United Kingdom
Asked — Edited

The Recorder

Just a quick email to thank you for a great product as I am new to EZ. One really valuable tool would be the recorder working properly (cant save project files if the recorder is included). It would be ideal if several recorder scripts could be contained within one project and each one called up when everneeded from a master script in the same way scripts can be triggered from primarys

Whats the chances of this being available?

Thanks and all the best



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Thanks:) You can save project files with the Recorder with no issue. If your computer runs out of memory, you may experience issues - that is isolated to your computer's memory capacity.:)


Are you specifically reffering to the amount of available ram when live recording? Is there a good "safe number" to have available before recording? Thanks -Josh S


Nah, it's less about available ram and more about contiguous memory allocation. I use the Recorder often with no issues - my recordings are usually 5-30 seconds long.


Thank you DJ! This is exactly what I needed to get complex motions recorded. I didn't know it worked this well until I set it up. Thank you this is really a big help.


can't save the records.. it gives me some error message. If I delete the recorder... it saves the project.. how to fix that ?:)