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Maker Faire, San Mateo, Get Together On Saturday


For all of you that are coming on May 18th to San Mateo, CA for the Maker Faire, let's get together for a beer or something. I think DJ said that he would be there on Saturday, so let's target late Saturday afternoon at the Swingin' Door Pub.

Swingin' Door Pub

It's located about 1 block from the main entrance of the Maker Faire.

The Faire runs from 10am until 8pm. Once we figure out the exact times when the EZ-Robot guys have formal presentations to make, we can pick a free time to meet. Probably around 5pm.

Who's in?!



Upgrade to ARC Pro

With ARC Pro, your robot is not just a machine; it's your creative partner in the journey of technological exploration.


Great idea! Let's all meet at DJs final presentation and make plans from there. We'll be sporting our EZ-Robot tee's with our fun new logo!

We can co-ord via twitter, too. @ez_robot, @alancamp, @dj_sures, @lori19stewart

See y'all there!


Looking forward to meeting those of you that are able to make it down the the Faire! My twitter is @alancamp1:)


@alan and lori , Dang wish I could make it guys but I'm already going to the Raleigh NC maker faire, drink a beer for me!


I am looking forward to it! I will come by the EZ-Robot presentations during the day and we can work out the logistics.

Do you have a schedule yet for the presentations?