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Speech Recognition In Spanish

I have complications with the Speech Recognition. I can get enabled and disabled the speech recognition with me voice but the orders ignore me . I am using Windows 8.1 with spanish language.



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I think speech rec is English only.... I am not aware of it working in any other language.... Sorry my friend...


that´s correct. You have to change your windows language to english..


Aparentemente la función es solo para Inglés.

Supongo que es esto es de hecho puede ser ideal en un ambiente hispanoparlante pues el robot ignorará todo otro comando.



Speech recognition is an important function that should be accessible to all regardless of the language.

The request is to allow the EZ- Builder software to agree with the language selected in windows .

DJ has already made ??a statement on the forum (see following extract).

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In addition to the language and culture selected from the operating system, there would be a third element ( GrammarBuilder ) that if the definition is not correct may cause the exception message .

The following example describes the same problem someone had in the development of software. (English translation follows the French version )

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Problems with speech recognition


That's now a week that I 'm focused on a problem with the program I'm developing . Indeed

, I have voice recognition for the following languages:

  • en-US
  • en- UK
  • fr-FR

But now , the program I developed is by default in English ( no problem on that side ), but also in French - Canadian . Therefore, when I launch the application, it generates an exception telling me: "The language of grammar does not match that of the voice recognition modul. "

At present , I have not found the voice recognition French - Canada.


Finally I found the solution. When your application is in a language variant (French - Canadian , for example) , and your voice recognition engine is in a general language ( French - French ) loading grammar , an exception will be generated.

To overcome this exception, grammarBuilder object that you used has a culture, it is mandatory to assign to that of the speech recognition engine . Because by default it takes the culture of the application. In this manner , the exception is not generated.

I'm not familiar with the programming language used , but can be DJ or someone else might have a look at this .

Could be a variable made ??available to the user in EZ- Builder to adjust GrammarBuider correctly

I remain available if there would be tests


I'll add this to the list for research and implementation


That would made possible for the robot to receive voice commands in Portuguese? - or other language accepted by windows ?!...


This is what any foreign language user hopes Stay tune! cool


and german language, too please. on and off is working.. but the voice-recognition-control only in english


hey DJ, have a look: I have the newest version.

I've tested it with many words, soundboard, LED, servos .. but no response. on / off works for me, only.

regards Marty


The best I can recommend is googling for speech recognition support for German language in Microsoft windows.

The Microsoft windows speech recognition engine is what we use. Have you trained your voice? Have you followed the instructions to configure your microphone? All of the help you need for all of your questions is available in the tutorials. Press the question make icon next to the X on controls for assistance.

Press the question mark icon on speech recognition for assistance on training your voice.

Also, have you selected the appripiate language on the config menu for speech recognition? And if so, what message is displayed in the debug window at the bottom of the screen?

It should say something about the language being used.


Hey Dj, windows 7 understand me.. but EZ-Robot -> not. I hope one day a US person or another User test this in another language and can help. I think you have not enough time for that. but one day its good for you to check it up


Im trying to use in Portuguese.. But still not working... I'll try harder latter..


I need the answer to this question to assist you...

Have you selected the appripiate language on the config menu for speech recognition? And if so, what message is displayed in the debug window at the bottom of the screen?


EZ-Robot Software says: The desired culture (en-US) is not installed on this machine. We will load Culture: de-DE (Germany) Loaded speech recognition successfully

Im use: EZ-B v4 Beta firmware Im use the newest EZ Software Update for Windows Im use Windows 7 but not the Ultimate Edition Im use a good sounds hand-micro

I cannot change the language in config menü for speech recognition do you mean: inside the EZ-Robot Software or in Windows ?

All Windows versions have US voices on board, no other languages but I install a german voice for TEXT IN SPEECH and Windows use: microsoft recognition 8.0 german edition.

I can use a complete sentences in the Ez-Software to go phrase: on/ off in speech recognition.. but the commands are not working for the servos.. so I think its a software problem ?


I cannot change it.. and I dont wanna change it.. I have only DE/ GE German have a look: in the last seconds..

DJ says: German is available now.. thats right.. If I open the "voice-recognition window" in the EZ-Robot Software and change the phrase for on/ off in german -> it works fine.. I can use long phrases.. but I cannot control servos or other scripts via voice. its not working. and a lot other not US people have the same prob.



Smarty, please answer this question...

What is inside of the language drop-down in the Speech Config... Such as circled here:

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I answered it twice ^^ and you see it in the video "de-DE" = for Germany

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Thank you for the clarified response

I see the phrases you have are in English, which is not german. The software will not convert those phrases from English into german, as ARC is not a translation software. Please enter german phrases to be recognized in the Phrase column.


that was only a example and all phrases are in german in my original . you never watched my youtube video I think ;-)


Please provide a screenshot of the phrases that are written in german


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ON/ OFF - no problems with any phrases.. all other is not working..


Dj.. in my ARC, the only languages that appears in the menu are ENG-EUA and ENG-GB...

I have the 04-20-2015 version...


Can you turn the confidence all the way down to lowest value and try again please


I tried it.. confidence from 90 till 95..

If I install my desktop pc or notebook in english.. voice recog. is working fine in english. now I use a german computer - I can use long german phrases like: "Meine Mama kann nicht kochen" for ON or OFF and it works.. all other phrases below for the control are not working, there is no response.

do you know a person who use EZ-ROBOT voice recog. in other language ? If you speak another language, try it.

your software is perfect, the best I ever seen. If you fix the problems, you make more money outside the US/UK. I love to speak english, but to fascinated german people the software must understand german. I think its a little bug ^^! because my windows understand all german words.. and your software all english words..


Some more infos

On my laptop running under windows 8.1 (trained to recognize my voice in english and french)

1 Language and speech recognition set-up as US English, ARC OK

2 Language and speech recognition set-up as french language and ARC set for french (no reaction)

using the same program for both language, the only difference I can see in ARC is the sound detection small window is not activated when everything is set up for french.

laptop have been reboot at each steps when switching from one language to the other

have a look at these pic

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@Aerius DJ says: If you use france, you can only activate a servo with france language.. like "robot dit bonjour"

but something goes wrong here and I think its the EZ-Software.

because windows 7 understand me perfectly and try it yourself.. use your notebook in french and change the Enable/ Disable Phrase on top to france words.. it works fine! but ON/ OFF only.

##Carefully said: it makes no sense that ON / Off runs but nothing else. So I think the EZ software has a bug


@ Smarty You are right, after reloading EZ-Buider twice, this time the sound detection windows came on.

And as you have already discover, the system can recognize a french sentence in the enable phrase under Speech rec set-up window.

but can't recognize other french phrase in the list.

I think we are on a right track. Hope DJ this find will help to resolve the problem.

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hi guys

is the language only to been seen when you have speech recog on your machien?

smarty are you using win7 ultimate?

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@nomad18.08 make sure you have the latest ARC version loaded

ARC Version 2015.04.20.00



i use always latest version.i have win7 home


@Nomad if you computer doesn't have speech recognition then that is why you don't have languages' available in the drop down list....



I have Windows 7 Prof. Only in Ultimate or Eterprise you can change the language. If I wanna try english recog. I install Windows in english and it works but in no other language at the moment. I hope DJ can fix it asap ^^!



that was my question.i jus wanted to be sure.

thank you all



i just read it on microsoft,only ultimate and enterprise indeed.

thank you


My ARC only shows English US and GB! My windows is already in Portuguese.. What am I doing wrong?!?

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Tevans, if it shows us English then change it to your desired language.

Smarty, I'm working on it. Which is why I'm having this conversation with you and asking for information to assist in understanding what I can do to fix another Microsoft bug. Pour yourself a nice hot cup of tea. I'll let you know when there's a new release.

As you may not know, I only speak English. I'm unable to test any other language. I can only go on your trust that the speech recognition in windows works perfect with German language. It's difficult for me to understand what the difference would be because we use the Microsoft windows speech engine. The same one that you claim already works.

So the real answer to the question I need to identify is what phrases work and which don't and why.

In time, I'll have another release that will move closer to solving your speech recognition issue.


That's the problem DJ... There are no other language available in the drop down menu.. When I click that, only English US an GB appear.. Do I have to install anything else?! I have English and Portuguese installed in my windows 7 Both display ok. But when I choose Portuguese in windows, ARC does not load speech recognition... And the drop down menu (both with Windows in english or Portuguese) only shows US ans GB as options...


Tevans, only the speech recognition languages that are installed in your computer will show up in the list.


DJ, I can wait :-). I believe in you! I know, EZ-Robot is a never ending story and it takes time. don't worry, we fix the problem together.


it's late in the US, you are working overtime today. thanks for the quick help and update.

congratulation! now it works fine in german :-) YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO! I use confidence 0,50 - a very fast recog.

wow, all is more colorful, thank you DJ

@ALL - > now EZ Robot understand the world <3

I know, you don't like the question: is it possible to add a micro on ez-board or not ? its better to use a mic outside, but is it possible ? I don't wanna open a new thread or searching. . so Im asking you here thank you for all!

dont forget to fix the backup-prob in future. it's not a big prob but better for a fast controlling.



Well, I have Portuguese installed.. But I'm not shure if it's installed as "speech recognition" inside Windows.. I'll check and let you know Thanks.


Well, I just found out that windows 7 DOES NOT have speech recognition for Portuguese! That's incredible, since Brazil, Portugal, and other countries are a very big market for them.. So, I'll try to install windows 8..


hi tevans

may i ask whits win8 you will be installing?


@DJ merci, merci, merci! DJ you are a champ. speech rec. is now working in french.

My family and friends will be stunt by the interaction done in their own language.

Again: BRAVO!:P

@tevans I am sure when you install windows8.x you will have access to speech rec. in your own language.

good lock


That's great to hear everyone:) I'm glad I was able to help

@smarty, there are some people who have added microphone to the robot. I know the robot makes many noises and the microphone does not hear well. I only use headset microphones. I never use microphone on the computer. I find headset microphone works very reliable 100%.

If you want to put a microphone on the robot, perhaps a Bluetooth microphone? I am not sure which Bluetooth microphones are compatible with Windows.