Asked — Edited


Hello Everyone,

I'm in the middle of my robot build ,and I need to calibrate the servos.I have two laptops. One has bluetooth, the other one doesn't. They both have the EZ download in them. When I go into the examples box to calibrate the servos, the computer without the bluetooth has the correct drop down box, and I see the servo calibration. When I try to use the other computer the example box isn't the same, and I can't find what I need. Instead I get the words " example, functions, and robots".

When I click on those I get other words like servos etc. I click on that and on the right I get some kind of configuration.

How do I get the coeerct box?

Thanks, Den


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The tutorial page for calibrating servos can be found here:

The instructions read....


9) Select and load the Calibrate Example Project (Examples -> Robots -> EZ BoxBot -> servo Calibration)

When you load ARC, it will tell you there is a new version. The window will flash to get your attention. It sounds as if you have two seperate versions of ARC installed:)