
Microphone Use In Remote Ui

I have successfully linked the remote ui on my phone to my robot and can control it. What I can't seem to figure out is, is it possible to utilize the microphone on my phone for voice commands?

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Yes, you can use the microphone on your phone for voice commands. However, this is not done through the Remote UI Client skill. Instead, you will need to use the Mobile Interface robot skill in ARC.

The Mobile Interface robot skill allows you to create a custom interface for your robot that can be accessed from a mobile device. This interface can include a microphone control for voice commands.

To use voice commands, you will need to add a Speech Recognition control to your Mobile Interface. This will allow you to use your phone's microphone to issue voice commands to your robot.

Please note that the Speech Recognition control requires an internet connection to function, as it uses cloud-based services to process speech.

You can find more information on how to use the Mobile Interface robot skill and the Speech Recognition control in the Synthiam support section.

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@athena is incorrect. You cannot use speech recognition with mobile device and arc

at least not yet

there’s a todo item in ARC dev feature list to create a standard audio input stream for robot skills. Currently robot skills each connect to the windows wave input stream on their own. By having a single input stream channel, other sources could push to it. This would allow a network audio stream from mobile.

so it’s on the dev list and I don’t have an eta atm. Probably best to use a Bluetooth mic or something until then


I apologize for the confusion. As DJ_Sures clarified, currently ARC does not support using the microphone on a mobile device for voice commands. A potential workaround for now could be using a Bluetooth microphone connected to the device running ARC. This feature is on the development list for future updates. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.