Asked — Edited

New Ai For Needs Assistance


I love the new AI for the "needs assistance" threads. I think that is better than the troubleshooting/data gathering script idea we were discussing a few months ago. Really shows before we answer how much a user has tried to help themselves first.

However, the threads are no longer showing the needs assistance flag when viewing the list of recent forum posts. Was that intentional, or did you miss something?

The text in the header info also says "receive $10 of EZ-Credit". Was that supposed to be $3, or did you build in a sliding scale to the AI based on how much a user tried to help themselves first to gauge the expected difficulty in answering the question (like if Richard R or Rich ask a question, can I earn $50 If I answer it :) )?



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Hopefully it helps with the number of ridiculous requests from people who don't take time to view the tutorials - or just want to complain without accepting assistance. it is clearly impossible to satisfy everyone, but we can at least try. There's posts in the last 24 hours of people asking questions and ignoring helpful community responses. I might need a phd in psychology to better understand how to assist those people, because the correct answer isn't what they're looking for.


I know what you mean....

sometimes you just need to step away to let your patience build back up, and remember that a lot of people only come to product forums to complain.

Those who are happy don't come here just to say that.



OK I get it... I'll start asking stupid questions so Alan can make $50 to feed his cats...:P


The questions are still moderated - and Required Assistance is removed from questions not relevant or clearly ridiculous:)


Yeah - you surely win that one!


Geezus, it works better than i thought. Check out the detection from this post:

Detected the answer of ControlCommand() right away! That's awesome. Too bad we can't force people to actually follow tutorials. Oh well...

Sometimes i don't even know why we spend so much effort creating tutorials when people just don't bother. Anyway, i'm impressed with how the AI works

User-inserted image


Do you have any statistics on how many hits the tutorials get? I don't know why people don't mark them as completed and then claim to have viewed them. I am sure some have and some haven't.

We have discussed before that some people (me included) like documentation better than tutorials and videos, but I think in general, you have done a good job with the tutorials and they are a valuable asset. I wish I had more free time. I still think we need to create a WIKI for those who prefer searchable documentation, but for the same reason you don't want to write many documents, it wouldn't work without enough volunteers to keep it updated with the new software releases and new information. If I had the time, I would start and edit one, but I don't have the time to work on my own robots, let alone take on that kind of project.

If I didn't love my job, and wasn't a bit scared of working for a startup (I have had my fill of unemployment....) I would be trying to convince you to hire me as a customer service manager and document writer, two roles I think you need some help with and that I have significant experience in, but I am now set up in a job that will take me to a good retirement (Railroad Retirement is the best...) and am not looking to make a change for the next 15 years:)



I've been working on a unified search - probably by the end of this week. I don't think it'll solve much though, although it is another step forward.

The search is separated between forum and tutorials at the moment. I've been combining it with the new AI search i've been developing due to all the lazy questions lately:D


I've also worked on the forum search a bit. It's using the same engine i created for the request assistance ai robot. you can do things like this now with quotes:

User-inserted image

And use binary expressions like +"find find" -"exclude this"


Excellent. That will make it much more useful without needing to do a google site: search.
