Asked — Edited

New Generation Of Computers Perhaps?

as citated from my own personal website: "elecsistor -electro transistor- multi output

what if there were transistors which could give a false, neutral and true out? would the computer world change? would it finally be possible for computers to actually have a 'hunam-like' AI? i think this is possible, it just needs time and research. i came on the idea when i was talking during a trip in a car with my dad about aliens.. we know they are here (some won't admit it:p), but what for..? my dad and i agreed that nukes weren't possible due to their 'indirect' education to us (as we know as ideas) and then i suddenly had an idea of a really smart AI, one that is really impossible to do with current techniques. one that could actually learn, and developed itself. then i thought, how is such a thing possible? i think it is possible with current techniques, but we don't use those techniques the right way.. (yet) as you might know, i'm an audio freak and love electronics, but if i combine them, what would happen? then i got the idea of using electro-magnets and use their electromagnetic fields to manipulate the source input (or output) from a transistor, in which it can be leaded into 3 (or more) directions, resulting in (for example) these numbers: -1, 0, 1. meaning: false, neutral, true.

now i know it has complications when using this technique in a magnetic field (from a subwoofer for example) and i also (still) don't how to send the right signal to it for a result in true, neutral or false.. (see the edit for an update) the third thing is most probably the most diffucult, if we as humanity manage to make this to work: how to program it?

anyway, i really hope this will be possible and turned into reality soon. (because i want to see how computers can develop themselfs in my life)

anyway, this is most probably not going to happen, but i am happy you have read this, and hopefully, enjoyed this~ ^_^

edit: i think i've found a way to set the result (output) true = a +v going in, neutral is nothing going in, false is a negative volt in.

ramon schepers posted on: may 17, 2013."

does any of you have an opinion about this? if so i really want to know~ ^-^

( source on my site )


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I think they call that fuzzy logic in basic electronics , the problem is a switch that randomly could give a different output may not have the desired effect as far as executing a program , from a numbers point of view it would be like winning the lottery to get your program to execute as you intended lol. Not to say it can't be done I just imagine it being much more complicated to get a desired outcome.


I think that there are circuits that could do this. I think it is an area to be played with a little. Who knows where it might wind up. Good Job!:)



A History of Tristate Multiplexing

In 1971, National Semiconductor mass produced ICs with three drive levels - low, high, and off - and trademarked "Tri-State". The phrase became so popular that it now appears on virtually all modern microcontroller datasheets.
In 1979, Christopher Malinowski used tristate drivers to reduce the number of wires required in multiplexing, patenting his invention in Germany that year. United states patent 4,319,227 was granted in 1982. On the cover page of this patent there is an illustration like the one shown above with 12 LEDs controlled by 4 wires.
In 1997, the first designs were made for the LEDkitT clock, and the technology was improved by the founder to make it practical for clock kits.
In 2003, Charlie Allen of Maxim Semiconductor popularized tri-state multiplexing by designing the MAX6950 series of ICs for driving LEDs using tri-state multiplexing. Maxim application note 1880 therefore calls the method "Charlieplexing".
In 2007, opened to the general public and several hundred kits were sold based on tri-state multiplexing. Demonstrations of the kit drew crowds at the Maker Faire in Austin, Texas.



United Kingdom


Wow thats very clever of you to come up with this idea

Just a revised timeline here though read this wikipedia article. So you are in good company going back to 1840! Then the Russian Setun Ternary machine built in 1958 and I believe 50 such machines were made in Kazan Russia before production was halted in 1964. I know this as we have a Global IT suport centre based in Kazan (where I work sometimes) and a little museum that has some of the original parts. Its advantages was it reduced the number of components needed and therefore the cost considerably for the same performance. Perhaps it will be developed again although a new machine that uses Quantum Annealing (built by the D Wave Canadian company) and supplied to NASA AI research looks amazing

I love the history of computing and where it will take us


do you mean that binary with -1,0,1 that would alot of this stuff search for quantum computing for more