— Edited

Hi --
I am trying to attach a LIDAR sensor to my ez-robot. It uses the I2C protocol. I need to know which pin on the I2C connector is SDA and which is SCL. Thank, Nick
The data sheet can be found here
The answer is on the first page of the data sheet.
Thanks, that's it. I searched all over and couldn't find it.
In the future, the learn section is the place to find everything. There is a course on the ezb v4, which included introduction to how to use it and the ports and the data sheet and and and
There is a video on the learn section that explains what to expect. Also, when you created this post there was a video and links that direct you to the learn section.
The learn section links for the ezb is presented in the software when it loads (unless you disabled that by typing no learn), and in the emails for signup and during purchase. Also, the insert in the package contains links and a diagram of the ezb.
this is for your reference
I misread your post earlier. Thought you had said you couldn't find it. Thanks and good luck!
"In the future, the learn section is the place to find everything."
Except it isn't. I spent hours last night searching the website, using both google and the built-in search function, for every combination of I2C, SDA, SCL, pinout, etc., I could think of. The datasheet is the only place so far that has the information I need. Nothing in the learn section leads to the datasheet. None of those search terms lead to the datasheet. No video leads to the datasheet.
I really wish the website had more documentation and fewer videos. It is so annoying to have to spend five minutes watching a video when you're looking for a simple piece of information, only to find that the video doesn't have it anyway.
I'm just venting here because I spent a long, long time trying to find the answer on my own before resorting to the forum. I'm glad that it ended up being a simple answer.
I do have to defend DJ here. The link I sent you was from the Learn section of the website, which contained the datasheet.
Learn page https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/ then EZV-V4 link https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Course/5 then #7 EZ-B V4 datasheet https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Lesson/18?courseId=5
The datasheet is at the top of this page, with the pinout diagram on the first page.
There is so much information in the learn section, and videos for a lot of people are a lot easier than text. This is a site that is visited from people from all over the world where english isnt their first language. Because of this, it is often easier for some people to watch the videos.
@nickkeenan Really... I found it in 30 seconds looking at the Datasheet of the ezb in the learn section that you claimed to have scoured...
So when you get your foot out of your mouth, maybe you can be an awesome contributor to this forum?...
Just to let you in on a bit of information that may help you in the future...
With sensors, electronic devices and pretty much anything you are going to use in the future with this hobby, there should always be a datasheet for these devices. It doesn't always happen, but normally there is one. It will outline things like how to connect the device, power requirements, heat requirements, pin outs and so on. if you have a question about a device the first place I would start is the datasheet. It will help you out greatly. This goes for everything from a resister to an IC to a completed product or sensor.
This is a common and standard term with electronics (datasheet). Actually, it is funny, but the first question most engineers will ask is "do you have the datasheet?"
I am passing this along to help. A search for this term would have taken you to the answer you were looking for without the frustration you experienced.
Happy building and please post if you have any difficulties.
Have a great weekend David
I know what a datasheet is. Until this thread existed, a search for the term "datasheet" would not have taken you to the EZB datasheet. Now it does. You're welcome. The EZB is a consumer device, they don't generally have datasheets available to their customers.
Look, as soon as I knew that a datasheet existed I had my answer within 30 seconds. What I don't get is why everyone is acting like this was a total newbie question. No question even remotely similar had been asked in the history of the forum. No one had ever referenced the datasheet in the history of the forum, at least according to the forum search.
I went back and looked at my search history. One of my searches was "i2c sda scl site:www.ez-robot.com". That should have hit the datasheet, but it didn't. It gives five pages of results, I read every single one of them.
In my searching, I found pages like this one (https://synthiam.com/Support?id=215) which had this totally unhelpful information: "Note: You will need to solder the i2c wires from the Lidar-Lite to an EZ-B v4 I2C Peripheral Cable (25cm) to connect to the EZ-B v4's i2c. Additionally, the Lidar-Lite requires +5v which can be powered by an Inline 5V regulator (30cm)." Totally unhelpful, because while it tells you that the wires need to be soldered, there's no mention of which wire goes to which pin!
And this page: https://synthiam.com/Community/Tutorials/107/1 which was actually somewhat relevant -- except that it uses a version of the SDK which is obsolete and no longer compiles.
I read the complete SDK documentation for the I2C member of the EZ_B class. All nine lines of it.
Those were the most relevant bits in hours of searching the website. I had a very specific, technical question, and most of what I found was written in a deliberately non-technical manner. So yes, I despaired of finding the answer I was looking for. It was also a very specific piece of information, someone who new the answer could tell me it quickly. Which is what happened, within minutes of posting I had my answer.
Cool, honestly, I was just trying to pass along some information if you needed it. I really wasn't trying to make you feel anything except that someone was trying to help you.
A search for datasheet in the learn section takes you directly to the page with the datasheet on it. It is the reason I mentioned this to you. You had stated that you had searched and read the learn section of the website. I simply thought that maybe you didn't know to look for the datasheet for your answers, so tried to give you a pointer.
As DJ mentioned, there were multiple things directing you to the learn section of the website and from what you had said, it looked like you found your way there. The assumption was made that you didn't know what a datasheet was because it is probably the first place most would have looked (if they knew what a datasheet was), and the learn section has a search feature.
All good, glad you got the information you needed.
What kind of LIDAR are you using? One thing that I have to caution you on is that there will be a lot of data coming back from the LIDAR. The EZ-B is connected via WIFI and a large amount of data could slow down processing across the wifi connection. It is because of this that I use an onboard computer/tablet with a LIDAR connected via USB to the tablet. I would be very interested in what you see when using a LIDAR through the EZ-B.
I'm looking for a datasheet that shows the i2c pinouts on the IOtiny. I found the datasheet for the EZ-B v4 in the prior replies, but not IOTiny datasheet
I'll assume they are the same layout as the EZ-B v4.
Thanks, Frank
Same. IoTiny is a smaller ezb
It's mentioned in the product page and tutorial intro for the ezb family, but you may have missed that. If you click on the learn button from the top of this website, it'll give you a list of products for more info. Or, you can click on the Getting Started tab of the product.
Here's a screenshot of the verbiage. Feel comfortable knowing the pinouts and such are the same
. IoTiny is, well, tinier