Hey there! I've never seen a ping sensor with only 3 wires before. Are you sure there are not 4? If not, let me know the model number and i'll see if i can whip up a driver for you.
So it looks like Parallax has changed their PING))) sensor to have a 3 pin interface, I believe the SIG pin does the transmitting waits for a certain period and receives the Echo on the same pin. Dang, after all these years they have finally went to a standard 3 pin design but still haven't added analog out....grrrrr...Bad Parallax...bad!
If anyone wants to use ultrasonics I'd recommend, ironically enough, the MaxSonar EZ series by MaxBotix they can do analog or digital readouts and they are less of a cost than the PING))) and they are also a smaller form factor, seriously use an EZ-0 with the EZ-B, they are sweet!
Hi, How did you end up connecting the MaxBotix sensor, via the ADC or Pulse timing? I have several from another project that I would like to use.
Looks like I'm going to have to build support for the 3 wire ping sensor. Good idea, don't know why they didn't think of it sooner! More ping, less i/o! eek
Thanks for the info. I have it setup and working. I'm new to EZ-B, how do you add the Maxbotix sensor to the Ping Distance built in controls? The existing control only allos the digital interface of the Ping style detectors.
Connect the AN (analog output) from the Maxsonar to one of the 8 ADC inputs of the EZ-B. You can then use an ADC control (or the sharp IR radar control) with it
It MIGHT just work! I'd have to look at my code and see what kind of magical spell I put on that function. Darn assembly It's harder to read then it is to write!
Well that isn't very helpful information from Canada Post, is it? Hmm!! Can you send me a message (from the FAQ page) with your shipment tracking number and I'll get hold of Canada Post and see what's up?
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2011/07/25 19:25 Order information received by Canada Post
Track History
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2011/07/25 19:25 Order information received by Canada Post
(tracking number 7210029353884604)
How long will it take? been waiting for 1 month now
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2011/07/25 19:25 Order information received by Canada Post
Track History
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2011/07/25 19:25 Order information received by Canada Post
(tracking number 7210029353884604)
How long will it take? been waiting for 1 month and almost 1 week now
Maybe there are some issues at customs in Holland? You can use the tracking number again your local mail service. You can even phone your mail service and provide them with that tracking number.
Hey Lyron, Canada Post had a huge strike awhile back. It might have delayed your package about a week or so. Either way I hope you have your EZB by now.
on the maxsonar you can hook it up as HC-SR04 OR SRF04
no conversion is needed like in analog mode,also analog mode jumps aroung alot and not always steady and its great for robot eyes
dual ultrasonic sensors dont fit well in most robotic toys eyes
but a single transmitt and receive ultrasonic sonar can
another thing about using the maxsonar it using very low current ,not like the hc-sr04 or parallax does ,2ma compare to 30-35ma on parallax ping
so battery will last a lot longer
cost it lower too $25 compare to $30
Hey there! I've never seen a ping sensor with only 3 wires before. Are you sure there are not 4? If not, let me know the model number and i'll see if i can whip up a driver for you.
So it looks like Parallax has changed their PING))) sensor to have a 3 pin interface, I believe the SIG pin does the transmitting waits for a certain period and receives the Echo on the same pin. Dang, after all these years they have finally went to a standard 3 pin design but still haven't added analog out....grrrrr...Bad Parallax...bad!
If anyone wants to use ultrasonics I'd recommend, ironically enough, the MaxSonar EZ series by MaxBotix they can do analog or digital readouts and they are less of a cost than the PING))) and they are also a smaller form factor, seriously use an EZ-0 with the EZ-B, they are sweet!
Hi, How did you end up connecting the MaxBotix sensor, via the ADC or Pulse timing? I have several from another project that I would like to use. Thanks.
Looks like I'm going to have to build support for the 3 wire ping sensor. Good idea, don't know why they didn't think of it sooner! More ping, less i/o! eek
@nyaple I use analog because you get a very linear voltage vs. distance readout, and it's an easy 3 pin hookup.
Hi, Thanks for the info. I have it setup and working. I'm new to EZ-B, how do you add the Maxbotix sensor to the Ping Distance built in controls? The existing control only allos the digital interface of the Ping style detectors. Thanks, Nelson
Hey Nelson,
Connect the AN (analog output) from the Maxsonar to one of the 8 ADC inputs of the EZ-B. You can then use an ADC control (or the sharp IR radar control) with it
can't i just make the trigger port and the echo port the same?
Interesting.... Try it and see
It MIGHT just work! I'd have to look at my code and see what kind of magical spell I put on that function. Darn assembly
It's harder to read then it is to write!
Then i will first need to receive my EZ-B, it has been sent +2 weeks ago but it hasn't arrived yet
Really??!! That's not good. Where are you? Did you receive a tracking number?
I'm in the netherlands and did not receive a tracking number
Wait, i did get a shipment number and when i entered it in canada post, the only status is:
2011/07/25 19:25 Order information received by Canada Post
Well that isn't very helpful information from Canada Post, is it? Hmm!! Can you send me a message (from the FAQ page) with your shipment tracking number and I'll get hold of Canada Post and see what's up?
Oh the mail also said:
Carrier: Canada Post Service Type: International Surface Small Packets (4 - 6 weeks)
That's strange! They are all shipped airmail. Somehow that is a mistake. I hope the entire shipment wasn't surface. Grrrrrrr
what does
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name 2011/07/25 19:25 Order information received by Canada Post Track History Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name 2011/07/25 19:25 Order information received by Canada Post
mean? (tracking number 7210029353884604)
How long will it take? been waiting for 1 month now
what does
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name 2011/07/25 19:25 Order information received by Canada Post Track History Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name 2011/07/25 19:25 Order information received by Canada Post
mean? (tracking number 7210029353884604)
How long will it take? been waiting for 1 month and almost 1 week now
Maybe there are some issues at customs in Holland? You can use the tracking number again your local mail service. You can even phone your mail service and provide them with that tracking number.
This is our post services tracking page http://www.postnlpakketten.nl/klantenservice/tracktrace/
When i try to input the item number, it wont work so i guess i'll have to call them
Since the IR sensor is discontinued, what would be the best place to add this ping sensor, without making, lets say a wall-e look weird.....
I was thinking of adding a ping sensor mounted on a small motor in his belly area. I know it isn't entirely wall-e like, but it will be functional.
Hey Lyron, Canada Post had a huge strike awhile back. It might have delayed your package about a week or so. Either way I hope you have your EZB by now.
Nope, still haven't got it
Some people from that shipment have just received theirs yesterday. I have no idea what happened with that shipment, normally it only takes a few days
From the people who received theirs yesterday, where there any that live in holland?
And i know what happened to the shipment, it was sent by boat in stead of airmail.
FINALLY got my EZ-B after 5,5 weeks

Yes! it works, if you have a 3 pin ping))) sensor, you need to make the trigger and response port the same and it will work with 250 delay!
on the maxsonar you can hook it up as HC-SR04 OR SRF04 USING ECHO AND TRIGGER ON THE MAXSONAR TRIGGER IS RX PIN AND ECHO IS THE PW PIN no conversion is needed like in analog mode,also analog mode jumps aroung alot and not always steady and its great for robot eyes dual ultrasonic sensors dont fit well in most robotic toys eyes but a single transmitt and receive ultrasonic sonar can
another thing about using the maxsonar it using very low current ,not like the hc-sr04 or parallax does ,2ma compare to 30-35ma on parallax ping so battery will last a lot longer cost it lower too $25 compare to $30