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Savox Servo

I'm looking into to buying a more powerful servo. I used the standard servos that came with the kit, but they weren't powerful enough for me.

Anyways, my question: Can I simply hook the Savox Servo right up to the board and call it (communicate with it via Visual Basic) like I did with the standard servos? Currently I use a line of code found in a tutorial on this forum ("EzB_Connect1.EZB.Servo.SetServoPosition(EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum.D1, SomeNumber)") and it works perfectly. Will I still be able to use this line of code to communicate with the servo? Also, what is the default voltage and current going to the servo?

Thanks, Will


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Yes it will work but it's supplied with 5v and not 6v. As far as current, I dont recall the exact figure but I know its on the website someplace. Ah yes, here it is. Hardware manual

Try it and see if it works for you at that level. If not, you can modify your servo cord to get the signal from EZ-Board and power from a separate 6v source.


@will yes you can use savox but in the RC world they have proven to be overpriced and underperform.. if your looking for reliable well know brand go with high torque 645mg hitec , power HD 1501mg or even In EZ-robots store there are great high torque digital servos as well for a great price!