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Speech Recognition+Autoposition Actions

Hi everyone! I have made an inmoov head and i want to use AutoPosition actions under speech recognition for eyes and moving head left and right. For mouth i have allready use a talk servo and it's ok. Farther more i want the head and eyes for some commands move in random positions while ezb speak.

what i have done untill now is this:

ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOn) SayEZBWait("bla bla bla.") ControlCommand("Auto Position", "AutoPositionAction", "Left-Right") ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOff)

In this script i want the AutoPosition loops until the end of the text.

Can you please give me a hand! Thanks!


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Hi there - very cool that you're making an InMoov!

There are ? (question marks) next to each X (close) button on every control. The Auto Position has great tutorials that explain how to use it, including having an action REPEAT. Here's the direct link.

  1. To have an Auto Position action repeat for ever, check this box on your action.

User-inserted image

Now that action will repeat for ever. That's good, because that is what you want.

  1. Next, create an action that is your STOP that doesn't repeat. Just some frame position that holds the robot standing still.

  2. Lastly, your script would look like this...

    User-inserted image