Asked — Edited


Hi All.

I'm thinking of using a Maxsonar sensor for collision avoidance. I don't want to mount it on a servo for aesthetic reasons (will it make a big difference if I do this?). Will one sensor be good enough? Is it even possible for the software to manage 2 or more sensors?

Also, there appear to be many different models / types of Maxsonar sensors. Which would be best for collision avoidance? Does it matter how high up the sensor is off the ground? I'd like to keep it as low as possible (a couple inches off the ground perhaps).

thanks in advance,



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I found it's better (for my robot, in my house) not to put the sonar on a servo. You may have different results but it's not required.

Try it out, try it in your ideal position and see how well it works. The software can handle many sensors if needed.


that the sensor i jknow alot about and only sensor i use in my projects i guess my posts on sensors like sonar and IR IS hard to find on this forum sensors testing is mostly what i do thjhe most at And LV-MAXSONAR-E1 is my favorate one,3 ma current compare to 35 ma current all types of outputs including ping and trigger Mostly EZ1 IS THE MOST COMMON for robots,dont want a big detection because wont be good at picking up something near

just to let you know this will be a long post,so hope nobody says anything about my bad grammar

let me see,about using it PWM is the best and very stable (a-d output it has is after PWM)

Now on connections like SRF-04 types pwm is ping or echo and trigger is transmitt now on placement kinda hard ,but mostly you want it above sofa's or anything black or facing down to carpet,there other things it wont pick up.will need to find my test sheet on it

another item on placement if want good accurate range 1 inch to 6 inches it see it as a foot so on code you need a offset

if you want smaller detection range for small legs or distance to corners of the wall ,it called reducing the side slopes with is easy a slall tube to match the outside of sonar and inside place a foarm to with id hole,what it does it reduces the cone to a smaller detection

also with sonar you should addIR sensor to pick up items that sonar wont detect and same for IR cant pick certain items too but sonar will

if you need info on IR I THINK YOU SHOULD DO ANOTHER POST I have more info on sonars if needed just ask


After a bit of a hiatus, I'm back to building my robot (full sized K-9, in my avatar) and have ordered some EZ1 sensors.

The robot is rectangular, about 2x3 feet. Is one sensor in the front good enough? Would 2 in the front be better? For turning and short backing-up, would one on the sides and back be needed? I mainly want my robot to wander around the house and avoid obstacles.

thanks again,



I recently bought some EZ1 pings and to say that I am disappointed is an understatement.... I found them so bad I just went back to using my still favorite, Devantech SRF05 ping....


@ftlum I usually use 1 MaxSonar at the front of my robots, using 2 you would have to be careful that they aren't interfering with each other since the trigger pulse from one is the same as the other and the sensors could pick each other up.

You can choose different beam widths with Maxsonars, I would probably suggest the EZ-0 since it has a wide beam.

@RichardR That's too bad that they didn't work out for you, which mode did you use? I like using them in analog mode, they are one of the rare kind of ultrasonic sensors that can output analog values:)


@Jeremie.... I had 2 that I tried in every mode except serial.... I guess I could try serial.... I found analog the best mode too, but my numbers jumped around so much that I am not even sure averaging would work to smooth things out...

#8   — Edited

Hi...on connections like SRF-04 types pwm is ping or echo and trigger is transmit. On placement kinda hard ,but mostly you want it above sofa's or anything black or facing down to carpet,there other things it wont pick up.will need to find my test sheet on it.

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