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I would like to control some relays with the digital out ports. What's the maximum current on those outputs ?
Best regards,
I would like to control some relays with the digital out ports. What's the maximum current on those outputs ?
Best regards,
https://synthiam.com/manual - contains specifications
25 mA
You can not power relays directly with the digital i/o. You will require a switching transistor. Or, you can purchase either an i2c relay device. Or a arduino relay shield. Both you can find on eBay
Thank DJ for your quick answer. I overlooked the pdf... way too enthousiastic to start off...
Yeah, to play it safe I was gonna use a transistor, though it would be easy to just hook a relay up to the board as I do with Arduino. Anyway congratz with this awesome product upon many of us have been waiting for.
Best regards, PG
Pg, thank you and you're welcome! Looking forward to your projects
Another Power Drain question: I know you said in previous posts to use a separate power source for the bigger servos (MG995) which I plan on for real use. However for testing purposes, wherein I will only be using 3 of those total and maybe 3 micro servos and a ping sensor. Could I get away with that on the board if that was all I was testing?
I've got 4 of the Mg995 and 2 of the HTX900 so far it's working. But when i do a lot of tricks one of the 2 transistors get warm.
Thank you Pabi!o. That's just what I needed to know. I will be using 3 of the Mg995 and 3 of the micros. It is only for testing so it seems it will work. But I will keep an eye ont he temp. Thanks!
If you have a 5+ amp/hour battery, you should be able to get away with a few of those heavy duty metal servos. Boy they are current hungry! I'll show you how many watts they consume later today. i'll post a pic
The VR's will get skin-burning-hot so watch out! Maybe add a fan to it, like someone did on here. It was a brilliant idea! A little fan from the computer store.