— Edited

I'm running the latest version of ARC on win 7. Each time I try to save my project I get an out of memory error message. I click on the message and it comes back several times then finally saves . However the wallpaper disappears and background goes white. this is happening every time.
Have you added anything to the project lately?
My first thoughts are it's an issue with the wallpaper (either the image itself or the way it's been implemented in to ARC). Does it happen if you remove the wallpaper (if that's possible - I haven't updated yet)
I did a little recodeing in the INT Script and started useing the script manager.
I did start useing my own wallpaper image. It's was in BMP format. However I did change over to a different image in .PNG and then one in .Jpg format and it still would not save without 1/2 dozen error messages. As soon as I get a free moment I'll reproduce the error and let you know the exact message wording and error code it gives.
Thanks, Dave
OK, below are the two different error messages I get with details and what happened to get them:
First I try to save and get the first error message box below appears that just says "Out of memory" with the details below. When I click the "continue" button the wallpaper disappears and all that is seen in the background behind my controls is white with a red X from corner to corner. Then another error box suddenly appears. That error message says "Generic error occurred in GDI+". When I click on that "continue" box I get another box just the same as the last. I will get this with t more "Continue" clicks of new error boxes and then everything runs good and I can save the project whenever I want. However the original wallpaper I installed is still missing. Later in the project after I've done more work this will all happen over again.
"Out of memory" First Error detail:
"Generic error occurred in GDI+" Second through fifth error message details:
The latest download should be 10.3.13. The error message shows Assembly Version: 2013.9.27.0. I'd give 10.3 a try and see if your errors clear up.
Before I posted the last time I had uninstalled ARC, downloaded the latest version 10.3.13 (which I had been running) and reinstalled. Still same thing. Thanks for the suggestion though.
It seems tied into the Wallpaper feature and my project somehow. I had no problems with this release till I installed one of my own wallpaper images. I loaded ARC and my project onto another laptop and had the same issue. I started a new project and loaded a personal wallpaper and could not reproduce the error (although I didn't work with it for very long). So that may narrow it down to my project. I don't know what is in there that's giving me problems saving. Maybe next I'll try moving or deleting the project file I'm trying to replace and save a fresh one.
Stay Tuned...........
EDIT: I tried what I mentioned above but nothing changed.
Also, I cant seem to get rid of my personal wallpaper I installed. Is there a way to revert to the original EZ Robots wallpaper or not even use one at all? I tried un-checking the option in the Preference Menu "Use EZ Wallpaper" and it does remove the wallpaper. However each time I save and reopen my old wallpaper is still there.
i'm looking into it...
Holy Bitmap DJ! Your customer care and service are breathtaking. Thanks for putting in the long hours and taking care of this so fast. I was beginning to think it was me or my computer. can't wait to update and get back to programming.
The Fix worked great! Thanks again DJ!