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Meet The Workbench

I woke up at 8am this morning, so I guess I'm finally used to the time difference between Canada and the Netherlands. To kill some time until DJ woke up (who'd been working on ARC 'til late in the night) I watched a couple of episodes from the TV show 'Eureka', that DJ had introduced me to.

DJ and I left for the office at around 12pm. I'd forgotten to bring the power plug adapter for charging my laptop. With Jeremie's help (EZ-Robot Designer), we built a new one (picture coming soon). Jeremie was designing an Arduino module for the new products and since I've been working with Arduino's for a couple of years and designed a lot of my own, we brainstormed together. We came up with some pretty good ideas. After about half an hour of brainstorming, Dennis (EZ-Robot Videographer) needed me to shoot yesterday's video. I was kind of nervous at first, sitting in front of the camera but Jason (EZ-Robot Marketing) did a great job of helping me calm down. Then it was lunch time! DJ and I both had a cutlet parmesan sandwich. It was actually quite tasty! After finishing nearly half of my lunch and putting the other half in the fridge, I decided to work on the little biped JD. I messed around in ARC for about an hour when I found out about the auto-positioning control. This really helps a lot! At the end of the day, I was nearly able to get him to kick back and forth with one of his legs.

Click here to follow the rest of my journey


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United Kingdom

This is awesome, we get some great info on the EZ-B Mini and on your lunch:D


Its funny, I have both the Ez-B board along with an arduino mounted on my Robosapien, It's kind of hard to do show and tell when someone like me really hate using laptop. Occasionally switch between ez-b and arduino, for full automation. I never posted anything, didn't want be disrespectful to the forum by using 2 different microprocessor on one project.


That's awesome niek! I can see your already starting to enjoy the trip , try some energy drinks while you are on your stay. You don't want to miss a single thing from jet lag naps:). I have finally typed your name into my phone enough times that my spell correct sees it as a word. Have fun!


Looks like your having a blast and lending some useful insight to the EZ Robots teem. Your also getting a taste of our lust for food. I think we tend to eat a lot if we can here in the Americas. Canada, USA and Mexico love to eat and eat heavy!

United Kingdom

Hi Niek what a great experience I guess cutlet parmesan is basically a cheese burger? sounds interesting keep us posted on the robots and food.


We love the video's Niek!. It seems to us you are having a great time in Canada. Will you return to the Netherlands in the near future or have you decided to stay at EZ-robots? :) Have fun, opa, oma, Frank, Helen, Iris & Amber.


@HB I'm seriously considering just staying over here:D

@winstn60 Kind of similar, except it has a lot more meat on it

@jstarne1 I got used to the time difference on the second day. Besides, I don't drink energy drinks. They're disgusting and only postpone your sleapiness


Niek, you're a wise young man. I remember when I was in my 20's saying I'll never drink coffee. Sadly, now 30 years later I cant start my day without at least 20 ounces. And an energy drink about 2 in the afternoon keeps my eyes open on the long drive home from work. Hope you can avoid this and keep your convictions.

Also I'm sure your loved ones in the Netherlands would dearly miss you even though our part of the world would be better off with you here and more like you.

Keep having fun!


Keep up the great work Niek!


@dschulpius / yes we miss him, but we are very proud and greatful that he got this opportunity! @Niek / Do you recognize the picture? :)



Oh wow, it's my omnibot:D

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