Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

MJPEG Stream In Camera

I am using the ESP32_CAM with a camera stream for MJPEG files.  Code here. It runs fine and shows a 320*240 image when I bring up a browser or VLC.  I open the camera control and type in the URL of the stream it generated (The same one I use in VLC) and the camera initialises but doesn't actually open (The virtual camera lens stays closed) . Anyone else stream mjpeg cameras in? The manual hints there is support.

Related Hardware ESP32 Cam


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I recall there was support - but there’s a variety of different ways the stream can be handled.

id have to take a look. Although it kind of game me an idea of an mmpeg plug-in that would handle absolutely every input stream. Hmmm let me put some thought on that


I did a quick search around internet looking for streams but couldnt get any to work so I brought up my own streaming service and couldn't get that to work either.  Just get a JPGStream error on screen.  Also tried ARC on my other PC no joy.

#3   — Edited

Can you share a url for testing mjpeg? I can't seem to find one using google

I can see the code in ARC - it's there. uses HTTP:// as the address in the camera control. But I can't test it without an actual source

#5   — Edited

I am not sure exactly what you are looking for but here is the url for my ESP32 camera stream. This is not the stream I use in ARC. This is the url I use on my phone or pc. If this is not what you are looking for ... sorry! I have my port forwarded to 81


Hi Herr Ball my esp works but I can't get the camera in ARC to work with the ESP if that makes sense, Does yours ?   If it does can you share your arduino codel please



I don't use my ESP32 camera in ARC.


@Nink, are you actually able to see those streams? Every one I click on says the webpage isn't available.


see my note above   You don't allow http on your server copy paste links


I mounted ESP in the palms of my robot hands so I can see what I want to pick up.  Works well but now I need the robot to see it to use object recognition and rotation angles your wrote in order to pick something up.  Think I need to add a distance sensor as well

User-inserted image


Wow thanks DJ.  I must owe you half a dozen premium support tickets in the past month now.

thank you so much.


Plugged in Camera and ESP picture quality is really good for a $9 camera and responsive.  I was surprised. The MPEG Stream I was using was jittery and delayed. Any hints on mapping of GPIO ports to Dx ports. Its tricky finding a free port with the camera enabled.  So far I haven't found one that I can drive a servo from. Looks like the camera consumes a lot of the GPIO ports and they are the same ones that are mapped to pins.   GPIO12 13 14 15 2 and 4 look like they are reserved for camera.  I tried to use GPIO16 (I assume from ESP code that mapped to D13) but enable D13 causes ESP13 to crash.

I thought I could take TX and RX as they are not really needed after you are connected and I won't have FTDI enabled in bot. These are GPIO 1 and 3 according to your diagram but I am not sure of Dx ports they map to as they are not on the original ESP diagram.