United Kingdom
Asked — Edited

Part Sizes Befor Buying

I am making a new HEAD for the hexapod.

Can you give me the BODY sizes of the following parts so I can ensure they will fit. (befor I order)

  1. 18 RGB LED Block X x Y x Z size please. Can I drive TWO of these from the control unit

  2. Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Keep up the good work

Paul UK based


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1) you can get the STLS for the parts here:



i believe using a 3d tool you can get more details.

  1. 18 RGB Led Array you can drive more than one. Each i2c sensor requires an unique address, by default the led blocks answers on address 0xa2. You can use ARC to change one sensor default address (0xa2) to something else, after that you can connect both sensors to the EZB i2c bus.

@ptp I've used an stl viewer program (Netfabb) to look at the files but I can't figure out how to get it to show the dimensions. Can you recommend a piece of software that will do that? Same for a step file viewer. Free is good. :D Thanks.


I've tried a few, currently i have these:

  1. 3D-Tool Free Viewer: http://www.3d-tool.com/en_update.htm

  2. 123 Design Autodesk.

To be honest I'm bad with 3d tools, once in a while i follow a few 123 Design tutorials but i don't have the right patience to keep trying.

United Kingdom

Thanks for your help

I have built a number of 3D prints for printing my bits and I am happy using 3D software to design new parts

Thus have design a new head for the EZ bits, but need the dimensions of those bits to make sure they fit my new head when printed


Paul UK based