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Robot Birthday Cake

Here is the incredible Dewey Robot Drone one from the movie Silent Running cake made by my talented brother in law for my sixtieth birthday!

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Happy birthday my friend. That is an incredible cake!


Awesome cake Toymaker! Happy birthday .... But no retirement for you from robotics yet please:)


Wow, that is amazing. Happy Birthday!



HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONY! Thanks for sharing. Don't forget the ice cream, and have a great day! Steve S;)


Happy birthday my friend. Love the cake! I know how special that is. My son made one for me a few years back only it was for my other passion, a pinball machine. You know they really love you when they put this much effort into something that they know means a lot to you.

United Kingdom

Thanks to all my great friends on the EZ Robot forum for all your kind words, they are much appreciated - I just cannot bear to cut this amazing cake and spoil it!

It is a pity we cannot have an EZ Robot party where everyone can have a slice of Dewey!



Tony, I totally understand why you don't want to cut up that work of art. It's so great! Are you going to freeze it? That way you can keep it for many years.

I was going to post a pic to share with you of my pinball cake my son made for me. However sense this is a robot forum I thought I'd post one more om topic. Here's a pair of pics my friend (Craig R.) from the B9 Robot Builders Club shared with us a few years ago. One of him when he was a kid and obsessed with the LIS Robot and one as an adult when he is still obsessed with the LIS Robot. We never grow up (thank God).

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