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Screen Display Chopped Off On Top

All of a sudden when I open my project file the top part of the screen display is missing. The vertical slider bar can not bring it into view. However if I click on an older file it comes up OK. I have restarted ARC and Windows 7 to no avail. I just downloaded the latest ARC version and it was working fine until just now. Any suggestions?


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It seems to happen sometimes with controls on some computers - and i'm unsure why. I have been unable to reproduce. In most cases it fixes itself:) Has something to do with Windows not returning the proper position of control location.. I feel it's a bug in Windows with DPI to Pixel location. Sometimes you'll have to hit the Smart Arrange menu command. Sometimes i've heard that restoring and maximizing the window helps. Sorry I can't provide any more help:) Windows has bugs:(


I've been bothered on and off by this also. For me it seemed to happen as I was making changes within the project and moving windows around. Only way I could get things back to normal was to click on Smart Arrange in the Control Tab. Everything will come back down but you will have to rearrange thing as you want them again. Seems that once my project was "settled in" and not much work being added to it the problem went away. Me and others have mentioned this to the EZB team and they can't seem to find the problem. My guess is that is connected to Windows or the graphic board somehow.


@dicka...I concur with DJ and Dave, Smart arrange seems to resolve the issue.


Thanks all for the tip on Smart Arrange. Works for me too!


It's a really strange thing... ARC places a control on the form by it's Left (x) and Top (y) cordinates. It saves those values when you press Save. Each time the project is loaded, Windows does something strange and places the components a little higher than before. It doesn't do it on my computers - but seems to do it on some others.


Only the Shadow knows ........:D

Seriously, thanks for the explanation.

But I agree, it is strange that the same software (Windows 7) would produce a different result on different computers (and in the same computer at different times). Have you passed this on to Microsoft and asked for an explanation (without charge of course)?