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Robot'S That Come Awake And Go To Sleep... Ideas Please

Remember that scene in the classic scifi "The Day the Earth Stood Still" where the giant robot powers up and comes to life - absolutely awesome.

Just like the scifi movies where robots suddenly power up - do things - then go to sleep, I'm trying to do that with Bob. I just got the OK from my finance controller wife to order 2 X 12 Volt digital timers from ebay. One will be for the EZ-B and one for the H-Bridge.

I think I did OK for $16 for both including delivery. Now the plan is for Bob to turn on at a set time in the morning - motor over to the kitchen and give me Weather and traffic reports and then go back to his Lounge room corner and switch off.

Now being an electronic primitive, I'm doing it this way - what I'm curious to know is - is there a better way. I know I can turn our smart TV on with an IR remote but it still needs physical intervention. Any ideas on this welcome.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

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This is interesting - seems few have tried this - should be fun :)


You are talking about GORT. He is ONE COOL ROBOT!:D


Hello Hazbot, as always your trips are great! I guess for the robot wakes up to an hour in the morning and execute its plan to go to the kitchen and give weather reports and traffic will have to meet these requirements:

  • Always On Laptop with ARC loaded.
  • Timers light at the same time ez-b and h-brigde.
  • ARC autowiring scheduled at the same time that timers
  • Programs navigation to the kitchen and reports by voice. Correct me if I'm wrong. greetings.

It won't have to be on a laptop. This is Bob doing this. I will have a desktop in our "Computer Room" on all the time - ready - to auto connect with Bob at a time shortly after he wakes up. From there, using Floor Map and recorder he will motor out to the kitchen and at a set time run off a series of commands for him to call out the weather and traffic reports, he will then return to his corner in the lounge room and after a short time, switch off. Yes I will need timers on both the board and the H-bridge (separate power supplies). I guess I'm trying to develop Bob into a real functional Robot that does things - not just a kind of remote control car with arms and a camera that moves around the house - there is a growing number of those gadgets using arduino;s and apps off android phones on Youtube etc, I want to go one step further,, Cheers


I think this is an awesome idea and really really want this to be possible! I wonder if there is a program able to start ARC at the specific time. With dj's new software update it will then be able to connect and start scripts on its own. If you could get a voltage timer to power on the bot wirelessly? Do they even make wireless timers like that? Lol


Hi robot56. There is no doubt in my mind that ARC can do this. Builder can do amazing things and I just received an e-mail to say they are hard at work developing the EZ-Cloud into a database of things you can get a robot to do. I will video tape this entire exercise (just as I did when Bob made it up the steep drive to the letter box and back). :) :) :)