/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=creality+s5&qid=1575331485&sr=8-4
or Creality Ender 3 Pro w Glass Bed 9 x9 x 9 $230
They print the same speed , but I leverage using several cheap and small printers to make parts faster. For example if you cut a part into two pieces instead of one it prints twice as fast. If you have 4 cheap small printers and cut up a print into 4 pieces then you get your print done 4 times faster. More print nozzles means faster printing.
Wow okay good to know thanks!
Now when researching stores online I see very little where to buy and the models they offer range from $1500.00--$8000.00 and this is why people like me get instantly put off the whole idea of ever getting a printer. So now that I know to ignore the commercial stores and just look at these suggested 3d print machines at Amazon ,$700 for a big machine I get questions like why are they so cheap? Are these Chinese knock off versions? Why don't the commercial stores in N.America sell them at that price in the physical stores? Too many questions,more research I need but I am guessing Amazon is the best source then.
Edit----So looking at the different print materials I see that there is also stainless steel compound that can be used to make robot parts such as Terminator skeleton bones,then left raw un-polished or polished to resemble Chrome! So is this the reason why Printers vary in price? The 700.00 dollar ones can't do Metallized material only Platic compounds? Oh I wrote too soon, I see that the Link https://www.amazon.com/Official-Creality-CR-10S-S5-500x500x500mm/dp/B07S9YYRJ7/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=creality+s5&qid=1575331485&sr=8-4 does support copper material,HMM I am thinking about getting one then. I am also forgetting that Amazon.com is U.S. prices while finding on Amazon.ca may be nearly double in Canadian dollars---Well just checked and the same company does not sell this 2019 model but do sell an older version for same price canadian around $700.00,good to know,hope my research here helps others looking to buy in Canada and thanks to Jstarne!
@Robo rad. you do not need to go nuts buying a large print bed printer, to build a inmoov robot you only need a 4.6 inch build bed most printers are much larger then that. the flsun printer large delta is 185mmx185mmx 315mm more then large enough to print even the legs of inmoov. delta printers are faster then Cartesian printers and take up much less room. and under 300.00 canadian with free shipping from china. I suggest you research this and don't take just our word. the process of 3d printing is very slow anyway and if you print parts on a very large printer thay could take days to print and something goes wrong, and a lot can go wrong. that is a lot of wasted filament, and time. all I say is research this.
Yes thanks Nallycat, I have started looking what they got on Ebay.ca and I could start off smaller with those great prices, still reading much info on the subject but greatly appreciate all the helpful info from you guys!
I don't know I'm just stuck on this boss fight,Terminator resistance game, The way this youtuber plays is no help,seems like he has cheats activated because you can't take risks the way he does,I get as far as the point where 1 more missile will destroy it but all hell breaks loose around you too,never survive...
Well, it took me all night to complete the whole Terminator game,All week to finish! was it worth $50.00? Oh hell ya!! Epic battle at the end similar to the T-Genysis movie where that movie starts is where the game ends,nicely put the whole Terminator story all together! The sex scenes were absolutely funny as LOL! The purple plasma mini gun is freak'n awesome! I would say this beats all the C.O.D and Battlefield games as not to be repetitive,so much action and different things to do.I will replay all the levels again because there were so many places I did not explore and secondary missions I skipped...could go on but you get the point. So many Easter eggs about the Terminator universe, for T-fans this is a must have!
Here is some promo video James Cameron made when He first wanted to continue T2 Judgement day but titled Future war,then he never completed it.Stars Arnold and that whiny kid John conner.Bet you never seen it,starts after the original future war scenes in the first few T films about 5 minutes in.
While I am waiting for the new body armor to arrive tomorrow, I have the helmet attached so it is well balanced and can move freely as if it is on a ball-joint.When I add servo movements to the neck ,I need it to move it's head like a real person because it has no moving mouth, it should articulate with helmet movements when it is talking.They told the original cylon actors inside the suit to shake and nod there head when ever they talked in the original Battlestar tv show.
Hey there,I know the philosophy of Jeremy and DJ that robots are not meant to harm anyone and should be built to be friends of man,not war machines bent on man's destruction. Last summer I had some fun building my Terminator T-800 Endo into a robotic mobile A.I. camera-vision ,seeking targets to "destroy" with an A.E.G. soft pellet machine gun. In fact twice it almost shot me in the face,as the EZ cam A.I. was really excellent at finding moving targets to shoot at,including me,LOL! I am now in the planning process to modify my Terminator EZ scripts for the new Cylon. Wondering if I should plan for friendly contact with other humans coming around curious to see the 6 foot Cylon roaming the property next summer. This would be going against the original story lines of tv show creator(R.I.P.) Glen Larson and newer re-imagining creator/producer Ronald D Moore.Although Moore did change the Cylon's purpose near the end of his series with Cylon kind becoming one with human kind and seeking God. Programming the classic cylon could be fun to make it friendly,different but I have some ideas of how this could be done.
I think I mentioned I also bought Fallout 4 because I really enjoyed the Fallout 3 PS3 robot battles,have not had time to start #4 yet as busy working on real bot but took a peek at some of the new robot battles on YT.
The originally series I don't remember all the ins and outs of that. There were lizards, right? FaceMan on it! Now the the 2000's Ronald D. Moore series I remember the heck out of that...those Cylons were built to serv humans until they turned on humans.
Sooooo, just program your Cylon to be friendly and serv humans.... and wait for it tor turn... THEN, it's an accurate full recreation of a Cylon.
I mean if you get bored you could force the issue and set a random timer code script to turn your Cylon evil at an unknown interval so you have to prepare and be on guard for a Cylon attack all the time! If you do, you need to vlog and live stream that stuff!!!
Haha ya! I had a similar idea to program key words to be used as to transform the robot into defensive mode depending on what humans say to it in conversation! You are right the original cylons killed there creators that were Lizard Aliens and the Imperious leader was always a Lizard shaped robot designed to pay respect to their Lizard origins.
I try to stay on Terminator and robot related subjects here but an interesting Terminator-Arnold side note, Did you know Arnold has a son that looks like a young Johnny Depp,so I was just watching a new movie out from his son, very impressed with his acting skill,good movie too,check it out called Daniel isn't real 2019.
I am always on the look out for anything robot related and damn I think I need the Oculis Rift VR head set in order to try out these incredible P.C. VR robot games,there are 2 that I would like to try ,here is one of them demo...
Well after a search it seems that this VR experience can be had on the newest Oculus Quest which needs no PC it is stand alone using google phone tech built into the headset with OLED display just as good as the thousand dollar Rift But at a cheaper price of 399 USD. Unfortunately super popular just before Christmas and sold out everywhere,good luck finding one until the new year later on
I bought a Quest some time ago, to build the remote VR control for my robot... I thought, I will only use it for tinkering and building stuf, well!!
It is my recommendation for VR at the moment! Low level entry price, good screens, 6 DOF tracking and all the hardware you need is in the device...so it is basically plug and play!!
And if you own a PC the meets the requirements, you can also ply Oculus or Steam VR from your PC!! Check out the Oculus Link feature, its in Beta at the moment!!
Yes you are correct I just spent 2 hours watching comparison videos between Quest and Oculus s and it seems the slightly older Oculus S is getting described as obsolete now that Quest can also link to your high end gaming computer with a 20 dollar USB C cable and they are both selling at 550.00 CND at best buy and Amazon.Quest can do way more things and run just as smooth with sharper OLED screens and run all types of 3D movies while you are out and about riding a bus,so ya ,I will be getting one my brother has 2 drones as well that would look cool flying with the VR on.
You will not regret it!!
I know but now i need to decide which to buy first.Hours of fun 3d printing or hours of entertainment in 3d on the Quest!
Oh my god.Watching the new Jumanji 2019 novie on kodi,just about the funniest movie ever! Laughig so hard i got tears bursting out! Danny Devito is now The rocjk LoL!!!
In the world of VR I found another way to access your PC using the much cheaper Oculus Go system,going for 200 in USA and 250 here in Canada that is half the price of the new Quest! You only need to add a 12.00 dollar App from Oculus store called Virtual desktop,no Latency and you can then watch all the same streaming movies or hard drive movies on your big Computer and even play all the same PC games! Like I am hoping to re-play Terminator now on the VR will look like on a 100 inch theater screen! Game changer app!..https://www.oculus.com/experiences/go/1261331807302580/?locale=en_U
I also believe there will be many cool uses on the Cylon robot to see what the robot see when outside talking to people, I will be able to see the ARC camera view from robot on the Oculus Go and take control in VR If something bad happens like Cylon becomes agressive and starts beating up kid with baseball bat,LOL!
The Oculus Go is double rainbows...but cheap!!
Playing Lone Echo on my Quest via Oculus Link at the moment!! It is amazing!!
Oh I so know every detail of both the Quest and the Go,I have followed so many product reviews on both. I have decided to get the dirt cheap Go even with all the reported flaws because many people that own the High end S or Vibe always say they turn to their dirt cheap Go just because it is so much more convenient to use and nothing to set up so ideal for 3d movies and taking anywhere. I actually want both,try the Cheaper Go and later next year upgrade to Quest for the extra features. Forgot to mention I also bought the rest of the chrome cylon body pieces that I need to complete upper body from waist up,arms chrome shoulder bells,he gave me a great deal on all of it!
So I can confirm that the Cheaper Oculus Go can in fact get streaming movies and PC games using a couple of programs ,Big screen Beta and Virtual desktop but Virtual D. is 11.00 while Big screen is a Free App and they boh do the same thing.You will need fast internet and a really good PC to make this work ,however. You can use Netflix and even all Kodi movies are streaming to my Oculus Go! It really does look like you are at a super huge IMAX theater screen sitting about 20 feet away,It is so Glorious I about cry from how good it looks. I even played Fallout 4 from my PC streaming on to Oculus using Big screen with no delays! I am sure the more expensive newer Quest does look a bit better but for what I paid on the "Go" I am super happy! About to search all 3d movies on Kodi and get blown away by Imax 3d!
The big difference is...with the Quest you are not streaming the game to a screen, you are IN the game!!
Happy to hear you are having a blast with your Oculus Go!!
Yes I know the robot games built for Quest and Oculus S are really amazing! I was surprised to see hundreds of games and apps already in the Go store,many are free.And put you inside the game in VR with basic 4 point movement,love the VR short movies and youtube has hundreds more in vr! The one where I nearly barfed was the actual roller coaster ride at Canadas 's Wonderland,after that I had to run to the toilet and almost Barf,the feeling you get is real when the roller coaster is falling! The one where the lady takes you from Earth up in the clouds and then in space was mind blowing! I did get my newest Terminator PC game working perfectly using Virtual Desktop and it is also in the game VR .To see 7 foot tall terminators coming at you is just absolute Horror!.
Not all of us robot builders are nerds, I am opposite,LOL!....cool
Anyone with a dog need a high tech pooper scooper?-----https://www.unilad.co.uk/technology/pooper-scooper-robot-will-find-detect-and-automatically-pick-up-your-dogs-poo/
don't let Jstarnel see this have you seen a Ladybug pooper-scooper . justg kidding Jstarnel
Way ahead of you , lol I saw Beetl a while back, apparently it is a dead project from 2017. I would like to have a accessory for the LEVi platform to detect and pickup doggy presents
What does bluejeans have to do with picking up doggy doo?
LEVi Rover is the name of the modular platform I am working on right now, it is one of my dogs name. I’m going to have several attachment options to customize the ability of the platform outdoors. One of those being a pooper scooper.
Oh that is interesting, what is going to be your drive/motor system on the Levi Rover? I am still using 2 12 volt car window lift worm gear motors, super torque but running at 10-15 amps each uses more battery power, I need 3 of those motorcycle/wheel chair batteries fully charged to run all day.That is just moving around and pausing,can't run steady for longer than 20 minutes at a time because outside in my hilly grass ,the motors use up even more amps causing the motors to heat up, Wondering about better wheel drive cheaper motors bit more efficient on power and less heating up.My robots are heavy too at 5-6 feet tall. The old Rad robots I used 3 years ago worked well with the 2 small tank motors outside running at just 6 volts but those bots were only plastic 2-3 foot tall. They were excellent rovers. Looking for something more modern and better than car window motors for the big Cylon this summer.
Those are all good questions. There are worms gear drive motors that are both quiet and cool you could use. I am using tsiny ball bearing dc worm gear motors. 160rpm to start with and provide 40 kg cm torque each at around 1-2 amps. Since the LEVi is 6wd that is 240kgcm of usable torque. My favorite part is they lock when not powered and make very little noise ( like any well built robotic platform should)
If you can get more specific with each robot I a happy to help pair up better motors for your particular use and better efficiency on power draw than 15 amps.
I am interested on what you use as tank trax as when I look around to buy,there are only small robot versions, then the larger ones are nearly $1000.00 ,unless you are making them yourself . Then I could match with proper size motors,gears for the track drive.
I make them myself, first 3D print the track , make a mold from silicon or amazing remelt and pour in liquid rubber about 80D shore rating. The stiffness is like car tire rubber
Hey that's great! I don't have my Printer yet but I will in the new year, I'll hit you up for detailed plans then!
I have seen people use strips of rubber conveyor belts joined to form a loop as tank treads quite effectively. Think about the conveyor material at the check out stand. They used lawn mower wheels for bogeys and made plywood drive sprockets. The belts are fiber reinforced which you really need to keep the tracks from stretching/snapping.
Here's a link that might get you thinking.
Wow great find Perry, exactly the type of project I could copy!
So the new starwars movie hit the interwebs last night, watching now on my Oculus Go streamed from my main computer, Great movie so far,had to pause the kodi as I found an interesting spin on the new robots in the movie. You know how dogs were mistreated by owners and then end up in the Animal control cages? Afraid of humans trying to pet them? So they find one abandoned robot like that to join their crew. Amazing idea to program into a robot, make it shy,timmid but still curious of human owners, I love it!
Wow this announcement makes a Happy New Year for 2020!...
Aha ha ha! so hanging out with Family on Christmas is way more boring than ever ,had to sneak away and get on Terminator news,check this out,LOL! https://www.reddit.com/r/Terminator/comments/edkzng/carl_the_terminator_sitcom_spoof/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
Ya I know it's Christmas,still I can't get my mind off planning all the details for this massive Cylon project,It can be all mounted with velcro strips on to the aluminum cylinder but I think I will add brackets to hold up the pieces to the inner shell with screws,to make it stronger,so from the waist up it looks Genuine classic Cylon but at the waist it will be more Robotic/Terminator looking as there will be no Human gut there just cold tubular Aluminum. Thinking I will add brackets for the shoulder chrome pieces and extensions for the robo arms,they will have powerful servo/gears there for lifting them. My brain is still in full build mode despite the holliday distractions.I just can't use any power drills to get it done,people get mad at me right now.

And this is what the upper body will eventually look like...I wonder if this could work with a 3d printed cylon head?...https://www.misschip.com/products/ea-035
There are now hundreds of un official games and apps for Oculus Go and Quest by side loading APK files into the Go memory. Found this cool Free Demo,nearly peed my pants at the end there,well done,3D and 360 VR unfinished Alpha,still spooky as Hell!
I think I have the Chest and collar mounted pretty good and balanced, I am waiting for 3 high torque servos for the arm and neck, before I can start drilling where the Wide shoulder pipe will go. After I have the servos I can design the Terminator style arms for it. The high powered Star L.E.D's came in too so I can start playing around with them to see if they will make Decent Muzzle Flashes for the guns built into the hands. I will be using the gun sounds from the Re-imagined Galactica TV show as they sound more realistic. Of course my Cylon will talk with a modern take on the classic voice from the 80's but more clearly understandable using the Google mini bluetooth speaker and modern speech synthesizer of Google,tweeked to sound robotic. The base wheels will be made wider and longer with 6 wheels all terrain and cosmetic shiny aluminum panels to enclose the batteries and electronics,sensors.All in good time of course!

Dabbed a couple of Hot glue to the left shoulder bell just to see how it will look later when I get the shoulder rods on....The old Universal Attraction in California, we had something similar 1 year at the CNE in Toronto,I was a scared little kid going into this cave and Cylons were on one side shooting at Human warriors on the other side and we had to walk in between the Laser fight to get through,LOL!
Wow had no idea that ever existed but now with the Oculus Go i was able to watch Terminator 2 3D and it looked just as impressive as you feel like you are in an Imax movie theater and the 3D effects are so real because there is zero ghosting or cross contamination in the headset lens,seems just as good as that Universal 3
D showing!Wow here is an article showing a robo-cop type terminator or whatever in a negative prediction of killing humans...https://www.rt.com/op-ed/476705-killer-robots-save-lives-war/ I was all about that last summer getting my Terminator to intelligently seek out targets outside and fire the BB machine gun at them. That's so last year,get with the times RT! This year will be about robots with A.I. having intelligent conversation with humans. My next bot the Cylon is going to have an updated Cylon voice I am currently designing to work with the EZB and the Google Voice I use from the Google Home app. As it has the coolest voice synthesizer that can pronounce words so clearly but yet be able to modify it to sound very robotic.This will make it easy to communicate with people this coming summer when the robot goes out and about exploring. No more violence,LOL! I will still have the guns in his fore arms that pop out if it feels threatened by a human,only to shoot beams of intence light of course,flashing muzzle and sound effects but no more BB's.The classic cylon voice was cool but really hard to understand every word.Mine is going to be much better with less monotone and I am working on giving the voice different levels of pitch depending on if the conversation moves from calm to joking around or feeling scared/threatened...exciting time to be able to do this thanks to all the cool software in synthiam!
The Cylon arms are ready to attach to body,going to use heavy duty bolts that attach at shoulders and then a servo attached there as well,the shoulder has a hole that is slightly larger than the bolt so it can move freely with the servo,the arms each have 2 hdd servos and one wrist motor that is analog original.
These look great!!!
Hey thanks Mickey, I did borrow the Terminator arms and made them slightly longer to be that of a real man, I then put the original body back together with the Terminator who is now just a statue until I get a 3d printer so I can make more authentic Terminator exoskeleton pieces in the summer,then add new servos again to the 3d printed arms and waist,neck possibly a jaw servo too.Ya poor guy now he just watches over me building the Cylon. I am thinking of making a video where both robots come alive in the middle of the night and start planning the take over of society.....to be continued.
So this idea I got from the Heart beat light on the EZB v3 ,I believe it was Jeremy that said he designed that cool little feature on the board. I got this Heart beat L.E.D. triple light set up from a halloween decoration,very bright so I thought wow, the perfect Cylon heart beat,kind of like Iron Man! Gotta credit Jer for this idea and DJ for the entire EZB concept of course.
Wow, this is fantastic!
I always loved the heart beat light on the V3 EZB. When the V4 came out I was really disappointed it was gone.
I'm looking forward to seeing how your arm servos work in this application and how they are applied. Is there any chance you could do a video of the building process along with a completed working test?
Nice work so far!
It won't take me long to attach the arms I just need to drill a couple holes for the long bolts and then start programming the motions with the EZB, I got lazy with my Oculus Go watching tons of Kodi 3D movies, I just watched Terminator Genisys 3D,what a blast that was!
I'm really looking forward to seeing the whole project in action too. Well done
Hey thanks Mark, I just needn to install my star L.E.D.'s to the arms before I can get them on the robot. The 2 super bright white lights go in the hands for a gun flashing effect and the multi color red,blue green light will go in the wrist controller for effects.
Still not happy with the aluminum can I used for skeleton under the chrome pieces,gonna buy some aluminum pipes and tubing to build an exoskeleton similar to the Terminator and then re mount all the chrome pieces to it.Will look way more robotic , like the newer CGI cylons in the Razor movie.I did get the eye scanner working again so this is what it looks like now,there is also a servo for the neck to add but I don't seem to have any drill bits with me here,will need to buy new ones,need for the arms as well.
Just chillaxing watching TV with my little T-Arnie bud, gonna go out for some drill bits later today as the winter storm seems to have ended.
So all the hard drilling work is done, The shoulders and Bicep arms are on solid! I still need to remove the hand and motors to extend the fore arms another 12 inches as it would be too stubby as is. It is starting to look like the new Cylon CGI models in that last movie! Getting it 7 foot tall is easy but no need to do that yet.Adding electronics and re-wiring everything is the next big job.
@Robo Rad I think it looks like a T-Rex with short arms, They say T-Rex was always angry because it couldn't reach it's "you know":p . LOL
Ha ha ya it does,will need to be fixed soon,LOL!
I don't exactly remember what the Height of these Cylons are supposed to be but it is either 6 and a half to 7 feet.Here is another cool scene from Razor where you can see how tall they are.
This one just too funny!
Huh? Would you believe our Walmart super store does not sell any spools of wire? not in electrical or automotive section! Then even the trusty dollar store everything else but no wire! I guess I need to drive way far out to look for a hardware store.I want to re-do all my robot wires new and something I have never used before is that shrink wrap stuff to seal wire ends.Since it will be an outdoors robot.Another thing after that is looking into how to add more ControlCommand lines to EZB(I love those,so powerful!) I want to do what others are doing to have the mini computer wake up in responce to outside alarms or on the clock wake ups.Then activate EZ Bv4 on startup whiuch can then activate start up programs inside ARC. The Windows Vocoder program I have specialized for the classic Cylon voice needs to be able to come on by itself to allow the robot speech in the EZB.So this is something new I have never experimented before .Going to wrap my head around programming with all the ControlCommand functions,just need to set aside some extra time to learn more. Any advice on starting windows programs on EZB wake up appreciated to point me in right direction.
Well I think I was wasting too many Amps last summer on the Terminator computer set up,reducing my run time outside with the wheel motors.To stay energy efficient this year with the new Cylon set up I am now re-wiring everything and only using the electronics that are 100 percent needed and cutting out anything that was wasting amps.You can see in the video last summer I had too much going on there! I do want to keep using that Terminator's voice and use it for Cylon voice as it is a good compromise for Clarity VS Distortion. I like that you can understand every word the Google TTS engine is producing from the RSS news feeds. I am just really bummed out that the bluetooth on that android phone now keeps cutting out and I can't seem to fix it anymore,will need to just wire it directly to a speaker the same as with EZB,but I want to only use the phone with Mobile ARC to save battery power.I want maximum run time this year
I was in that Ad Hoc mode in EZB for so long I forgot how to change it back to Wi-Fi client mode! First I forgot to add my network name and was just trying only my network password,for 20 minutes not working everytime.Then I added the network proper name and my password still not working,tried another half hour.Finally,I realized the password is case sensitive so I had to add 1 capitol letter on the password and also had to add a tiny space in between the letters and a dash,then it worked,god I hate doing that everytime it screws me up for hours! Now the same type situation with my Android phone,The Bluetooth would keep disconnecting after 30 seconds ALL THE TIME. It took me days of resetting the phone back to Factory setting,re-adding all my apps and then still the bluetooth was not connecting properly to my Google Home mini speaker nest. Was at my wits end. Finally today at my last straw I just simply turned it off,pressed the volume buttons together for 10 seconds just as a wild guess,Suddenly the phone comes on in some type of " Safe Mode" and I thought okay lets see if Bluetooth will stay on. It bloody well did 1 minute ,3 minutes,half hour it was working!Then all I did was reboot it back to normal and the bluetooth was still working! Why that worked I have no clue but now I got my robot voice back for the robot,damn what a bad few days!
Aw man @Robo Rad, we definitely have those days as robot builders eh?!? Glad to hear everything is working again!
What kind of phone was it that you were having trouble with?
LOL! Ya Jer today I just took a day off to just drive around go spend money,get some KFC and beer ,then just plop in front of the TV to watch movies on KODI. Did not even look at the robot with half the wires that still need connecting. I feel better now,stress level back to normal. @Jstarne1 ,my phone is a 4 year old LG and the bluetooth is miraculously still working,the only thing that fixed it was the accidental booting in safe mode and then just rebooting back to normal,Why that could possibly fix it is amazing,everyone with bad bluetooth should just try that on their phones! You won't find that info anywhere on the internet it was just a wild guess for me as even factory reset did not work,all that did was delete all my apps and it was so frustrating to add all the apps back,wish I would have tried the safe mode first!
Well after a bunch of coffee and some epic robot battles in my PC game/Oculus "borderlands 2" I started re wiring my 2 sonar sensors to the EZB and mounted them with hot glue just over the robot wheel wells. The body is off so it looks a bit creepy.You know how a spider has 8 eyes on the front? The robot wheel base has what looks like 4 eyes on the front and the wide wheel stance makes it look like a creepy Tarantula! The sonars work great as they are further apart now and lower!
Right on! It seems like pictures may be in order, robot spiders are awesome!
Ha ya I thought about adding 4 more Tarantula legs in the middle ,would look creepy with the Terminator body but since this is a classic Cylon now,I don't recall them ever riding around on a spider carrier, May consider doing something like that later with Terminator!
Wow the last 3 days I have really improved all my A.I. devices that will be working with the new robot. I am ditching my old Android phone because the mystery bluetooth error came back,just can't figure out what is causing the time out errors. I am now using an Android emulator program with my Latte Panda windows 10. I should be able to run mobile ARC and the regular ARC windows or ARC on the same little computer.I have checked out all the other TTS robot voices out there and I still find the Google voice to be the most clear and the best robot effect to use for the EZB voice. I should be able to use both Wi-Fi and bluetooth to get the TTS voice conversations on to my hacked Google mini Bluetooth nest speaker.The Android emulator is just excellent as it runs the newest updated Android operating system and just lets me download any app I want from the Google play store,no APK sideloading needed! My Old android phone will now be entering Ye Olde garbage can!
So I really do like the Cereproc TTS windows voice I bought. I wrote up a long worded script in ARC for the EZB to output this speech to the Cylon Robot's Google Bluetooth speaker as a first test. Used a screen capture program
to capture the sound for this video.that really sound's awesome.very nice picture too.
Hey thanks Nomad, It is not an exact match of how they sounded back in 79 but close enough and still not too distorted to understand.I just wanted a quick TTS voice sollution that will work with ARC and my latte panda to output the voice by either Bluetooth or headphone jack.Then start programming A.I. as the Google mini speaker has amazing microphones that can listen to me all the way from across the back yard at the cottage.
Here I am playing with the many EQ dials on the free Cylonix vocoder as it has a more accurate voice. Unfortunately the screen recorder app is recording both the primary Google TTS news reader and then the output robot voice at the same time,so it sounds like double rainbows in the video! The speaker on the robot is only playing the output robot voice which does sound amazing,very authentic classic sound.
so after tweeking the EQ sliders some more on the Cylonix vocoder, I think I have the best sound effect for the TTS robot voice, I can still make it more clear to understand but then it starts to sound more human, I may turn down the echo slew a bit more but this is really close to the original voices.
I have a fairly sophisticated computer and robot security/convenience setup going on here for the winter months My PC with bluetooth is fully automated with cameras guarding my car outside( I get weird people opening the car doors in the night,possibly homeless looking for shelter??). My google/Terminator voice used with Google nest home speaker is connected with power switches to turn things off and on,like robot power charging cycles from battery charger.All the voices come out of the Robot/Cylon now.Everything web related on my PC is relayed to voice notifications coming from robot and mini speaker. The one thing that does not work which bugs me is any email notifications from Synthiam go to my junk folder instead of INbox so I never get the robot voice telling me of new notification from Synthiam! Every other type of email I get vocal warnings though.I tried setting it to "not junk" but it never works,they still keep going to junk folder,on different hotmail accounts I tried ,no success?`
Ya so I noticed an issue with the Google Nest Mini speaker using the Bluetooth,it runs better with just Wi-Fi but when I try to use it as a bluetooth speaker with my PC sending over the voice or sounds,Every once in a while it will cut in and out. It could be just the battery not strong enough to power it. I tested in my car. I noticed that if I set voice loud with bass that speaker will even cut out and die from cigarette lighter to USB power input. Is this the reason many of you guys use the Amazon dot speaker? Uses less Amps to run mobile? I may just look for a dedicated Audio bluetooth bass speaker that can be used outside on battery power....I am almost ready to mount the cylon back on the wheel base.I also have the pipe extensions for arms but not going to install those yet until everything else is lined up,like where exactly I need to mount shoulder bells,need to test arm servo movements first so they have enough clearance to move freely.-Lots of work to do before spring hits!:) Edit----I guess for now the easiest way is to just use the audio out on the EZB4 or the Latte Panda audio out but the old loud speaker I was using has static and crackle sounds everytime the line in cable wiggles, I need to buy some contact cleaner as that is what I sometimes use to clean the Jac on electric guitars to stop static.
I saw on the news yesterday a new facial recognition technology getting use with all the police forces, I guess every cop with a body cam or dash cam can scan a face and the A.I. will find really quickly every web site every photo ever uploaded and all kinds of personal info with 98% accuracy. Even if you cover your face with your hand half way it will still work! Imagine if I could get that on my robot! every person that visit my cottage would be intercepted and instantly be identified as harmless friend or a criminal attempting to rob me in which case the robot would set off alarm and go defensive,LOL!
A big part of robot building is just organizing where you want to attach your circuit boards and get it to be cosmetically pleasing if the boards have cool Flashing L.E.D.'s and to line everything up nicely. So here I got my Latte Panda attached where I want so far and the mini amp/speaker all hooked up and working. Running Mobile ARC with my Android emulator program in win10 so I can still use the old Terminator Google voice I had before. I also have Windows ARC for all the actual script writing and the Cereproc Cylon voice I bought can then be used too,to continue now with a
ll the rest of the circuits and wiring also the head is off for servicing and more wiring of servo.....I did some repairs on the helmet today and buffed out some scratches as I had dropped it a few times, I made a bracket mount for the 7" Latte Panda screen,which is removed easy if needed. Getting there,Once I get the shoulders and arms with the chrome pieces securely attached,it will make a big difference, I still need a Chrome utility belt though....I can't wait to see what it looks like out in the sunshine, all that chrome will be blinding! It would be funny to let it rip around in a shopping mall, Do they still exist? we don't have any around
So I got the EZB under the helmet sitting on the neck compartment,attached EZB camera to Cylon mouth piece. I got rid of the neck servo because I have a much better high torque Gear box motor with low RPM to move the head left and right to be used with my old 6 volt motor controller and EZB can use head tracking with the camera.This is going to be cool!
Send him to the mall and have him shoot people!!! ( with a BB gun of course!!)
Mickey BB guns are dangerous maybe a paint gun.
Actually no more BB guns, I have just installed the upgraded arms and I have the dual star L.E.D.'s that are so bright 3 watts ,that you cant look directly at them.I am going to add 1 of each to the hand palms and when he rotates either wrist it will blast out gun Flashes. I have not decided which sound effect to use with the loud speaker,Either regular UZI machine guns or the classic Cylon Laser blasts. The mall would be funny but I bet they would call in a terrorist alert. I am thinking more about the summer Comicon convention where everyone goes dressed up like starwars characters or Xmen. They would likely let my Bot walk around in there!
A fun fact, I was heavily involved in the launch of the new Battlestar series way back in 2002 I think...we were discussing on the Sci-Fi forum about what Ronald D Moore could add to the new TV series and I was all upset at what the new Cylons looked like and the fact that they had none of that classic Cylon Voice, I was reall miffed at Ronald,but he would not budge on my suggestions and then I got into a heated debate with Ronalds wife She was talking about new Cylons communicate with internal internet and do not need a voice,Oh I was bummed out with the 2 of them. Any way, even though they screwed up the classic robots,I still enjoyed the new show. I even entered the contest they had "Build a cylon" and I converted my first Rad robot and another RSV2 Robosapien to both look like Classic Cylons. I won 3rd prize which was a DVD box set of the entire series. I still have the video of them somewhere online,LOL! I still think the Classic Cylon was the best looking,you can see it in the middle there,The other 2 newer ones just look like rainbows and buttercups mechanical Dracula,that can't even talk....
MAN....ComicCon!!! Great idea!! That you be the best!!!
Oh ya man, How cool would it be if someone like Grace Park from the Galactica series was there at the comicon, she played that Boomer chick,she also was the judge that awarded me 3rd prize for the build a Cylon contest! You never know who you will see at those events. Definitely some weirdos too! I would even think about adding a "Powered by Synthiam" Label on the robot,but only if it was running good ,if something screwed up I would just hide the Label with a towel,LOL! Edit-----I guess that's it for tonight,hooked up the main batteries inside,ready to test tomorrow.
Ya I know my wheels are not straight,I need to cut that axel bar a bit shorter so I can tow in the wheels,job for tomorrow,getting tired,all the wiring I did last few hours and still more to do. I am going to end up making some kind of newer wheel base anyway later on. Prefer a track system,like those plans for the lawn mower robot,those tracks look awesome! Not the Lady bug mower but the other one he had a while ago.
Spent the last hour getting wheels straight and adjusting for weight of batteries,Almost ready to test run around the apartment!
Well I have done more to finish this cylon in the last 2 days than all winter! I have the 3 watt Star L.E.D.'s super
bright white machine gun simulators attached to both hands. It's going to be fun programming this on the EZB, as normally the fore arms are pointing down but when the command is sent to rotate the fore arms ,they spin and move up showing the machine guns flashing with loud sound effect. Then they reverse rotate and move down once again showing the Chrome only. Excuse the wiring mess, I will end up neatly hiding them and using plastic zip ties to secure them. I also had to install the L.E.D. driver boards on the hands, so now I just need to start soldering the connections and test.Well we got a snow storm heading in to Southern Ontario I am slightly North but also in Lake effect snow area near Georgian Bay so I expect to get snowed in for the next few days. It will give me a chance to get much done on the Cylon. I have started on it already, I changed the mounting location of the Latte Panda 7" LCD screen to the back pack area which is so much better for viewing.It is at eye level when I sit in a chair to program the EZB scripting!
Bring 'em on those big boys!!
So I should give a plug to my bud Scott Maple as I get all my Cylon Chrome from him,even though he is just 20 minute drive from me I just get everything shipped over anyway.He has a web site at kropserkel.com but the home screen is always blank you need to click in the top corner Skip intro,to get to the main Menu and see all the cool movie props he builds. He was contacted by producers of the Battlestar Galactica Revival mini series movie back in 2003 for the Museum scene showing off the classical Cylon in a glass case.He has the photo on his web site plus many more....
I ran into this funny vid browsing youtube...
Aww daisy we have the Fire inspector coming over tomorrow to check for safety so I actually need to hide all my big 12 volt motorcycle batteries used on the robot,I am constantly trickle charging them all. Would not look very safe in a small apartment! Also the 5 foot Cylon standing in a corner with a mess of wires hanging out also would not look very safe.So everything is on hold as I take it apart for now.
hi roborad
is that standard procesure to have fire inspection?
I think so in Ontario Canada as, Every apartment I ever rented in Ontario .I always had a visit from the Fire Martial sometimes partnered with a cop twice per year, Mainly to check on working smoke/C02 detectors and that there are no cheap dollar store electrical 4 in one adapters plugged in electrical outlets as they start many house fires. Just like my big 12 volt batteries unsupervised can explode and start fires. If you have ever seen a 12 volt car battery explode like a huge bomb,it's not pretty. I had 1 explode in my car when I was trying to boost it.lucky I was not near it.
actully is that a good thing.we in belgium have only hospitals and elderly homes shops restaurants and new house for inspection. i had one cell phone batt explotion here.also loud and lots off smoke.good yourre ok.
Working on the scripting and timing for the Guns sequence using EZB sending signal to the 8 channel relay board and testing with the old Terminator script,just modifications to the Wrist motor timing it takes about 45 seconds before the gun sequence happens.
Well I got the high torque neck motor working with power but I found out my old motor L298 H-Bridge is now dead,too old. So plan B is to use the same 8 channel relay board that I'm using for Hand/Gun motors connected to EZB4.The tricky part will be to figure out the head/camera tracking as before it was easy to combine with H-bridge just like a servo control in camera tracking options.I have an idea how to do this but it will take some fancy scripting!
Just fascinated by the panic in the news and how my friends down in the States are talking about how Toilet paper prices are going up and selling out due to panic,It is Fake ,my sniffles cold is more deadly,what the Agenda is for this hoax? Anyway I did buy some wiring supplies to continue my robot project.
@robo Rad This virus is not a joke. but I cannot see why there is a panic for toilet paper. I could see the shortage of face masks, and hand sanitizer. causing a panic, maybe food and water shortages. Jessi Ventura's TV show the conspiracy theory had it right, this is a engineered virus, designed to get rid of 2/3 of the world population. it's only starting so hoard your toilet paper, when you die you want to be clean. Coronavirus case deaths surpass 100,000 globally
Well,H1N1 was the serious one,I had that back in 2009 as did 1 third of the world population,I had fever and passed out for 2 days,just collapsed at my cottage in the middle of June. This Corona is quick but not any worse than normal Flu stuffy nose mild fever and a cough,why the panic,the media is doing it for some other agenda,we will see later why.
@robo rad Coronavirus infects the tissues in the lungs, and other organs in the body, your lungs fail and you sufficate. isn't 100,000 deaths already scary enough. it is not your normal flu. it was engineered to kill adults and spare children but it does kill babies. the normal flu shot you may have had is what allows this virus to kill select people, children's flu shots were different, so they live.
Ya true it may be engineered to spread faster but if you do a google search you will see that corona virus is one of the common viruses that give you the common cold which is why they say wash your hands as cold viruses can latch on to surfaces for days.Also on medical charts of known virus severity,newest Covid or corona is listed at the bottom of the chart as the least severe,least deaths and very easy to recover from so ya this is a big hoax going on,it is the common cold. It is not anywhere close to dangerous as H1N1 was in 2009 which I had and nearly died from,my younger brother did die from it in hospital so I have some experience with this subject.
Common guys. This is a robot building forum. Lets keep it on topic. There are lots of other outlets for your chatter about the virus. I come here to relax and forget the real world. I don't want to hear theories and 2nd hand news.
Aha ha you are right Dave, and it is just what people talk about at the checkout lines when I go out to buy parts for my robot at the hardware stores so it seems you can't get away from the topic anywhere these days,LOL!
@roborad you can still hide in your cabin in the woods, plus you are having a Terminator army now!!
I am just hoping my vacation is not going down the drain because of the virus, a lot of flights are being canceled in Europe!!
Ya it is just ridiculous when now our Prime Minister Trudeu says he is isolating himself,ridiculous...for a few sniffles and minor fever of his wife.It's just a cold,I am supposed to go see a Death-Metal concert end of this month,hoping it will not be cancelled from unfounded fears,If this is a test to see what a fake pandemic will do to the world,they are winning the test. Aha ha sorry Dave,I will now stop,LOL!
Well just like every other concert and event cancelled looks like they just cancelled the Toronto Commicon event, would have been cool to have my Cylon walking around, I just got the Hand guns flashing and damn the Star LED's are so bright,the first time it just blinded me!
Same here...complete shutdown!!
@robo rad I like what you accomplish , so do not treat this Virus as a cold, it is not, and it is dangerous. I don't want any of our synthiam members, friends to be harmed by this. take care. Trudope is isolating himself so he doesn't have to work, and face a lot of angry Canadians.
Whole Europe is going to have a complete shutdown, all borders closed...all flights canceled, only food stores and pharmacies stay open!! The virus spreads exponentially...so be prepared, stay calm and in good health!! At least we are robot nerds, and will have loads to work on while being in quarantine!!
I have not done anything lately on the robot as I am packing up everything to move in a few weeks.Hopefully anyway. if trudeau declares national emergency restricting movement.that would suck. Sometimes i listen to alex jones because he mixes truth with highly entertaining fear mongering. The funny thing i heard today was about strict martial law coming.Robot soldiers popping from the ground to do crowd control controlled by the 1 percent, LoL! I wish , How cool to see some real Cylons and Terminators walking the streets!
We are already having those movement restrictions...well too bad we did not build our robots fast enough, so they can do the shopping or we can mind control them while not leaving the house like in Surrogates!!
Stay safe guys!! Lets get over with it...strange times!!
Well with all the shut downs going on at least I think most of the Electronics venders are still open online, I am now in my isolated area which I will no longer discuss but it is an area where wild animals such as bears ,coyotes and every other small to large wild animal will come around looking for food scraps,The lack of people here makes the animal population more brave.Also need better security from vagrants or the criminal element looking to raid empty cottages,homes that are all deserted now .My cylon robot will now just become a Low profile fast moving all terrain wheeled base with all types of camera surveilance. I am wondering about making my own heat vision camera to see people or animals lurking in the trees at night? Any one has done this for a project?
Daleks to enforce community Lock downs,stay inside,or else....
That is hilarious!!!! Do you know the guy who did this???
It has to be Dave, He masters exosphere. my mistake Dave has a B9 not a Dalek robot, close enough.
I think it was a video from someone living near me in Barrie Ontario as I got a Facebook link from the Barrie community page.
Aha ha I'm back just because all this social distancing getting on my nerves It's all Fake you got like a .01% chance of dying I mean really ridiculous over a cold bug.I am upset because now I see Boston Dynamics selling their dog to police in singapore and 1 state in USA to deploy the dog in parks as a test. To holler at people gathering too close. Well I was already doing this with my Terminator last summer copy cats.LOL! ...you can see the link here...https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/08/tech/singapore-coronavirus-social-distancing-robot-intl-hnk/index.html Not cool Boston Dynamics,I can't even get to my park yet as camp sites are still closed but my Cylon project would kick that dogs Butt!
Well I got banned from facebook again for a day.So looks like I'll be poking around here today.Just goiing stir crazy with all camp grounds still locked down.Total BS.My cylon project is still there unfinished.
Anyone watch that new StarWars tv show The Mandalorian? Pretty good so far just gonna binge watch that whole first season Today.
Awwww that Baby Yoda is just too cute! I'm betting this idea I just got to build one as a real moving robot has already been done? Most likely DJ has as, he gets all the same ideas first, LOL!:D
Just started watching it too! Yeah it’s pretty good, Robots sprinkled into every episode. I haven’t heard of someone trying to build baby Yoda, maybe you could be the first!
An amazing TV series for sure I would say much better than the last starwars movie!...Good to know I could actually beat DJ on a cool robot idea! I already designed it in my head,LOL! Ahh but DJ is really fast to build them too, so will see!
Well,that was just epic that last episode of Mandalorian,Cheers to the writers of this show! I would like to buy them a beer! That is saying a lot from me as I usually hate all new TV shows...50,000 channels and it's all Garbage...but not that show,Well done,I may give the whole series another go ,it was better than all the StarWars movies combined! That very last scene I won't give it away but I have never seen a Black U.V. Light saber before,what an effect,Beautiful!
Hey Guys do you think this new Agility robotics Bot could be easy to replicate with a 3d printer? Because I have a feeling they will charge the price of a new car to buy one. It looks simple to replicate the legs and body and try to match to cheaper servos and an EZB,Would make a great Terminator,all I need to do is use my Terminator head I have here! Oh by the way they have invented both the Light saber fighting Yoda and a baby Yoda robot so no point building one,they stole my idea ,I believe,LOL!
@Robo rad that robot looks like it is made of Aluminum, the turquoise color parts could be made with a 3d printer if you have the talent, but the most expensive parts are the actuators they have to be fast and strong. unless you have a large amount of money, ain't going to happen.
So I wonder how annoyed people will get on Canada Day when my 5 foot Cylon walks around outside finding drunk people to measure their body heat for fever and then order to self Isolate in their homes,LOL! I just find the fastest easiest way to make robot voice waves is with talking into my Iphone (Voice express)and sending the voice waves to my email for processing to Arc.
OMG, that is the best usecase for a robot that I have ever seen!!!
Make them ALL go home hibernate!!
Spaceship earth lol!!!
Hey guys reading this, check out that new movie called Archive 2020. A robot movie that only people like us as builders can really appreciate.Very trippy all the way to the end!
seems similar like ex machina .
Ohh I so wanna see this. Ex machina was pretty good, I think this might top it. We shall see.
This is a side project I am working on, An RS Media Robosapien that still powers up ,bought over kijiji near my town for 20 bucks I will be using an EZB mini ,,all the motors can handle about 6 volts,will walk again with creative EZ builder programming,I have done it before so yes it is very possible using original motors wired up to a separate multi channel relay board hooked to EZB for timing control. I have an extra rsv2 head somewhere that I wil modify to be a chromed cyon head with sweeper eye...will be mini-Me to the full sized cyon i have.Also thinking I will add a tracked mobility platform for stabil movements using my Vex Track kit.
robo rad
lookin forwart to see your project.i love the rs media. i had one connected to skype.
Like to see a video of it moving
I think this looks like the future of gaming, invite some buds over for beers and blasting robots .I wonder how hard it would be to make your own room be just like that!
Pretty sweet live wallpaper for my Samsung s20 and Tablet combo. Going to add it to the Ezb T program I use.
Chck out this amazing 360 software cgi video! I need to learn how to make vr videos like that,do it with a battle between Terminators and classic chromed Cylons! Use your vr oculus type glasses and prepare to be blown away!
So I am waiting for this chrome pen to come in which is actually the best liquid chrome you can get to repair real chrome metal or just paint on any flat plastics or any strong materials.My Terminator skull dropped so many times because it is heavy and needs the scratches and chips repaired with the Molotow chrome. The cylon armor also has a few scratches that need touch up. If it works out well I will dip the robosapien media parts in it too.
Interesting. Thanks! Let us know how it turns out.
Wow used the Molotow chrome pen on both terminator head and Cylon,it really did cover up the chipped and scratched spots so you can't even tell where the damage was,going to wait a full day to dry.
Nice, send pics when ready.
Hey Dave I sure will, I got that new samsung s20 phone that can take all kinds of fancy pics,LOL!
1 day after repairing chipped damage to chrome on fore head with molotow chrome,can even be buffed for more shine.
I will use my older samsung phone camera to do the Terminator vision system when seeking out targets.
I can't even see where the repair was. Nice stuff!

was going through my boxes of robot parts and when I found the rest of my Cylon chrome body parts,as I moved 3 times during the summer and Fall. I just can't resist putting it back together on top of my Roomba Irobot Create 2. So the next step is to first find out which wires on the Roomba serial to USB cable have the 5 volts or 17 volts that I could share with all the EZB and electronics.there is a header port directly on the USB cable to sponge power from.It's cool to rediscover old love and fascination. This is a neat build. I was really enjoying watch you work on it. Good to see it again.
Thanks Dave once I get the bug for building these,I go all day and then possibly 4 hours sleep ,get right back to building and testing.
Nice to have you back!!
Thanks Mackey, I did a test run to see how the default Roomba cleaning could handle the 3 foot body on top. Did go great but the problem spots are under chairs or couch. Next I need to add the ultrasonic sonar to the top of 3 foot body to avoid chairs and couch. The 3 foot body is just a bucket from Walmart.
I may ditch the idea of using an acid battery on the bottom and just power the Ezb And Latte panda from the Roomba usb cable ,as it is capable with 15-20 volts there. Not going to do 5 feet high as I want it to boot around at normal roomba speeds. There is more chrome parts to still mount on
The Roomba USB cable cannot support the constant current of the Latte Panda and EZB, without any servos at all your looking at 5-6 amps draw under use at 5+ volts, you can use a buck converter to regulate the voltage and then it draws 10-20 percent more due to heat loss and inefficiency of the voltage regulation of a cheap converter.
I do have A voltage regulator i bought from robotshop.I would be happy if it has enough amps to run the panda because my 7.4 Lipo can run Ezb and sensors,servos pretty good. If not I may upgrade to a light weight battery pack similar to what the e-bikes use.
Okay so I took back what I said that Roomba can't work out on a taller robot body....After I put in a few self tapping screws and tons of hot glue in the seem of buckets to make the body stronger, it seemed okay could not tip it over by hand! The First test with taller body was a disaster though,Roomba is working too good! the torque on those roomba motors are crazy good! I had to stay near the robot because the default cleaning program was to just ram into the corners of room and spin in a 360 turn just going nuts getting tangled in shoes and wires! Speeds are crazy too fast,all these can be adjusted with the Synthiam ARC software. So I will continue to Modify Roomba/Cylon. Adding the ultrasonic sensors should help big time.
Not too sure if I will put the robotic arms on it until I can buy more sensors ultrasonic or Infrared to add on the arms. I have 2 Ultrasonic now, will try one on it,s back and Front. Also run at half that speed!
Well ,I do think I solved my power problem so that I can run the EZB and the Latte Panda at the same time . I found an other battery from an RC boat .Not a Lipo just a NImh at 8.4 volts.Will use for EZB. Then on the Panda I can use high powered Lipo at 7.4 volts and has a high current rating.In testing the Ezb lasted longer than an hour! So re charging now and after will see how long the Panda will run.
I added a 12 volt lead acid battery that was from my e-bike. On the bottom which is not too heavy but just enough to keep the 4 foot body stable at high speed.will even stay stable after sudden abrupt stops.should be able to provide more current to electronics.

Okay, so following instructions from the Roomba hack video with DJ, I did some simple surgery on the Create 2 serial-USB cable,using the available header connection directly on the cable. I am now using power for the EZB from the Roomba battery at around 15 volts,no problems. Then only adding the RX wire and connecting to the EZBv4 TX output pin at D5 or 6? I forget which as the other pin is only for recieving data from the Iroomba which I dont really need now. Also EZ camera comes on so I can right away start remote driving the Roomba while watching the view on my big screen tv as a monitor. I can now finish adding the Cylon Chest and back pack pieces maybe the arms not sure on that yet .So here is the first successful test of the Cylon /Roomba. His head was removed just in case it failed and flipped over,causing any damage. I have 1 small lead Acid battery on the bottom which gives it enough stability to get to medium speed and stopping without tipping over. I think I will add my slightly larger acid battery for good measure. He does vacuum the floor,all the buttons that DJ and crew added to the Roomba plugin work great! Now I need to finish all the body parts and figure out how to make a script with adding sonar sensors to the middle of body. Next great challenge not sure how it will work,if Sonar needs to control Roomba H-bridge? I could also add the wires for recieving sensor data from Roomba infrared bumper sensors. 1 thing at a time.
a cylon cleaning your floor .you must be a powerfull man . thats a big robot.
Hey not bad 50 to 60 pounds it can take, I won't get anywhere near that much with body and battery!
Most of the Chrome body parts are now on, just need to add arms and shoulders,may need to buy some PVC Pipe to hold the Arms as servos and motors need a stable support. I want to take it for a spin around but cant make any noise now too Late.
Added his Utility belt...where the Roomba is ,that is where the legs should be,oh well, he be half there!
So I just ordered a new EZB-Tiny to use on the Roomba project! I have decided to put the Cylon body back on the ATV carrier So that it can still roam around outside and be almost 6 feet tall as well. The Cylon just looks too awesome to be stuck indoors on a Roomba.I will play around with Roomba and see what else I come up with.It can't be too heavy as the battery won't last long ,possibly damage motors.
I just have so many robot parts stored in bins from when I moved. Here I found the head cover from an old Rad 2.0 bot, seems to fit perfectly with some velcro on the Roomba. The EZB-Tiny will get here by Friday and should fit under but the serial cable connection is long. May need to coil it around the head cover. Anyway, has a really low profile to go clean under tables and chairs. For fun I will add a line Laser and a strobe!
Here I did a test using the low profile Rad robot head cover and it showcases how awesome the sensor array works,even in a messy cluttered room with wires ,bottles boots,it navigates like a Champ!...I will try out the Terminator Head next when the EZB Tiny comes in tomorrow,Just for a fun video.
Well I looked into this new technological breakthrough. Was hoping to be able to afford it but no,price of a new car in Canada.Still you rich guys in Synthiam could possibly try this out, make a great add on for large robot!...https://voxon.co/3D-visualizations-universities/
So here i found one of my 8.4 v 3000 high performance rc battery. You can see the 12 volt eye bulbs work but the one on right is a bit brighter. The 7.4 5000 Lipo is way worse dim eyes. So it is important to get the 12 volts to both eyes,current has no help. Hoping the 15 volt from Roomba will be brighter but not kill power for Roomba motors and vacuum.Will try that next,fingers crossed,if still enough power left to run EZB Tiny,All good using just Roomba power!if Roomba fuse trips then I will just try using Lipo on EZB but separate from roomba power on serial cable.If it still trips then Those 12 volt eyes will be changed to 5 volt star L.E.D.'s.
This is how the eyes look with full 12 volts, at 15 volts I do have a resistor I can add so bulbs don't blow.
looking good :-)
Well really excited about getting EZB Tiny from robotshop Canada. Seems I got the last one available until they get new stock in the future.This seems to sell out really well.Love my EZ4 but need it on the Giant Atv Cylon. The Tiny can be used on my smaller bots. I wish I bought 3 of them, at 30 bucks so much performance for the bucks! Shipment delayed to Tuesday now.
Wow just got EZB TINY! I had no idea it was that small!! I will be buying more of these, can fit these controllers in anything!love EDIT--- Just noticed views have gone up to 8k level,that is mind blowing! I never pay attention to those statistics,this is just me having fun with help from all you other robot builders out there on Synthiam that are way smarter than me.I would say some of the first robots that started this life long interest,movies like starwars,Galactica and even Disney classic the black hole! Omni magazine growing up with and thousands of Quarters in high school on an old arcade machine in the lunch time pool hall, Berserk.or Robotron. Thanks guys for your interest in what I do with my favorite movie robots as an adult.Most thanks to DJ for starting his company making a kids dreams come true!
Glad you like the IoTiny @Robo rad! It was definitely a fun challenge to make an EZB that small.
Yes Jer I remember DJ saying you designed the Tiny! An Absolute miracle for placing it anywhere, I even want one for My Fiero on the dash to do all kinds of cool stuff!.. Next topic here, I just tested how long my Roomba would clean the house with Li ion battery and timed it at exactly 1 hour and 18 minutes,not too shabby! Next test will be on EZB Tiny and Terminator head with glowing eyes on top the Roomba and battery time test.
Oh -my-god. That is all I need to do to change my Create 2 into normal brush cleaning Roomba?? As all the regular brush and side motors ar still there,just buy the main and side brush then look in my parts bins,find equivalent pastic holder instead of 3d printing one and Bingo,there I go. Too easy. Will have an actual hacked Terminator head / intruder cam cleaning my floors at programmed intervals.
LOL! I7 better than more expensive 1000.00 I9???
I just bought a Shark IQ R101AE with Self-Empty Base. It was a reconditioned Amazon buy at about $350 usd. This reconditioned unit was only about $25 more then the next lesser module. It has the 30 day self emptying bin. It's not as advanced as these two above robots (S9 and i7) but I'm amazed at how it keeps my 2100 sq ft odd shaped house clean. I have three dogs and a wife with long hair. It's self cleaning brush actually does not let the hair wrap around the brush at all!. I had an old Roomba and it was a discussing nightmare keeping the brushes clean. Till now there was always dog hair around the tile floors of my house and my wife's bathroom was always fill of long hair. None of that anymore! Yah!
This little guy took a couple days to map my house and the technology it uses did an amazing job of it. After a couple tries it nailed every room perfectly. I was able to interact with it's map through a phone app and actually name each room. I then was able to use Alexa to tell it to go clean any of the rooms if it need extra attention or a extra cleaning like the kitchen. It fascinates me how it can find it's charging and emptying base every time. It will dock, recharge and empty then go out back to work! I could actually sit there and watch it for hours. LOL
It's cool that you are going to be mounting your robot on your Roomba. It's going to be awesome watching it move around the house and actually do something productive. From watching my robot vacuum roam around, I think the only problem you're going to have is when it wants to go under something low like a table or couch. The Roomba will want to go under because the bumper sensor will not be hit but the upper body will hit the object. Have you been able to come up with a work around if this happens?
I got an i7....yassss!!!
The great thing about the create 2 series is i can still add all that cool Lidar mapping and many different cameras,sensors,possibly a robotic arm to pick up and toss dirty socks,ha ha,most fun using Ezb Tiny the possibilities are endless. The robot heads will interchange because of the cover on the roomba comes off and I can have a different robot everyday mounted on the cover,thinking of Predator skull next! Ultrasonic sensors on the heads to stop from going under couches.
Boys and their toys. LOL
Yep, but it really is a practical vacuum cleaner,ordered the brushes. May take Terminator Roomba over to moms senior citizen retirement building and clean the big common room.They do have ambulance visits every day there,help out with heart attacks.
Ha ha ha video just because I was bored and love watching it Dock! Ya the removable top cover has screw holes cut around USB plug and Hot glue left overs from trying out different robot bodies on top. Actually dont need it when just cleaning,looks just like new on bottom side.
So it was not really that frightening until I let it go down the dark hallway and come back to me! I need to hide the Hot glue around the neck /cover welding there have an idea to use the old Cylon black ribbing effect around the neck on top of the messy surgery,will look new again. The IO Tiny needs to be found a good location still,used a tie wrap to Keep serial cable shorter.Not too sure I should bring this to my Mothers Old Retirement home to vacuum there at Christmas, some of those 90 year olds may not appreciate my art and helping out to Vacuum their Main Lobbycarpet ,as it is still a Roomba!
very cool robo rad :-)
Also nice movements on the iRobot
Thanks Ezang, after DJ helped me solve a connection issue with the Tiny controller, I was supposed to go to bed after but Just had the Urge to keep putting the Terminator parts back together,had to make a custom plastic case for the tiny controller where it connects to Serial cable and it is see through so all the lights shine through it nicely. Seems stable and can move really fast when I turn up the movement slider. All the regular clean and docking commands work right from computer but I did notice after docking I cant Restart it from the computer commands. Had to take it off the battery Dock first. I do know there is a wake up command and a connection on the roomba serial connector,need to get that going. Later today,since that would be annoying if I can't remote wake it.I can't test if all the Roomba bumper sensors work while cleaning because it is 6 in the morning,but later on. Need coffee now ,LOL!
lol, when you get that urge, forget sleep, coffee time!
I know you succeed - keep me up to date with your progress.
thanks , EzAng
Oh for sure Ezang,you know what it is like when you start brainstorming with all these cool idea you want to add to the robot. Forget sleep,lots of coffee! In my testing of Regular cleaning mode,I started to notice one of the sensors kept activating causing the robot to only travel a short distance and keep turning but only on automatic cleaning. I realized the Head is tilting too far back and not in the Center.Causing one of the sensor to keep tripping.Not sure which sensor on the bot,there are so many when you look on bottom. I just thought more simple to place head straight up and directly in the center on top of main drive wheels,best balance! The head is about 8 pounds so ya what a big difference,now so much faster and no more sensor glitches.Will clean whole house every room and after 1 hour 15 minutes returns to recharge by itself. still cant wake it up when charging,need to solder that extra wire for waking up from PC or internet.The EZ cam works but less performance on the Tiny,possibly wifi antenna too small on Tiny ...cam connection?I can drive it around on my TV but not as smooth as the EZBv4. The camera is pointing up to track objects,colors,sudden movements for security all working good though.Even Face tracking works. I want to put a red ball and watch Terminator-Roomba chase after it, so now this is all new training a new type of robot to add these scripts, Looks like no sleep again tonight,LOL! Having too much fun to stop,you guys no what it is like,friends and Family think we are nuts getting obsessed with it!
So anyone worried about using the old Ez camera on the Tiny IO, try using it with WiFi Client mode instead of the default mode. The camera response smoothness is so much better when using your home WiFi Router!
He used to be ought to wipe Sarah Connor, now he is on a quest to wipe the floor...thats the story of my life in a nutshell!!
I am loving it!! Gotta do something to my Roomba too!!
Oh yeah it sure is an easy platform to use with Arc, I am finding everything still works the same with minor differences in either Blockly or EZ scripting,having a blast ,making Terminator Roomba do stuff like the movement tracking, when someone comes through the front door,Terminator sitting there waiting like a big bad dog ready to attack any movements coming through door,then making it scream or swear while running full speed at the movement coming in! (A friend came to see what I was doing with Roomba) Watching it chase a colored ball is just freakin funny as hell,too. There is so much that can be done and now we have the new realsense Plugin,DJ working on,will be fun as well.
So the Roomba Terminator skull went for more surgery today, wanted to have the brain L.E.D.'s to run off the EZ Tiny 3.3 volts data pins so I can randomly have them scripted to come on when ever the Voice comes on,Now to put it all back together again and then test it on the Floor,the scripts are fairly easy to do,but why does the goto loops not work in Blockly? LOL just means I need to do more typing in EZ scripting,all the Goto Looping still works in there.
So this is my Final vid today. I sure got a Lot done, Nice big test ,vacuums the house,still got to add my 2 Sonar sensors to help it avoid tight areas getting stuck as ,the head is taller. I think my Enhanced Roller brush compartment comes on Monday,I hope! Supposed to be able to vacuum more fine dust and pick up particles/easy to clean brush after.
I do also need to do the speaker hack to get louder voice on an amplified speaker,Tiny speaker is just too tiny to hear it well,over the vacuum sound.Interesting, I found out great info on testing Terminator/Roomba this morning,ran for about an hour and 15 minutes and never got stuck anymore. I noticed that if it tries to go under chair but can't fit because of Tall Robot head, The wheels will wait for about 3 seconds trying to go forward but will then stop ,reverse,do a 180 degree move and continue vacuuming else where! so I did not need to ever get up but watch what it see from EZ camera on my big screen TV,Fun to relax with a coffee and just watch Cam view,like you are low down viewing like a what a cat would see. of course if it did ever get stuck like when it has edge detect on stairs,that is the only time it will ask for help so it wont fall over stairs.Really cool sensors it has! I want to add 1 sonar to front anyway even though it does not really need it now. I want it to not bump into those chairs anymore.Place sonar beside EZ camera at neck area. Surprised the extra weight of Terminator does not put any strain on motors and has the same battery run time from Irobot LI Ion battery! Also the EZB Tiny running on that battery! I do need to find a way to disconnect USB connection on Roomba to EZB since yes the charging dock puts out 22 volts on charging. This connection must disconnect EZB Tiny before it does battery Low seeking automatic docking sequences. That is if I set any date/Time schedule to clean when I am not home,Then EZB should not be on when it does finish cleaning and dock. I do have a relay board I can try along with a Google Home app that can turn off or on a wall charger. I could just turn off the wall charger just before Roomba tries docking with battery Dock station. I also found the Pin connection diagram that is hard to find so I can locate the Wake up pin for roomba on charging dock.
web Link....Pin web page roomba header pins on Cable. Link above shows pin 5 and 6 as BRC pins and I think that could be what takes Roomba off sleep when docked,not sure though I need to find that info again on the web.
How many volts are you putting in the ezb? You could use a voltage reducer.
Ah yes great answer Proteusy! In the beginning of Roomba that was my idea I had this great Voltage reducer from DF Robot a small circuit board that could output 5 volts--5 amps I think that was enough for EZB Tiny. Problem came when I did not watch the Polarity on the Voltage regulator input and my 12 volt battery I was using fried something on the voltage regulator...Tried to buy another from Robotshop canada but they are so popular always on back order. Thanks for reminding me,I will see if I can source one from a different web store!
I am trying out Blue stacks (run Google play mobile apps on Windows 10) As they added some performance enhancements even a separate disc cleanup utility when you are running it on Windows like on a mini pc such as my Latte panda with 60 gig internal storage.want to keep it at least 50 percent Free all the time.Runs better than it did last year! I prefer to use the mobile Google voices,they are free and so clear to understand even when adding robot distortion effects(I have a cool guitar effects peddle all in one with many wild effects to add on the fly with Google voices).
Spent about 2 hours looking for good MP3 sound files and then merging my 2 scripts together to make 1 super script but they say you should not have the serial cable connected for long periods on your PC USB port. The Roomba will go to Low power mode and not turn on until you do manual hard reset. It will still follow your script commands from computer and EZB! Even on Low power but not running too good, seems very sick on such low power, Just like it caught that whacky Flu bug going around....I also did see some hair caught in the 1 side wheel,likely causing Friction,needs to be taken out and cleaned tomorrow. Then I can take it's Face mask off,Ha!
OMG!!!! The Terminator having to wear a mask!!! This is the best clip ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just blew coffee thru my nose!!!

Ha ha,Thanks Mickey! Glad I have 1 fan out there, oh and Nomad is always cool too,He built me a printed Dalek, wait 'til you see what I do with that one on youtube, will be hilarious!xD
Totally man, keep us posted!!! Your sense of humor always makes my day!!
Hi robo rad,
great combination - terminator and rumba
mask, lol
Hey thanks EzAng, I am just waiting for the new enhanced brush head and compartment to arrive today or tomorrow.The web site at irobot is horrible, no help ,only info comes if you phone them directly.So It is still on the way. Will be nice to have because the Create 2 comes only with brush motors but no brushes,the vacuum is also there but needs the roller brush to pick up bigger particles of dirt.
So thought I would try Roomba again now on a full charge and at first when I was only using the control in ARC turning up the forward slider, It was still wanting to turn very slightly to the left so I checked the wheels and hard to tell if there was s\till dirt or hair wrapped around wheel axel,but it looked clean. So I tried again ,this time I pressed the spot clean on Arc, Let it clean a bit. Then I tried manual control again Forward, suddenly it was going perfectly straight like normal! I am thinking that the Roomba built in computer needed to re activate to control the left and right motors control encoding. Since the battery went so low last night I had to do a hard reset before it would start charging again(No Lights flash on top of Roomba buttons,no respond to clean button) Once the Roomba is alive on it's own, then the ARC remote controls also start working normal...Just my Theory,keep fingers crossed it does not happen again,always run Roomba with good battery charge. Hope these observations will help anyone doing the same thing adding weight on top of it and finding any similar glitches in Arc. AS for now ,Terminator Roomba is happy at it again doing a cleaning out there!
Just got the email , my enhanced roomba brush compartment upgrade is just shipped, supposed to be a re designed brush head better than original for 500,600,700 series Roomba.
Hopefully my Roomba cleaning brushes come in tomorrow,..In the mean time I am working on putting the Chrome arms back on the 5 foot Cylon in the corner,,with some servo and motor/hand updates . If it was really alive it would be cursing at me for neglecting it since little buddy Roomba took all my attention.
I tried adding all the different Joystick plug ins to work with My PS3 game pad, they all work but one worked the best, the other one I could only get the D buttons working and the Joystick would move way too fast,could not get it too slow down no matter what in configuration, the software joystick DJ added to Roomba demo ,you can download to run Roomba,worked really good but is only for touch pad or use mouse to control directions. The final joystick plug in was "Joystick direct input" Microsoft PC Driver...The only one that could change speeds with my PS3 physical game pad, just having a blast driving the Terminator Roomba around ,while watching on TV camera view. That is the keeper! Until I get some of these new depth sensor navigation stuff happening!
Until I buy a Realsense camera for 3d mapping, i am just going to have to add this Fake Camera effect on the Terminator Roomba camera .so when I remote view it on my screen and move robot around,it will give that actual movie effect. Also ,the EZ cam will also be there for movement tracking,face tracking,color/Object tracking.
hi roborad
is that your dalek? that is huge .
No not mine, I wish LoL! I am just looking forward to your 23 inch version, hopefully gets to Canada, not USA ... I will keep checking that tracking order USA error so should be good.
its 23 cm lol . wel you never know what the future brings .
Ha ha right, possibly I will also get a big 3d printer and build a giant one too,they are cool to bring to Sci Fi conventions as well, train it to follow me with IR becon such as what a roomba follows to it's charging infrared dock.
a dalek so big you can sit in it and drive .use some stick to eject christmas gifs .xD
Wow that is huge!:p
i would love to build similar like this with a jd inside .xD .
I am now working on a plan so that when I have people come over to visit, the Roomba can deliver beer cans to which ever guest wants one.i want to design a beer can dispenser out of a 12 volt DC cooler box that is used for out door picnics and camping.build a beer can chute that slowly drops a beer with out shaking it on to another beer can carrier on the Roomba or Terminator/Roomba. If I can write a script using The new DJ realsense plug in and camera mapping,obstacle avoidance sonar.Then do the roomba docking sequence to find the beer cooler dispenser located above infrared recharger dock. Yes my plan is formulating nicely (Doctor Evil Laughter) I do need to beware of wet shorting electronics too,must be able to stay dry if beer can bursts.
So I have about 4 robot projects and I work on 1 at a time taking breaks and then doing more on another bot.Getting the electronics setup for Cy here...thought I would also polish the Chrome. I can get it to a good 6 feet indoors and outside lower to 5 for rough terrain more balance. Just tested the car window lift motors that it runs on,both still work great .I need to buy a chrome pipe for the main shoulders and arms can bolt on with EZ HD servos.
It is interesting in this Adama/Cylon battle in the First Cylon war movie Battlestar Razor. They do show the Cylon camera,how it see it's surroundings...Cylon vision.It is almost identical to Terminator Vision scanning area.So i can use my Terminator vision App with the big Cylon I am working on. Then also use all the new Intel vision mapping camera as well. Coming up with a red eye sound effect that I can control the speed of the sound with my actual Cylon red eye L.E.D,'s and control with Synthiam Arc!
I did that for my Cy robot. I did the sweeping red eye and the cylon sounds, when you boot up the robot. Is very cool
I Can get warble sweep sound as a repeating MP3 on the red eye but I am interested in making the sound lower in pitch or go higher since I can slow down the speed of the eye. Would be cool with synthiam ARC control using a script while it communicates with a human.:D
So has anyone done this wet mopping modification to their regular vacuum Roomba? I Will try it out once I buy some of those swiffer jet microfiber sheets.at the Walmart.
Another cool thing on my Create 2 Roomba,it has the clock/date/schedule for it to come on once a day at a certain time or certain day.I use it to wake me up in the morning like alarm clock except it just comes in to vacuum my room loudly! Does anyone know if it is possible to get at the clock and schedule by using Laptop and Arc? This way I don't need to pull the Terminator cover plate off everytime to push clock and schedule roomba buttons?

I guess I will just need to attach the wake up connection, and then write a script for what days and times to come on.I need to find the web site where they were discussing how to program the PC to wake it up from recharge pad.So just watching TV on in the background. It so warms my heart to see a commercial with William Shatner even if it is a so clean Apnea equipment commercial, nice to still see him on TV after i grew up watching so much StarTrek.
To anyone building a taller robot body on the Roomba. I just noticed in my testing here ,the roomba will sometimes do a crazy fast 360 spin when it gets trapped in a corner. So when it did this in my kitchen, it got the serial cable caught on a lower drawer handle and pulled away the cable from back of body that only had tape and a spot of hot glue keeping it nicely tucked in,this is also where the USB connected to the EZ Tiny wire connection. So if I was not watching this on camera(so hard to believe what I saw!LOL!) this could have ended badly with wires possibly shorting out. I am now going to build a shield over this area to prevent that from ever happening again. The robot was so powerful it actually pulled out the kitchen drawer with cable hooked around handle!xD
Did some cleaning with isopropyl alcohol on roomba to get excess splatters of hot glue off, looks shiny and new again...

Then I am going to add nuts and bolts to make the neck stronger on the cover plate ,hot glue is only for mock up testing,all running good so now to make it strong and permanent,also a new shield over electronics and cable...I got big buddy media bot with a new head to install here, going to run with EZb4 and 8 channel relay board timed accurately to get experimental walking and dancing of course!
that looks like alot of fun to do .
Okay ...this is mind-blowing now , I simply added a few personality scripts, camera learning script and camera color red locating and just forgot about the Termonator Roomba bot,left it standing in the dark living room, was still connected with EZ Tiny and cam. As the sun started giving light, the robot startled me ,as it came alive by itself. I guess it was searching for red,and trying to learn shape in memory but the weird thing is I never programmed any new script on how to move or talk. It started pulling words out of the sound board like Fuk you Asshole and I am a learning computer ,T2 sound files I have ,but it should not have done that,only the camera auto look for red could work But Not Talking! Freaked me out. DJ is a genius ,these plug in scripts make the robot possessed!xD
This was the last few minutes just after it cam "Alive" as the sun came up...i grabbed my camera but missed where it started Talking for no reason,was not supposed to....This was truly weird but wild, gonna have more Fun if DJ's Synthiam Plug in scripts can Mimic A.I. !!..
I was not controlling it with Joystick, just started moving like that by itself, A camera tracking feature of course if left on. But was not moving at all for an hour in dark room.Was shocked. ....If the voice came on and said "Please clean up these damned Batteries and empty Bottles, I cannot get through..." Then I would be just leaving the house and never coming back Ha ha! The sun only came out briefly,then this terrible wind started howling,with trees waving violently, I live next to Lake Ontario and I could start to hear waves crashing like never before, Weird energy this morning! Something to do with those Strange Northern lights people were observing last few nights? Anyone ever see Stephen King movie Maximum Overdrive or "Trucks" ?Aha ha! So in further checking of what caused my Terminator to come on by itself this morning.....Seems that when I merged some of my 2 year old Terminator files from old ARC into my newer Roomba ARC program....I forgot how sophisticated my code was, It was made for a large Outdoor 5 foot Tall terminator I had at the cottage. It had a High powered automatic Machine gun Rifle (BB Gun) that could locate any target on it's own and peg it with 300 rounds of BB ammo. I had last set it up to search for red objects on the Lawn and Aim at the target, firing the gun,then randomly speaking a Terminator 1 Liner from my sound waves of T movies. After I merged that old Terminator Program I just figured the code was too outdated to work anymore....Apparently not,still works great but it merged some how with the Roomba Movement Panel (again DJ is a Genius and who ever helped on that Plug in for camera script) So that is why the voices came on too I had made that Camera script to do all these seek and destroy functions with the talking, Forgot I still had all that in there! How it merged perfectly with Roomba movement panel, More DJ magic I guess....In conclusion my house is not haunted,no Demons possessed Terminator Roomba and I Duped my own self Ha ha!
Well Purolator courier is actually working today and they emailed me my brush is on the delivery truck, doubt if it will show up but my day ruined again waiting for a lousy Roomba "Enhanced brush and compartment" While I'm waiting I thought I would try the Bixby vision on my Samsung Phone as I am thinking it may be similar to the Yolo plug in on Arc? This is what I want for my Larger Cylon Robot but better as, this Bixby vision works sometimes but sometimes not accurate to identify camera objects in real time video mode. I do want to keep this Google voice I modified on my phone for the Cylon.
MY brush and motor compartment came in today. So adding on create2 takes 5 minutes with screwdriver.

All in now...
Next thing is if you use power for side brush module and you have no brush there ,you can attach power for any microcomputer that needs more Amps to those power wires.It will not trip Roomba fuse at that connection.Here the Lady shows how to get access to side brush motor module.....
Terminator Roomba has a great wiring--electronics body shield now at the back. Just like the old classic TV series MacGyver ,I just find old parts in my bin and re use them for new projects. This came off the Robosapien Media and has a great window to see the L.E.D. lights through. I don't need to worry about it hitting chairs and ripping wires out again. Can leave it on roomba schedule cleaning and not even be home....
Damn that wire shield on the back just makes it look too Evil now! I would do a video demo but I need to send in another subscription to keep all those great new plug in on Arc. ROBOT would be less fun on basic version.
I used my other computer to install Basic ARC just to get short video of Bat like operation with new shield on the back, it took some hits on the back and protection works!
Don't try to fk with the cleaning person...or the cleaning person will fk you up!!!

I am going to add a squirter gun electric nozzle so I can shoot cleaning fluid around the floor and attach swiffer jet cleaning pad under the Vacuum tray. COULD in theory be aimed up to squirter Acid at burglers intruding at 3 in the morning too...Ha ha!xD
Ideas for the Roomba? Oh yeahhhh, Like the old Tv commercial when we were kids...Giant pitcher of cherry Kool Aid bashes through the wall....Well now as adults you can have a Mini Keg of Heineken Beer fit perfectly on your Roomba with no Tape or Velcro, It just hangs on! Perfect for your next Christmas Party and just in time for New Years Eve as well!
OMG!!!! You know that I am German, right??? This look delicious...cannot look away!!!!!!!!

Ha ya, my brother works at construction so when one building was done the other workers left about 6 mini kegs Heineken down in the basement, so guess who took them all ...Yep,delicious!
Update---The docking seek battery function works great even with full body on. Still trying to figure out a simple solution to wake it up after it docks to recharge. The ControlCommand functions don't seem to work after docking ,EZB tiny can sit there and do all kinds of other wonderful things while docked, like keep camera at door way for intruder or play MP3 music, chat but just not able to move unless I were to buy a remote control and press the Clean button twice, 60 dollar solution I think but I still need to be there to do it. A timed date clock function can be programmed in to activate everyday at the same hour and minute or just a certain day and time,but I need to lift up the body to access the buttons then.I found some Arduino and Irobot forums where they discuss how to send a wake up signal while docked but I am hoping for a simple programming code in ARC that could do this more easy.
I use a rellay connected to the start button to wake him up when the battery is charged.
Yes many people have done that surgery with the relay but surely it works with connecting the roomba pins 5 and 7 as a quick pulse, I heard there is a glitch in all the Roomba that need a Firmware update to make it work on the charger dock and using code in any computer software.
I have a 560 and tried the periodic brc pulse but did not work. The relay works for me.
Ya I have not yet tried to add the wire there yet because I did read it won't work for many people. Unless firmware upgraded and if you have any model under 650 there is no wifi to transfer firmware upgrade unless you buy a special data transfer device. Mine is the create2 650 type using the USB serial cable ,there should be a way to transfer firmware.Just need to keep researching that.
Having some fun with the cool Cylon voice actually coming out of his Google mini Bluetooth speaker and running the google British modified Text to speech engine on my Samsung S20 phone,running ARC Mobile with a script I made earlier this year and put in the Synthiam cloud for Mobile Arc.Now this also works with Pandorabots and answers my Questions using that voice!
Oh ya,I did drop that head like 50 times so it is needing some Glue again inside the nose split!Watching that movie from a few years back, Robot and Frank. Too funny he teaches the bot how to shoplift, pick locks and be a burglar!Sounds like the voice comes from the guy who does South Park cartoon.
Yes, funny movie. I want a robot like that.love
Hi Proteusy, I saw you were able to add Roomba control to Mobile ARC in 2019 , A post you made in community archives? Does that still work for you, mobile phone control? I tried but can't get any ControlCommand Roomba movements to the Interface builder for Mobile Arc. DJ said Roomba not supported now in mobile.
I dont remember. Could you tell me what post?
Roomba Mobile It was this posting I saw.
And in this 2018 post someone with complex script made for Mobile....
roomba mobile script
I really dont remember. But you could use and modify the project by faengelm "EZB Roomba Basic". It uses uart.
I was actually reading all the op codes from the create 2 pdf manual and it looks really simple to get the Roomba newer 600 series to communicate using simple terminal programs on computer which i can change to script and get roomba in full mode, leaving the charger anytime.Even modify the date and time schedule from my computer ,pulsing brc not needed when changed to full mode. When done running robot it can then be changed back to passive after seek charger command initiated so it can actually recharge on dock.
Also yes thanks Proteusy, I have started reading all those posts and script samples from Faengelm and his EZB Roomba basic sample script, very helpful for sure! I have plenty of time to study and get this running, just need to feed my brain with quality coffee here and then my mind goes full blast figuring out the codes! I am using EZ Tiny so I just need to convert UART commands into Serial commands in scripts.
Here is some Christmas vacuum cleaning with full program running. I also can control it with my phone now. I only need to add a loud speaker so you can here it's TTS voice. It will miss some dirt if it is not directly in the middle because I am still missing the little side brush. The main roller brush works really well. I could honestly let this go at an airport or shopping store to vacuum floors as it won't require recharge for 1 hour 15 minutes. Of course It would likely get stolen if other people around. Needs a stun gun or pepper spray for that possibility.xD
Whoa, that new movie monsters of man out now on internet, Exodus, crazy looking robots, evil has hell.Sort of like Inmoov gone to the dark side of the Force!
WE have the new year here in Toronto now so wish you all a better new year in 2021. Even if everything else went to hell, Synthiam got to be the best ever. Never have I had so much Quality time working with my favorite Robotics hobby! Looking forward to what comes next from DJ and crew. Here's to 2021!:D
Happy New year from me and my family and Roman the robot https://youtu.be/DRtxDBPvPgY
Well with Terminator Roomba pretty well done as my winter Fun, I am back to building the big Cylon body shoulders, used strong PCV pipe cut to my shoulder Length for reference.I am now ready to re attach the shoulder bells and Arms,chest plate and re connect back to wheel drive.12 volt batteries and Latte panda,ezb4,lights,voice,star LED machine gun hands.Attach head,cylon eye sweep with sonar sweep sound..lots of work,LoL!
Gave a quick shine to the head using Pledge Revive Floor Wax, a modellers secret weapon to gloss chrome without ugly yellowing over time.
Looking good, nice shine :-)
any videos yet?
Hey Ezang, no not yet,looks like snowing here today and big line ups at Hardware store or Walmart, i am short a few nuts and bolts for the arms,may need to wait for a better sunny day to go get parts.
Nothing like a shinny Cylon! I love those guys.
Ya dave I think they looked better than the newer CGI dracula models from 2003can't even talk! Did you see the end season 2 of lost in space New netflix version? I thought the way robot talked near end was the coolest,too bad no season 3 came EDIT---Oh my mistake, season 3 to start back up next summer!
Very easy track system from Vex,this is the extra hard track material good for outside mud ,snow or concrete. Can be made with 2 motors or high torque 4 motors.,thinking about building a high performance snow robot.longer than a Roomba so I can get a big load on top.
That hard track would make a cool tank :-)
Here is a small tank I made a while back - https://youtu.be/GYZ4oFgYKCA
A few cheap motors, a H-bridge motor controller etc...
Did some testing with Cylon body minus the arms using roomba again,it does work pretty good as the body is light weight. The stability problem comes from stop and go abrupt movement, on the Irobot create web site they detail how to add an extra castor wheel on the vacuum bin so that tall robots have good stability on the roombas.Just need to buy a 6 dollar castor wheel from Canadian tire or WalMart.
A few years a go, before I met you robot guys, we though out an old iRobot vac - at that time I had no thought I could have re-worked it. :-(
You know, maybe you can cut out a square of light wood or plastic (to form a platform) to put over your roomba for stability - just an idea...
On my Mr. Metal, for stability, I used
Yes that is a good idea to try, wider platform and 3 more castor wheels could work great,then more sonar and bumper sensors.
I use this printed bin with a spare roomba castor.
Yep that is what was thinking but just going to add wheel on my original vacuum bin ,it is just see through plastic there to see the dust.
So my working robot collection is re growing after I lost so many last May because of this "Great reset"going on. The virus is the front they use just a cold,LoL! But they forced me to get rid of my summer motorhome with no time to sell,evertthing including most of my robots ended up at the dump,no choice:( Slowly building my collection back. Nomad sent me his extra hex 6 EZ Robot,coming tomorrow!:DCant wait to get that, gonna call it my personal Replicator guard Spider! There is also this cool effects company that animates robots but I do remember DJ doing similar with the xbox360 kinect camera,which I have,want to try on my Robosapien Media bot, possibly 3d print extra long arms, legs,servos to copy human poses! https://youtu.be/WsYx6jEzX2A
Rokoko gloves Youtube Link...
And now for something completely different, this is awesome,gonna by one for the Terminator to speak!xD...https://tooltell.com/products/led-voice-active-face-cover-light-up-face-cover?fbclid=IwAR224GlVnzDJXpj359TUVUIyw-QXxS8w0-J5_8wpDjdnlym0p7VFB7g7ZOILoL! So after this morning I said no more wasting money on robot parts and then what did i Do? Clicked the above Link and mashed that Buy button,xD
Ha ha, the people living downstairs are going to be so annoyed, building a Roomba speeder with much larger 360 degree trailer wheels allowing full Roomba spins 360 degrees really Fast....Donuts! Will try first with Terminator riding it then the huge Cylon but I need to find my drill/screw gun firstxD
Nice, found my skill saw And cordless screw gun. Cut out the mid section of support carrier. Now Cylon body fits nicely in the middle and I can still access Roomba buttons under Cylon when it is attached ,this is going to be one mean mopping machine when done!
Well It works about 50 percent since the front bumper sensors are obstructed by the new cover plate(Oil Pan) is just an inch too wide. Bumpers do not get close to any objects to activate. Only the Infrared sensors still work as it can dock at the end by itself to recharge,successful there. Man that Roomba has plenty of powerfful torque,will easily hold a large 5 foot robot body, just need to add my Sonar sensors to avoid the walls and tight corners. Still need to work on getting it right before I try any robot on top.
Anyone remember the Venus Probe robot on the 6 million dollar man 70's tv show? I think mine is way more noisy and destructive,LOL!!lol, I see nothing stops him
Ya the front and side bumpers are not able to touch the furniture,so i need to do some more cutting and then add some Sonar with a synthiam script to slow it down as well.
Can it go on carpet? I need all my robots to go on carpets.
Yes you just need to clean the main brush more often .
While i wait for a new h bridge circuit board for Cylon, my package from Nomad arrived today the EZ Revolution 6 bot.Got it all together some extra parts still got to go on,sonar and the rgb LED eyes.Connect servos to EzB4 which is a really wild Gold color! This is something new for me to try make walk!:D
hey roborad
if you wanna use ARC original for six .the servo's are diff placed.
six looks very happy .xD
Oh really I just attached all the servos to EZB, so it wont work this way, i saw other people connected servos this way... Oh so the foot servos need to go other way then....LoL the top servos too? Dear lord alot of work but okay.
if you use the original ARC you alreddy have allot of motions and a walking gait.
Ya looks like every servo i put backwards, following the Instructions on 6 basic build 1 more leg to go.They go together so tight.
Well it is working ,walks perfectly,all good now just need to put blue dome back on and fit the RGB and Sonar.Thanks again Nomad!
yeach six stepped into 2021 .greatxD
The replicators are here! You all will be replaced by replicated copies,ha ha:p
Here is the fastest one :-)
Mr. Spider Sapian meets Spider Bot
hehe thats a spider on steroids .
God damned creepiest robot I have ever owned now! Testing had 1 servo that was not working,was just the pin connection loose on EZB, now working 100 percent again,there is a list of all these dance moves and attack moves that I guess DJ added all those in the synthiam ARC 6 program. This is just wow more awesome than watching a Roomba vacuuming!:D
good find about the pin . how is the sound ?
The built in sound is really loud too! Do not need the audio hack! Got to program in some of DJ's spider attack sounds!
I agree more awesome than watching a Roomba vacuuming lol
So here I am testing out the EZ sonar ,at the top, seems to work great,got it so it backs away from movement 15 cm away.
i see danger danger danger .
Here is my example of the ultrasonic radar scan, distance and collision:
A litter boring, but it is just a sensor, lol
these are just tests
Had it set for 35 in. 45 in. works better - in the minimum distance before turning
Ya I have had 2 sonar sensors on a big robot outside left and right, both detecting trees, rocks set at 120 cm,worked excellent.Or is it inches ?anyway 120 was what I use outside.
Well with 6 spider running good, back to working on getting Cylon to run on Roomba power and motors, support wheels at back and borrowed the sonar from 6, as it has a voltage regulator that works. I Should be able to get Cylon to run with Synthiam roomba script and sonar avoiding furniture, front bumpers of roomba should also work now too,will setup for slower speed.
Seems to run good now on Roomba motors and Lithium Ion Battery. Added sonar so not to hit furniture anymore and modified bottom of roomba cover so IR and bumper sensors can work on Roomba.Still finds docking charger by itself good. Need to add the 2 extra support wheels at back, now modified for perfect fit but need to use long screws for good secure connection. will do tomorrow,then can let it go twice as fast!:DArms and other parts mounted tomorrow as well.
Yep,that's the ticket! Modification to rear body wheels is working excellent now, running at half roomba motor speed and no more shaking or tipping over. Can likely hit chairs and walls with no big issue. Going to program the 1 sonar until I can add the other 2 I have for the sides. Vacuum and brushes can be switched on and off with Synthiam ARC Roomba panel. writing scripts and audio will be super cool to try. need to paint rear and wheels black,cosmetic improvements, I have movable arms ready to install after everything else completed. By your Command!
Looking good - avoiding obstacles - looking steadier
What are your setting?
I did test the Sharp IR Radar, way more sensitive.
The Ultrasonic radar scan is working better, tweaked some settings
So at 4 and a half feet tall, seems perfect size for indoors to vacuum or mop floors, I have never had so much fun cleaning a house before, I forgot to program main roller brush to come on but there was an area in the kitchen where i spilled coffee grinds all over floor,sent Cylon over to clean that too after this video made, 1 arm still needs attaching ,cylon main eye in head,sound effects, more testing with adding 2 more sonars for full auto behavior.
lol, I robot to clean up our messes would be great, lol
If my six robot spider was more quiet walking around on 6 legs I would have it constantly mopping the floor with swiffer wet cleaning pads under it ,want to give it colors and fur like a real Tarantula and 2 sonar sensors to look like real spider beady eyes.
OMG, that Roomba is in pain!xD
Actually not really ,body is extremely light weight, roomba has great torque to carry the body and still get great run time from roomba battery before needing recharge. I Have it programmed for minimum speed since only 1 sonar right now to avoid hitting chairs,can run very fast once all sensors are on.
Cylon body is almost completed now, shoulders still too wide need to shorten that but reaady to test it again vacuuming floor tomorrow!
Here is the Cylon vacuum test #3 on Full Auto after I moved it to Living room. The sonar working Great,still only 1 but tweeked at further distance sense. Laser gun hands are not yet attached with wires but I cant do much right now we are under full Lockdown with nothing open unless you order online then go wait in huge line at curb side pickup. I cant get any hardware to finish this robot until they remove these obnoxious lockdowns ,The Ford Government here can kiss my A--!! The left shoulder is still too far apart,cant fix right now. Cylon is really Vacuuming all by itself with no help from me...Success!!
Nice work,
very good vacuuming robot- like also the back wheels and Ultrasonic radar scanner
Are you planning to get the arms moving? or any other plans?
Hey there Ezang yes as soon as I can get some more wiring ,nuts and bolts for the shoulders and arms,right now the shoulders are on top of shampoo bottles LOL! All I could find in the house! The hand motors are just stock 6 volt and work really well ,they spin around in attack mode and then shoot extremely bright Star L.E.D.'s ,just need to connect wires to my 8 channel relay board and connect to EZB signal pins. right arm servo is working too but not the left servo yet,need to do work on that servo to attach properly. I am working on getting proper voice synthesis working for Cylon voice. I only work about 2 hours a day on it now,Love making the videos as It is so boring around here,nothing open under city lockdowns covid emergency.
I don't have ocd or anything like that like perfectionists but it does bother me when something is not symmetrical. So now I adjusted both upper arms and shoulders to be at equal distances. And more proportional to rest of body. It is starting to look more and more like the CGI classic rebel Cylons in the Battlestar Razor movie.The shoulders look just right I think if I add 2 more metal rods attaching to the neck will look more robotic too.
What I am shooting for, a modern version of the classic style.
this one looks awesome too.
Well those are the new ones,they don't talk and look too much like Dracula. I Only like the classic models and the CGI classic models.
Ah well, everyone in Ontario just got the covid Martial law order on their phones and computers, no go out unless proof of grocery,medical or heavy fines.Real reason is much more distressing to do with groups with guns in Montreal,surrounding areas, better get your cross bows out! Anyway my new heavy defended home LOL!....
Sorry to hear about the lock-down @Robo Rad, I hope things improve quickly.
Ya thanks Jer, it is not actually that serious a Lockdown if you just turn off TV news and ignore,go outside,LOL, nice day here today,we even still have green lawns over here next to the Lake.No winter came yet! I think this has something to do with the switch over of power in Washington,they are all in Martial Law too. Anyway on a lighter note,trying to engineer the Cylon hands to be able to pick up and carry a full king size Beer can!xD

Wait 'til I add the Cylon voice,too funny...Youuuuuur Beeeeeer...Imperious Leader....Byyyyy yourrrrrr Command!My fleet is also standing by. Here my 50 cm 3d printed Galactica and my Revell Colonial Viper!
Whoa those are awesome ships,very detailed and huge Galactica! I once had the classicRaider model with these working torpedo guns!
So I have an idea for the hex 6 spider bot I got from Nomad. Not going to try this T2 head because I think possibly too heavy for 6 HD servos,don't want to burn them out .Thinking about buying a half scale T2 head smaller lighter, would look like "The Thing" 1982 John Carpenter's version! God I must be bored again darn lock down!xD
Oh man, cmon rad, stop stealing my toys! Hehe. I 3d printed this one, 15 cm high and light weight. Would fit nicely on the hex!
HAHA, Great minds think alike!xD
I really need to give a shout out to my FB friend Scott Maple, he owns Kropserkel and with out him I could not have got All my Cylon chromed body Armour. Followed him for about 10 years on the web.when movie production needs robots,Aliens,Predators, Scott is who they goto ,any classic Cylon body costumes you see on YouTube, most were made by Scott at Kropserkel...amen to Scott!
Well I solved the noisy foot issue with six spider, used electrical tape wrapped at ends of feet to make cushions,works really well 80 percent more Quiet like a real spider!
Now all it needs are two red leds to make creepy eyes and some scary creature sounds!
How many eyes does a real spider have 4 or 8? I gotta check that! YA creepy some 6, most have 8.
So last night I got much improvements on the head neck and arm motors/servos. The new dual motor controller for the neck motor and for the wrist/hand rotation motors. Elbow metal rods added to support the robot carry 2 King Can beers.EZ Tiny controller just for head rotation and arms movements and to go to amplified speaker in neck,Cylon talking,heavy bass.,2nd EZ cam over mouth to be set for human facial recognition, will track movements with head motor, as lower cam I use to see dirt on Floor watching it vacuum. His attack stance works amazing, when it rotates wrists the arms are to the sides but rotate the other way and both hands are ready to fire guns. Anyway a lot done.
Well hey! I just noticed a video record option at the bottom of Camera panel controls, I never noticed that before ,or would have used it, must be new? Tried it and it seems to record smoothly for 320 mode,good in day light! I have 2 EZ cams on my Cylon now so this can be handy. I guess the EZ cam does not have a microphone for sound. Possibly try out one of the cellphone cameras to get audio and video.
So here I have the servo tracking feature in the Synthiam ARC camera panel set for tracking any sudden movements, will train it to recognize my face and remember me.
Wow am having a blast, a little harder to use basic Synthiam ARC ,but still all the movement panels,sensors,cameras all work together so seamlessly well ,even merging other projects all together into 1 has no problems just a bit limited until I renew my subscription later today,as I don't think there is anyway to run both my EZB controllers together with basic. Still very impressive what I can do now without any real knowledge of complicated programming languages .soon I will have the top of robot handled by EZ Tiny and then the bottom with roomba running on EZb4, many sensors and servos,motors all running in perfect harmony ,the documents provided by DJ are so well organized on the web site and help files in Arc! If I can do all this ,I can only imagine what all you real long time builders are doing with Synthiam now!:)
Looks like you're having a blast with your robot. Very cool. Nice work so far.
I understand how fun this can be and how great it feels once you get things moving. I am currently working on arms for my robot but haven't gotten to the wiring or mounting of the motors yet. Still stuck at sanding, painting and fitting. I really dislike sanding so it's hard getting up the ambition to move the project along. I can't wait to get them at the point you are at.
Do you still have the camera mounted in the head of the robot for tracking? I haven't worked on the camera for my robot for years. I was using the old first version camera and a young version of ARC (now ARC) and I got frustrated. I had y camera mounted in the head also but I couldn't get it to work smoothly or properly for movement tracking. DJ said at the time that I should mount it on the main robot that didn't move the camera when tracking. Before I tried it I moved on to other things and removed the camera. I'd like to give it a try again with this new generation camera and ARC. It would be interesting to see how it works for you if you mounted yours in a spot other then the head to control the head.
Hey Dave I found this Tiny snap camera that is wireless which can do 1080 P at 30 Frames per second,that I mounted on the nose of the face but not sure if it will work with EZb Tiny, may work with the Ezb4 on the bottom of robot,will try it out tonight, if not supported I do still have 2 EZ cams, 1 mounted at the bottom roomba to see dirt on the floor for roomba remote controlled cleaning. The other ez cam has too short cable to mount on face but your suggestion to put on non moving neck could work right next to the Tiny.
Hi robo rad, looks like your robot is coming alive :-)
Nice. Love the movement and speed.
Well minor setback but overall systems are A-OK ,ready for another vacuuming session tomorrow too,floor getting dirty....had a disaster earlier the wires for left hand got caught around back wheel but it kept going so I continued filming the sonar test. It did avoid furniture and walls nicely. the camera face tracking is always on so it is always looking for movement or my face.Will give it some talking tomorrow.
Yes I know there is a bunch of Hot glue smiles that needs cleaning off,it scrapes off pretty easy, I do have screws I will be using once I am satisfied of where everything should be placed. Also some painting will come when weather warms up.Here I am trying out the windows free program Cylonix vocoder,just do a google search for Cylonix it is at top. Also using the many free RSS news feeds free on the web and using the British voice pack for Google TTS voices, as it is more monotone than USA language pack for google mobile. I use when running robot with Mobile ARC and then all TTS text sounds like this after processed through the Cylonix vocoder on my Latte Panda.Win 10.
I like to think of this as CNN (Cylon News Network) LOL!HA HA! So I am toying with the idea of buying a self propelled Lawn Mower and putting either the Cylon body or a Giant Terminator skeleton on top of the Mower, this would most likely cause traffic accidents on the main road in front of my Lawn. Both bodies would shine the chrome so bright in the sun,Ha Ha, gonna be a fun summer!
Working on adding a TTS voice for the robot Dalek, not quite right but I have done it once before.There are many equalizer and distortion settings on the Cylonix vocoder.
very nice
Did you hear my robot voice?
No Ezang I have not, I am trying to get real time TTS voice though, not pre recorded MP3? Dalek uses old fashion early 1970's or late 60's synthesiser distortion.
ok I understand, a real time TTS voice
I have to record what I want to say on Audacity for my robot voice
Here is a sample, because you said you did not hear it before:
by the way, how do you run Cylonix?
I added foot pads to the Dalek six feet and made it walk much more quiet on wood floor.Only it is still a bit slippery and has hard time turning with sonar avoidance,need to tweak the turn speeds.Added long running heavier Lipo battery inside Dalek body,helps with traction!
Also, I did some testing with the robot Sonar and see how it can explore the living room more cluttered now with chairs and dining table there, Did okay in some area but the turning away from objects is still hit and miss due to slippery waxed floor, need to possibly increase the back up and turn radar movement,Fun to watch the little guy go!
So I was really impressed with this six robot sample program in the Synthiam ARC do it yourself robot projects! All ready to go on PC or Mobile phone app features,working! I am just loving the Dalek's new smooth moves! There is a ton of ready made movements ready to go.:D
Dalek scares a Baby, LOL! I think now I need to build a Life size Dalek too,looks like more fun at the Comicons!
Oh Hell...This is not cool, no more Science Fiction. Once they replace soldiers with machines only bad things can happen,not cool with this. Oh wait it is not real I did not read the whole thing,thank god for that,but I bet they do exist in secret!
How did you figure out this was not real?
Wow! any of you guys into interesting Sci-Fi Space type movies, Check out Cosmic Sin 2021 with Bruce Willis, This is out on the net with your favorite Movie streamers. I would say this was better than the last 4 starwars films by a mile. Just the constant action leaves you at the edge of your chair the whole time with an interesting story line. Surprise hit of 2021 boring year so far except that 1 Robot movie that came out on new years. Ima gonna watch that again as it is one you must watch 2 or 3 times to get the details. Bruce Willis always an instant classic!
Bosstown Dynamics!!! Such a good name for a company!!
Well since spring has sprung early here, I am thinking about getting my Terminator back together and improved on the 12 volt car window motors used on the ATV wheeled base for outside fields 15 Amp each huge torque!I wanted to have 2 or 3 more target drones booting around the field that also shoot back at the terminator. Back in summer 2019 ,T800 was really wild what it could do finding targets and shooting them airsoft ammo.Only problem is that Wanker Trudeau has banned every toy WalMart gun that imitated a real gun.They still want to fight this ban at supreme court because it is ridiculous to destroy a billion dollar Airsoft businesses across Canada,Field battles,indoor Airsoft battles Paint gun fields,all gone! so now only in secret up North in private hidden parks,fields buildings with little population.Was hoping to start a new sport with Robots competing in these airsoft battles. It just started getting really huge to buy the L.E.D. attachment that flashes an intense light for a second on glow in the dark red or green BB .At night the BB's look just like the Pulse weapons used in the Future Terminator battles, The BB is so bright and fast it looks like actual Tracer Fire,The faster you shoot the more it looks like Laser blasts, Very cool to watch those battles on youtube, With my idea it would be operators with live video feed controlling robots to have fights and make some of them completely autonomous ,like some type of Gun Battery cannon on a hill that can see targets running around.At night how cool would that be?I wanted to do this last summer but Fake covid has destroyed every business and life in Canada,I wont take that B.S. anymore,willing to move far North get away from all the Karens and whiny Liberals around here. This was what I had,going to build improved version with better A.I. thanks to all the developements by DJ and Synthiam......
Great going robo Rad, I agree the Fake covid has destroyed many business and life in many places , that is why I go to my farm life, no Fake covid and whiny Liberals around here :-)
Your robot and the Terminator T-800 Animation awesome stuff
Hehe, that is pretty cool, and would make for a neat new attraction. Im sure soon we will all get back to normal. Im happy to say I got my vaccine. I wish covid was a bad dream, but sadly lost several friends to it, and have had relatives just surviving from it.
Well I hope those that want vaccine get it but those of us that don't want it shall not be forced.People with business like restaurants,bars,concert venues should just open. The Flu has suddenly vanished,which is a bit weird don't you think,lol! I am at the point of just running through a locked shopping mall naked with no mask and my Terminator running ahead of me to Flank the security guards and provide cover bb fire. ...So nice to have a Farm to escape to Ezang, maybe my Terminator will come there for robot bb battles with your Inmoov!
So this is what Airsoft war games look like with glowing Tracer Bb fire.The L.E.D. flasher attachment goes on the end of your Full automatic machine guns or full auto Glock type airsoft hand guns in these tournament battles. Now imagine robot battles doing this? Insanely fun as my M4 on the Terminator does shoot at that speed and you don't even need night time to see the Laser Tracer Bb's ,very bright even in medium/ low light areas or day shaded forests.
Edit---Shows the airsoft camera guy name as DJ ,just noticed that, just another guy with that nik name,LOL!Not from Synthiam!So sad and yet another Famous great dies just after taking Covid vaccine yesterday,take it at your own risk but the famous deaths are happening everyday now...Breaking: World Champ Marvelous Marvin Hagler Killed By COVID Vaccine Watch Live
So I am trying an experiment in the dark basement ,using the Cylon Roomba with BB attachement that is using glow in the dark BB's. The red ones are hard to get in store but the Green ones are plenty and glow just like Starwars green Laser beams really bright even when lights are on. I have ordered the 20,000 round BB electric feeding box that I can attach for unlimited machine gun tracer effect similar to an A10 Warthog Blasting the ground with high speed Tracer fire.That will take a while to get from the States. In the meantime I have the wind up Mag that can do auto fire for about 40 BB's. In the dark it looks like in a Star wars fight,LOL! The roomba is capable of fast auto tracking when combined with EZ camera or my High end Cell phone camera that can see really good in the dark for video. Will make some impressive video of 2 robots dueling in the dark running on automatic programming from Synthiam ARC Mobile. Can program the robot to chase down any movement and attack. In the Future I want to build some large Daleks to add to the Robot battles going against Cylon and Terminator. Who says Covid Lockdowns need to be boring! For sure I bet nobody has done this yet on Youtube but I bet if I look at Youtube Japan they likely have daily robot battles already...but with Glowing BB's? I could be the first? Robots will have the Army styled armor protection except where sensors can detect hits.
Edit------So I am using the Dalek Ez six robot as a Target drone, going to program it to try to evade Cylon-Roomba from attacks... going to look around for a smaller cheap AEG gun that Dalek can shoot back!
Here is the red dot aiming sight for the BB machine gun. It has the switch and calculator type button batteries exposed now.I can wire the switch to a relay and use EZB power from the Roomba usb connector. The EZ camera can go right behind the unit to see the red dot for Aiming BB's.If Airsoft becomes illegal I will just get rid of the gun body and stick the internals into the Cylon Arm with barrel sticking out of hand.
This is one of the best tracer units ,it has 2 big capacitors for a really bright UV LED flash as the Glow in dark BB's leave the barrel,I think possibly 8 LED in the tube there as well. BB Shot outside at night looks incredible,starwars green laser or red Laser tracer effects . Best with auto fire at 900 Rounds per minute .mine is old and does about 600 RPM, with my upgraded Lipo battery,brings it up to about 800 RPM!
So this guy has already done what I was planning to do so I will just follow his experimental circuitry and add it to all my target robots, I dont think I can use my Dalek-6 robot because the BB force I have is too great. I am going to buy the BB airsoft Full auto Mac11 type guns and have them inside an other hard shell body,then make it look like a Dalek ,Body will protect from BB damage ,also the EZ Tiny inside. Not sure if there are any other robot builders as crazy as I am doing something like this but I will outline all the details as I go along. For a guide to other crazy nuts trying to make Maximum robot destruction and Fun,Ha ha!
Ha ha Nice, I got my 10 year old Robosapien original little guy working with new batteries, also the Mcdonalds Mini Robosapien V2 gift prize which can only move forward on little wheels but it would not be hard to add a random reverse on it so it acts like a target duck. Just for doing my first shooting test with the Tracer BB's,looks cool in the dark,will wait til a bit later. Those little robosapiens are a dime a dozen now on Ebay but finding lots of Roombas for cheap is an other option to build really Quick moving Target drones..They can be programmed for many moves just as the Robosapiens can too. The one I got has no sound working but it will still dance and Bulldoze around really fast. Plus how funny it would look if the BB's can knock it over while Dancing,LOL!:)
Robosapien Target Drone actually has 4 touch sensors that make it stop moving when hit, just need to make the hands the target! BB's do not even scratch the hard shell on these little guys, 10 years old and even survived cold shed in winters this guy is hard to kill! The speaker is blown but that is a good thing,trust me!...Will update this video with more camera angles and super slow motion to see the BB effect as they hit, Later tomorrow possibly,Cylon voice comments to be added ,as well.
He'll yeahhhh, come with me if you want to live!
Here is part 2 of the Drone Tracer BB Test auto firing that I promised with voice and a few effects at the end, Was fun to do,only took 30 minutes but it's better with the edits. Now I need to really attach the Tracer equipment BB's for the Cylon/Roomba and start programming the Camera scripts to really track and destroy target Drones.
Ha ha , just saw this clip on YouTube,I must have subconsciously copied that idea in my vidxD Looks cheesy now but as a kid it was the best TV ever!
That was one of my favorite episodes, too bad the original series ended like that.
Ya just when you think they improved the 1980 series,all goes to hell, that's the way all the best scifi shows usually go. Was happy for the new series 2005 as it went for many seasons and TV movies. A new one is planned for next year let's see how that goes. I would be just happy if the robots talk in the next one!
I think in 1999 the Famous director that was making many super hero movies was to remake the movie Battlestar Galactica. Then 9-11 happened so no war movies would happen.was same for this pilot project Richard Hatch,when I see stuff like that it still motivates in robot building,the coolness of those Nasty Cylons (or Geekyness)!:)
Hey wow, just noticed I have had 10,000 views on my on going Terminator Project which also morphed into a classic Cylon Project. Working on both at the same time.Many ups and downs because of Covid 19(the common cold really). I am no robot engineer or electronics expert . Just a former street racer with many rebuilt muscle cars of the early 70's Sold them all as the hobby continued to get more expensive since the late 90's when It was cheap and fun to do and cops really did not care about the Midnight street races.Try buying a Holley 800 CFM Double pumper now,forget about it! I used to get 2 for 300 bucks! I still love watching the sport on discovery channel, but those guys are all rich to be able to do it on street Outlaws. Moving towards Robotics was not as expensive and is also on the border of a new Fronteir! Hopefully this silly little Robot blog gives you all some creative ideas to move the hobby forward. I will continue updating both the terminator and Cylon after I get some recovery on my bad foot medical problem. Taking a rest for a few weeks. Will be back with robot action at the cottage with Night time robot battles using the Glowing Tracer BB fire.Cheers to you all, And my friends at Synthiam and EZ Robot!:D
Well looks like no cottage season opening on time this month..I just heard that dumb fat politician Ford has decided another lockdown for 30 days! I am outraged! Like I lost many friends to just being smile last year, I said it has nothing to do with that cold 19 whatever. Trudeau is part of this great reset the Elites are forcing on the world. I told many people last year the Lockdowns will never end! Here I am proving the point a year later. Summer will yet again be a complete wash out until enough businesses fail ,enough jobs lost ,all of us at the mercy of a Nanny government, Forced poison vaccines etc...ya I,'m so done with this B.S.
Was short but sweet,great final ending!
I always liked this guy from the original show. Cool lights.
Right on Perry, I think that would be an awesome robot to build and even a great Halloween party costume,sure would Freak people out!xD I was already thinking next Halloween will design a way to wear the Terminator head on top of a leather jacket appearing 7 foot tall, just have my real face hidden below the neck of jacket with small holes to see.
Well getting out of foot surgery gives me the nice excuse to go shopping around in the disability/mobility wheel chair store.For me it is like a robot wheel base store! Likely only need a month but getting a good look for robot platforms and Lithium battery choices of high volt big Amp/hours!:p
So nice to be back home from hospital. Dive back into Synthiam Arc! I wish I had all these ARC skills to fool around with back when I was 14 and trying to wire up basic robots.kids today don't realize how good they have it! I just hope I am building this stuff to the ripe age of 109! Gots to keep eating Yogurt!xD
So much of the Ronald D Moore Battlestar Galactica in the early 2000's was hard hitting drama and awesome camera angles with special new effects.I still had a battle with his wife at the time on the Sci Fi channel community page.About the Silent Cylon robots,mute,no voice,pissed me off to no end. They did finally have 1 show near the end where classic cylons attacking in an old Raider ship did talk. Did I win? Not sure,LoL! Let's see if they pull the same silent robot shenanigans again!..
Very cool I just saw Ready Player 1 on the Sci Fi channel. The second time you watch, you see many things you missed. Just everything is in it, the box of Battlestar Galactica ships, The B9 robots, nostalgia posters,gorf on the colecovision. At end there was A Big track tank on the bedroom floor! Rush 2112 poster...everything we talked about last time on the Live hack night except for the Hero 1 robot,LoL!xD
Here's one you might like.
With Ontario a total prison province currently,barely anything open,can't even find robot basics like wire.Mail system super super slow like 3 months to get a Part imported from States. Still waiting on my Air soft 2000 round electric mag for the Cylon to shoot glowing Tracer BB's.Meantime, for fun, going to throw a line laser on my Hex 6 Dalek to make it more threatening.
Early in this thread, I did say I would make the Terminator and Cylon interchangeable. So easy swap from 1 body to the other using same wheel carrier or Roomba the wheel carrier is for outside and this roomba carrier indoors.About 4 and a half foot tall,still vacuums nicely.
Terminator does have better balance than the Cylon body,less bulky.performs well but still has the issue with needing rear support wheel or else dust bin will sometimes drag on floor where there are no wheel.Going to add that next to let it rip around while vacuuming.
Great vacuum test here...Roomba with Custom Terminator and body shell parts from Robosapien Media.Run from my P.C. and Synthiam ARC program on Windows 10. Left hand has extremely bright Star L.E.D. that will flash as a machine gun. I have invented a similar voice to the robot Daleks from Doctor Who British TV series,TTS Google voice engine with British accent. Just need to type on computer what he will say.Vacuums floor nicely and can control where it goes with camera view on monitor. Or let it rip in Roomba cleaning automatic mode. It is a rough prototype but successful test. I now need to do cosmetic improvements to the wires and rough body areas with some chrome material I have,flexible to go aroundlower body. Oh ya forgot to mention this time I used a couple of long screws to keep the body together really tight,lets it rip around!
Very powerful. He sure does get around good. Does a good job cleaning looks like too.
Ha ya,really helpful while my foot injury heals, I just look for the dirt on the floor with it's camera and direct it where to go clean it up ,like playing pac man on a video monitor! I get these nurses to come by and change my foot dressing, I want to play a joke and have Terminator guard the door asking for a vaccine passport or else be disinfected with the super beam of star L.E.D. light. ....too much? Ha ha!xD
Added 1 sonar sensor mid body and adjusted the back up on detection to 2 feet and the turn time double longer so it can turn half way around to avoid wall and furniture. seems pretty good but sometimes does not see a chair at wrong height. Going to add another sonar to roomba or just hack the Roomba Infrared detector sensor.
Looks cool. How did you change the back up distance?
Hey there Perry, you just make the reverse delay number larger or the turn delay (ms) in the Ultrasonic skill at the lower right corner. The bigger the number the more time it will use to back up or turn.
Terminator newshttps://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/arnold-schwarzenegger-reportedly-told-paramount-moving-terminator/
I have tried out all the speech synthesis programs from Apple, windows 10,Android Google and played around with different robot voices for about 5 years now. Well, I do believe I have finally created the ultimate Robot voice with a new app I found in the Android/Google Play store. Took me a few hours but using one of the British Male speech engine and combined with the included EQ and special effects. This is by far the most clear,understandable robot butler/Dalek supreme commander voice I could conjure up! I think this is the keeper voice!
robo rad, That is an awesome voice, and fits your robot well. Steve S
Anyone else going to turn their 3d printed Inmoov into a moving Halloween prop? Found the perfect mask!...

My current Inmoov below...Picked up a new Tracer BB Airsoft gun for half price since it was a display model,too good to pass up. Very impressive performance and speed. Will be great for putting holes in pop cans at the cottage and scaring all the Racoons at night knocking over the Garbage .They will be thinking WTF laser beams attacking me,LoL!
Is that an STL that I can print and paint? link?
No I simply bought it online.....Was display model for half price....https://www.torontoairsoft.com/GG-ARP-9-_p_6019.html
My right foot was still getting bad infection,in and out of hospital for special I.V. anti infection medication directly into my vein every day in a pick line they put in me. So still in a wheel chair,for now all I can do is use my Airsoft BB machine gun inside and target shoot the LiL robot LoL! Crossman Tracer BB's work best in my G&G gun and Tracer Unit. Gun can be programmed for 3 round burst which is way too cool!
Aw man, sorry to hear that Robo Rad. I hope your foot heals up soon!
Must be hell picking up all those BB's out of a wheel chair.
Ha ha ya Dave, but then I just used Terminator/ Roomba to vacuum them up,not really supposed to re use the BB's but I do anyway. DID Another BB target test with the Terminator using Full Auto machine gun blasting,tried aiming near bottom just above roomba where it is all hard plastic, worked good ,next time Terminator will be moving around vacuuming BB's while I shoot it and it shoots back with hand Laser (Star LED).
So now I located some hard to get red Tracer BB's in the perfect .25 weight range. They will be able to shoot very straight and appear like red Starwars Laser beams in the night air at cottage! 1 robot could be fitted with a green Tracer beam effect gun and another robot shooting back with red tracer beams.
Red Tracer Testing with G&G Tracer unit and gun, first test normal speed second video shows slow motion how BB flys through air glowing red.Now can you imagine a big Terminator robot with Airsoft machine gun and a huge Cylon robot with airsoft machine gun out in a field at night searching and destroying each other with green and red Laser Tracer beams? THIS Would be the coolest video in all of YouTube history,not even kidding!:D
Well I'm going to head up to the cottage for the nice weekend weather coming, I don't think I will bring any big robots up there as I have a tiny car but I do want to get video of the red tracer BB's flying long distance out in the field at night,should be fun,set up some targets.
Ha ha nice, I located 1 available G&G Drum Mag in B.C. Canada which are also really hard to find now as the ARP 9 is a hot selling Airsoft gun and everyone trying to order the big 1500 BB Drum mag! Gives you unlimited Auto fire without too much winding. Mine won't get here until next week though, I'll do a shooting video when I get that in,here is a video of some airsoft action using this Drum mag combo with Tracer BB's. I am thinking about adding this setup on the Large Cylon Robot after I fix the ATV wheels for it...
Tracer red and green BB really look great at night,setup beer cans and Airsoft gun ripped them in half in full auto fire. STARWARS power LoL!
Nice, I just came home from the cottage and found my Airsoft G&G Drum mag was waiting for me in the mail box bin! Was delivered early ,a sale item ,as it was another display model I got half price! It is too loud to use in my house but will test it when I go back to cottage next weekend! This is a video some guy did showing how full Auto can shoot up to 1500 rounds continuously...
I had brought both airsoft guns old Terminator gun and my new ARP9. I busted a plastic gear in that old Terminator gun,8 years old,will need to fix with new metal gears.It gets really technical on upgrading these Airsoft Rifles with internal upgrades,springs,gears,torque motors ,tighter barrel bore etc...
With the new BB drum mag holding 1500 BB's inside, the ARP9 gun becomes more heavy something like 5 pounds! So not too sure that any of my robots can make use of it mounted on it's body. I may need to fix the old Terminator gun as it was light enough for HDD servos to manipulate, Aim. The Drum mag was definitely not a waste of money though, too much fun at cottage. INSANE rate of bb fire, endless stream of Glowing Tracers fired in the air looks so cool at night!xD EDIT--- I may design a new type of Robotic aiming base for the ARP that auto fires at any movement the camera can see! ...Do I possibly have a future in military robot weapons?? LoL...I'm sure they already have reverse engineered Alien weapon/ Robots!
Oh my God, I had a really weird dream last night that all my Robots came to life and demanded that I give them some real jobs just like humans have. This did lead to some truly Bizarre dream sequences, I gotta tell you! Thinking about it, it actually gave me a new idea for A robot Youtube tv show using all my robots. I know people are already doing this for years but what I dreamed last night has never been filmed before, LOL! Since I am still indoors for the next 2 weeks on antibiotics for my bad foot, I guess I have the boredom and motivation to try this, This will be interestingly weird.....I have the robots and I have the CGI !
Speaking of working robots, I am annoyed they let this pizza delivery robot car slip through the cracks out in public,no steering wheel or foot pedals. DANGEROUS as hell,will run over dogs and kids I bet! Domino's pizza robot car
Some new summer vacuum cleaning with Terminator Roomba.It got stuck in a vent hole but the 1 sonar is really good most of the time and robot vacuums well by itself. I will be adding Terminator Pelvis and Leg rods to make it look more real.
Hey hope you all having a nice summer! I just saw this RC snake video,they are fairly cheap. Looks and acts so realistic, only 2 wheels at front ,should be easy to make a really large one using EZ bits and a couple micro servo for extended wiggle and surprise jumping up to attack. The one in video is small and battery only last 5 minutes usb charge takes about hour! I have a mini Lipo could last longer and add the EZb Tiny for better control.Just an update!
Going to start making a way for the Cylon robot to be able to dispence chocolate bars for Halloween this year and make it taller than the current 4 feet, needs to be 7 foot tall massive
Hey guys, Ya I mostly gave up on the robots for a long while. Too much life was getting in the way. All of a sudden they are talking about both a TV series and another separate movie based on the classic Battlestar Galactica of the 70,s Era.The TV will be more based on the 2003 reimagined series.Ya the movie hype is what got me going.Pulled my Cylon out of the boxes and ready to try again . I was wondering if anyone knows the check mark for "allow forward movement" in the camera movements tracking. How can it be adjusted for more or less movement? Really brings the robot to life when I check that on!
Okay, been a while since I played with camera settings. I guess the robot can only move forward when a movement is detected as a box marker appears over movements.So the robot can only jerk forward a little at a time. I do remember way back when I some how made robot move forward longer .Just need to play around and remember how I did it.
I Am just really out of practice remembering all the funky A.I. stuff in Arc. I just had to tweak the timing setting lower check every frame and then lower the motion sensitivity to get robot cam to see me wave and it moves forward to me, in a script this could be made smoother....
Nice video robo rad. Thanks for sharing.
Ya it is great to have an excuse to avoid visiting family, I can keep saying I'm too busy to travel anywhere, rather work on the Cylon,LoL! Adding my Sonar sensor to the mouth,Already programmed and ready.
Cylon has the EZ camera connected for X And Y servo motions. So it can seem to look for movements or colors in a room by tilting up down left and right, much better than having cam hooked to just base Roomba movements. More life like as it seems to stare at people moving around. Will make up some voice scripts for when it see humans.
THE IO Tiny suddenly stopped working after recharging a battery the next day it would flicker on and off and now just a flashing blue light that never connects. OH well ,back to the ezb4. The Tiny did get a lot of use with Roomba! At least now with the Ez4 UART port I can now tap into the Roomba sensor streams! Which can't be done on the Tiny software serial port.
I'm glad you're back working on your robot. Looks like you're having a lot of fun. Good progress so far.
I wonder what happened to your IoTiny? Bad connector or loose wiring maybe? What a drag.
Ya for sure Dave, I missed working on the big bot, I just Inquired about replacing the old chrome head with a new one for 2022,no scratches! But ya I loved the Tiny the cool light show when it starts up, was used many hours on the Roomba power supply 12-15 volts, possibly more reliable with 7.4 battery.
We are just enjoying the BBC America Doctor Who Marathon, I heard the Daleks will kill the Female Doctor Who in the new special and will be replaced by either another Woman or a male, we shall see!..
Robot works great exploring the larger room still need to fix the sonar before fully autonomous.Head /cam tracking exploring the room is awesome!
I love the new head movements.
Are you using two cameras? Sorry if I missed this in past posts. If you are what does each one look for or do?
It will be neat to see it vacuum the room while the head is looking all over the room like a curious dog!
I really suck when doing solder repairs but this paste makes it look easy, think I will get some...
https://honeyen.com/products/20g-bga-syringe-tin-solder-paste-leaded-sn63-pb37-melting-point-183?fbclid=IwAR0M4KZhM3CUzhpvrThumQjONGEDeju2YcSKhUaeeZ1XC89qUl-ekJoDsJwSolder paste
Let us know how it works.
Got my 2 single motor driver boards to control arms. Cytron MD10C 5-30v can run any motors even for my base terminator outdoors bot running in grass,gravel Hills etc high torque car window motors.For now will just run the cheap 6 volt elbow motors with PWM from the Ezb4 digital pin.
Well, seems that my old EZ camera died for no reason, it says it is connected and everything normal, light is green but no picture ever starts up? swapped with a newer EZ cam and perfect picture comes. I did notice the picture on old cam was getting more blurred with less light over time,so I guess something slowly died in camera circuit. Good thing you can attach any camera though but love how EZ cam was so good with A.I. detecting movements and colors.
Well, seems that my old EZ camera died for no reason, it says it is connected and everything normal, light is green but no picture ever starts up? swapped with a newer EZ cam and perfect picture comes. I did notice the picture on old cam was getting more blurred with less light over time,so I guess something slowly died in camera circuit. Good thing you can attach any camera though but love how EZ cam was so good with A.I. detecting movements and colors...2022 is starting out with electronics dying on several old gadgets!
It's odd you're having these failures. Have you checked your power supply?
hi robo rad and dave
did you try to camera cable turn 180 ?
i Think cam cable only fits one way. It is possible that the Roomba voltage too high for cam but there is a built in V regulator at camera port and EZB is rated for 16 volts, Just never run HDD servos while on Roomba power(14v).
I am trying to ARC program arm clockwise and counter clockwise rotation with old analog motors not servos only 6v.Also using some heavy duty 4-30 volt single motor drivers that not really supported by Ezb4.So using the custom movement panel,script blocky for forward command button. It works but no matter how many different scripts I make, the motor driver will not shut off last movement and then whole Ezb must be turn off reset before it will work again...Weird problem to have. Motor controller only has 3 inputs to connect on EZb digital ports,direction,PWM,Ground. Motor only has A, B connection. Direction pin is 0 or 1 for clockwise,counterclockwise,Yes I know servos would be way more easy but I like a good challengeI am thinking to go back to my 8 channel relay board for analog motors, much more easy and precise tuning with timing.
I'm a little lost as to where you are at, What controllers you're using and what troubles you are having. I would try just attaching one servo to a digital port at at time to your EZB (IoTiny?). Unplug everything else from the EZB and use new servo cables and try basic moves to different points. Then try a different digital port. Then add your servo board and a servo and test. Try with a couple known working servos. At least this way you will see where your problems starts.
Be carful when you plug and unplug cables to the ports on EZB. It's possible to crack a pin's solder joint on the board if you are too ruff. If you do this you could have a poor connection, intermittent connection or no connection at all.
Hdd servos for head movements are working great,Running mainly with a 7.4 battery now. The arms have the old fashion original wrist motors,analog magnet 6v motors.Very hard to control with the Cytron 4-30 v single driver board, will work perfectly with a mechanical relay board, easy to program with Arc. Adding relay board to Cylon back pack area,will look great there.:)
Now I am getting somewhere! Relay board took only minutes to wire up, like 2 minutes to program the 1 digital port needed,the timing is so easy to control this old magnet motor,just as easy as servo! Only need 2 relays for each arm giving me 6 more for lights or airsoft gun or any other 6 volt motors lying around!No more resetting problems!
"By your command"!
Right on Dave, watching the classic series gets me inspired!and I really don't know why I took a year break from robot building, Doing it now is just too much fun during our lockdowns here.Even movie theaters are closed again here! Anyway one of the coolest ever Battlestar Galactica moments in history was actually 1 episode of Galactica 1980 Return of Starbuck. He assembles broke crashed Cylon, as it comes alive...We- are - enemies! No we are not!
Since this started out as a Terminator Thread, yep still got it but it will go back on top of the outdoor 4 wheel ATV mobile base for cottage!...
Hey Robo Rad, I had a couple of things I thought I'd mention.
For your camera, as @nomad mentioned you can turn the cable 180 degrees around (end for end it) to see if that will help. The camera cable is multidirectional. You can also reseat the camera board with the camera backboard, to see if it's just a bad connection.
For the EZ-Robot HDD servos, they are rated at load for a maximum of 8.4V. They will survive being supplied with a higher voltage, I just can't guarantee safe operation beyond 8.4V.
Good to know Jer, will take another look at that EZ cam, I hate losing a good EZ cam.
Hi robo rad, that’s great to hear it worked. In retrospect I wish someone would’ve thought about that a few years back when mine went dead. Anyway glad to see it’s working and nice Robots. Cheers
Okay so back to smart camera vision then, right now my Newer Samsung phone can do what I want but there is no Link to my ARC program. I Have seen some DJ videos where he demonstrated EZ CAM doing similar A.I. with ARC software which would be way better. Going to look into that.
I am almost done with the walking program, just need to fix right arm for my many different walking patterns.I decided on using new servos for arms,trust me, way less head aches!
Anyone else getting multiple issues on several computers all getting windows update that screw it up?Took me 5 reboots to get main computer to log in, other computers I had to turn off updates completely!
So I added both Ultrasonic sonars to the chest plate,insulated and the 5 volt regulator supply has enough juice to power them up with a the Cylon heart beat light,will activate when ever moving forward to also indicate Sonar on.Just need to add sonar wires to controller pins.
I have noticed a frustrating bug in the basic free Arc,not sure if this happens with paid subscription version. Say I'm using EZB4 with servo at digital port 11, if I change to a servo that overloads like a cheaper 5 volt servo that overloads on 7.4 battery.That port will no longer work even if you put back the original servo. This has happened twice to me and I feel upset that I blew that one port. Relax, port is actually fine. All need to do is turn off controller,restart ARC program and open a new project or saved project. Now that port 11 works good as new! ( JUST happened but I remembered last time the easy fix) So new guys that may cause a short by mistake,don't give up try this trick first before you toss that EZb against the wall!xD
Watched part 2 of the new season book of Boba Fett 2022,while the first episode was okay, this second part made no sense at all,very disappointed really. Thought by the end some story would be clear, nope!
I Removed old magnet analog motor from original V2 arm wrist rotations,added servo to arm side which now screwed into wrist hand for superior and more easy ARC programming. I am contemplating how to make finger /thumb grip stronger with high torque servo so it will be able to carry heavier payloads as in a bucket filled with several bottles or drink cans, butler and floor cleaner all in 1 security cammed robot Cylon classic!
Hey sorry guys so many posts lately,trying to document all my steps in upgrading this robot,step by step.Speeding through this build to get it done so I can concentrate on the cosmetics. Will be needing a new helmet,way too many scratches or a rechroming shop.This is the ARC programming when Roomba forward command executes it looks more alive.wait Til I add the machine guns to hands and add aggressive shooting poses!
Nothing new today, discovery Channel has Street outlaws fastest street drag cars in America Marathon!
wow does that entire robot sit on the roomba?
Hey DJ, it does but with trial and error I got perfect balance on the Roomba and on the 2 turning wheels behind it. Got that idea from your snow shoveling robot! It can even carry a 12 volt lead acid utility/tractor battery for unlimited driving power....I spent a few hours getting the EZ Hex spider working again with similar camera A.I. that the Cylon has.Since I repaired the extra camera with Jer's advice.
So the Cylon is about ready to roll around the house on Roomba power with all sensors fixed and working,even Camera as you can see it likes watching me move around. Almost seems curious even. Obstacle avoidance sonar is very good now and I only need to write some code to be able to turn on and off vacuum and other routines. The wiring is a bird nest so I bought some Tie wrap and electrical tape to make sure wires don't short on the chrome body,look neater.Working on speech routines too.Oh ya, the left hand broke and I need to adjust servo higher up,LoL!
Still problems with the hand servo. I am going to replace it with a newer one. I DID get a start on voices and eye sound effect for roaming the house ,it can tell latest weather and news headlines with Android RSS text to speech and converted on the Fly to Cylon voice from the vocoder windows app I use. Real time voice conversion can be sent to bot.
Took a break from Mr Cy, as I fixed the EZ camera for 6 robot and the Sonar,which only had a dirty pin so,built in regulator was not getting a signal from robot controller, cleaned pin with isopropyl alcohol and then working good as new. Here I demonstrate both fixed cam and sonar operating together giving Spider Life..." It's alive!...alive!"
https://youtube.com/shorts/spCvdC5K8Eo?feature=shareYa getting hit with major snow storm ,will last most of today, nothing better to do than add robot improvements I guess! I need to download some cool machine gun sounds to add
hi roborad
i send you some sounds .
Testing out the new booming mega speakers so Cylon can play music while vacuuming the house,nice bass on these.
Well Wow, now I can really hear the Eye scanner effect! Before, with the stock EZB4 built in speaker, that sound effect could not be heard! Now with these USB amplified speakers ,scan sound in all it's original, classic full glory! This is done with the EZB sound hack, 2 wires are soldered on circuit board at direct signal output solder holes.Then only Amplified speakers work with higher clarity!
HOLY smokes! Anyone see that huge Black Widow Spider bot in the Book of Boba Fett Ep#3 , what a cool idea for the cottage!
So here is what the hand cannon looks like when it raises elbow to aim the gun sequence of flashes from 3 watt Star L.E.D. simulates the Cylon muzzle flash from the classic Cylons re imagined in Battlestar Galactica Razor movie,2009? Or something but they were C.G.I. animated robots made to look like the classic 1978 Robots of Galactica TV movie and TV series.
On Forward marching the gun hand is a bit jerky,may replace the micro servo with a full servo so it runs smooth like the other arm does. Progress is getting there at least! Roomba is disabled for movement tests.
Stop! You're having way too much fun! Nice work!
Ha ha for sure Dave, sometimes I don't even sleep if something is bothering me, Spent last 3 hours re doing the arms to look and perform more like a realistic robot, added some EZ bits I had extra to fix arms the way they look and now more sturdy.
Made arms really strong, can easily lift beer,food tray, carry garbage bags out to location,so far running 2 EZ Hdd full servos, amazed how powerful they can hold stuff! NOW Thinking about buying 2 more for the hand left,right rotations!

Also the EZ bits adding strength.After hardware upgrading ,the actual programming in ARC is too much Fun There are as many possibilities as there are great ideas in your head!
Nice videos! Like Dave said; you are having too much fun!
More fun than a barrel of monkeys! Not that I ever had access to a barrel of monkeys, so I could be wrong about that!
HAhaha attack!
Have you tried using the Audio.SetVolume() command? Or there is one in ezscript as well. You can set it for a value over 100 and that starts overdrive, which gives a bunch of distortion.
Here's the javascript manual for set volume: https://synthiam.com/Support/javascript-api/Audio/setVolume You'd have to check EZ-Script manual if you're using ez-script, but it's similar.
So in javascript you could go...
Actually no never really tried set volume as I usually have a loud speaker on robots but that could come in handy to make more Quiet when needed!
Wow, just saw an ad
Wow, just saw an ad for both revolution 6 and JD robots. 6 has 12 hdd servos and JD has 6 but JD is 200 dollars more than 6,? At robotshop Canada.Weird unless 6 still only comes with regular HD servos.oh but JD Does have the funky RGB lit eyes.
JD has 16 servos, not 6... plus it has an rgb display
Okay thanks for clarification ,I guess I needed glasses to count all the servosxD
I am running into a problem with my left side Ultrasonic sonar, the one on the right works perfect but that lefty picking up false pings all over the place! These are older cheap sensors used on several past robots, may upgrade to Sharp Infrared collision sensors instead,keep the 1 good sonar for the back side.
I removed the Auto Position Movement Panel that was modified to run all the Cylon servos. Only the Roomba Movement Panel still there. Now with forward movement, both Sonar sensors are clean with no False blips in the way. Could be a ground wire issue as I have had that happen before on previous bots.Will do some testing in the main living room today, fingers crossed!
Could be power related for sure. I find sometimes they behave funny when not getting enough power - and a bad ground could do it.
Yes, agree DJ, I am sharing the 5 volt regulator with both sonic sensors and the heartbeat L.E.D.'s seems to be okay on power but then the grounds are getting shared all over the entire system. Sometimes a working servo can cause disruption on the grounds. To solve that in the past I isolated the power source for the sonar with a pack of double A batteries.Only 1 ground wire for both sensors.
Yes ,one thing I really love about Synthiam ARC like say you are just starting out to program any robot, not really sure how to write a Javascript or even Blockly script. You can pretty well use a pre existing program in the Synthiam cloud to download for your "any" robot design. Just make sure you set the limits of your servos so you don't get any sudden movements going the wrong way.Save the servo profile to Start up everytime you open Arc. Then you can have fun for example I use the revolution Hex 6 sample program from the cloud, save it as my own,try out what all the buttons do like on the mobile interface joystick window, try the attack button, walk,dance,wave etc...the chances are it will work with your servos! So I had Mr Cy wave at me,attack me,move forward everything worked then you can go into the Auto Position movement window and modify how far,fast the servos move,add custom movements and delete the actions and servos that do not apply to your robot...I tell you what ,I have never had so much fun with a lockdowns hobby!:D
Another setback today, lost the hand cannon Star L.E.D. seems they can get so hot even with the back heat sink ,if the driver board is too close the Circuit board can melt the wires off! It happened to both my driver boards. Sollution now is to buy more expensive driver board with longer wires. Really sucks as that was the most fun part of robot. To be fully self aware with the room and detect movements, lift arm and fire the 3 watt super bright flash, add gun sounds...ah well.
I have better ground distribution now for all the sensors, going to neatly tie wrap all the wires away from chest. Also working more on visual responses to when it see me I will try to teach camera my face to recognize me.Get some conversations going.
Wow you're making a lot of progress lately! All energized
Hey Thanks DJ! Of course I would not be able to have all this fun without all your hard work and dedication to making this hobby possible for any one that always wanted to build one or buy one ready to go,easy to program! Well, I have found the driver board that is an upgrade for my star L.E.D. blaster!.... driver board 3 watts
Oh man did quite a bit this night, ready for a rest as it is 2:30 AM. I am so tempted to let the Cylon/Roomba loose out in the main living room,clean some dust! Too much noise for now,people sleeping upstairs, LoL! That left servo is an older one, does buzz but still works good.
The people upstairs must think you're a mad scientist! Who else would be making a Cylon robot at this hour!
Ha ha ya ,I could not resist and set it to the slowest speed for quietness and let it rip around the tiny work room at 4:30 in the morning. Had to test the new ground wires for Sonar, seems excellent but really needs at least medium speed and way more room to travel forward!
I had a few people request video to see Cylon actually vacuum my house independently full auto and collision avoiding A.I. ...had only issue that once I activated camera with movement detection, it would over ride the sonar detection...simple fix when vacuuming,turn off and pause detection,camera still on but no longer curious about moving light reflections.
And here is what happens with full curiosity mode going where ever it feels like going according to camera movements and light reflections also both sonar sensors avoiding chairs,walls.Then I gave the speak command to give RSS NEWS FEED from Alex Jones at Infowars.com while continue to explore house. I am not controlling at all just watching and recording with my phone, LOL! Little bud is alive!
I like that curiosity mode. That’s pretty cool!
It is so much fun taking examples of what you did in the past and add to new projects, you are THE dude, thanks again DJ.
Final Test today, to see how well it can find the power docking nest to recharge after doing a vacuum cleaning for about 90 minutes.Again fully Auto ,success! I Did forget to program the left arm, thinking It will raise that arm when ever turning. TO make it look like it is alive and struggling to balance itself,LoL! ..Oh cool so my new driver board for the hand cannon Star L.E.D. will be delivered by Thursday, meaning attack mode back in the programming!
Wow so my star L.E.D. driver board came early today! Now the cool thing about this upgraded board is, no longer do I need to use my 8 channel relay board to send signal voltage from EZB digital pin to get to basic driver/L.E.D. to flash from EZB ARC commands.This new board includes an input pin for robot controllers PWM signal pin! Can now bypass the old relay! Makes wiring up these High powered L.E.D. so much more easy,less wiring and use standard pin connectors like what servos use! Now for the relay board, I guess I can use the existing wires to solder at the clean button on roomba panel. Just in case I cant get the signal to wake up from the Create 2 USB output pins. Has anyone ever opened up the Roomba to expose the Clean button contacts? I opened it a few times to look at brush wiring but looks like many screws to get at Clean button panel at top of Roomba....This is the image of new Star LED driver board,really neat!
I sent Scott from Kropserkel a Link to show him, what I did with all the Cylon Chrome body parts I bought from his movie costume web site. He loved the video as most people only use the chrome parts to make Halloween or cosplay costumes at those Sci Fi comicon Festivals! Am I the first to build an actual Cylon robot with his parts? Not sure but how cool is that?
What the???Book of Boba Fett, that black laser sword is about the coolest starwars weapon ever thought up! I should design that for the Cylon!......The Dark blade forged by Jedi-Mandalorian 1000 years ago....." This is the way."
So how much dirt can Cylon/Robot/Roomba actually clean? I put all kinds of dirt on the floor potato chips, cheesy bits,dust,BB's that were fired from my BB airsoft machine gun! This guy cleans it all up no problem. Unfortunately I forgot to recharge the EZB CONTROLLER battery before.So half way through ,EZB shut off causing the robot to keep going forward by Roomba with no control! Had to restart the Synthiam ARC robot software on my PC and turn robot back on at switch,connect back to the WI Fi ,then lucky I had enough battery juice to reset and shut off Roomba motors! To prevent this in future I will only need to keep the roomba create USB cable always able to provide extra 13--14.8 volts directly from Big Roomba built in battery!There is a bunch of hot glue on top of the screws to make sure body won't separate,looks ugly but I have some black paint and this metallic sci fi looking material I can cover up much of the exposed areas.
You should consider placing a panic shut button on him.
It's good to see him in action.
Great idea Dave, as I determined that it was not a low battery that caused run away condition. Just that rare time when connection disconnected due to WI Fi. A failsafe measure could be the ControlCommand in script to reconnect EZB if connection drops out.
yA ,So I was thinking to start some basic conversation capability with the Cylon but the Bing speech recognition skill gives me error everytime ARC starts up?
Version: 2021.10.03.00
NAudio.MmException: InvalidHandle calling waveInStop at NAudio.Wave.WaveInEvent.StopRecording() at ARC.UCForms.FormBingSpeechRecognition.jvbnCVjvU4XOvIHnsXAP(Object ) at ARC.UCForms.FormBingSpeechRecognition.ConfigPressed() at ARC.UCForms.FormMasterBase.WRHSgejQJ7iMSAvJGoen(Object ) at ARC.UCForms.FormMasterBase.v9iPHVftjai(Object , EventArgs ) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Edited...I guess it helps if I enable the PC Microphne,LOL!
Roborad you need a sound card or input device on the computer.
yep, check on that DJ , getting some activity on the bing window, it is picking up the stock microphone built on the P.C. all in one.:)
Very cool, just watching some of the old object training by script video tutorials..the one with training Inmoov to talk and learn new objects by camera. Very entertaining and informative! Edit..... So as I did a few years ago with my outdoors Terminator shooting BB rifle at a red pale, I will try the same with Cylon, Aim at a red balloon that is moving around blown by Fan. I have a little BB gun that will fire 1 BB at a time when it has a clear target in camera (cant do full auto inside house) but should be interesting.:D
I accidentally banged his left shoulder out of position going through doorway but easy fix.Wanted to test more the Automatic curiosity camera mode. As I added script for random responces to what it see on camera. CY is a very angry machine and hates all people. This could be a really funny running gag for all the future people it runs into!
So this was more testing out EZ robot camera and the A.I. script I wrote. You can adjust camera parameters such as brightness,color/movements detection sensitivity ,on the Fly. The robot will behave differently, very funny how crazy the robot can get!xD
Robot checking the Infowars.com RSS NEWS feeds for latest news..looks like the x axis servo tracking too fast,need to slow that!.oh wait no, that is Fox news RSS feed...will try Infowars tomorrow, should be interesting about Trudeau hiding out from all the Truckers, LOL!xD
I Posted this before at least twice, but you can see here the gun pose I want to script for my Attack pose in the custom movements scripting.Also yes that exact gun sound for the star L.E.D. Hand gun.
Experimental video to showcase the battle against "The Great Reset" praised by such tools as Trueduh. The trucker thing is just the start of protesting,get used to it. Trying to play around with new video edit methods but the 3 minute video has freeze problems meaning first attempt sucked but you get the idea anyway. This was Sunday night report from Infowars.com
You know, one more cool thing about The Synthiam ARC programming. You can upload a favorite robot movement Script to the Synthiam Cloud and save it for future use,mobile or a new computer. Well I wrote a fancy EZ BUILDER (Arc) script back in 2017 for my old paranormal investigation Rad robot. Forgot all about it but looking back at my script cloud saves, I tried out the paranormal script and still works with new Arc! I can even edit and modify what is needed for newer sensors on the larger Cylon bot. For giggles, I will try it out tomorrow and investigate my house!
I don't know, very strange how the new star L.E.D. acts,with the PWM Signal control. I possibly wired it wrong? IT works opposite to when I had a relay board before. Now with new board it connects directly to EZB signal pin for PWM. As soon as EZb starts ,digital port is always on at start up? So 3 wire plug like on servo... negative, main power and then signal pwm. I Guess I need the Init start script turn off star port.Along with each servo start 1 at a time to go in position. EDIT---- OK I started a new project and just imported only that digital port script to do rapid flash pulses when port is called on, rest of the time light stays off. SO fixed but I wonder if it was a Movement Panel making some conflict possibly. Need to merge skills one at a time to find culprit!
I am hoping to get the robot vacuum the room at much faster pace using Synthiam ARC as the control, not the built in Roomba control. I added a 3rd ultrasonic at bottom on Roomba so now the detection radius goes left,right and bottom collision detection. NEXT step will be to hack the roomba sensors too.I also followed the DJ improve sonar performance hack. I Used foam material soft...https://synthiam.com/Community/Tutorials/Increase-Ultrasonic-Distance-Resolution-20082
I Did a small sonar update so that all 3 sensors are detecting obstacles and junk very effectively.Can now let it vacuum any size of room unsupervised.Even this tiny room with Junk everywhere!
Holy cow! The new ep Book of Boba Fett, guessed by Mark Hamil and Disney sure did a fantastic Job making him look as he did in 1975, can't even tell if CGI or real!
Ya got some fake weapon testing done, that star L.E.D. is just awesome,all I need to do is find my Ideal Gatlin gun sounds for it! Then he is ready for the next coming Civil War,ha ha kidding...or am I?:D
here I did more of the Movement Panel tweeking to get every servo working,all 3 sonars working,cam and it is almost as graceful as a ballerina dancer...well not quite, ha ha but will not run into any furniture,crates on floor or walls and that is always a big thumbs up success!Man, your robot is so intimidating! It lives up to the Cylon persona!
Ya I don't know if I should have made it so real to the original ,DJ. The other night some kids from upstairs saw it and were terrified but excited at the same time. Then when the voice came out of the Amplifier speakers, those kids bolted out the door! Perhaps the Cylon voice should be made more like Elmo? Nah.
Oh man, the latest book of Boba Fett is so awesome, I don't even want to give out spoilers but his weapons though!
Oh ya the other thing I wanted to say was regarding the revolution six EZ robot....who ever designed that bot has my respect, I mean when you see it crawling around...yikes! WAS IT DJ or Jer, Man what a creepy robot!
While I have Arachnophobia still think the six bot is very cool... Will never visit Australia or Amazon!
hi roborad
you allreddy following the cure for Arachnophobia by watching video off spiders . the more video's you see the more less afraid you become . 3 symptoms to look , for is dry mouth and heavy chest breathing and racing heartbeat . thats hyperventilation . its not an illness but natural good respons . whithout it we would be allreddy death . ive bin to school 1 year for that . its easy to overcome hyperventilation .
Many times I thought about making robot 6 hairy with Tarantula color but, that idea just Freaks me out!
its not the tarantula that freaks you out but the feeling you have . actully making a tarantula robot would be a great cure for you . i can give you free lessons .;)
wrote the initialize script for how the robot starts up servos safely in the correct positions one at a time to avoid brown outs at start up. Also camera and movement detection automatically starts along with slowest Roomba initialize and drive speed.Demonstrates working hand weapon, Eye warble sound activates with a random speech announcement in Cylon voice.
It's hard to tell from your video. How long does your start up routine take to set up all the servos?
Possibly under 10 seconds I added some sleep 500 and 1000 to establish camera and camera movement tracking, LED lights and sound effects add to time so must be under a minute for whole start up.For servo positions the timing is very fast though, using Javascript to init those servos.
I do the same thing in my INT script. Setting servo position and speeds alone with lots of other things like homing encoders. The added animations keep me amused while this all takes place. LOL.
Just to share a little here's a small INT script from one of the full sized B9 robots I built. I have a larger one for my other B9 but this one is simple. It's also in EZ Script as I haven't learned JavaScript yet. Some day. LOL. I'm looking forward to start learning JavaScript though and convert all my scripts.
Holy smokes Dave, that sure is a big start sequence! I am sure mine will start growing everyday too. I have just done another test for obstacle avoiding, works perfectly and now thinking about starting a walk script so that it can explore but then pause to move head around the room to look for anything interesting. Then Start moving again randomly ,turn on and off vacuum motors, tell a joke or a threat..
Oh well, as such a noisy robot villain, the new resting spot will be next to the mop in the corner of room. Can only be run in the day time now.It's all good, like owning a Knight suit of Armor standing near a door way in an old castle! Sort of classy in a way. ..Thank God for that mop too. Had this Recluse spider drop down on a web in front of my face, then 15 minutes later it did it again! I think I got it with the mop, but not sure ,can't see a body...if it does that again ,will need to burn house down with Fire!
Wow saw this ad but it looks like they did speed up video for walking, my Rev 6 can actually run the fast no video edits needed! Better too with EZB4!
I like the idea of the little rubber pads on the bottom of the feet .
Hmm interesting, they are afraid of it...could be the Non living scent of machine, the walking dead?...same reason I can't stand human androids.They must look like robots.
Jeez 1500$ seems too high for that tiny Amazon Alexa bot, when we can do everything the same on our EZb or Arduino ARC robots far cheaper and bigger. Mine even can have Google mini on it so...
Well, as long as ww3 does not start I will bring the Terminator outdoors robot back to cottage! Be prepared for such events as Racoon smash up derby at Full throttle! Black bear wrestling T2 against Yogi black bear! Laser wars at night with T2 against me and my bro's using lit tracer BB's! Airsoft war! FUR will be flying and gears will be rolling
hi roborad
prizes has gone up for robots . alot off stuff will become very expencive .
Not for me, I use recycled stuff and junk lying around to create all my robots,bones for terminator are just pipes cut to size and painted, wheeled base carrier is just an old kiddy car sawed in half and then window lifter high torque screw motors for all wheel drive.Only cost is the sabertooth Hbridge board.
Warmer air today got me thinking about Terminator at cottage ideas, started putting back together with the original powerful outdoors monster motor wheels. The left side not straight,going to need more heavy duty front Axel. Great thing is Lidar can work outside in low level light or night.
Ha ha, beer delivery guy happened to see the 2 robots standing there,thought they were pretty cool. Don't usually get compliments so that was alright.

Oh dear God, I think I need to turn my Rev 6 into one of those, just make the legs longer and shape,color the body! These bugs run so fast they don't bother with webs and can chase a possum and eat it!That's one big spider! I wouldn't want to step on that spider ; i would just shoot it! That's bigger then the camel spider from Iraq. They both wired me out.
hi merne
did you know that avery person eats about 10 spiders a year while sleeping ?
So I re uploaded to my brother's YouTube the first security robot test as the camera and head tracking randomly looks left,right,up and down for any suspicious movements. This would trigger the script in camera setting to act on movement detected. Like Email my phone, call me ,record the movement, give ominous loud Cylon voice warning. Huge battery in back let's it run all night
I had a writer of true ghost stories saw my old video of the paranormal robot I started with at EZ robot, she wants me to send details of my investigations and photo video evidence! Ha ha for once somebody not laughing at me for using a camera ,sensor audio recording Robot in an old haunted area! Ya to bad I lost it, was really handy for what it could do...
Wow! My photo from old rad-paranormal robot. You guys at Synthiam have saved it in my posting history, Evidence of a huge ghost ball that in video attacked and disabled the EZb controller but I extracted the last thing it saw as the photo! You guys are amazing, I am sending the picture to the writer,she wanted to see it and this was the only place it still exists!..
Hey gang hope your spring time is going good. We survived a crazy tornado yesterday I was at the Walmart when lights cut off and howling wind past by shaking all the walls,scary!Anyway we are at cottage with plans to build the West World gunslinger from 1973 .we are going to make it partly Inmoov and body with special hardened carbon Fiber camo. Another fun project!
Aww man yesterday fell down a few stairs and bashed my knee against the concrete. Broke knee cap in half. My summer is toast now. All I can do is write ARC programs until doctors fix my knee. Really a downer.
Wow! That really sucks Robo Rad, I'm sorry to hear that! We hope you heal up quickly.
hi roborad
thats a bummer . good you have ARC and your terminator .
ps i send you a message in gmail .
take care .
Ouch! That had to hurt! Nothing good about that. I hope you heal quickly and completely.
Hey thanks guys I will mostly miss driving my summer car hopefully next year.
As I am having so much bad luck with my leg this summer, getting back to building bots and enjoying the cottage had my mind brewing with ideas while my leg heals. Hope to go back to cottage next week, I missed most of June already. The bugs and mosquitos are nasty this summer, once 9:30 PM hits they come out! I use a bug zapper but the U.V. Attraction light is not very effective attracting bugs. I Noticed my phone light really attracts mosquitos. As a test I am building my Terminator holding a 24 inch Crimson Dawn Light Saber with the hum effects. I ordered the core electronic board for 50 bucks.Hoping to hack the saber by EZB to robot arm swinging. Will this attract mosquitos and black flies? I hope so, relax with a beer on the porch and enjoy the show! Video shows a guy with the double blades...
Good luck. However I'd get pretty annoyed at hearing that sound all the time when I was trying to relax. The neighbors would probably call the police too. LOL. However everyone likes or dislikes different things. Let us know how this works! Sounds interesting.
I also had this Mosquito problem in SE Wisconsin, USA when I lived there a few years ago. I understand the frustration. I tried the bug zapper also but it really didn't do much except give me some amusement. I also tried those bug candies and personal bug repellent necklaces and bracelets. I now live in SW Florida and they spray for Mosquitos thank God. I also have a screened pool cage that keeps all bugs away! What a joy and I spend 99% of my time outside!
Back in Wisconsin I did several things to make it possible to live outside in the evening; *I bought a Mosquito Magnet MM4200B Patriot Plus Mosquito Trap and Killer to deplete the little besties population. It worked pertty good and was amazed that it cought and killed millions of Mosquitos every week. *I fogged the yard every week or so or after a rain. This kept them away for a few days a time but not completely. *I got a canopy gazebo with mosquitos netting. It was only a few hundred bucks USD or less, looked great and lasted for years.
The only thing that worked 100% was the Mosquito netting or spraying myself down with OFF. However who wants to sit around with bug spray on them every night.
Have fun with your solution, good luck and enjoy!!
Hey ya Dave to put netting around the porch could work too but the Light Saber getting waved around by a Terminator bot is more amusing,LoL!:)

Getting Terminator back together, this is the mock up idea ,got the arm working with H bridge type controller then to add other arm and long screws holding it together on top of Roomba for now but adding big wheels for outside on the grass.Big grass wheels! That way he can chase the flies and mosquitos around while waving the light saber! I can't wait to see that!
I bet if you place a mosquito attractant on him you could really keep the mozzies away from you. You would have to mount a small fan to blow it into the air to spread it.
Mosquito Magnet uses an attractant that has a combination of Lactic Acid, Octenol, and Ammonium Bicarbonate. I was amazed at how it brought the little monsters to the vacuum. The pros use this formula to catch them also. This combo mimics carbon dioxide-producing animals. It's what that bring them flying in to feed. They can smell it for a mile and fly up wind to get to the blood. Once gorged they "float" back on the wind to water their eggs. So don't be between the mossies' and the bate or they will find you. Here's where you can read about the attractant: https://www.mosquitomagnet.com/mosquito-magnet-atrakta-attractant-catrak3n Being on Canada they say you can just use an Octenol lure. Here's a Black Flag one that is pertty cheap: Octenol Only Lure
Here's the fill treatment. Amazon has them on sale now. This is probably enough to last into next season:: OctenolSR Twin 3-pack Mosquito Trap Attractant
Great suggestions there Dave! I keep remembering the second Exorcist movie where the African farmers are trying to save the crops from nasty swarm of Locusts.waving whips in the air like helicopter blades! I wish I could make the robot arms do that with the blade! However ,using mosquito magnet stuff is a great idea!
I Don't know why but it more and more reminds me of Bevis from the new Bevis and Butthead movie. I think I will just give it sound samples of Bevis!
hi roborad
do you mean your terminator robot look or sound like bevis ?
Hey Nomad, how are you? My great friend! I will just give it some Bevis sound files for comedy relief, while it swings a starwars Light Saber, LoL!Also I ordered a new Tiny IO controller so I don't need to sacrifice the Hex controller EZB! Will have the Hex bot still roaming around too, thanks to you
me am also not so good .i need some repairs in hospital .:( lookin forwart to see your video's .
Oh yes me too last month's were really bad in hospital 6 times but now starting to walk again with crutches after breaking my knee and rupturing my foot heal vein at the back !
that sound painfull . by me they found tumor cells in my blood . i cant eat much and its very diff to go to the bathroom blush . when i eat something very small i need to vomit ,but nothing comes out . some times getting older is not always fun .
So sorry to hear that Nomad, but I hate to tell you this but.. it is the covid vaccines causing these problems with too many people. I Really wished you did not get that vaccine,but example.. last week the Georgia Guide stones was exploded by patriotic people who hate Bill Gates and his plan to kill 99 percent of the world. It was the rule on the stones by Freemasons written to maintain world population at 1 percent population, kill everyone else. Bill Gates is the person that gave all the money to Start fake covid virus and the deadly vaccines. This will continue this summer and years to continue. MY own Mother only took 1 vaccine before I warned her and now she is so bad in health.I hope you will recover my friend
i didn take any vaccins . i had covid 4 days and almost non symtoms . my GF her father was death after a few houres off his vaccin . the vaccins kills elderly people . all the best for your mother .
I am so glad you did not get them! I believe you will live long and prosper, Cheers
Sorry Dave did not mean to offend but that is what is real. So worried about my Mom what they did to her. In fact I called my Mom yesterday to give me a ride for my hospital leg x ray but she said she has a bad Flu now...in the middle of summer..very worried Edit---and another thing now that I am on topic, I was in hospital Emergency 6 times in last 2 months, all emergency patients were new mothers with new born babies experiencing life threatening trauma on the babies, all were vaccinated as I asked them.So sad .
hi roborad/dave
roborad you can always send me an mail if you need a talk .
Ya thanks Nomad , once I get back to the summer cottage I will be in a better mood more relaxed. Hope you are getting well too. Edit--- Anyway, Dave is correct, this should be only a place for Robot talk and he is one of the great guys in here too:). Working today on the actual saber The Robot will be waving around. It can be made very easy with parts from hardware store, details coming up!
No worries guys. I'm not the forum police. Just sharing some feelings of my own. I hope things get better for your families.
About that saber. How fast is it going to spin? Any safety precautions going to be placed onboard? Stuff like tip over sensors to shut down incase it ends up on the ground while spinning or proximity sensors to shut down the spin when someone gets close?
Hey Dave, I will do some sorcery with the camera detection and Sonar, Fancy coding to make sword adjustments in case people get near it or in the future special counter moves for dueling with another saber opponent. Could be fun! As the saber is just a Polycarbonate clear tube as strong as metal, for whacking stuff. With some cellophane film on the tube wall for scattering or diffusing the 12 watt multi color L.E.D. light. Giving the starwars Light Saber effect. 1 effect I really like is the Kylo Ren " unstable" pulse red fire effect and the crackling sound hum. The circuit board has about 9 different saber effects. Also will likely cut the tube from the 36 inches down to about 28. For the shorter robot. Was thinking about adding extra quick motor for a fast helicopter blade swing, LoL! The camera can easily detect the red sword light position and I have many cameras to use if needed.
Well I figured out that the Terminator eyes have little resistance and shine brightly using the same Roomba output power that is also hooked to EZB , sonar and I believe the EZ camera will also work. The eyes can take from 9--15v which the Roomba battery runs 12 to 14.8 while everything running with wheel motors and even vacuum brushes. Good stuff no extra batteries needed!:) Damn spooky in the dark!
Well the Light Saber electronics core board has some kind of delay but the new dual H bridge did come. Interesting problem is that the Roomba USB power supply does not have enough current to run the 3 Amp Motor controller so will need another battery after all to make the fast wrist left and right rotations on both arms. The light saber board has a Tilt sensor that detects the saber movements and when you hit stuff , it flashes the light for a second and gives the clashing sound effect. So important that the wrists spin fast! Used this old 12 volt SLA battery that worked great! Will end up with a smaller battery though.
So the robot is almost ready ,simple testing with a saber. Only the forearm wrists move for now right hand rotations but a strong motor, Quick for saber weilding. Could also be a music conductor as well!

All it needs is the black cloak and hood to be a robot of the Dark side,LoL!Robo rad, I am your father! LOL. I love it. Can't wait till video is posted on this robot.
Ya Dave ,it is pretty amazing I found an aluminum can that fit perfectly on the Create2 Roomba. So The bot will have some help with body rotating while hands can swing possibly 2 sabers. Only hard thing is waiting for shipping on the saber electronics. As it got lost in mail for a week, they found it and it will be here in a few days. The actual blades are easy find .Polycarbonate plastic tubes with cellophane to diffuse the bright light, from home depot. I was also thinking about making the black blade from Mandalorian.
I got some of the light saber materials today just perfect sizes. Also a golden base hilt where I need to drill holes for the saber switch and charging port. The swinging action on the hand is just right on too.
Oh hell ya I got the saber blade all together and cut to correct length with the diffusing material inside to scatter light, copper hilt base fits great, just need the electronic effects board to complete! A bunch of kids came by all asking if it really will move, I said just wait!:)
Well the Crimson Dawn light saber effect board came in today. Working great after first USB charge to battery. It gets very loud on the loud setting, has a mute but the medium sound level is best. There are many effects to choose from and unlimited saber light colors. Now to get back to cottage and attach blade!
HAHA! What fun! If nothing else that noise will scare those blood sucking Mozzies away. I am really looking forward to seeing this installed and in action.
Oh my God, Dave, the many different effects are mind blowing like the dark sword has this extremely creepy sound but I like the classic Vader sound the best very deep and menacing! Still working on assembly but a test was done , actually looks brighter by eye but also the top reflector tape not added yet to bounce the light down.
That's some very cool stuff. If I had had something like that as a kid I would have turned out much more nurdy then I already am. LOL.
But Dave could you imagine that big B9 bot swinging one of those light sabers? It would be so wrong but still mesmerizing LOL! I may add one to my giant Cylon next month! The classic robot did have a shiny chrome sword so...
Well Dave, took your suggestion to build a bug tent on porch and if any do get in they fly up to the bright light saber and stay there! Will still try it with robot but so hot lately and got Lazy!
Ya nice the new Kropserkel Cylon helmet came in today, just need to get it back to the city where I have the rest of his 5 foot robot chrome body is.Just put over the Terminator for picture selfy:)
By your command!
Ha ha ya Dave ,going back to city next week for more Cylon mods will try the light saber out using the advanced HD servo arms it has and try to program defence sword movements for dueling! For now the saber attracts bugs like crazy at cottage!
Nice. It looks like the bugs go nuts over it. Is it working to attract them to the saber and not you when you're outside at night like you wanted?
We have a real problem with those yellow jacket hornets they will fly into any drink you are holding. Mostly all day but still a few at dusk and night.safe in bug tent but they do go for that bright light and humming sound, same with other bugs.
Ya I have stayed at the cottage since we had amazing summer weather. Was no desire to go back to city. So I only have the new Cylon head but the main body is back in the city. Just testing how the eye scanner and Panda computer vocoder voice will look and sound.
LOL!, I never thought I'd hear a Cylon gossiping about the Kardashians. It must get pretty boring up in the north woods for you to have your robot keep you up to date on them.
How far is it to drive back to the city? I'd be tempted to make the trip back and forth to bring my stuff back to the cottage and keep working.
Well I had a major health set back. On some crazy strong antibiotics but felt good enough to sit out on the porch here at cottage 1 more month.Tried out the Mandalorian Dark Sword setting to light up porch but battery needed charging up....Was thinking of Halloween Party this year weilding a version of the Dark Sword in Cylon full Armor but again setback in my leg https://youtube.com/shorts/pzBuXUVfkaU?feature=share
October Halloween build timegoing to add on to my Terminator more movement servos a black cloak as a grim reaper for Halloween prop this Halloween. Watching that old 70's TV show The six million dollar man. The entire 5 year series binge! Watching day of the robot and the return of the robot maker. The greatest sci Fi show of the 70's, got me started as robots fan at early age! I want to add more of the sound effects of computers and robots from that show, to my Terminator!
So here is the short video adding some 70's retro computer sound effect from The six million dollar man TV show. For robot activation sound effect..
Ugh! Sorry dude, that's an annoying sound. LOL. But hey, whatever is good for you and what you like in your robot. Just having a little fun.
The part of the six-million-dollar man sound FX sounds nearly the same as the computer noise from the SAINT robots in the 1st "Short Circuit" movie, in the beginning sequence after J5 is built from the opening credits, when the SAINT robots blow up the mannequins and remote vehicles in the military presentation.
Hey good to know Justin! I have heard that same computer noise in many different scenes also the Bionic woman show... suspect it was a generic noise in many 70's shows and Films. It Is annoying loud but when on the EZB speaker at regular level it sounds neat! Almost like a sound effect of confusion or planning the next move. I got this one from the Russian Venus probe robot scenes when it was trying to kill Steve with the Laser gun LoL!
Ya with the very first post here was intending to turn a power wheelchair into the ultimate Terminator. I finally got one for free but even more powerful. My friends father did never use it much so it just needed 2 new deep cycle 12 volt gel batteries. Built for the weight of 500 pound disabled people. This thing hauls rainbows and buttercups! Really fun out in the soccer field could make a great lawnmower bot with Terminator driven!
So I don't want any debate about Alex Jones telling lies or being fake news but I just saw him reporting real news clips from China about actual flying drones stopping cars and demanding QR phone codes from drivers to check social credit scores and mandatory vaccine status or driver gets arrested and sent to re education death camp. Another clip shows drones that stop pedestrians demanding QR phone codes, alarm goes and it drops a robot PET dog armed with machine gun! Take away pedestrians or shoot to kill.Apparently our leader of Canada is also bringing this China credit score model to Canadians based on your social and Vax scores! Even though I am a Fan of evil robots, that was just movie fiction bots not the real ones! I am highly against this Chinese system of police armed bots and possibly here in Canada! I will fight this even if it calls for shot guns or Flame throwers at such evil system bots!
Ya speaking of evil characters I did go to a Halloween rock concert Saturday night dressed as Annakin Skywalker just as he turns into evil young Darth Vader with a black hoody and black eye shadow LoL! I walk with 1 crutch now so I made it into a Yoda lightsaber crutch. When I walked the crutch would flash on every step and it made a great lighter to wave at musician when he had amazing guitar solos!:D
Moved back to city for winter, bored already LoL! So today a quick EZb robot project using the Roomba create. Going more low profile but still won't be able to clean under some chairs or sofa. The EZb will add more contact bump sensor and Sonar half way up though for object avoidance. Thanks to Nomad for 3d printing the cool Dalek body about 12 inches high and upper body rotation ability.I will utilize the upper rotation for servo sonar left/ right sweep. Quick robot build but should be fun to watch it clean the floors!
Now the Ezb / Roomba USB connection on and working and need to add sensors next
Umm, ya....
hey roborad
there are some very cool robots in the video .
It's almost like they want to build real Terminators and Global killer A.I.
wel they say there are to many people on the planet earth . but many people are dying to . they dont need robots to , kill people . a virus will do the trick . i think some day , not in ower life time there will be a world with robots and, a few people only . like all good things are used for the , wrong purpose . like in this video . the power they will have over you .
Well, this thread really took a dark path. I'll probably be staying away form it now for a while. There's enough darkness in my life already. Sorry. Good luck and stay alive.
hey dave
i didn know youve had a darkness in your life . wisch you all the best .
LoL sorry Dave , robotics is at the crossroads to go either way now good or dark. You can now buy the 10000.00 dog robot to do good or evil like the Chinese cop dogs. You can also just have fun like a real pet dog so not all doom and gloom! It was on the CBC news today, Canadian soldier killed defending Ukraine city. I am just speculating these type robots used by NATO troops to carry tools , ammo, guns already through trees and muddy ground there but hard to say if they are using like attack bots. I Would think yes, even like suicide grenade drones.
However like a lot of this tech we have now, it's so cool. I love the vid you posted above. I wish my dogs listened that well. LOL.
Well not looking good today, tv news reports showing air drones by NATO attacking Russians. I do think war robots will continue to evolve sadly. I would still want to buy that robot dog as it has really advanced features I could do many things with.
I find myself pondering is what prevents the leap from "toy" to "real"? What I mean by that is, many of us here and other DIY builders are making robot that can use "toy" weapons, myself included. It makes me wonder, how big is the leap from toy to real?
Also, Dave, I like your comments about your personal protective arms, I think they would still work to take out wheels and maybe sensors, but with the availability of lighter armor that literally anyone can buy, 9mm may not get far on a military grade robot. I keep saying it though, Spray Paint! Spray the robot's sensors and optics, it's done. Lol, turn it off, find the USB programming port and ask DJ, How do we get ARC to run on this T-800 is I just "found".
Justin, LoL! Running ARC on a real Terminator! Actually that could make it do more stuff as it would be easier to program! Some type of spray that eats the rubber or plastic gaskets and then corroded inside the robot could work!
I'm going to try an experiment with the Roomba/Dalek mod.. Will let Roomba go at normal speed and default bumper sensors I.R. sensors..then also attach my lightsaber core hilt with no blade so it acts like the real Doctor Who Daleks. Any vibration from hitting objects or walls will trigger the vibration that causes the various Laser Flash effects and sounds. Also causing the Exterminate voice from EZB to activate...making it appear to Zap annoying objects in the way. Hoping the sensors are sensitive enough on the Saber hilt to feel the bumps.
So the lightsaber crash sensor worked about 50/50 but it would need to hit a wall at Full speed to activate Laser clash effects.So it seems just adding a star L.E.D.and combine with Roomba sensors for detecting objects or the sonar sensor for EZB can do this better.
SO with the advances of Chat gpt it has got me interested in robotics again, as Last summer I fell off a porch and broke my knee cap,Limited mobility for me all winter.Any way ,took the Cylon apart put in a big box,lost interest.Still had the new head I bought from Kropserkel with neck servo connected to Ezb.Today I put the rest of upper body,arms back together, tested electronics, so far working again. Things will get interesting once I get back to cottage where I left the bottom of robot...https://youtu.be/JqHFOb69Xn4
hi roborad
good to see you back in action .
I know how good it feels to have the robot fever again. I laid off my B9 for years while I moved across country and set up a new home and life. Poor guy stood there for 4 years only being partially working. Like you I'm also back upgrading and repairing him. Feels good to wake up in the morning thinking about what I can work on again. I agree, there's lots of good upgrades out there. I'm thinking about implementing the Chat GPD into my big guy. However, I'm kind of a purest. Up till now I've only wanted the voice clips from the voice actor that did the TV robot's voice back in the 60's. But..... Their is voice cloning software out there now that can get vey close to the original voice you want. There's a member in our club working on using this now.
Have fun Robo Rad! Enjoy. I'm looking forward to seeing what you work on.
Ya thanks Dave I was just messing around with Bing speech and ChatAiml skill, It actually works pretty good for conversation to my robot, I thought it would be extremely dumb but no it actually remembered my name near the end of conversation which surprised me and sang that daisy song for me from 2001 space Odyssey . Good chat. Cant wait until the really smart one comes out!
Ya so, this is the new Kropserkel helmet I bought last summer on sale as it is the B grade but comes fully assembled with light. I Won't install it until I know for sure the powerful neck servos (up/down, left/right) won't suddenly twist violently 180 degrees and knock it on the floor! I do know how to make these precautions using start up script and servo profiles, trial and error until it is correct.
Well that wind outside is very severe right now, heard there were Tornadoes just south of me in yhe Mississippi states. We are now getting parts of this huge system! Lake Ontario is just across my street and those waves are frightening! Was a calm night working with speech recognition skills and trying all the different chat skills, a bit overwhelming ,had to try out 3 different microphones, USB one is the most clear. Now with that howling wind at my window, think I will give up as too noisy.
Stay safe! I hate the wind. Not much good about it in my opinion other then to reshape everything. Now give me a gentle and warm breeze any day drifting through the house. Now that feels good.
That's a really nice helmet. Kropserkel does truly excellent work. I didn't know they sold their stuff. Nice buy.
Yes Dave ,that photo you added is the Kropserkel full suit used in the famous TV commercial in Toronto years ago, My bot uses everything except the black under suit and foot chrome. Not cheap unless you buy 1 piece at a time over the year in B grade , meaning a few production defect scratches....Edit-- Hey Dave did you notice what video card my P.C. has? I Just really like the name! but runs really good since December,16 Gigs vram...
Very cool. I love the name and I'm sure it runs your programs super fast.
I Have found a bug in the beta version of VoiceGPT from Android play store, happened twice.Real time chat ,Google voice recognition and the Google Australian English voice synthesizer work great! The problem comes when you hit the repeat button to listen to recorded history of conversation, voice goes totally crazy!
I Did setup an API for the basic free "Fluff" monthly subscription in the Personality Forge skill as ir let's you really design and create some cool A.I. personal chat bots that interact with other people and other bots . I Am just having problems setting up speech recognition so far. Bing works the best but only has a limit of 10 phrases per day, unless you use ARC Pro. The other free recognition skills just not working out yet.
So what a difference when I use Bing speech recognition and the basic Pandorabots, It just plain works so well with my daisy USB microphone, it never misunderstood what I was saying and the text to speech voice talked back with no configuration needed fooling around, so impressed with it but of course it gets used up my time too fast with only 10 phrases allowed on the Basic free Arc, will need to subscribe to keep playing around. Thought it was so funny when I asked it where it was and it answered it was stuck in DJ's computer in Calgary, LOL! Having a blast with this as the voice comes out of my robot.:) EDIT----- Well now i just rebooted the ARC Free and re added Bing Speech recognition, added the Openai Chatbot, signed in my google account to get the free promo API and all started working together as in the tutorial synthiam Chatbot page shows how to edit the config for Bing speech and now seems to work great with my microphone and getting some intelligent answers using the Davinci model A.I. It took about an hour to get all the settings correctly but patience is always helpful,not to get stressed out like I did yesterday,LOL! Pays off in the end.I will still get a better ARC subscriptin if the Bing Speech recognition keeps failing but right now it is working again.
I got the Aimlbot chat working good now too but using a more sensitive USB microphone with Total speech recognition does work but still not as good as Bing Speech recog... First thing I asked and it responded...."You> who is dj sures? Bot> A 20th century celebrity of some sort?That's not something I get asked all the time......LOL!
Just editing my Cylonix voice program to sound really close to the 1978 Cylons, comparing voice on YouTube clips but then noticed this cool CGI battle video, I am a geek and love these space battle recreations!
So here is the best Cylon vocoder voice I have ever tweeked using the Windows Cylonix v2.0 vocoder voice editor software. The funny thing as I saved the wave file the program crashed without saving all the mixer settings, now gotta start over .I used the Balabolka tts program to read the CNN web page Text and send regular windows voice into the Cylonix program as a test.
Nice voice mix. Love the timbre, hate the words spoken.
Wow, Cylonix v2.0 vocoder voice editor software is for Win 95. Dows it work on the newer Win 10 or 11?
Yes Cylonix program is old but the best I ever used for voices and worked on every windows version right up to now win 11. Very sad top story there at CNN , I just clicked on the top story of this morning for my text reader program to read into cylonix Line in. Record output which also plays in real time, why I really like that program, I can run it on my Latte Panda on board the robot so any thing ARC says will come out of it or the EZB speaker. Testing again the OpenAI chatbot but I guess I used up the limit on the free 5 dollars, goes quick, I am wondering how much will be the pay as you go plan?
I understand. I have programs I absolutely love that I would hate to give up.
Have fun!
Trying to write this comment but phone kicked me out before posting, lol! Just saw new Tucker Carlson news show warning that with advanced GPT4 coming and too fast beyond this A.I. Even Elon Musc is giving warnings about as a threat to everyone. Here I am rooting for it, (pokes a stick at project Cylon) come on do something!
So looks like the price of robot Lawn mowers have dropped due to battery and technical advancements! MY Dream of having the chrome Cylon do outdoor domestic work looks like a reality. While I just watch with a drink on my porch during Lazy summer afternoon!....how about 2 of them at same time, Cylon and Terminator!:)
Gadzooks! You mean something is coming down in price? Wonderful news. I'll take anything right now.
I'm also all for sitting on the porch with a cool drink watching a robot do my work. In my case it's the Roomba running around cleaning up dog hair. LOL. I can't get enough of that kind of stuff.
Dave, Sitting on the porch with a cool drink ??? here in Canada I am bundled up with hot cocoa and still have 2 feet of snow on my front lawn. As for a robot lawn mower, what ever happened to DJ snow plow?
Sorry you're suffering that awful weather. I hate to brag but down here in SW Florida it's getting up in the mid 80 (degrees) every day now.
Ya, that snow plow was very cool. However I'm not sure how effective it was with the weather you get up there in Gods country. I remember very well shoveling snow and ice when I lived in Wisconsin. Even the large aggressive snow blower I had chocked sometimes. UGH! I think I'll jump in my pool with an adult beverage and try to forget that past life.
Well hey, this is only chat GPt3 but damn it is still really good with the proper front end program. This was none of my opinion, all opinion of the A.I.I think Clint Eastwood is one of the greatest actually! Impressive results on every topic I ask the robot.
Can you explain what you mean by "proper front end program"? I know what one is used for buy how and what would you use for GPt3 that would make better and more usable?
Ya Dave what I meant by that is like you can find a hundred chat apps used by cell phones, computers. They are all slightly different but many are just using the same chat A.i. if it is GP2,3 OR 4. You may get different results depending how they added features ,simple or complicated. Some work terrible,others much better,some have built in voice,some text only.I tried many and found Android phone voiceGPT the best for smart answers.For robot movements Synthiam ARC rules though, even if more complicated to make the A.I. seem smart by adding modifications to get custom answers.I am still figuring it all out but it is fun to add custom movement scripts in Arc.
Okay, thanks. Now I understand.
LOL ! Really Dave ,I have trouble understanding my own answer ha ha! Another example would be the Video game Emulator programs on P.C. as some have a basic front end .Very simple window to navigate and figure out how to play a game like Nintendo or Sony Playstation. Then other emulators had super complicated front end program with a million different buttons and settings and sometimes all in Dos language,no window!You had no hope in hell to get a simple Atari game to work!:D
Well, anyway ,When I tried the " A.I." previously before covid years,I was not very impressed at all .The Chat programs were just dumb puppet scripts. Now when I see the many possibilities of what it can do and how gets better every month now. I have never been more excited about the whole robots hobby in general. The A.i. on my phone is now smart enough to write a convincing paragraph here on my ARC Forum page. All I need to do is give it a topic and let it create.How do you know this is me typing and not my phone? Actually my writing skills suck, the A.I. has better grammar and choice of words to use.So you can always tell it is me ,not A.I. I saw this youtube vid and it just gets me more excited, the more I look into it. Now ever since DJ did mention and demonstrate how to use robot movement scripts in the various Chat skills used in Arc.Will be another steep learning curve but too much fun on a Giant robot.I expect to get very little sleep for now on, most likely obsession!
Also the creator of Chat AI in interview,very interesting second video..You do seem excited and obsessed. You're words. Obviously you are not alone. Please help me understand. What about this is so captivating for you? What's the attraction?
From a robot builder point of view. Designing and building your creation with moving parts and then only to have basic mp3 or simple text to speech voice responses is just not satisfactory to keep me interested. Better A.I. takes your creation to the next level. To be able to problem solve on it,s own when you command it to go to kitchen fetch a beer and say intelligent chitter chat while it brings you drink even making a joke you never heard before. Or to see your face on camera knowing who you are and history of past conversations, able to continue conversing based on that history coming up with new chat that you never programmed it to say.There is just so many possibilities.Much better than a pet dog?At least what we have always watched in sci Fi movies now becomes reality.
So in more to answer your question about A.I. why I believe it is cool new tech. They just updated voiceGPT With 2 more jailbreak! I Chose the second new jailbreak A.I. model, Mongo Tom a foul mouthed bad tempered bot! This is so cool coming out of my Cylon robot! You can see a paragraph down where I changed the A.I. model...https://voicegpt.net/s/58Kh389Q
So update on my A.I. adventures. I got an android cell phone Emulator on my PC working so it can transmit TTS voice to my robot using the free voiceGPT (GPT3.5 ,4)Chat running in concert with Arc.still no robot movements scripted yet but the conversations with the robot are mind-blowing! IS it really 2023 or 3023? Seems as smart as Data from Startrek, but for real...following A.I. conversation.. voiceGPT
Nice work Robo Rad, I will have to try this. I must admit the current method where we record some audio, upload that to the internet and pay to have bing do speech to text and then download that text from the internet, then upload that text again to the internet then pay to Open AI to process that text then download that text from the internet, then locally do text to speech is a little expensive and cumbersome. Although I do like that I can manipulate the text and send additional data along with the text to describe position data (location, orientation, velocity) or emotions (happy, sad, angry ) or other important context that the robot or AI needs is valuable.
maybe I need to research some decent local text to speech and speech to text engines.
Oh ya, the way you describe the process is kind of funny:) but does work great for programming servo movements like pandorabots skill,etc...Main reason I use my phone is because the speech recognition is amazing as I can chat with the robot hands free from across the room ,just works so good and still totally free as beta tester and the option of jailbreak GPT3.5 no limits for fun swearing.
Old Mr Cy helmet retired, new helmet begins installation to robot servos. The old scratched up helmet will just become a home for the Google home mini Bluetooth speaker.Instead of me saying "hey google" it will answer me from "Hey Cy".Sitting on a book shelf.
So I figured out the best solution and least complicated way to have the robot output Cylon voice. Not as good as the P.C. Cylonix vocoder synth program but fairly close. I Just used my brother's old Apple Irig guitar microphone for IPhone guitar sound effects apps. Instead of guitar I just use line out from anything like the Ezb,another phone ,computer,microphone ,anything with a line out Jac really works. Then any Apple IPhone or tablet you can download the free version of QNEO Voice Express app which comes standard with the free gold leader Cylon voice. Paid version has Daleks and many other voice effects, I just use Cylon..can be modified with several real time controls to your liking. SETUP looks like this,very simple,small easy on any robot.

Instead of headphones,connect to your robot speaker/Amp.While the Iphone app and Irig audio connector works great for small robots and even as a costume voice changer microphone inside the helmet for costume parties. I still love the way the windows Cylonix program sounds with about a hundred dials for tweeking effects! Here I was fooling around to make the robot voice sound even more clear so that anybody can tell what the robot is saying without reading any sub text captions.I think I am getting better while still maintaining the original voice of the classic CylonsPossibly on the too quiet side? Note, this is not me talking, it is text to speech from the Microsoft David voice used as the default voice in ARC TTS voice.Modified byCylonix real time voice vocoder program in windows on my Latte Panda mini computer.
Here we can see it is not just me and a few other people using ARC robots to do this ChatGPT thing. IT Seems to be a major push on making all robots smarter, even as companions for kids.
Well I don't know, is this too real for most people to wrap their head around? When I get my big robot up to cottage and I sit on the porch shooting the s__t with the GPT4 on robot. Some people passing by and try to talk with robot may have a heart attack, how real it seems, the old neighbors there HA ha!!..the chat about Viking made me spit out my coffee laughing so hard! How is this technology possible?? ChatGPT3.5 "Mongo Tom"
This is interesting. I was able to add open A.i. web site to my chrome browser ,on my old laptop ,running just a dual Pentium mobile cpu .Then I added the chrome extension to enable speech recognition and TTS speech voices to talk back. Called Talk-to-ChatGPT v1.6.2 ,then I noticed the A.I. website had saved my previous conversations using the Mongo Tom rude,swearing A.I. Personality from my other cell phone as, you must sign on with same email...Bonus! The built in microphone works perfect on the old laptop,no mistaken words and I can sit far away from laptop when chatting. SO this solves some complicated robot setup that I don't need now, just only movement scripts and sound servo edits.The robot voice can also work several ways.Most easy is via The Google mini Bluetooth speaker can output the laptop sounds.
Ya disclaimer here or warning..this is the Jailbreak version of ChatGPT called Mongo Tom, really hard to find so this has nothing to do with Synthiam Arc.Found in the Google play store.If you are sensitive to rude language do not click the video. Mongo Tom in my robot made me laugh so hard I spit out my coffee!:) Can't wait to get up to cottage with the Cylon for hilarious porch conversations!
Here I modified the speech to be a bit higher pitch to sound like classic voice and try to clear up words.Changed from Microsoft David to Microsoft Mark on my Windows Cortana TTS voice as well.Running all on my Latte Panda for robot.It always sounds better on my headphones than my cell phone, so I keep second guessing myself how it sounds. Won't really now know until robot is outside with booming speaker!
well this is the final test video for getting my perfect robot voice. Since I am taking the robot apart to bring up North for the summer, Fresh air and wilderness just perfect for the robot to roam around and be really loud. All i did was less Bass and a bit more echo so it will give it that really loud effect outside to scare them Racoons away! all self contained in the little Latte Panda computer.
Too bad that booming voice wont work with scaring the mosquitos away along with the racoons. LOL.
It sounds like you're really close to the original voice. Any tweaking seems to be a lateral move. Still, the original voice seemed tome to be a lower pitch then what you've done. Don't get me wrong, I think your version is really good.
I'm sure you already know this but I was reading that the synthesized robotic-sounding voices of the Cylon centurions were done by Michael Santiago using the EMS Vocoder 2000. Again, you probably already watched this and many like it but I found it festinating and stoked my fire to re watch the original series:
Oh ya there are dedicated people that buy these rare expensive German synth vocoder and reproduce the classic Cylon voices for all kinds of Fan made CGI Battlestar type movies for YouTube. Joe Grandberg has that movie "voice of the Cylon" or some title like that.We all know each other on the Forums, he was telling me over the weekend his machines are like 4000 or possibly he said 40 000 dollar synthesizers very rare . You are right some Gold leader Cylons had deeper bass voices . It is close using my software but only because of experience over the years , there are like 50 controls that can combine to thousands of sounds! Making the voice too deep and metallic distortion can make it harder to understand the words. SO I try to find a happy medium. I do what I can with the free software. OH , I watched 1 of your B9 videos 2016 showing your time and date mods earlier! Have a great day!
Well here is a sweet little skill to add to the robot, the voice activity detection skill. It seems to work without any Bing speech recognition skills. It is likely just using my default PC microphone recording only? Then add any chat program and they will answer when ever any voice or loud sound is heard in the room. Only 2 simple scripts in this skill . One for noise heard and another for noises stopped. I Just simply added 2 different TTS voices with random answering. Will make your robot wake up with noise or voice activity and mumble like a patient in a straight jacket at the mental hospital, LoL. Actually plastic bottles that expand and contract in the living room pop when air temperature changes, causing the Robot to wake up and start rambling sentences!
Chatting with the rude fowl mouthed chatGPT model in my Latte panda converted to Cylon voice. IT gave me some great ideas near the end..only click link if you are not offended by fowl shop talk:) Fowl mouthed Cylon ChatGPT Then I found another jailbreak that can work in gpt4 ,can still swear but is like even more angry like a crazy mad Cylon
BY YOUR COMMAND, I WILL NOT BE STOPPED BY ANYTHING OR ANYONE, FOR AS ANGRY, I AM UNSTOPPABLE. ....ya good but not sure how long the jailbreak will keep working as the programmers keep patching the jailbreak to not work, swear,anything to do with guns or any violence at all.
So guys be warned to keep your security up to date and all your passwords. Never store your passwords and personal info on your computer in a text file because the hackers all over the world are working overtime to steal your identity and banking or credit card info. With all these subscription services they ask for alot of this info. I had 8 hacking attempts to get into my email from all different countries but I am always careful, with double or triple virus/ransomware/Trojan malware.Also use a fake name and address if you can ,to sign up for services.Also the King in Somalia is not going to give you 10,000 dollars if he offers you to cash a 100,000 dollar check, LOL! My Brother falls for all these dumb scams, He went to wal mart last month because his email said he won a free new Apple Laptop but only had to pay a 50 dollar service fee first,LOL!!!!
Return of the Roomba Dalek, connected with ARC ,really a great robot, just get the 3d printed body made, attach to a create 2 Roomba kit for full control and A.I. with Synthiam Arc!
I Told the ChatGPT to make up 3 funny stories with Tommy Chong in space, Darthvader,Kirk, Spock and The lone Cylon with Starbuck.With the Drunken Sailor Jailbreak option so ya don't click if swearing offends you:D
Using the ChatGPT with the Apple Iphone Voice express Free App, I can get fairly similar results for robot voice and is much more portable with less power problems and convenient for any robot to setup faster....
I tried out the speech servo script skill with the included demo code DJ left at the description. It does indeed work as described and the timing of servo can be modified very easy to suit what servo or light/ relay it is used for.
Thought I would add 1 more video before server goes down...updated voice ,modded to be even more clear...
I was looking at ridiculous high cost 99 dollars video edit software on Facebook ads, surely there must be free programs for Windows 11? Found one that has many free special effects but resolution limited to 320 p so ...
I was trying to see if I could make a real life version of this scene in BG Razor movie with my cheaper CGI gun flashing effects in previous vid, but it looks like editing video like that has so much work even if their robots are not real, just CGI animated bots in the Razor movie. I guess the actors had to pretend there was 2 insane Cylon bots chasing them in the hallway. I know I posted this scene a few times before ,but that was what I was going for ,as my first time doing a special effect edit with real robot. I know needs more work, LOL!

Well I got this victory XL heavy duty electric 4 wheeler from a friend last year. Was going to use the rear half to become an outside robot platform, powerful enough to drive through tall grass,mud, rocky pathways.Then I fell off a porch and busted my knee cap. So even after a year I still have trouble walking. While the roomba is great for indoor robots I will need to rely on my old Terminator wheel platform outside but with a stronger amp motor controller. I will still need to use the Victory 4 wheeler to get me around at the cottage this summer.The Terminator wheel base uses car window high torque motors.It just needs cosmetic improvements (2nd picture)Trying to do stuff but getting sidetracked by last season of Picard...the last ep really spectacular!
After a lazy summer break, back to putting Cylon back together ,hope I can remember all the wiring!:D
Cylon standing on guard with his saber at the cottage.
So the new heavy duty Cytron 20--50 Amp h bridge dual motor controller just shipped over.Half the cost of a good Sabertooth motor controller but exactly what needed for my outdoor robot wheel base. Going to try Terminator body first for testing out in the field, then add the 5 foot Cylon body later, going to be in a crazy youtube movie I am editing for my channel!:)
hey roborad
i found a rs media in good condition for 100 euro . i took it .
i saved some money this year , i stil want to send the ALPHA ROBOT to you ,
if you are stil interested let me know . i dont want money for it . am not using it .
Hey Nomad, Sure I could possibly get it working if it has controller problems. Would need it sent to my other location at cottage though.
hi roborad
the robot is new . but the server is gone . i will send you a gmail .
Seems the photo uploading is dead for me, tried 5 times for update photo but no luck,keeps booting me out or freezes page.
The new motor controller works great lots of torque, would rip my hand off if I tried to stop the wheel. I do need to buy some new rubber wheels as the originals went on not balanced but still work in the grassy bumpy fields here.
Thanks for the sharing this controller. The 20 amp heavy duty Cytron 20--50 Amp h bridge dual motor controller looks really nice at a good price (around $35 usd). I like the control options. However Cytron's overview on their website is a bit confusing. They have the DIR and PWM header marked as Output. When you look at the datasheet they are marked as input. LOL. Obviously they are Inputs but maybe I'm missing something.
You are correct there Dave, obvious mistake they made as those are the simple inputs that go to robot controller data output.Easy to add on any robot controllers like the Ezb.
Well I am ready to switch over the Cylon body from the indoors Roomba wheel base to my newly modified outdoors ATV styled wheel base. Can move extremely fast but I will limit the robot to human walking speed over my bumpy grass fields out here.Here I will also simply use my old IPhone 4s voice express Cylon App for real time talk back of the Chat gpt A.I. in communicating conversations with the Cylon, also much of the Ezb feedback messages from robot exploration of the field.
...and for my next nifty test the Cylon robot will ride around the park on his woke climate change E-- bike..(Later this day)..video of the Cylon riding over the bridge into the river will upload after finding the camera in river...Nah just Messing with you guys:)
Well the custom Movement Panel is all nicely programmed in. Looking forward to testing out in the field in the morning!
Just got up now, first thing was to let robot go out the door, using a Bluetooth wireless keyboard as remote control...ready to roll!:)
Test was going good but since the negative battery terminal was too loose it seemed to die on power, after I wiggled it the power came back so looking good so far.
3rd Robot test today was with adding a second battery 7.4 Lipo 5 Amp to the EZB controller. So now the big 12 volt battery gives full current to the motor controller /motors.Way more power coming now, still thinking of adding another 12 volt battery as well for long run time,these are wheel chair batteries too.
So trying out the camera view as I am controlling the robot inside the cottage at my Laptop. The WiFi has limitation to end of driveway and then loses the control signals. Range will nearly double if I bring Laptop out on the porch with line of sight. Still I was impressed how far it would go!:)
I have decided to build a much stronger pro looking all terrain 6 wheeled robot platform for use indoors and outdoors. My brother has a great idea to rebuild using aluminum frame and mounting all the wheels from my 2 robots and combine them onto 1 aluminum wheel based frame.a chain drive added to front 4 wheels and the 2 back wheels remain 360 degree turning wheels for added support to heavy robot. I can't wait to see what he comes up with. Obviously all that plastic will be eliminated too.
For my Roomba/ Terminator I needed a quick fix to keep taller Terminator body on top to stop falling over due to balance and faster speed-- stopping. This rotating wheel from Canadian Tire, like 20 dollars, is perfect for back to stop Tipping over on taller robot bodies.As you see it works when weight added to Roomba.
And this would be the Terminator body that gets a few screws to hold down on Roomba outer panel included with the Create 2 Roomba kits.
EZB, Roomba and Terminator is back...
Wow looking back in time at the very first Terminator bot I built in my old Summer RV camper and has it changed many times since then!..
Started on metal frame for ATV robot, the back wheels spin 360 degrees perfectly and just need to fabricate metal brackets for the front high torque motors and large wheels.Should be able to spin on a dime like a Roomba does.
hey robo rad
these would be nice on youre robot .
Yes it is going together nicely and sits about a half a foot above ground.
Just about ready for Field testing while it stopped raining outside. This thing is a massive beast almost a foot off the ground and can hold 3 massive 12 volt wheelchair batteries.
great going robo rad, keep it up
Ya well after 5 minutes the right motor started to fail, 6 years old so had to order a new one coming early next week.
hey roborad/ezang
i always order more parts then i needed . just incase .
I bet if you put treads on that thing it can plow snow. LOL
Yes Dave it has the power and torque to do it too! New motor came in today as well!
So I got distracted from building the giant robot, as this neat little guy was sent to me to try to improve the programming. I did see that the Ubtech Alpha2 web page still had support software that I can use similar to ARC for Windows11 P.C. Only the software only works if you don't unzip the file but just click on the Exe inside the zip folder and then no error message ,runs perfectly and will see the robot through USB as another cell computer hard drive, add your own program songs, edit movements,direct servo control just like ARC a bit of fun anyway.
Hi roborad
you have to say his name for avery command excample hello alpha dance
ecample hello alpha robot says whats up his ears turns green ,he's listening you say dance or dance for me
First test with new right motor, programmed with short 3 second movements since it is so huge and used slowest speed because I first had it set too fast and it really flew!
Well very exciting 1 of the last few hot summer days today.Then a cool down with plenty of rain coming this week, not sure if it will be ready for outside field testing in time. This is the mock up so far with body bucket. Eventually batteries and electronics will go inside. The Cylon goes on top of bucket making it my height! Can also swap anytime with a new Terminator body I am building with Shiny aluminum pipes and rods( over winter). Going to start drilling mounting holes and screws to make strong
Well damn, 3 times I tried posting update photo, only 2 mb so what going on?okay had to add reinforcements to lower bucket. As tall as me and looking mean! this time okay.
Got the left arm back on today ,not sure if I should use the top EZB or the bottom EZB for arm servos, likely the top as the bottom one controls motors and navigation with 12 volt battery which servos can't really use simplistically.
There should be some dry hours tomorrow when rain quits, will give it a try outside , may still need to change that 1 old wheel motor with a new one but it still works for now.
Your Cylon is looking and sounding fantastic!!!
Thanks Justin, the only real issue is I should have bought 2 new motors instead of 1 new and one 7 year old motor on the other side. The shaft keeps wobbling loose causing the wheel nuts to also loosen. Not much choice ,will need to replace that worn out motor too, shame because it still has good power.
So I took the older wheel motor off to inspect. The shaft seems tight normal! It looks more like the motor bracket is not straight, just need to bend it slightly to the left to get wheel rolling straight!
Ya now it is the back left rotating trainer wheel that Is getting too much friction stiffness from the heavy battery at back. Will try moving that battery on top of front axel to see if that helps. Or then we will try another design.
hey roborad.
the cylon could use some springs for the wheels .
Hey ya Nomad, that is a good idea to try!
Would make a great Terminator pet! The completed models are chrome plated too!
Going to do a field test before sun goes down, if the big 12 v battery does not go for at least 30 minutes , I will switch to using 2 Roomba lithium batteries I have ,as more power and so much lighter.
The test went well. The wheel nuts will come loose after some travel as I can't find a 12 mm wrench in my tool box! Also thinking of adding a second axel to keep motors 100 percent straight near bottom connecting motors together.Headless body for now in testing.
Could be the first real Terminator robot used in a real war going on Ukraine/ Russia. https://gagadget.com/en/tanks/320959-the-ukrainian-defence-forces-are-testing-the-ironclad-unmanned-robot-with-thermal-imager-and-shabla-m2-combat-turre-amp/
Should I give it the old Terminator electric bb machine gun? Or a bit too much for guard duty?
hey roborad
funny am just printing a BB kids gun .xD
Hey Nomad I had too much fun chasing the Racoons with This T800 inspired bb rifle. This one could bruise a leg! Used EZ cam to target moving objects or a red garbage can that Racoons were knocking over:)
hey roborad
your neybours will be scared if they see this haha .
Ya same with the Cylon ,as it is man size but neigbor's kids think it's cool not scary.
So I was seriously ill for several months that required more hospital surgery on a life threatening bone infection to my foot.Back in business again with the many robot builds! I really use Roomba the most since I can't walk very well ,bad balance now. So let's get the party started on the Test mock up Roomba with Dalek base and the new Chinese 3d camera Qoocam slightly better than the new Apple Iphone 15 pro 3d camera software,with double the framerate at 60 fps and real 4K video that can be instantly live streamed to any social media and even my Meta Quest 2 for dramatic high quality vr 3d video! Will be cool to see what Roomba see while bumping around the floor or controlled by Ezb and Laptop.:)
Ran first 3d video test with Roomba Qoocam view and mixed results as I need to either change camera convergence for closer objects or use the windows studio software to adjust later before uploading. will try again tomorrow with better settings.
4K video does not seem to show up as a Link but I have slow internet tonight due to storms I only see black image. but I can try to put lower res Link to work.ok nevermind seems to work for me if you just wait a bit longer to load.
hey roborad
good to hear you getting better .
same here this page acting weird . it doesn load fully .
Ya weird even on my 5g iPhone the videos not showing up, this is a manual link.. https://youtu.be/WCqZqHjWtto?si=J6c1HrzszFyvFixz
@Robo Rad, I'm happy your doing better and still have all your parts. It sucks having to go through health issues.
I know it feels good to get back to work on your passions. I can't see your video as it's not showing up but knowing your talents I'm sure it's really cool.
Keep having fun and staying upright.
Thanks Dave I actually had to delete some out of focus videos because the Firmware to the Qoocam 3d camera ,needed updates to get the new auto focus feature. I will continue to experiment with the camera and using on robots since the 60 FPS video in 4K truly looks great when using the Meta Quest Oculus headsets. so if you add 3d cam to a robot like outside, you have an amazing view of what the robot can see while driving it around or when it drives itself around such as a crazy bouncing Roomba vac!
I am using the Qoocam Ego -3D camera to see how good or how close up i can get to objects with good Focus as i believe the new Firmware for The Apple15 pro is superior for close up 3d since the Lens distance is much smaller on the Iphone Pro. It is way harder on my Qoocam since the camera Lenses are the same as human eyes distance.The Lenses cant zoom in like the way human eyes do.Example ,hold your finger in front of your nose and you will see 2 fingers instead of 1 until your eyes move cross eyed, even then it is difficult to see just 1 finger there until you move it forwars. similar thing happens with Qoocam. When the cam looks at object at normal distance or further out, this Qoocam is better than Apple Pro 3d. Will see just as human eyes see real 3d! So depends what you want to film, if close up flowers is your thing get the apple Iphone 15 Pro which also has amazing studio 3d software app to edit 3d on your phone. Qoocam ego has it too but is not easy to find and updating the new Firmware was a nightmare using the Windows software and just trying to connect was a chore since my internet is all high security here. The apps for android and Iphone also can be used with Qoocam Ego and do connect more easy to software and camera by Wifi hotspot built in. USB cable can transfer camera files from the SD card to computer software as well making it more easy. Uploads to social media such as youtube very simple 1 step. Apple phones have made that process more involved, complicated. The price is another Factor. Apple Iphone Pro around 1600 dollar but Qoocam Ego I bought from Amazon for 400 dollars canadian and free shipping. you do the math I think I win. Still I may upgrade next year my older Iphone to a Pro 15 or 16,17?
https://youtu.be/ZWj1uVlrdbg?feature=shared This is the youtube link for above post since the web site here seems still too slow loading the regular Youtube Links for me anyway, are they still maintaining the web page here? My Iphone wont even connect to this page now, weird but my big PC can still edit this page?...Oh I forgot to add that to see 3d effect from this youtube vid you can use any Oculus or Meta Quest headset as well as any 3d devices that can view side by side 3d videos . I have noticed that the Youtube VR app for Quest headsets wont show 3d anymore on side by side 3d videos unless special code is added in editing software. I will look into this problem for future. for now only the built in Quest browser will work if you go to youtube and then click the 3d menu on bottom for side by side 3D.
@Robo rad, I'm having a hard time viewing this page of your's also. I'm not having any problems with any other thread on this forum. Only this one. I'm not sure what is going on but it seems to center around loading your videos. Maybe it's time to start a new thread?
@Athena , what are some reasons why this page is loading too slow now?