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What Robot Chassis Is This?

Hi all, I was watching a movie and saw this cool 4-wheeled robot chassis, but I've never seen it before. I was hoping to do this for my first robot, and I like the smaller wheels that are spread a little farther apart compared to the 4wd chassis in the store. So, if anyone knows what it might be, please let me know. Thanks:)

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thanks. do you know if it's possible to hook it up to EZ-B or ARC to use with joystick control?


i am pretty sure that you could.

The steering servo would act as intended to turn the chassis.

you would then plug in the rc speed control to the ez-board and control it as a modified servo to control forward and reverse. you should be able to set up a custom Movement Panel in ARC and use the Sonar to let the robot navigate on its own. or use the camera and navigate the car mars rover style :D

the car does goes pretty fast. im not if you'll be able to control it quickly enough with the joystick control. but you should certainly be able to run the car from the joystick control