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Six &Amp; Jd Losing Wifi Connection From A Distance

I have always had limited Wifi Connection since I received JD. I recently bought Six & it also has limited Wifi Connection. Both work fine close to my router but last night I moved both in another room to show friends & both started. Then, Six quit & JD went crazy! I am assuming that I lost Wifi on Six & I don't have a clue why JD did what he did! I know that EZ-Robot is working on the ios for iphones. What good are these robots if you can't pack them around & show people what they will do? I need to know how I can get JD & Six to work without being close to a Wifi Connection? Thanks


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Couple of things to think about...

  1. There is no IOS app for iPhone (yet) only Windows and Android

  2. The ezb's wifi range is only as good as the router you have (assuming you are in client mode)... I personally bought a new router just recently because my old one barley gave me 50ft of range... Now I have no issues with range period... If you don't want to buy a better router then you can buy an access point to boost the range of your current wifi network

  3. You can always put your ezb's in AP mode and control them with a laptop at close range... That way you can go anywhere with the bots as long as you have your laptop or Android device with you...


Is your iPhone able to use the wifi signal in that room?

The reason wifi was chosen is because you can use many devices to extend your wifi coverage through your house and the robot doesn't need to be physically attached via a wire.

There are also many low cost android devices and windows 8 tablets that would provide you with the ability you are looking for and ARC has been programmed to work on these. They have been working on ios but the number of programming changes that are made and the strict guidelines that apple has placed on programmers makes it very difficult on programmers when putting apps in the iPhone store.

I would recommend extending your network via either a stronger wifi router or using a wifi extender. All 8 of my ezb ' s work great in any room of my house and at the school where I teach a robotics course using these 8 devices.