Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Tracking / Personality Generator

I'm just starting out with tracking. I have the face tracking working pretty well but when I turn on my personality generator, a very simple movement and speech script, it interferes with the tracking. Is there a way to pause the personality generator when other functions are running? Then lasts say is the robot is idle for 2 minutes it can start up again.

thanks for the help as always.



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You can pause the control using the CheatSheet and viewing the ControlCommand()

Here is information about the Cheat Sheet from the learn section tutorial:

Find more activities specific to programming in the activities course:

The syntax to pause the personality generator, for example would be...

# pause the personality generator as seen in the Cheat Sheet
ControlCommand("Personality Generator", PauseOn)

# stop pausing the personality generator as seen in the Cheat Sheet
ControlCommand("Personality Generator", PauseOff)


Thanks! That worked - cheatsheet is great.