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Scratch Workspace Questions

Hi guys,

First of all sorry for no updates yet on previous things that I was working on, too much other things going on at the moment to make those happens. But now I'm slowing getting back into developing this, and will update previous posts when I got around it.

I just got a quick question today, within the ARC I'm going to experiment with the Scratch Workspace drag and drop coding function. I've seen some videos and tutorials here and there within the webpage.

Maybe I've missed the essential tutorial or video, but it appears to me that Scratch is a very linear coding method, i.e. after block A, the program will only run block B code. But what if, if I want it to run something like a if-else statement or a state machine, is there any way I can do so without going into EZ-Script or c? An example of what I mean is, at first I'll say "hey robot" to activate my EZ-B4, which it will give a response by playing a sound. After that I'll either give it one of the two command, "play song" or "play introduction". Which command will I give after I activate the EZ-b4, depends on the situation at that point of time, so I can't anticipate the the sequence of which command will come first. Therefore a if-else or a switch case is essential here for EZ-b4 to give the correct response according to the command I give.

So I'm keen to know is that such a way to do if-else statement in scratch without going too much into script or writing the code in c.

Thanks, Philip


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Here you go, this is blockly:

The point to RoboScratch is to teach understanding of sequential instructions. It is pre-programming. Similar to LOGO, which was an older program for making a turtle draw pictures. It's a learning tool necessary for those getting into programming, specifically children.