United Kingdom
Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

This Device Is Not An Ez-B Reports 69

I'm hoping someone can help. I have searched and found this topic mentioned several times and I have tried the solutions offered but still no luck. I have done both a firmware update and updated to the latest version of ARC. When trying to connect I get the following message: This device is not an EZ-B. Please follow the online tutorials on the EZ-Robot website. I have tried re-installing/repairing ARC. I currently connect my developer kit through the router. I have reset back to factory settings and connect directly to the ez-b v4 but still get the same issue. I have tried using EZ-B firmware update V4 where I get the following: attempting connection on connected to Reports 69 and then in a separate window I get the This device is not an EZ-B error. When I click on the Scan for EZ-B v4 it finds two options: EZ-B v4.x/2( EZ-B v4.x/2) EZ-B v4.x/2( Camera)

If I select the top option and select connect I get the This device is not an EZ-B error and this dialog in green and black at the bottom of the screen:

EZB 0: EZB 1: EZB 2: EZB 3: EZB 4: Windows version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.15063.0 Screen Resolution: 1366x768 (96x96 dpi) Version: 2018.05.01.00 Attempting connection on Comm Err: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at EZ_B.EZB.FwDTDUYvh5(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData) BbytesToExpect: 1 U Received: 0 Disconnected Connection Failed: System.Exception: Controller Not Responding at EZ_B.EZB.pvK1h1uI5L() at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) Disconnected

If I select the camera option it says connect to EZ-B, not a camera. Batteries are fully charged but don't understand why it is no longer communicating with the PC?


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Are you connected WiFi to ezb and an Ethernet connection?

United Kingdom

Hi DJ Sures, I'm connected normally wifi through the client method (EB-B connects to my internet and I connect to it through my local router) but get the same results if I reset and connect directly via wifi from my computer to with no internet connection.


Something is definitely interfering with the connection request. And what ever it is returns a capital letter E

Is there a virus scanner or aftermarket firewall running?

United Kingdom

Hi DJ Sures,

That's it! I have avast running and even though I've been using it before without any problems, now I'm getting an issue with avast webshield. Turn this off and it connects fine. Having a look in the community under avast I found this:

modify the WebShield.ini in programdata\avast , programdata not programfiles..

Go to (your):\programdata\avast software\avast, Find WebShield.ini, add the following lines:

[General] UseStreamFilter=0

Restart PC.

I'm going to try this next but at least I can connect again. Thanks so much for your help

User-inserted image


Avast has been the cause of more ARC issues than any other AV/Firewall package out there. There are others that block the connection, but they all throw an error saying a connection was blocked and asking if you want to allow it. Avast just considers port 23 to be dangerous and blocks all connections (they are not wrong that port 23 can be bad, but more-so on inbound than outbound connections, and they should alert the user).



Yup I had to abandon Avast. So many hours lost to trouble shooting what was going on. Once I traced it to Avast, I removed and issues disappeared.


I use Avast , and I have to disable it every time I use my ez-b . I don,t want to be without a virus scanner. any suggestions for a virus program that works with EZ-B? confused


Windows Defender has been getting surprisingly good reviews for the past several years, and has the least impact on computer performance than any.

An important point though, it is invariably the firewall, not the AV that actually interferes with ARC. The Windows firewall is excellent and most 3rd party ones are overkill and cause more harm than good. Windows firewall is all that you need in a home environment behind an internet router. I would just disable the firewall portion of your AV, enable Windows firewall, when it asks, give ARC network permission, and you should be good.


United Kingdom

Hi all,

I found the solution to keeping your avast and not having to disable anything when you want to use ARC to connect to your robot.

Open up avast, go to the top right corner and select settings from the menu On the left side tab, select components

Go to web shield and customize.

On this menu select the side tab Exclusions

Scroll down to processes to exclude and click the add button

click on the browse button and find where your installation of ARC is (usually this will be C: \Program files\EZ-Robot Inc\ARC.ARC.exe) Change where needed ie drive letter where your install is, also could be Program Files(x86).

Once you have selected the .exe file, then click open.

You should now see the file path in the box. Now press the add button.

The new file path has been added to your exceptions, press ok in the bottom right and you're all set. No need to restart.

To test it, open up ARC and try connecting. I've tried it on both of the computers I was having issues with and works fine on both, no need to disable anything. Hope this information helps others that are having similar issues.


Right on @wib011

Thanks for sharing that info! It will definitely help other avast users.


Thank you very much for such a quick replay. I have tried COM 4 as well, and the firmware update, (its been long time since saw I have done that) but its still the same issue, the board will not connect


Any update on this problem? I have the same problem now and I have disabled my firewalls but still no luck, why is it saying that it is not an ez-b. There must be a standard problem causing this issue. Anyone have any clues


Hello @Bazza59

Are you using an anti-virus software? Try disabling it altogether and see if that works. In order to use the EZ-B with Anti-virus software running you may have to add a process exclusion as the user above did.

For more troubleshooting help on this issue check out this link.


Jeremie, I have disabled my anti virus software and disabled the windows firewall as well. I have tried using the ezbv4 as a server and also on my home wifi, without success. I then tried to upgrade the firmware and still got the same " this device is not an EZ-B" Yesterday I had the problem whereby I could connect via ez-b wifi and then click connect on the main page but then could not do an action without getting JD disconnecting, on his back the led flashed blue continuously without turning green. I am at a loss and don't know what to do, as I am a newbie to all this robot stuff. I bought a 3d printer and have built myself half a dozen robots all with arduinos, and 1 JD No Eyes one and I have not got a single one to work, I download the sketches from the thingiverse and instructables sites and  try to upload to the arduino boards but most end up failing to compile even though it was a working sketch on the peoples sites,so I purchased the ez-b v4, thinking that I could 3d print my own JD and then just follow the instructions and have at least 1 working robot, but alas it doesn't seem that it is ever going to be the case


Jeremie, I have disabled my anti virus software and disabled the windows firewall as well. I have tried using the ezbv4 as a server and also on my home wifi, without success. I then tried to upgrade the firmware and still got the same " this device is not an EZ-B" Yesterday I had the problem whereby I could connect via ez-b wifi and then click connect on the main page but then could not do an action without getting JD disconnecting, on his back the led flashed blue continuously without turning green. I am at a loss and don't know what to do, as I am a newbie to all this robot stuff. I bought a 3d printer and have built myself half a dozen robots all with arduinos, and a JD No Eyes one and I have not got a single one to work, I download the sketches from the thingiverse and instructables sites and  try to upload to the arduino boards but most end up failing to compile even though it was a working sketch on the peoples sites, so I purchased the ez-b v4, thinking that I could 3d print my own JD and then just follow the instructions and have at least 1 working robot, but alas it doesn't seem that it is ever going to be the case WIB011, the guy that started this connection said he did a firmware update, but I can't even do that because as soon as I try to connect JD to the update firmware page, I get the "this is not an ez robot" error I really need to get one of the robots to work as it is the only thing I can do to keep my mind occupied and not dwell on the fact that my wife of 26 years is dying of stage 4 breast cancer


Hello Bazza59,

We'll help get you up and running, we'll just have to take it one step at a time. Screenshots and pictures are definitely very helpful in troubleshooting so anything visual that you can contribute will make things easier.

I found this from another post you made so it should help us with a few questions:


I have a laptop with windows 10, all connection sounds are correct, wifi symbol on right bottom corner of laptop says connected to the ezb4.....with all numbers and letters, on JD back the bottom board has blue steady light top board has blue flashing light. When I first connect the ezb4 I see a red led flash ever so briefly at top left corner of ezb4  then the blue led goes a purply colour before resuming the blue flashing colourany help will be most appreciated
So we've established that you have a Windows 10 laptop, you can connect to JD's WiFi SSID, you see the RGB LED end up on flashing Blue - all this is good. The red led you see flash briefly is normal. You've also disabled your anti-virus software and windows firewall. Disabling third party anti-virus software is a good idea but Windows defender is ok to leave alone.

My hunch is that you have an IP address conflict. ARC is trying to connect to the EZ-B but another device with the same IP address is getting ahead of the EZ-B. If you have a wired ethernet connection, temporarily remove it or if you have a secondary WiFi connection temporarily disable it. You see, there are some Routers that have the same IP address as the EZ-B. Commonly it's but it also can be as well.


Jeremie, first of all, a big thank you. The only thing I have not tried is turning my home internet wifi off and trying to connect to JD, but this will have to wait as it is 2:27am and I need to get some shut eye, but I can confirm that our home internet wifif is


Hi Jeremie, I tried turning off the home internet wifi altogether and connecting to JD thru his wifi, but still get same response "this is not an ez-b" I am currently laid up with the worst head cold I have ever had, so if you would be so kind to write up everything you think I should try, I will try them all in next couple days when I can get out of bed thank you


Hi DJ, do I need to attempt to connect to my JD No Eyes or will it send the info from whats been saved to the ARC on my laptop


It’ll  send what’s on the laptop. Click the link I pasted above and there’s detailed instructions including answer to that question:)


DJ,  This is all I get when I click send report

Version: 2019.03.17.00System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.   at EZ_Builder.ManagementInfo.GetInstalledSoftware()   at EZ_Builder.UCForms.FormDiagnosticReport.uXTqVamncsX(String&  , StringBuilder&  , StringBuilder&  , StringBuilder&  , StringBuilder&  , StringBuilder&  , String&  )   at EZ_Builder.UCForms.FormDiagnosticReport.AbxqVIqRNva(Object  , EventArgs  )   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)